Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 63: Chen Xiu

A figure flew across the mountains and forests at an amazing speed, passing by like a streamer, almost to the extreme.

The man was wearing a cloud-white robe with an epee hanging around his waist and a long cloth bag on his back. He was as light as a feather and fast as a wind.

It is Chen Zong.

And Chen Zong's direction is impressively the Liu family's black steel mine.

After beheading the sacred realm of Sirius Gate before, one of the two Liujia semi-sages made a request to Chen Zong, or asked Chen Zong for help.

After all, Chen Zong can slay Sirius Gate's entry into the sacred realm, which shows that his real strength is the entry into the sacred realm, at least the entrance into the sacred realm, and it is even more powerful.

Both of them even felt that Chen Zong deliberately concealed his cultivation and suppressed his own breath, pretending not to be at the level of entering the holy realm, and only at a critical moment would the real strength erupt.

Chen Zong will not explain this misunderstanding.

The other party did not force Chen Zong to help, but only proposed a possibility, and negotiated with Chen Zong, and made the situation and possibility clear. The right to choose lies in Chen Zong.

If Chen Zong is willing to help, then the Liu family will also give remuneration to Chen Zong to select a holy artifact in the Liu's holy vessel.

The semi-holy artifact is not precious in Tianyuan Sanctuary, because the casting level and materials are not restricted.

However, the value of the sacred artifact is more than ten times that of the semi-sacred artifact. The two have different meanings.

With Chen Xiu's strength, if there is a holy sword in hand, the strength will be even stronger.

The main industry of the Liu family is the casting and sale of weapons. Therefore, in the holy cabinet of the Liu family, there should be a good holy weapon, weighing the advantages and disadvantages, Chen Zong agreed.

After all, it's just to explore the situation of Xuangang Mine, and the Sirius Gate people who attacked Xuangang Mine are headed by a sacred place.

As it happens, Chen Zong also intends to try the true strength of the Luo clone.

As for the two and a half holy levels of the Liu family, he quickly left after healing and passed the news back to the Liu family headquarters in Xingyun City.

Why Chen Zonghui agreed to trade with them was actually because one of them stated his identity and was the son of the elder Liu Jiaer. This time he happened to go to Xuangang Mine and planned to personally select a batch of the best Xuangang mine and cast it by himself. A semi-holy artifact.

I didn't expect to be hit by Sirius Gate, I can only say that my luck was very bad.

As the second elder's son, he has an extraordinary position in the Liu family, and the words spoken are naturally more important.

After some time, Chen Zong approached the Liujiaxuan Steel Mine.


"Why isn't Wind Wolf back yet?"

"What happened?"

At the Xuangang Mine, there are a group of people who are cold and stubborn, and they are filled with fierce murderous spirits. They are the people of Sirius Gate. Two of them went into the holy realm to talk.

The wind wolf was chased away before, but was killed by Chen Zong.

The other two are one to enter the sanctuary and the other is to enter the sanctuary.

It was the three of them who led a group of semi-sage-level masters in Sirius Gate to attack suddenly and kill the Liu family practitioners who guarded the Xuangang Mine. Only then did they kill the family members of the Liu family with minimal loss. Only a few They escaped, but they also sent someone out to hunt them down, believing that they could be removed to prevent the news from leaking out.

When the followers of Sirius Gate arrive, everything will be settled. At that time, the Liu family knows that there is nothing they can do, unless the Liu family wants to start a full-scale war with Sirius Gate.

Will the Liu family fight against Sirius Gate because of a black steel mine?

will not.

This is what Sirius Gate has always done.

"Brother, let's have a drink at the bar," said the divine sacred one, "have a good celebration."

"No, we can relax after the others in the door arrive." The duo into the sanctuary said, very rationally.

"I'm afraid you can't wait." A icy voice full of harshness suddenly sounded, just like the cold wind blowing from the ice-cold Arctic, passing by instantly, making people all over Consciously shivered.

Especially the semi-sacred level of Sirius Gate is trembling, it seems to be frozen and difficult to move.


"Get out and die."

The entrance to the sanctuary of the two Sirius Gates was a shock, then a rage, and the terrible breath swept away like a hurricane.

Immediately, a figure seemed to come out of the dark shadows, a black robe, a cold look, and a look of indifference permeated with an astonishment of extreme shame, as if Shura came out of the blood and blood of the corpse, it was unparalleled.

The horrific murderousness and shamefulness of the body was terrifying.

"Who are you?" The double pupil of Sirius Gate's entrance into the sacred realm shrank sharply, and asked so solemnly. From the other person's body, he felt a terrible breath. The murderous spirit was extremely cold and full of shame. As if Shura was murderous.

From the other side, he felt an indescribable threat.

I don't know how many people this person has beheaded to be able to accumulate such a terrible evil, it is impossible to imagine.

Even if the opponent's cultivation is not high, killing Ying Ye is always shocking.

Dozens of semi-sacred levels of Sirius Gate were all numb and stiff, and in the face of this terrible evil, they could not even gather any strength.


It's too scary!

Exactly like the great devil of Shura, a glance made them shake uncontrollably in their hearts and chill all over.

