Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 65: 3 products

On the first floor of the Secret Pavilion, the light was slightly dim, but it couldn't stop Chen Zong's sight.

Hundreds of low-level holy swords, Chen Zong first selected dozens, and then made further choices, selected a few of them, and made further choices between these few.

"It's you." Chen Zong didn't hesitate too much. Looking at it alone, it was difficult to see why one came, just by feeling.

The eyes twinkled, the eyes moved forward, and they caught directly at one of the long swords. The sword was frost-white, and it seemed to have been cast by ice. The blood red threads were distributed like veins. There is a strange feeling.

Clear frost cold evil sword!

This sword is made of a thousand years of cold frost, forged with deep sea cold iron and a little bit of essence of earth evil, and has the power of cold and cold evil. It should be the sword most suitable for Shura's avatar among these swords.

Of course, there may be more suitable ones, but Chen Zongyi could not find them for a while, and the time was limited.

For a limited period of time, we don't know the details, only that.

Hope this sword, don't let yourself down.

The moment when Chen Zong's right hand grabbed the hilt of the sword, an extremely cold force suddenly spread out, instantly freezing Chen Zong's palm, and a terrible evil spirit rushed straight down the arm, letting Chen Zong's arm film Muscles and tingling.

The sacred artifact is more powerful than the spirit artifact, many times more powerful. The two are completely different in two levels.

It's like the difference between a powerful person and a transcendental state.

The sacred artifact not only possesses more powerful power, but also possesses extraordinary spirituality. Although no wisdom has been born, however, it already possesses a certain degree of autonomy.

For example, whether to surrender.

In most cases, the sacred object resists and is unwilling to be mastered.

As now, it is not known that the high-grade Qingshuang Hansha sword will voluntarily provoke power to resist Chen Zong, and he does not want to be mastered by Chen Zong.

This is a holy level of strength, although it cannot be fully exerted because no one is in charge, it is not trivial.

Chen Zong's face changed, and his strength burst out in an instant to resist the invasion of the Qingshuanghansha sword. He had to surrender this sword.

"This sword is not a grade." At the moment of the confrontation, Chen Zong made a judgment and immediately strengthened his strength.


"Huh, a stranger, without our Liu family's method, maybe even a sacred artifact could not be obtained." Liu Chengde did not go away, but watched Chen Zong walk into the sacred artifact cabinet, and after a while , Sneer.

The Sacred Art Pavilion is important to the Liu family. The Liu family naturally also has a set of methods to allow the Liu family to better obtain the sacred artifact.

Chen Zongfei's Liu family, no matter how Liu Chenghuan wants to make friends with Chen Zong, it is impossible to teach him the Liu family's unique skills unless Chen Zong is willing to join the Liu family.

But will Chen Zong join the Liu family?

will not.

For one thing, Chen Zong now wants to experience the days of casual repair and increase his experience.

Second, even if Chen Zong wanted to join a certain force, he would not choose the Liu family. Although this Liu family is one of the four major forces in Xingyun Mansion, Xingyun Mansion is only one of the thirty-two places in Xuanming Realm. First, on the Xuanming Realm, there is also the Xuanyuan Realm.

In other words, for the entire Tianyuan sanctuary, the Liu family is nothing at all, at most it is a seven-star power level.

Of course, Chen Zong also gradually learned that the power of the Tianyuan Sanctuary is stronger than the four major Shanghai domains. Even if they are also seven-stars, the Liu family is stronger than the seven-star powers of the four major Shanghai domains. Level power.

Then, the eight-star power of the Tianyuan Sanctuary is much stronger than the eight-star power of the four major Shanghai domains.

For example, Xingyun Mansion is an eight-star power.

If you think about it, there are only eight star powers in one heavenly realm, but there are more than thirty eight star powers in a mysterious realm, and each one is more than eight stars like Baiyun Mountain. The level of power is much stronger.

Xuanming Realm is just one of the five realms in Xuanyuan Realm. It is conceivable how big the gap is.

Liu Chenghuan stood outside the Sage House waiting for Chen Zong, and an hour would soon pass.

"With Brother Chen's ability, even without my Liu family's unique skills, you should be able to get a holy product." Liu Chenghuan secretly said.

Is there a unique method of the Liu family? The difference is actually very big.

Chen Zong did not, with his own patience, it is estimated that he can only get a holy product.

Of course, the Liu family's holy artifact is not comparable to the ordinary holy artifact spread from the outside world.

If the level is divided by ordinary elites, most of the holy wares in circulation are of the ordinary level, and the holy wares of the Liu Family's holy house are of the elite level.

The one-piece holy ware in the Liu's holy ware cabinet flows out, and the value of the ordinary two-grade holy ware can be sold. This is the gap.

Of course, from the bottom of his heart, Liu Chenghuan hopes that Chen Zong can get better sacred artifacts, such as second and third grades, but that possibility is too low and too low.

Even if it was replaced by him, having the unique method of the Liu family, at most it was to conquer the second-class holy weapon.

Among them, luck depends on it.

Time passes slowly, and each individual has his own thoughts.

An hour was approaching, and a figure appeared at the entrance of the Sacred Pavilion, which was Chen Zong.

"Brother Chen, can you gain something?" Liu Chenghuan greeted him with a joy.

