Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 64: Sacred House

Weakening 40% and increasing 40% are many gaps. The evil sword is roaring like a dragon, carrying terrible strength, eroding the spirit and destroying everything like ruthless killing without mercy.

"Stop it." Sirius Gate, who was in the middle of the sacred area, couldn't dodge in the middle of the double, and had no time to yell, but couldn't stop it.

A sword broke through and broke through the heart. The horrible force directly destroyed its heart and blasted its chest out of a sword hole.

Chen Gong was absorbed by Chen Zong as the water was working, and Chen Zong's cultivation was slightly improved with the burning and refining of Shao Shu Gong.

This kind of killing can enhance the feeling of Xiu Wei, which is really wonderful. Fortunately, Chen Zong's will is so strong that he can manage it. Otherwise, if he is dominated by this feeling, he will inevitably become a Shura mad monster and become addicted to killing. , And in the end there is only murderous desire without any reason.

If so, it will be caught by the Xeons and killed.

"I hope your Liu family will have time." Chen Xiu secretly said, after rolling up the apprentice ring of Sirius Gate, he quickly went to the deity Chen Zong, entered Chen Zong's body, sat down in the middle of the sea, and began to cultivate. .

I have to say that the news of the elder Liu's second son came back very quickly, and the Liu family's response was extremely fast. They immediately sent a sacred strongman to the Xuan Steel Mine as soon as possible, which was better than Sirius Gate's. People earlier.

In addition, the strong were also sent to find Sirius Gate's high-level to negotiate on the Xuangang Mine incident.

Sirius Gate's response was naturally stingy.

The original operation was very secretive, but unexpected changes occurred. It was also approached by the Liu family to negotiate. Among them, they brought the strong man from Xingyun Mansion to make Sirius Gate a little bit frightened.

These have nothing to do with Chen Zong. As agreed, Chen Zong came to the Liu Family Mansion in Xingyun City.

The son of Elder Liu Jiaer is named Liu Chenghuan. He is relatively young, and he is a middle-level semi-sacred class. He is a genius himself. He is much stronger than the ordinary middle-level semi-sacred class. The semi-sacred level is undefeated in a battle, and is considered a genius of Hou level.

He is a genius of Hou class and the son of the second elder. He also has a good accomplishment in the refining industry. Liu Chenghuan still has a good status in the Liu family.

"Thank you, thank you this time, otherwise my Liu family will not be able to justify the loss." The elder Liu Jia's eyes flashed with wisdom on Chen Zong, speaking softly.

"It happens to be within my ability." Chen Zongqian said.

"Dad, I promised Brother Chen. If he helped, I would let him go into our family's holy cabinet to pick a holy weapon." Liu Chenghuan said in a straightforward manner: "If the family can't make an example, I will give up my chance. Transfer to Brother Chen. "

"Although our family's sacred pavilion is very important, it has never been open to outsiders, but the little friends have solved a big problem for our Liu family and avoided our losses. Such credit is so great that it is not impossible to make an exception once, but we can only enter the first place. The second elder laughed. "Little friend, let Cheng Huan take you to the Sacred Art Pavilion. What kind of sacred artefacts you can choose, it depends on your own ability."

"Thank you," Chen Zong arched.

Before he came, Liu Chenghuan had already told himself the Sage House.

This holy sage pavilion is a vital part of the Liu family. The Liu sect can be regarded as a family of smelters. The holy sacred pavilion contains the better holy sacred tools that the Liu family has refined over many years. Part of it is not the Liu family's refining, but the Liu family's strong people got good from the outside world and brought it back into it.

As an important part of the family, the Sacred Tool Pavilion has never been open to the public. Only the Liu family ’s talents are eligible to enter it to select the sacred tool. Moreover, not any ethnic group is eligible. It must have a sufficiently high status. There are also restrictions, and even Opportunities must be made by contributing to the family.

This shows how rare it is for Chen Zong to get a chance to select a sacred artifact in the Sage Pavilion.

According to Liu Chenghuan, the Sage House is divided into three floors.

The holy artifacts stored on the first floor are low-order holy artifacts, and the highest are the three-grade holy artifacts.

The holy artifacts stored on the second floor are medium-level artifacts, and the highest is the sixth-grade artifact.

The holy artifacts stored on the third floor are high-order holy artifacts, and the highest is the nine-grade holy artifact.

The sacred artifact is the third order and nine grades.

Of course, according to Liu Chenghuan, there are exceptions. Some people also found Chinese holy artifacts on the first floor. Of course, there are fewer examples of this. They are brought back from the outside world because of some restrictions. The wrong judgments of the family members were placed on the first floor instead of the second floor.

It is very good to get high-grade sacred artifacts, but not low-grade sacred artifacts.

If there is a sacred weapon in hand, the strength of Shu Xi Chen Chen Xiu will be more powerful.

Under the leadership of Liu Chenghuan, Chen Zong walked in the huge Liu family mansion, but was surprised by this Liu family mansion. It is truly one of the four major forces in Xingyun Mansion, very powerful.

