Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 58: God of Shura

The soul is a big whole, and splitting the soul is like splitting a complete person alive into two halves. The kind of pain cannot be described by words and cannot be clearly stated.

At this moment, Chen Zong is suffering this kind of pain, and, instead of being passive, take the initiative to endure such pain.

The behavior, which is like self-harm, is tearing the body of his soul, splitting one into two, which is more than ten times more painful than tearing the body.

The pain of splitting the soul is generally unbearable. The unbearable result is the collapse of the soul and death.

Chen Zong endured this unspeakable pain and split the soul body a little bit.

The process was long, like a millennium, but about half an hour later, the body of the soul was finally divided, and Chen Zong felt only an inexplicable weakness pervading his whole body.

After the complete body of the soul is torn, it is as if a person has been severely injured, and it is inevitable that they will feel weak.

At the same time, the remnant power of King Gusula surrounding the body of Chen Zong's soul suddenly swept into the body of Chen Zong's soul. Chen Zong only felt a new power injected, and the sense of weakness gradually disappeared.

After a while, the soul itself was restored to its heyday, and even strengthened.

Chen Zong was grateful.

After the soul splits, the strength of one's own soul will drop sharply. From the late period when the soul gathers to the sea, it is only the middle period when the soul gathers the sea. The overall impact is not small.

But now it is supplemented by the residual soul power of King Gusula, not only recovered, but also improved, a little stronger than before.

Today, the body of the soul is the later stage of the soul gathering, and the split of the soul is barely the middle stage of the soul gathering.

The body does not move, and the split body begins to absorb the endless evil spirit to condense the body.

The **** phase Shura Gong is fully operating.

Chen Zong's own evil spirit is like Wang Yang's, and the ancient Shura king's evil spirit is even more magnificent. With such a brash and powerful evil spirit support and supply, Chen Zong does not need to use other treasures to assist him at all.

The best resource for the cultivation of the gods of Shura Gong is the evil spirit. As long as there is enough evil spirit, if the evil spirit is insufficient, some foreign objects are needed.

The Shura avatar, which is cultivated with the help of foreign objects, is not a pure Shura avatar, and it is difficult to compare with the Shura avatar that is condensed with pure evil spirit.

After solving the two difficult problems of cultivation, the **** phase Xiulong was no longer half as difficult for Chen Zong.

The endless evil spirit roared like a sea of ​​oceans, and quickly gathered from all directions to the soul of Chen Zong, was continuously absorbed, and then compressed and condensed in a subtle way.

As for Chen Zong's soul, he stayed aside and learned about other things, such as the magical nine changes.

This is a very clever figure, up to the highest grade. Under normal circumstances, Chen Zong is unable to comprehend it, but the cultivation experience in the memory of the ancient King Shura can be used for reference, which directly reduces the difficulty.

The soul itself is devoted to the enlightenment of the metamorphosis of the magic Luo Jiu, while the split soul is dedicated to the cultivation of the gods and skills.

Time passes slowly.

Outside, neither Gufeng House nor Gufeng Heixa Branch lost Chen Zong's whereabouts and could not be found.

After all, the cave house of King Shura was closed, isolated from all external connections and inductions, and even if Chen Zong had the black mark, he was also isolated and could not sense the slightest.

Time just passed slowly.

A month later, Chen Zong still didn't show up in the ancient cave of King Shura Wang.

Two months passed.

Three months have passed.

The search for Gufeng House and Gufeng Heisha Branch has also become more and more intensive, which has caused a lot of alarms and is also known about what happened.

A Qingpao disciple in Gufengfu, beheaded by a new member of the Heixa branch and left a name, is undoubtedly a provocation by the sky, and was cited as a joke by Zilongfu Jinlongfu and others, but at the same time, Zishanfu and Some disciples in Jinlong Mansion also acted to find Chen Zong.

The reason they found Chen Zong was not to make an effort for Gufengfu, but to beat Gufengfu's face and let Gufengfu know how weak they were.

At the same time, people in the Zishan Heixa Division and Jinlong Heixa Division also acted.

One is to defend the prestige of Heisha, and the other is to fight the face of Gufeng Heisha branch.

The three provinces were lively because of a small semi-holy strength practitioner.

All this, Chen Zong didn't know.

Chen Zong is still practicing on the soul road of the ancient Shura cave mansion, and is nearing completion.

There is not much left in the immense amount of evil that is as vast as the ocean. A figure is suspended in the air, constantly absorbing the last evil.

The figure was extremely solid, with a hint of silver-gray luster all over the body, and the proportion was perfect, and his face was exactly like Chen Zong.

It is the Shura clone that Chen Zong cultivated from the soul.

The soul of Chen Zong stayed aside, and for three consecutive months of enlightenment, some of the mysteries of the magical transformation of the magic Luo Jiu were also enlightened and have already begun.

As soon as it was displayed, two figures appeared at once, the speed was amazing and extremely flexible.

This is similar to the Ten Shadows and Ten Phantasms, but also a little different and more subtle.