"Yes." Chen Zong raised the sword in his hand and smiled slightly. Not only was there a harvest, but the harvest was also somewhat gratifying.

Clear frost cold evil sword!

"Good sword!" Liu Chenghuan looked at the sword, his expression was a move, he had a good accomplishment in the refining device, the eyesight to distinguish the spiritual artifact is naturally much brighter than ordinary practitioners.

So at first glance, Liu Chenghuan saw the extraordinaryness of Qingshan Hansha sword, not a holy weapon.

"Brother Chen, is it a second-class holy weapon?" Liu Chenghuan asked in return.

"Three products." Chen Zong smiled slightly and did not conceal the meaning of Liu Chenghuan.

"Three products!" Liu Chenghuan exclaimed, shocked.

Not the Liu family. Without the Liu family's unique method, it is incredible that they can get the holy ware of the third grade.

Immediately, Liu Chenghuan thought again that Chen Zong had killed a sacred man in Siren Gate in front of his own face and could not treat it with common sense at all.

Liu Chenghuan didn't even know whether Chen Zong was a semi-holy or sanctuary.

It was Liu Chengde, who dimly heard the words "Sanpin" and glanced at the clear frost cold sword in the hands of Chen Zong, astonished, as if being bombarded by a thunder.

He determined that it was impossible for the outsider to get the sacred instrument in the Sacred Tool Pavilion, but the other party not only got the sacred tool, but even the Sanpin sacred tool. This contrast was so great that it made him incredible.

Chen Zong and Liu Chenghuan ignored him and left.

"Stop!" Liu Chengde stunned and stopped in front of Chen Zong, his eyes stared coldly, his words slumped and thundered like a thunder: "It's an exception for you to let a foreigner enter the sacred pavilion. The sacred weapon is not what you can think of, stay. "

While talking, Liu Chengde even shot desperately, slammed his hands into a palm, slammed an astonishing gust of wind, and radiated a fiery heat, which turned into a storm, which seemed to smell the fire of the furnace. Come on.

"Dare you!" Liu Chenghuan's face changed. How could he never have thought that Liu Chengde was so desperate to attack directly, and saw that Liu Chengde's palm changed into a claw in an instant, passing through the void like a streamer, grasping the frost and coldness in Chen Zong's hands. sword.

The purpose of Liu Chengde at the beginning was not to attack Chen Zong, but to capture the three-grade holy weapon Qingshuanghansha sword.

If this sword is taken away by him, it is almost impossible for Chen Zong to take it back.

This is the Liu family, after all.

And Liu Chengde's younger generation in the Liu family is quite a bit of prestige, otherwise how to compete with Liu Chenghuan.

Liu Chengde seemed reckless, but in fact he was exquisite, thinking about everything as soon as possible.

If the sword is in his own hands, it is his own. An outsider, even if it is supported by Liu Chenghuan, how can it be.

In the final analysis, the Liu family will generally be towards themselves, after all, it is a Sanpin holy instrument, not a general Sanpin holy instrument.

Among the entire Xingyun Mansion, who knows the prestige of the Liu Family's Sacred Tool Pavilion, and the sacred tools in the Sacred Tool Pavilion, but it is difficult to find a lot of money.

Liu Chengde's abacus played well, but unfortunately, he did not know how Chen Zong's ability could be.

With one claw glowing in the furnace-like hot breath, Chen Zong seemed unable to react, leaving Liu Chengde's glowing claw to fall on the clear frost cold evil sword.

There was a touch of color on Liu Chengde's face, no matter what, in the end, the sword was not about to fall into his own hands.

Even if you don't use a sword yourself, the value of this sword is not low.

But the expression on his face solidified at once ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ turned into horror.

An astonishing icy air suddenly burst out of the sword, directly extinguishing the hot breath of Liu Chengde's hand, and instantly frozen his palm into frost. The white frost spread quickly, and there seemed to be a hint of scarlet breath. Chong Liu Chengde.

Liu Chengde was terrified and shivered. The kind of chill and shame was not something he could resist.

For a moment, his arms were frozen and his spirit was shocked. It felt like the whole person was caught in the snow and ice, and the chill invaded from all directions.

To die, Liu Chengde could not resist at all, and felt that his vitality would be extinct here.

The power of the Sanpin Sacred Artifact, even if it only excites part, is not something that the semi-holy level can resist.

But the next breath, everything was broken, Liu Chengde shuddered back, shivering, his face was pale and white, the frost on his right arm was completely rigid and hard to move.

This is the Liu family. Liu Chengde also has a considerable status in the Liu family. The conflict with himself has not reached the point of life and death. In this case, Chen Zong just gave a lesson and did not think of killing the other on the spot.

Although it is said to be a lesson, this lesson is enough to make Liu Chengde unforgettable.

The sense of despair that will be frozen to death in the snow and ice will penetrate directly into the bone marrow and deep into the heart, remaining like a burn.

"Liu Chengde, you are asking for trouble." Liu Chenghuan shouted coldly.

"Liu Chenghuan, you actually helped outsiders deal with me." Liu Chengde growled. "You wait, wait for me."

As he roared, Liu Chengde supported his left hand with his left hand, and quickly left. He must first remove the frost, or it would take a long time, lest he cause further damage.

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