Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 62: Rebellion into the Holy

The two and a half holy classes of the Liu family paused, stunned.

Unexpectedly, this practitioner from a foreign government turned out to be so bold that he dared to take the initiative to enter a sacred realm. However, they could see that Chen Zong's cultivation was not yet possible.

Without going into the holy realm, it is by no means an opponent of the holy realm.

What was even more shocking to them was that this person actually engaged in confrontation with the other party. Instead of being killed directly, he approached the other party to fight back.

As soon as the Tiansha force field was exerted, it immediately suppressed the opponent's strength by 50%, and the pressure was greatly reduced.



"This is the force field!" Sirius Gate's horror into the sanctuary was terrifying. He even encountered the legendary force field, or in other words, he encountered a rumored person who practiced the force field.

The force field is very rare and rare, there is no such thing in the huge Sirius Gate.

This person, either had a huge adventure, or was born a powerful force much stronger than Sirius Gate.

If it's the former, it's nothing. There are many people who have had adventures in this world, but they are different in size. If they are beheaded, maybe they can win the other's adventures.

If it is the latter, the problem will be great, and a careless accident will provoke those powerful forces and bring disaster.

The power of Sirius Gate is limited to Xingyun Mansion, and there are many more powerful forces in this world than Sirius Gate.

When there is a question flashing in my mind, he will feel hesitant. As soon as hesitation, strength will be affected. Only 50% of the original strength is left. Now only 40% can be exerted, which reduces Chen Zong's pressure.

Sword of blood!

Seizing the momentary opportunity, Chen Zongyi sword was killed, Jianguang was like blood blasting, extremely fast and amazingly powerful.

The power of one sword flying blood is far better than ten blade cutting. Chen Zong estimates that even the strength of ten blades is not necessarily equal to one sword flying blood.

Although my current grasp of Yi Jian Biao Xue is still very simple, but if he casts more, especially in combat, it is more effective than his own cultivation.

If the opponent is strong enough, he will continue to persecute his potential, and he will go further.

The blood shines and is extremely sharp, but the other party is a strong person in the sacred realm. Even if it is suppressed by the Tiansha force field, his strength can only be played to 50%, and because of the hesitation in the heart, the strength is slightly affected, but The strong are the strong and avoid them quickly.

Several strands of hair were cut off under the light of blood.

One sword failed to perform, but Chen Zong did not feel sorry. This is normal. It would be strange if it was so easy to kill in the sanctuary.

"Whether you are the former or the latter, since you dare to fight against our Sirius Gate, you have to be ready for death." This sacred realm was fierce, and regardless of everything else, the killing was severe.

"Sirius Claw!" A violent drink, amazing momentum sweeping over, covering the five fingers of both hands, as if transformed into dewclaws, exuding a breathtaking breath of forest cold, seems to tear everything.

Sirius Claw is the famous martial art of Sirius Gate. Its power is amazing. If Xuan Steel is easily torn, if it is caught, Chen Zong's physique cannot bear the slightest, and it will be torn instantly.

Chen Zong would not sit still, killing with one sword.

Sword of blood!

With each show under pressure, one sword feels more blood, and now it is displayed a bit less jerky and more mellow.

Of course, there is still a long way to go to master it, but its power is also good.

The blood-colored sword light burst out like a lightning-like lasing, and immediately collided with the cold-glossing wolf claws, trembling lightly, the blood-colored sword light collapsed, and the wolf claws were also a slight meal, and continued across the sky to kill Chen Zong.

The nine magic changes!

The two figures were real and false, shuttled left and right, avoiding the wolf claw attack and approaching the other side, and sent out the sword again.

Sword of blood!

Both figures exhibited a sword and blood that filled with breath.

Killing to the left and right, made Sirius Gate look into the sanctuary and was surprised.

With both claws coming out, it seemed to tear through the fierce fierce fierceness, grabbing the two sword lights, and simultaneously crushing the two figures, centered, a **** sword light killed at a faster speed.

"Sculpture of worms!" The man sang a cold drink, Sirius' claws crossed, and the sharp claws turned into a cross to tear everything.

The third **** sword light was broken again.

Seeing the attack from the wolf paw, Chen Zong quickly moved to the side. Fortunately, the other party was out of the Tiansha force field. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to avoid this attack.

After some fighting, Chen Zong realized that even if there was a Tiansha force field to weaken the strength of the opponent, relying on the strength of his deity, he would not be an opponent of the strongest in the holy realm.

After all, the gap between the strength of the semi-holy level and entering the holy realm is really obvious.

But Chen Zong came up with another idea. His current level of cultivation is just extraordinary, if he is promoted to semi-sacred level and his strength is raised again, can he really fight against the sacred state?

"Sirius' blood shadow!" In the wildness of anger, the sharp claws of cold light instantly diffused into blood, tearing out of the sky.

Chen Zong's complexion suddenly changed, feeling only creepy, as if to be torn apart.

This trick cannot be resisted by his deity.

In this case, the power of Shura's avatar can only be used.

