Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 66: Battle

"Three products of holy artifacts, young friends have good eyesight." The second elder laughed.

"Luck." Chen Zong smiled.

"I don't know where the friend came from?" The second elder began to figure out.

"I was a cultivator in Zishanfu. After many years of practice, I realized that I had achieved something, so I planned to go to that mysterious realm for a long time to grow a lot of geniuses. I learned and sharpened myself." Chen Zong knew the other party ’s intentions, and it was estimated that Solicit yourself and join the Liu family.

However, Chen Zong did not intend to join the Liu family, so he said directly, to a certain extent, he declined the other party's solicitation, and it was even more embarrassing to save the other party from saying so.

"Xiaoyou is so young and talented, and his achievements will be limitless in the future." The second elder did have the intention to recruit Chen Zong, but after hearing Chen Zong's answer, he did not mention it again.

After all, the Liu family is not a small force, and there are many geniuses, one more and one less, but the difference is not that great.

Of course, if Chen Zong accepts the solicitation, it will be good for the Liu family, but if he refuses to solicit, the Liu family will not lose half.

This is also the relationship between the two elders who did not know Chen Zong's ability. If he knew that Chen Zong's genius level was better than the king level, he would definitely try to retain Chen Zong and let Chen Zong stay.

The elders of the Liu Family, a powerful figure in the Liu family, were solicited but refused. Naturally, there was nothing to say. He waved his hands and let Liu Chenghuan entertain Chen Zong.

In any case, the second elder is a strong man in the late stage of the sacred realm. He has a high status, strong strength, and is very busy. Seeing Chen Zong is a bit of a face.

Chen Zong didn't care and left with Liu Chenghuan.

Living in the courtyard arranged by Liu Chenghuan, the scenery is pleasant, and there is a kind of tranquility pervading the surroundings, which is like a clear and beautiful place in Foshan.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Chen Zong began to refine the Qingshuang Hansha sword.

Of course, this sword was handed over to Chen Xiu for refining.

With Chen Zong's current ability, he is still unable to control the holy weapon.

Amazing holy powers such as the tide are raging, like roaring waves roaring, they are poured into the clear frost cold evil swords, the power of burning Shulugong is extremely pure, and refining is easier.

Although Qingshuang Hansha Sword has three grades, and the higher the level, the more difficult the refining of the holy weapon, but they are relatively speaking.

Under Chen Xiu's hands, Qingshuang Hansha Sword did not have half the resistance, but had some initiative to cooperate with the momentum of refining. Therefore, in just one day, Chen Xiu initially refined Qingshuang Hansha Sword into the body. , Then, it is slowly figured out until it is completely refined.

Chen Xiu refining the clear frost cold sword, Chen Zong naturally guarded the law to prevent being disturbed.

Until the initial refining, after the holy sword entered the body, Chen Xiu entered Chen Zongshihai to practice slowly, and Chen Zong began to cultivate.

On the eighth floor of Taiyuan Moyun Gong, Chen Zong felt that he could not reach his limit, so he could continue to improve to the ninth floor.

Only now, it has reached a bottleneck. It must have enough pressure or sharpening to be able to break through this bottleneck and improve further.

In terms of practicing qi, I ca n’t improve for the time being, but in swordplay, I ’ve actually reached the bottleneck. It ’s still not easy to break through.

Inside the ancient Shulu Cave, the old man directly waved his hands and refined four high-end monsters into four blood dandelions by amazing means. Chen Zong won two, and when he left, he got the ancient wind purple robe. The apprenticeship of the disciples and the people of the Gufeng Heixa branch also received two other blood pill.

The four blood dandelions are all started.

The four blood dans are the same as the three. The one is the strongest, which is much more than the other three blood tans.

Chen Zongxian took a capsule of Xue Dan, and his powerful force suddenly burst into his body.

The fierce mountain fire prison function is fully operating, and the blood is surging like magma rolling, the dragon power is fluctuating like a sea.

The sound of the tide and the roar of the dragon's yin, one after another, rang from Chen Zong's body, as if there was an evil dragon about to rush out of the abyss.

The breath of breath exploded, turned into a violent wind, destroyed everything, but was limited to a certain extent by Chen Xiu's power, and did not spread out. In this way, it would not cause a large impact, which made people notice.

Blood Dan has extraordinary effects, both physical training and Qi training, but now, Chen Zong guides the power of Blood Dan as much as possible, all for physical training.

As for practicing qi, it has reached a limit and it is difficult to improve. Even with the power of Xuedan, it cannot be improved.

However, there is still a lot of room for improvement in refining and it is entirely possible to continue to improve.

It is just that the refining body needs the help of external force and foreign matter to have a clear enhancement. Blood Dan is undoubtedly a very powerful foreign matter, which is even more brilliant than the blood beads condensed in the blood-making technique of the blue world.

It's a pity that I didn't get this technique.

How powerful is the body and blood of a high-end monster, you must know that the monster's body is very tyrannical. In addition, it continues to consume elixir, etc. Part of the medicinal power has settled down and integrated into the body, constantly enhancing the strength and potential of the body. .