The Secret Pavilion is located in the center of the Liu Family Mansion. As he walks along, Chen Zong can feel the guard hidden in the dark. If an outsider breaks in, he will be shot and even killed on the spot.

Soon after, Chen Zong followed Liu Chenghuan to the entrance of the Holy Pavilion.

"Liu Chenghuan, what do you mean to bring an outsider to our Liu Jia Shengqi Pavilion?" Suddenly, a cold drink sounded, full of questioning.

Chen Zong also felt a sharp look on himself, with a bit of scrutiny and sharpness, it seemed to see himself through.

"Liu Chengde, Brother Chen has great gratitude to my Liu family. To make an exception for Brother Chen to enter the Sage Cabinet is justified." Liu Chenghuan frowned, and then turned to look around, drinking in a loud voice.

"Daen, joke, what is his ability to show his gratitude to my Liu family." Liu Chengde's eyes were high, his face was cold, his eyes staring at Chen Zong became sharper.

However, under his gaze, Chen Zong's expression was extremely calm, as deep as the deep sea.

"Liu Chengde, you are just a ignorant person." Liu Cheng retorted with a sneer: "If you have an opinion, go to the owner."

Liu Cheng dare to say so, naturally he is sure.

It was a fact that the two elders personally promised Chen Zong to enter the first floor of the Holy Pavilion.

In the Liu family, the elders and second elders have great rights and will not be inferior to the owner. Once a decision is made, the owner will not oppose the interests of the Liu family.

"You ..." Liu Chengde was so stunned by Liu Chenghuan that he became furious, but he was speechless.

When it comes to the level of the homeowner, he is no longer able to interfere.

"Brother Chen, made you laugh." Liu Chenghuan ignored Liu Chengde and turned to Chen Zong, saying apologetically.

Chen Zong didn't think he smiled.

There is a battle everywhere, and there is no such thing as absolute right or wrong.

That Liu Chengde will aim at himself is nothing more than a conflict with Liu Chenghuan, that's all.

Ignoring Liu Chengde's attention, Chen Zong stepped towards the Sage Cabinet.

As for this sacred utensils cabinet, it looks like it is unguarded and unguarded, but in fact, everything is under the supervision of the Liu family.

When entering the gate of the Sage House, you need to verify first. Fortunately, Liu Chenghuan has already obtained a temporary pass token, and Chen Zong can enter it with this token.

There is only one hour in the first floor of the Sage House.

This is the rule of the Liu family, and Chen Zong did not want to violate it.

An hour does not seem to be long, but if you want to choose a holy weapon, it should be enough.

Stepping into the Sacred Art Pavilion, Chen Zong looked around with some curiosity and quickly looked around.

It looks very ordinary, surrounded by shelves on all sides, and there are many weapons, armors, and so on.

In terms of weapons, there are more than a dozen types of knives, guns, swords, sticks, axes, etc., each of which is more or less, and the armor is also divided into heavy armor, light armor, half-body armor, arm armor, leg armor, and war shoes. .

After Chen Zong's eyes glanced, he fell on the holy sword. Each holy sword was neatly placed on a deep and quaint shelf. The sword was in the sheath. There was also a wooden sign standing next to the sword stand. The name of the sword, the materials used for forging, and the characteristics of the sword itself are clear at a glance.

Chen Zong also found that the introduction of a few swords seemed very vague. It is estimated that they were not cast by the Liu family, but came from the outside world. It was weird. It was difficult to distinguish the specifics for a while, and the grade was not high, so there was no The need for careful discrimination.

"The sword to be used by Chen Xiu is naturally related to the strength of evil spirits ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong's eyes carefully swept over each sword, while thinking secretly.

However, although these swords have a name, they are not marked with a grade. Therefore, it is impossible to tell how many swords are in the shape and name alone.

A holy product?

Second-class holy artifact?

Sanpin Sacred Artifact?

All of them are not clear. It is also very difficult to breathe through them because all of them are covered by a layer of power and become very weak and difficult to judge.

Therefore, it is not so easy to choose a high-grade and satisfactory sword among hundreds of holy swords.

Chen Zong felt quite dazzled.

You should know that the holy wares in the Liu's holy wares collection are slowly accumulated over the years, and are not comparable to ordinary holy wares.

Even if it is only a first-grade holy artifact, it is completely a fine product of the first-grade holy artifact. It is stronger than the ordinary one-grade holy artifact, as if it is an ordinary heavy sanctuary and a genius-level heavy sanctuary.

Thinking of what Liu Chenghuan said, Chen Zong also focused on swords that were not cast by the Liu family. After all, swords cast by the Liu family were well-informed. Only those sacred artifacts brought from the outside world existed. Impervious problem.

However, there are few sacred artifacts that can not be seen through. After all, the Liu family is a family of refiners, and they have mastery in the refinery, unless it is some extremely special existence.

Chen Zong now has a bit of luck, but time is short. There is only one hour and it can't be wasted.

Chen Zong's soul is very powerful, reaching the late Juhai, and his perception is extremely acute. First, he selected dozens of mouthfuls from hundreds of holy swords, and then made a choice from these. Be more clear, not blind, but in the end you can only choose casually.

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