Suddenly, Chen Zong converged the power of the deity, and the Nine Paths stopped running, completely silent.

In the knowledge of the sea, Shura ’s eyes, Chen Xiu ’s eyes, suddenly opened, a horrible **** terror burst out from his body. The tenth layer burned the power cultivated by Shura Gong than the eighth layer Taiyuanmo. The power cultivated by Yun Gong is even more powerful.

One burnt Shura Gong is a holy grade best practice, higher than the top grade of Taiyuan Moyun.

The second burned Shura Gong to the tenth floor, while Taiyuan Mo Yungong was only the eighth floor.

The cultivation of the three Shura avatars, however, entered the sanctuary, and the strength is naturally also the level of the Holy Power, which is higher than the super-spiritual power.

The face of Sirius Gate's strong face suddenly changed, only to feel that the person in front of him was sinking, completely restrained, and then broke out. It was even more terrible, at least ten times more terrible. The river billowed like a mountain.


Great horror!

It's like a horror killing countless big devil.

It is impossible to imagine how such a terrible evil can be felt on the other side.

When my heart was shocked, a little bit of imperfection emerged from the bottom of my heart. The strong man at Sirius Gate immediately gave up on Chen Zong and pulled back.

Just before he was in Chen Zong's Tiansha field, his strength was suppressed by 50%, but when Chen Zong erupted a terrifying force, the field was also strengthened, directly suppressing his strength by 60%.

The strength was suppressed by 60% and only 40% were left. I felt that the momentum erupted by the other side was too horrible and amazing. Without the confidence of confrontation, I had to step back first, leave the coverage of the other side's force field, and restore strength. Grasp.

The opponent responded quickly, Chen Zong responded faster, stepped forward, the speed was as fast as electric light, and the heavy dragon sword trembled, and suddenly gave out a terrible evil spirit, which condensed into a terrible **** light, sharp No match.

Sword of blood!

This sword is ten times stronger than before.

While the strong man at Sirius Gate has not left the scope of the Tiansha force field, there is a flash of sharp blood in front of him. The speed of the sword is too fast and too fast to escape.

A burst of pain exploded from his mind, and it spread instantly. The eyes of Sirius Gate's eyes widened and filled with an incredible look.

He was dignified in the holy realm, and was killed by a semi-holy class.

It's appalling.

But in fact, at that moment, the strength burst out by Chen Zong's use of the power of Shura's avatar has surpassed the semi-sacred level to reach the level of sacred realm, coupled with the suppression of the heavenly force field, and the strength is even greater. terrible.

One sword killed Sirius Gate and entered the sacred realm. Chen Zong also quickly let Chen Xiu converge the power, because the power was too overbearing, and erupted for a moment, there was a feeling of being incompatible with himself.

The evil spirit is originally a terrible power, which is even more amazing than the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and it is more than destructive.

In short, the heavens and earth are peaceful, but the evil spirits are extreme.

The strength of Shura's avatar is an extremely pure fusion of evil spirits, and it is cultivated with the holy superb burning Shakura skills, which is even more terrifying.

Chen Zong's deity has not cultivated Sha Shao Gong, and has not been tempered with Sha Qi. Naturally, he cannot bear the sacred power of the avatar for a long time.

Sheng Shali completely retreated, Chen Zong felt a slight tingling in his body, but the tingling sensation also gradually dissipated ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ resumed as usual.

Next, Chen Zong seized all the appetites of Sirius Gate and others, and a little purple cloud and black star inflammation also burned all the dead bodies to ashes.

The two and a half holy class of the Liu family stared at Chen Zong and did everything.

"The evil spirit obtained by killing the strong is more magnificent and more pure, especially the heavier the enemy's murderous energy, the more evil spirit that Shura divided into Chen Xiu can absorb." Chen Zong's heart awakened for a while.

In this way, it is also a better way to improve cultivation.

"If Chen Xiu appears, with Chen Xiu's strength, he should be able to run into the sacred realm first, maybe he can fight against the upper sacred realm." Chen Zong secretly said.

At the level of entering the holy realm, the power gap between each weight becomes more and more obvious. The duality of entering the holy realm is much stronger than the weight of entering the holy realm.

Chen Zong could not be sure if he had not really fought, and whether Chen Xiu could fight the sanctuary in a two-fold battle.

After all, Chen Xiu's current practice is only the initial stage of entering the sacred place. It should be no problem to cross into the sacred place with his own strength and Tiansha force field.

Of course, this refers to the ordinary sanctuary. If those geniuses enter the sanctuary, each one has extraordinary strength and powerful means, and can even be challenged beyond the level. It is very reasonable to infer.

But no matter what, from now on, I already have the ability to fight against the sanctuary. Even if it is only one of the most important, it is also the level of entering the sanctuary. In this way, my deity can continue to be sharpened. Exploit your own potential at the level of transcendence to the extreme, and then break through.

The breakthrough is based on a perfect foundation. The strength after the breakthrough will definitely be very powerful and amazing.

"Friend, since you have this strength, please help us." The Liu family finally woke up and said excitedly.

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