Today it is refined into blood dan, and its purity is amazing.

A blood dandelion burst into the body, the breath exploded, and rolled like a scorching river wave, which stirred up and down the whole body. The amazing heat seemed to ignite and burn Chen Zong's body, and his skin was red. Amazing heat permeates the body, and it is too rich to shine.

From a distance, Chen Zong ’s body seemed to turn into a scorching sun and release amazing light and heat. Thanks to Chen Xiu's protection method, all the heat fluctuations of the light were limited to Chen Zong's body and no one noticed it. .

Otherwise, it is estimated that it will attract a group of Liu Jiaqiang's peep. What are the consequences? It is hard to say with certainty. It is not Chen Zong's favor.


The amazing momentum screamed and roared in the body, making Chen Zong's blood more vigorous and tyrannical, as if becoming more and more viscous, flowing like a magma, permeating with incredible strength, and thus gaining its dragon power. Enhancement has been improved.

However, the Ziyun Hexingyan is limited by the congenital concubine and can only reach Jiupin. No matter how powerful it is, it is only a semi-holy level.

Unless other worlds and fires can be combined, it is expected to break through and advance to heaven and fire.

At this point, I can only slowly figure it out and see if I have a chance to get it in the future.

Otherwise, as he grows up, the Ziyun Hexingyan will eventually fail to keep up with his footsteps and become useless.

The fierce mountain fire prison function is fully operating, and immediately behind Chen Zong, a phantom of a black and red mountain rises, pervading an amazing atmosphere, suppressing all directions.


Strong mountain spirit!

Chen Zong had already practiced the Fire Mountain Fire Prison as a part earlier, condensing the spirit of the fire mountain, but then he entered the country slowly.

One is insufficient time, and the other is lack of resources.

Nowadays, it can be considered that there is a time to practice well, and then there are appropriate resources. It can be considered as a geographically-friendly person and due, and it should be improved.

With the cultivation, as the strength of that blood dan was continuously absorbed, the spirit of the strong mountain behind Chen Zong gradually solidified.

The more solid the spirit, the deeper Chen Zong's mastery of the Fire Prison of the Mountain, the stronger the power that can be exerted, and the stronger the refining strength naturally.

Time passed slowly. Liu Chenghuan also had his own business to do. He didn't come to Chen Zong for a while. Chen Zong was so happy that he had time to cultivate well.

The strength of that blood dan was continuously refined by Chen Zong, and it was extremely pure and vigorous. Chen Zong had been refining for three days before he finished refining it.

After the refining, Chen Zong's blood was more than doubled, and the strength of the strong mountain was more than doubled. Although the realm is still the limit of the dragon power, the strength is further, an ordinary low-level The semi-holy class is no longer Chen Zong's opponent.

Of course, this just refers to the simple use of refining practice.

The spirit of the fierce mountain behind him has also become more solid, and the power emitted is even more amazing.

"Okay, if I fully refined the other three blood dans, the strength of refining would be more powerful and twice as strong. It is not a problem." The Lie Shan chapter has been completely completed, condensing the spirit of hell. "

The Fire Mountain Gongshan can be divided into the Fire Mountain Chapter and the Fire Mountain Chapter, and the Fire Mountain Chapter can be much better than the Fire Mountain Chapter.

As for the end, it is the integration of the Lie Shan and the Fire Prison, which has achieved the complete success of the Great Fire and Hell. The power is the strongest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When Chen Zong is preparing to refining the second blood dan, But someone came directly to the door, no, it should be said to come directly to the door.

"Get out." A loud drink sounded directly.

It was Liu Chengde's voice, Chen Zong's eyes flickered, and he was secretly angry. He was disturbed when he practiced smoothly, and this feeling was very unpleasant.

Standing up, striding, opening the door, striding out with a breath of breath, the dragon and the tiger followed, and the whole body seemed to be surrounded by sharp swords, cutting in all directions.

There were two people standing in the courtyard. One was the shouting Liu Chengde, and the strange face was a young man. The face seemed to have a glorious light, which made people feel extraordinary at first glance.

This man was dressed in a gold robe, very luxurious, with a blaze of flames floating on it, lifelike, as if the fiery fluctuations permeated.

"Brother, this is this person." Liu Chengde saw Chen Zong appear, and he looked secretly pleased, and immediately said to the young man next to him, and immediately glared at Chen Zong: "Foreigners, now, immediately surrender from my Liu Jia Sheng Qi Ge to cleverly **** I won the Sanpin Sword with a gimmick, otherwise my brother will tell you that the sky is thick. "

In Chen Zong's view, this Liu Chengde is just a villain, but the young man is worth a look.

When this young man stood there, he felt a self-centeredness. His breath did not seem to be strong, but it was very deep and amazing, which meant that his profound foundation was astonishingly solid.

"Friend, since coming to my Liu's house as a guest, you must abide by the rules of my Liu's house, do you think?" The young man with a smile on his face seemed to ask Chen Zong, but the hidden words were very sharp, as if a sword broke. Kill to the front.

"What you said is extremely true," Chen Zong admitted. "However, beware of the villain's words."

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