Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 68: Mysterious city

There is a large force in the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary, called the Nether Temple, and the power of the Nether Temple is all over the entire Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary, which is extremely amazing.

Basically, each province has a branch temple of the Nether Temple, and it is basically located in the largest city in each province.

For example, this line of Yunfu is actually strictly speaking, not the four major forces, but the five major forces. The fifth largest force is naturally a branch temple of the Nether Temple, but the Nether Temple has always maintained a neutral attitude and never participated in the battle of other forces. Stay totally out of the way.

This time, Chen Zong came to the Xingyun Fen Temple of the Nether Temple. It was to use his Nether Gate to rush to the Xuanming Center as soon as possible, where he could see more geniuses.

However, the use of the Void Gate comes at a price, basically Yuandan.

To transmit the distance of a province, you need to pay one hundred Diyuandan, which is discouraged by ordinary practitioners. After all, under normal circumstances, Diyuandan can only be taken out by those who enter the sacred realm. It is not easy to take out one hundred yuan of yuan at once.

Fortunately, before Chen Zong, he received a lot of Yuandan from the five-fold admittance to the sanctuary of Gufeng Heisha branch, and later received the admittance from several other practitioners who entered the sanctuary. There are also some yuandan.

Adding up the total, there are tens of thousands of Yuan Yuan Dans. Although there are not so many Yuan Yuan Dans, there are also nearly 2,000, and Tian Yuan Dan has the least, less than ten.

A transcendental realm, but possessing such wealth, is incomparable to so many lower levels of entering the realm.

One hundred yuan Yuandan is nothing to Chen Zong.

There are thirty-two houses in Xuanming Realm, and Xingyun Mansion is far from the Xuanming central area, which is separated by four houses. In other words, if Chen Zong wants to reach the Xuanming central area, he must go through four transmissions and must pay 400 yuan The price of Dan.

"Master, that Chen Zong has left Liu's house and left for the void."


Chen Zong did not know that he was being stared at by Sirius Gate. After paying a hundred yuan, he stated his destination. Chen Zong stood on a void roulette. The power of the void roulette was activated and Chen Zong was in shape. Immediately restrained, it seems that there are countless Ambilight rotation.

Immediately, the whole person seemed to fall into a whirlpool of time and space, and the feeling of weightlessness permeated the whole body.

This feeling is difficult to describe clearly in words. It seems to be a long time ago. In fact, it is only a short period of time. Chen Zong seems to be squeezed out of the dark void and falls on a vanity roulette.

From the appearance, it is exactly the same as the previous void roulette. It seems that it has not moved. Chen Zong feels that he has been flickered.

But after walking out of the vanity roulette, they have different feelings and different breaths.

Different regions will have different customs and customs, all of which are integrated into every inch of land, every building, every minute of air, and accumulation.

However, Chen Zong didn't plan to visit it, it is better to arrive at the Xuanming Center as soon as possible.

Continue transmitting.


three times!

Four times!

At the cost of four hundred yuan of Yuandan, Chen Zong finally reached the Xuanming Central Domain after four teleportations of the Nether Temple shrine.

There is a city in the center of Xuanming named Xuanming City, which is very large.

The Void Hall in Xuanming City is also much larger than the Void Hall in other provinces.

"Heaven and earth vitality here is even stronger and more pure than Xingyun City." Chen Zong secretly said.

Growing under such strong and pure heaven and earth vitality, the congenital will be even better, the cultivation will be smoother the day after tomorrow, and the probability of genius born will be greater.

This is why Chen Zong came here, and also why many geniuses came from all directions.

Genius and genius are sharpened, after all, each genius has its own uniqueness.

Four consecutive teleportations made Sirius Gate lose Chen Zong's trail and could not catch up with it at all.

"As far as possible to find out where this person is, you must not let go." Sirius's owner did not intend to give up.


"The master, there is one more thing to report. The young master intends to go to Xuanming City to work with other geniuses to sharpen himself, and forge a more solid foundation for breaking into the holy realm."

"Oh, let him see me." Sirius Gate nodded and said.

The young master is naturally the young master of Sirius Gate. He is the disciple of the Sirius Master and the only disciple. In the future, he will inherit the position of Sirius Master and take charge of Sirius Gate.

But now Sirius Gate Master is relatively immature, just semi-holy.


Xuanming City has a long history. It was originally built to have a place for communication among various forces in Xuanming Central Area. Gradually, it evolved into a gathering place, and more people arrived here and even settled here.

Over the years, Xuanming City has expanded again and again, and now it is huge.

Here, the area is vast, and there are many people here. It is very prosperous here.

Therefore, various industries are also very developed.

Chen Zong found a restaurant and stayed there for a while, and enjoyed some delicious food and wine in the restaurant. At the same time, he also inquired about the basic information of Xuanming City and even Xuanming Central Area.

