Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 67: Hell

Chen Zong's response was neither soft nor hard nor humble but admits that it is proper to abide by the rules here, but also refutes the other party to listen to the villain's word and come to the door.

For an instant, it was a verbal confrontation.

Liu Chengde, who was described as a villain, did not react much.

"Whether to make a fuss, I have my own judgment, but as a guest, you hurt my Liu family, but this way you are provoking my Liu family. Today, I will try what you can do." Liu Chengkong smiled slightly. However, his eyes became colder, and his words were not as peaceful as before, and a breath of chill and sharpness permeated.

The astonishing breath also permeated from Liu Chengkong's body, as if the swords were arguing, splitting the sky and pointing at Chen Zong.

Liu Chengkong found that there was a confrontation in words, and he did not take any advantage, so he did not intend to continue this way. The original trip was to teach this person something.

"Look at the sword!" The words sounded, as if the thunder exploded, shaking in all directions, the hurricane shouted, and Liu Chengde was pleased, and quickly backed away to avoid being affected.

Liu Chengkong's voice fell, and there was a touch of Xueliang Sen Bai Guanghua in his hand. Guanghua broke like a waning moon, but filled with a scorching heat like a scorching sun. It fell off with a single cut, as if the setting sun sinks and breaks into the air.

This person's cultivation is a mid-level and semi-sacred level, but his strength is even more powerful. One shot kills, the amazing sword light carries the terrible power, as if splitting everything.

In the middle of the sword, the sword came close, but Chen Zong's look remained unchanged. The house behind him seemed to be split open with a knife.

"This knife, when it can reach a high order semi-holy level." Chen Zong secretly judged.

As you continue to improve, your perception becomes more acute, and your judgment on the outside world becomes more accurate.

In other words, this person's genius level is higher than Hou level. After all, this knife is only cut out at will, and he has not done his best.

A junior genius can't actually excite Chen Zong, but the opponent is a mid-level semi-holy practice. The junior genius is expected to defeat the ordinary high-rank semi-holy level, and now he can be regarded as an opponent.

At the moment, the heavy dragon sword came out of the sheath, the dark sword stretched like a waning moon, and the front end released an extremely sharp light, tearing everything.

Daoguang and Jianguang collided in a moment, and the air around them seemed to freeze, but the next breath broke out, tearing everything apart, violently in all directions.

The astonishing storm swept away and roared.

Liu Chengkong secretly startled.

After all, the breath fluctuations shown by Chen Zong are at the mid-level and semi-holy level. Even a sword can compete with himself. Is the other party a genius?

As everyone knows, Chen Zong is actually not a mid-level or semi-sacred practice, but a transcendental limit.

But Chen Zong himself realized that it was not good, and after condensing Shura's clone, he changed his breath, or disguised himself, with the assistance of Shura's clone.

Disguising themselves as a medium-level semi-holy level practitioner, showing high-level semi-holy level and even more powerful power, although surprising, it will not be incredible.

The transcendental limit and the ability to slay ordinary high-end semi-holy ranks are very unreasonable in their own right and extremely noticeable.

Chen Zong's disguise is extremely clever, and even in the later stage of the holy realm, he can't see anything.

Otherwise, some clues have been discovered by the second elder of the Liu family.

Liu Chengkong had a long knife in his hand. When that knife was resisted, he took one step in surprise, as if he swiftly swept across the ice, tearing the air with a knife, and pulling out a white knife light, but the knife light was glowing. , As if to burn everything.

Already came up with real strength.

"The siblings have put out all their strength, you have to peel off a layer if you don't die." Liu Chengde secretly rejoiced in the distance.

However, Chen Zong's strength was unexpected. With only one heavy dragon sword, he battled Liu Chengkong extremely fiercely. The exquisite skill of the sword even made Liu Chengkong helpless.

No dripping water!

All offensives, whether strong or weak, are resisted by that sword.

After several fierce battles, Liu Chengkong also fought. He originally wanted to teach each other something. As for the three-grade holy sword, since the opponent obtained it in the holy ark, he could not take it back, otherwise it would make people feel that Liu Jiayan was silent letter.

In this regard, Liu Chengkong is different from Liu Chengde.

But I did not expect that the other party's ability was so clever that he was not inferior to himself.

Such a fight has the meaning of hitting real fire, and if you continue to fight, that is not to say that it is so simple to teach Chen Zong a meal, and you may even see blood.

"Stop!" A loud drink rang, and at the same time, a palm print glowed with astonishment, blasted into the air, and blasted directly into Liu Chengkong.

Liu Chengkong smashed the palm print with a knife, and the figure flashed in front of him, adding one more.

It was Liu Chenghuan.

As soon as Liu Chenghuan came, the battle was disrupted, and after the air machine was interrupted, Liu Chengkong did not intend to continue his shots. After all, he was interrupted and feels different now.

A glance at Liu Chenghuan and a deep look at Chen Zong, Liu Chengkong turned around and left.