In front of this kind of person, the semi-holy level is no different from the native chicken and tile dog. Even if he enters the holy realm, he feels tingling of the skin, and an indescribable coldness rises from the spine and straightens into the brain, the entire mind. It also became numb, and the whole thought was difficult to operate.

"Kill yours." Chen Xiu smiled slightly, exposing his white teeth, flashing a heartbreaking cold light.

Chen Zong's deity did not appear. After all, it was only a semi-holy level of strength. Therefore, let Chen Xiu appear, and Chen Xiu's cultivation is the first stage of entering the holy realm, which is the real level of entering the holy realm, much stronger than the deity.

Furthermore, Chen Zong would also like to know how strong Chen Xiu's strength is.

The tenth floor burns Shura Gong!

Burning Shura Sword Technique!

The nine magic changes!

Tiansha force field!

The initial stage of the sanctuary created by all these things is not comparable to that of the sanctuary. However, Chen Zong is not sure whether he can directly counter the duality of the sanctuary.

Now is a good time to verify.

Zhan Yuejian emerged from the sheath, the amazing sword pressure was mixed with the terrible evil spirit, and the suppression was in all directions.

There is no need to use the Tiansha force field, a semi-holy level can't move at all, and it's no different from a ants. The only thing that can move is the two entering the sanctuary.


Zhan Yue Jianxi sent out an astonishing power, and the Holy Shali shot out in an instant.

A sword is broken, the sword is magnificent, and it is filled with boundless shame, as if the river of blood is galloping, and it is like a bone mountain slamming to death.

This is just a common sword, just a simple sword spurred by the holy force, but it has utterly amazing power.

"Kill him." Sirius Gate's entrance to the sacred place suddenly became furious, his voice blew like ice thunder, his eyes flickered cold and cold, as vicious and cruel as a wolf, Sirius claws cast, amazing claw light Tear the sky.

Another one who entered the sanctuary also exhibited Sirius Claw in an instant.

Sirius Claw is Sirius's famous martial arts. The highest level is the top grade. Of course, these two people have a more ordinary position in Siren's Gate. Therefore, the trained Sirius Claw is only the level of the lower grade.

However, they have been practicing on Sirius Claw for many years and can fully exert their power.

Sirius Claw Hanguang was astonishingly tortured to kill him in the sky. After breaking a sword cut by Chen Xiu, he grabbed it mercilessly, as if to tear Chen Xiu's body.

The nine magic changes!

Suddenly, three figures appeared, one killing one into the sanctuary, and two killing two into the sanctuary.

Chen Xiu's mastery of the magical nine changes must also be based on Chen Zong.

Of course, this is also because of Xiu Wei's relationship.

The practice of transcendental realm is to be a little reluctant to carry out sacred martial arts. It is more difficult to perform sacred martial arts.

But Chen Xiu went into the sacred realm and possessed sacred power, which is more suitable for the development of sacred martial arts.

Burning Shura Sword Technique!

When a sword is killed, the holy spirit is condensed, and it is shocking, as if Shura came to life, terrifying.

In the distance, Chen Zong's eyes stared at everything.

Under the burning of the Shura sword, the semi-holy level of a dry Siren Gate was affected and directly killed.

The look in the sanctuary changed suddenly, it was terrifying, and I felt like I was under this sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seemed like there was no resistance, and it was going to be beheaded directly. That kind of evil is too terrifying. Then, the direct impact, between the bones rising and falling, as if countless grudges roared and rushed to death.

"Don't come over." This shouted again and again, his mind was disturbed by shock, as if falling into an illusion.

Jian Guang chopped down in the endless evil spirit, split the illusion, chopped this heavy neck into the sanctuary, and a sword decapitated.

Enter the holy realm ... dead!

The sacred double faced the attack of Sura Shura's sword technique. He also saw the bones blasting like a sea, but he cultivated for a higher will and was firmer. He immediately realized that it was an illusion and evil spirit. The illusion formed by being too rich, the illusion struck, behind which a terrible sword was beheaded.


Tongue fights against the spring thunder, the majestic momentum is extremely extreme, the eyes are ejected with extremely rich essence, Sirius claws erupt to the extreme.

As if a howling sound sounded, and his energy was permeated, his arms turned into wolf claws, tearing everything apart, and the amazing fierce horror even resisted the insult of the burning Shashuura sword technique in an instant.

"Tiansha force field!"

Suddenly, Chen Xiu urged the quasi-supernatural power to display the Tiansha force field, and even more terrible evil spirits spread out, covering a circle of 20 meters.

Within twenty meters, the Sirius Gate was also included in the middle and middle powers of the Holy Land, and it directly impacted.

After the Tiansha force field was launched, Sirius Gate's double-strength strength of entering the sanctuary was disturbed by the endless shock of Qi, and his strength was weakened by 40%. At the same time, Chen Xiu ’s strength was increased by 40%.

With the elimination of each other, the strength gap between the two sides has opened directly.

Burning the Shura sword ... the evil spirit is like a dragon!

Killed with a sword, Jianguang's evil spirit condensed into a dragon-like burst of air.

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