Every guy in the restaurant is asking for information. He knows a lot of information. If you want to know something that is not so secret, it is right to find them. Of course, if you want to know more details, either threaten or give a little benefit.

Chen Zong chose the latter.

For no reason, why to threaten others is just to give something that is insignificant to yourself, but to the restaurant buddies, it is a great wealth.

After getting the benefits, the restaurant buddy smiled and said everything without saying, so that Chen Zong had a more intuitive understanding of the central area of ​​Xuanming.

The geographical scope of Xuanming's central area will not be smaller than any other city, and it will be even larger. Many of the cities are not only Xuanming City, but also dozens of other large and small cities. Of course, no city can be compared with Xuanming City.

There are five major forces in the total area of ​​this mysterious center.

They are Xuanming Palace, Chaoyangmen, Jinjian Villa, Sima Family, and Evergreen Fort.

Among them, Xuanming Palace is the most powerful, and it is the most powerful force in the entire Xuanming domain. Of course, the temples of the Nether Temple are not included.

The master of the Xuanming Palace is the master of the Xuanming domain. On the level, Xuanming Palace is a nine-star power.

As for the other Chaoyangmen, the Golden Sword Villa, the Sima Family, and the Evergreen Fortress, they belong to the eight-star power. They are the same as the thirty-two houses, but they still have a few points better than the eight-stars Baiyun Mountain Level power is more powerful.

The headquarters of these five forces are outside Xuanming City, but there are also their locations in Xuanming City.

In addition to these, there are some strong and talented.

For example, the Xuanming list is divided into Xuanbang and Humble list, which have 108 places.

Listed on the Mysterious List are the strongest sacred realms in the Mysterious Realm, while listed on the Mysterious List are the semi-holy ranks in the Mysterious Realm.

Xuanming Realm is so large that practitioners can be counted among them. Among them, there are countless semi-holy and sacred places. They can be listed on the list, each of them has very powerful power.

In other words, every strong person who entered the sanctuary on the mysterious list is at least a ninefold cultivation.

This gives Chen Zong a feeling that a Xuanming Realm is much stronger than the Qingtian Realm.

"Mingbang." Chen Zong said secretly while drinking fine wine.

Mysterious list is far away from me, and mysterious list is near.

I don't know if I can be included in the list based on the strength of my deity.

According to the restaurant buddy, many high-ranking semi-holy ranks are not eligible to be included in the list.

There are no restrictions on age, etc. in this list. The only limitation is cultivation. If you don't enter the sanctuary, you will be eligible.

Therefore, there are some semi-holy masters who are not too young, because they cannot find the opportunity to break into the holy realm, stay at the semi-holy level for a long time, continue to accumulate and refine, and make themselves more powerful powerful.

Chen Zong stayed in this restaurant for the time being, and after practicing, he would walk around Xuanming City to understand the situation more clearly.

On the third day, Chen Zong basically understood the situation.

"The first challenge target ..." Chen Zong stared at a name on the white paper, a faint flash of light flashed through his eyes.

Why did you come to Xuanming Realm?

Naturally, in order to see more geniuses, confront them and sharpen themselves.

And if you want to confront and sharpen, it is very common to actively challenge others.

The object that Chen Zong chose to challenge was one of the members on the bottom line.

Lin Heming, No. 105 in the Ming Ranking, is a high-end semi-holy class, and is over a hundred years old, which is not a great genius, but he has been immersed for many years at the high-end semi-holy level With extraordinary strength, he was able to rank in the 105th place for many years. After many challenges, he remained undefeated and maintained this position.

Chen Zong knows that his deity is not weak and stronger than the ordinary high-level semi-holy level, but to what extent, there is no clearer index.

Lin Heming may be a good opponent, so that he can verify it well, which is just right. This Lin Heming is currently in this mysterious city.

Write a challenge post and ask someone to send to Lin Heming's residence. In this way, it represents a formal challenge.

Anyway, this Lin Heming is also a head and face in Xuanming City.

Chen Zong is a man and always has a principle. As long as he does not deliberately provoke himself, he is also polite to others.

In a quaint and secluded courtyard in the northeast corner of Xuanming City, Lin Heming received a challenge post from the next person, opened it, and smiled.

"Challenge me, a nameless person." Lin Heming said to himself.

"Master, this must be another person who just came to Xuanming City and didn't know the heights and heights of the earth, and eagerly wanted to become famous. You happen to be in the city again." The next man echoed and said, "I guess this person is also inquiring Some news, knowing that you have a loyal heart and will never give a challenge to the challenger, so you dare to send me a challenge post. "

This statement is also true. Lin Heming, the previous challenger, just defeated it, not causing serious injuries.

Challenging others to be severely injured is a common and common occurrence, and basically no one will seek revenge for it.

"You need to learn about the situation of this challenger." Lin Heming put the challenge on the table, and said without hesitation. This is also his habit, knowing oneself and winning one after another.

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