After all, the nine changes of the magical Luo are the top grade of the holy level, which is far better than the thousand shadows and thousands of phantoms of the lower grade. Moreover, between the two figures, the body of Chen Zong can be switched back and forth, and any one can become true. This is the point. Ten shadows and ten phantoms cannot match.

In addition, the magic Luo Jiu transformation method is more varied and unpredictable.

In addition to enlightenment on the nine changes of the magical Luo, Chen Zong also enlightened the ten-grade secret magic field called the quasi-supernatural power.

Tiansha force field itself can also be cultivated, but it is estimated that it is difficult to practice any results. After all, this is a secret method related to evil spirits. Only sufficient evil spirits can be cultivated.

If the evil spirit is not enough, this quasi-supernatural power can not exert any power, and it is not as easy to use as some secrets.

However, Chen Zong's body is not good for cultivation, but it does not mean that the clone of Shura cannot be cultivated.

You know, Shura's avatar is formed by pure evil spirit.

Chen Zong's savage spirit in the Canglan World and the Earth Demon Slaying millions of demons is extremely pure.

There is also a distinction between evil spirits. The lowest evil spirits are undoubtedly the accumulation of killing some small animals, which is equal to nothing.

Only by killing powerful and fierce opponents can you accumulate enough pure and powerful evil spirits.

The demons themselves are fierce and powerful lives, killing the evil spirits they have accumulated, with extremely high quality.

And the evil spirits accumulated by the ancient Shura king Shura avatars are also extremely pure, and they are better than the evil spirits accumulated by Chen Zong himself.

Today, these evil spirits are all absorbed by Chen Zong's soul divisions, and the Shura clones are formed. The starting point is much higher than that of the ancient Shura king, and the potential is much better than that of the future. The future achievements will also be higher.

Three days later, the last ray of qi was absorbed by Chen Zong's avatar, and the light flashed. The horrendous qi of the sea swept away in an instant and stirred all directions. It seemed to cover the void and shake it.

This fierceness is like the sea, and the force is boundless. Chen Zong's body feels shocked.


This power is really overbearing and terrible.

"Now, let Shura's avatar start to cultivate Shao Shugong." Chen Zong secretly said.

As an avatar formed by the division of his soul, he naturally has his own independent thought and character, but it is still based on Chen Zong's deity.

The two belong to a master-slave relationship.

"My dear, since then, my name is Chen Xiu." Shura laughed after converging and sulking.

"OK." Chen Zong also had no objection.

Chen Zong is the deity, and Chen Xiu is the clone.

"My dear, I want to start practicing." Chen Xiudao.

Now that the Lord ’s God Shura Gong has been practiced, it is only a preliminary practice. The application of Shaqi in the body is still very rough, and further refinement is needed. The method of refinement is naturally practicing proper exercises.

Burning Shura Gong is very suitable.

This is a practice that is closely related to evil spirits, and Shura's avatar is formed by evil spirits, which is a perfect fit.

A perfectly matched practice not only can stimulate the power of the practice to the extreme, but also develop its own potential to the extreme. The combination of the two is not as simple as one plus one equals two, but it will be doubled. Multiplier enhancement.

Chen Zong also wanted to know what kind of situation he would reach when he cultivated the perfect match of burning Shashugong as a clone of Shura who was cast with pure evil spirit.

In this way, Chen Zong ’s deity is here to practice the magic Luo Jiu transformation method and the enlightenment blood sword method ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and the Shura avatar Chen Xiu began to practice Shao Shugong.

As soon as he practiced, he was like a bamboo shoot, and soon he became the first layer, and soon it became the second layer.

The speed of cultivation made Chen Zong's deity feel startled.

At this moment Chen Zong finally knew what a perfect fit was.

It's horrible.

Cultivation Cultivation, I don't know the years.

In the blink of an eye, the outside world passed for several more months. All the people who searched for Chen Zong in the three provinces returned without success, as if they disappeared out of thin air, and there was no way to find them.

The only certainty is that the person entered the Cangyun Mountain and disappeared.

From various clues to speculation, in the end each force reached a conclusion that the person was buried in Cangyun Mountain.

After all, a semi-sacred strength is in the depths of Cangyun Mountain, but it is difficult to walk. Any high-level monster is enough to kill it and devour it.

After Chen Zong was chased and fled into Cangyun Mountain, after a lapse of half a year, all forces determined that he was buried at the mouth of the monster, and then gave up the search and pursuit of Chen Zong.

For nearly three months of cultivation, Chen Zong has also made great progress.

This deity takes the magical transformation of Magical Nine further, and the first trick of blood dripping sword is also realized. As for the cultivation progress of Shura as Chen Xiu, the progress is even more amazing.

Burning Shura Gong is incomplete and has 27 floors. Today, Chen Xiu takes three months to cultivate to the 10th floor, which is extremely amazing.

Enter the Holy Land!

At this moment, Chen Xiu ’s cultivation has reached the point of entering the sacred realm, which is much higher than Chen Zong ’s deity, and because he is condensed by the spirit, and coupled with the holy class ’s incineration, Its power is much more terrible than the ordinary initial stage of the Holy Land.

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