"Brother, wait for me." Liu Chengkong left, leaving only Liu Chengde, looking at Chen Zong, and seeing that there was a gleam of cold light in his eyes, he remembered the previous experience, his heart trembled, he quickly retracted his eyes, and quickly moved to Liu Chengkong Chase it.

"Brother Chen, I'm sorry. I have some things to do in these days. I didn't come to see them, and I almost made a big mistake." Liu Chenghuan said to Chen Zong with some regret, full of apologies.

The so-called big mistake, of course, does not mean that Chen Zong will be injured by Liu Chengkong, but worry about the other way around.

After all, Chen Zong was able to beheaded into the sacred realm. No matter what method was used, it showed that his strength was extraordinary and Liu Chengkong could not compare.

These incidents were only known to a few senior members of the Liu family, and the news was blocked. Liu Chengkong and others are not in a low status, but their cultivation and strength are limited, but they are not enough.

Moreover, even if Liu Chenghuan told them, they would not believe it, but thought it was an exaggeration.

This Liu Chengkong is not an ordinary person, but the son of the elder Liu family, and also the second genius of the Liu family. As for the first genius, he is the son of the Liu family owner, but now he is not in the Liu family and has already gone out to practice.

The young master is not present. Liu Chengkong is the best genius of the Liu family now. He has extraordinary strength. If he is injured by Chen Zong, the elder will inevitably be angry.

As for Liu Chengde, the son of the three elders.

The elders presuppose the great interests of the Liu family, but there is also competition between each other. This is also the case with the subordinates between the elders.

"It doesn't matter." Faced with Liu Chenghuan's apology, Chen Zong didn't take it seriously: "Brother Liu, in a few days, I will leave and explain to you one or two first."

"Why leave? Is it because you think you have been treated badly?" Liu Chenghuan said in shock.

"No, I'm here from the foreign government, but I intend to go to the Xuanming Realm and confront myself with many geniuses to sharpen myself and take it one step further." Chen Zongzheng said, "So, it should not stay long."

The reason why he chose to stay for a few more days is also Chen Zong's intention to refine the remaining Blood Dan and start again.

Since Chen Zong had this decision, Liu Chenghuan would not force him to stay.

Next, besides being accepted by Liu Chenghuan, Chen Zong is practicing and refining Xuedan.

With the refinement of Blood Pills one after another, Chen Zong's refining strength became stronger and stronger.

When the third blood dan was refined, the spirit of the strong mountain was condensed as if it were substantive. Once urged, it appeared as if a black-red mountain appeared behind him, majestic and fiery.

"This fourth blood dan, come to practice the chapter of fire prison." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes twinkling brightly.

Nowadays, the Lieshan chapter is truly practiced.


Inside Xingyun City, Sirius Gate headquarters.

"Master, it has been ascertained that the failure of this operation has something to do with an outsider named Chen Zong." A man in a black robe bowed to the big man in front of him, respectfully said.

"An outsider?" The high-dressed Qingpao Han turned his right ball with his right hand, making a crunchy sound of friction, his eyes were horrifyingly brilliant, as if Sirius was born. Amazing. The breath made the man in black startle.

"Go back to the door, yes, the outsider is said to have come from Zishan Prefecture, but it was a casual repair, and it was built as a medium-level semi-holy level, but its strength was stronger than the ordinary high-level semi-holy level. Powerful means can counterbalance and even threaten the common sanctuary. "It must be said that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This man in black has investigated Chen Zong very clearly.

As for those Sirius men who were beheaded by Chen Xiu, no one saw it. Chen Zong also made an excuse that it was caused by some means left by his master.

"Take a close look at me." Sirius Gate's eyes twinkled with a faint green light, she said in a deep voice, and the words were full of extremely powerful killings.

This time, the battle of Xuangang Mine failed in the First World War. The loss of Sirius Gate was not great, but it was very unpleasant. Sirius Gate, which has always been smooth and unsuccessful, fought a defeat and was approached by the Liu family. There have been times like this.

The loss of face is greater than the loss of personnel, but it is because of a small semi-holy class.

Even if he has a strong hole card, he cannot change the fact that he is semi-holy.

Damn it!

Don't say that the other party is a semi-holy level. Even if it is a sanctuary, Sirius Gate will never let it go.

The time is the past three days. Chen Zongfang finished refining the last blood dandelion. The strength of this blood dandelion is even more majestic and pure, so the refining is more difficult.

If Chen Zong chooses the earliest refining, it is estimated that it will take more than ten days to complete the refining. Fortunately, the other three blood dandelions were refined first, which greatly improved itself, so the strongest blood was refined. Dan, efficiency is much faster.

Behind Chen Zong, the solid black-red mountains gradually surging. Immediately, the black-red mountains gradually faded, and then dispersed as if melted by high temperature, turning into a raging fire burning in all directions, it seems Burn everything to the same extent.

The color of the sea of ​​fire is black and red, and it is as hot as purgatory.

Although it is just a beginning, the breath permeated by the spirit of Hellfire is much stronger than the spirit of the fierce mountain.

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