Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 69: He Lin

In Xuanming City, there are many challenges, so a long time ago, there was the Xuanming Wudoutai.

If you want to fight, challenge, etc., go to Xuanming Wudoutai. The venue is wide enough to show your strength without worrying that it will spread to other people and cause unnecessary damage and destruction.

And there are many places around to watch the game.

Xuanming Wudoutai is located in the middle of Xuanming City. It extends in all directions and has a wide area. It is open to the outside world around the clock. Anyone can come here to challenge and fight at any time.

"Someone challenged Lin Heming again."

"This is normal, Lin Heming is the one who has been challenged the most times on the Hades."

"Yunhe's hand Lin Heming has a relatively mild temperament. Those who challenge him have at least minor injuries, which is why he faces many challenges."

"That being said, Lin Heming hasn't been challenged for more than half a year."

"Do you know what the challenge is this time?"

"As far as I know, the challenger, named Chen Zong, came from other provinces. The intermediate-level semi-holy level cultivation is suspected to have the high-level semi-holy level strength."

"Oh, isn't that just a Hou class genius."

"Should look a little bit."

"Although Lin Heming is not a genius, but his foundation is solid, and the general high-end semi-holy level is by no means his enemy of three strokes."

Chen Zong's challenge to Lin Heming was not a secret. It was quickly spread and known.

Of course, Xuanming City is very large. Those who know the news are just some of them. Now, they have rushed to the Xuanming Wudoutai. They have to watch the battle with their own eyes.

The rising sun rises, and the golden red light shines in all directions like a sword, so that the entire Xuanming City is bathed in this light, full of vitality.

Xuanming Wudoutai crowd gathered, a young man in a cloud-white robe stood on a platform, with a slender figure, his back was as straight as a sword, his breath was restrained, as if the sword was in a sheath.

"Is he going to challenge Yun Heshou?"

"it's him."

"Does it look average?"

"It's not normal, it's not obvious."

All kinds of discussions kept ringing, and they continued to be heard in the ears of Chen Zong on the Wudoutai, but Chen Zong ignored them, his expression remained unchanged, the wind was light and light, waiting for Lin Heming's arrival quietly.

On the other martial arts platforms, there were also battles. They were fighting fiercely, the wind was overflowing, and the power was turbulent.

At this time, many people's eyes seemed to be attracted, and they looked at the entrance of Wudoutai together.

A slender figure was walking at a calm pace.

Ordinary looks, but with a unique long-term temperament, with calm faces and deep eyes like sky clouds, the whole person seems to be invincible.

Although his appearance is ordinary, this person has his own unique temperament, which makes it hard to forget at first glance. It seems that the person in the leisurely cloud crane is permeated with a touch of transcendence.

It may seem like a young man, but if you look closely, it seems to be middle-aged, and his deep eyes stare at Chen Zong, so that Chen Zong seems to see one side of him.

"Lin Heming is here."

"I haven't seen it in half a year. The smell of Lin Heming seems a little different."

"It is estimated to be stronger."

Seeing Lin Heming's appearance, everyone was excited.

You know, Lin Heming is a master on the bottom line.

There are countless semi-sacred levels in the entire Xuanming City and even in the entire Xuanming Realm, but there are only 108 places on the Ming list. It is conceivable how difficult it is to want to be on the list.

Even if the ranking is relatively low, as long as it can be ranked on the bottom of the list, it itself represents strength.

The strength of the semi-holy level, each has a powerful strength beyond the ordinary high-level semi-holy level.

More importantly, Lin Heming didn't come from a big force. It is said that he came from a small family that had already fallen, and cultivated step by step with his own efforts.

This point is even more admired by many practitioners and casual practitioners from small forces.

Although the large forces are powerful, they are in the minority after all. In this world, there are more and more small forces and scattered repair personnel.

And invisible, in fact, there is a line that separates people from large forces from people with small forces and those who are casual practitioners.

It's like officials and civilians, rich and poor.

Whether you admit it or not, the separation of that line will always exist.

Therefore, in the eyes of most people in the big forces, Lin Heming of ordinary origin is just good, but in the eyes of people of small forces and even casual cultivation, Lin Heming is like a representative.

Taking a calm pace, Lin Heming walked to the edge of Wudoutai without stopping, stepping out step by step, his feet gradually raised, just like stepping on the invisible air staircase, and striding into Wushu with a light and light cloud. Doutai, as opposed to Chen Zongyao.

This hand suddenly made people's eyes slightly bright.

It is an axiom that you cannot fly in your own power until you enter the holy realm.

The means displayed by Lin Heming are also impossible for many semi-holy levels.

However, in Chen Zong's view, this method is nothing.

"It's Lin Heming." The two sides fighting on the other combat platforms suddenly stopped.

"Look at it first, and then we'll make the difference."

"it is good."

As a result, all the other martial arts platforms stopped and stared at Chen Zong and Lin Heming.

"Since my friend challenged me, please take a shot." Facing Chen Zong, Lin Heming smiled slightly, not aggressive, but just spoke normally.

"Please." Similarly, Chen Zong didn't mean half nonsense. He was originally a challenge, and he scored according to strength, not to make friends as usual.

As soon as Chen Zong's words fell, a heavy dragon sword spewed out from the waist, and a beam of dark sword light pierced through the void, piercing hundreds of meters in an instant and killing Lin Heming.

"Good sword."

"This person's strength really is not ordinary."

As soon as Chen Zong issued a sword, everyone watching the action was shocked and surprised.

Those who can come to Xuanming City have some patience in themselves, and the practitioners who grew up in Xuanming City are also more extraordinary.

Lin Heming's eyebrows were slightly raised, and he was a bit surprised at the speed of Chen Zong's sword. He resumed as usual. Since he dared to post a war on himself, he was somewhat capable, or he was arrogant.

This person does not look like the kind of arrogant.

When the thought turned, Lin Heming waved without hesitation.

The palm of his hand was white, with a hint of white jade white fluorescence, as if cast by white jade, a slight sound of breaking wind sounded, and then lightly blocked Chen Zongyi sword.

It's not that Chen Zong wants to block him, but it's difficult to avoid. Lin Heming's shot seems unpleasant, but extremely accurate, and nothing seems to be able to escape his palm.

The moment he blocked the heavy dragon sword, Lin Heming's complexion suddenly changed, and the amazing weight of the heavy dragon sword burst out, shocking him.

However, Lin Heming was powerful in all battles, and the response was extremely fast. The white light on the palms became more intense and the light became dazzling. The five fingers were close together like a white crane's pointed beak.

A terrible force suddenly burst out from the fingertips, and it was severely bombarded on the blade of the heavy dragon sword. The strength was not very strong, but it was extremely condensed. It gave out an amazing power in an instant, and it seemed to be a heavy dragon. Just like the sword collapsed, that power was even more amazing with a sword-like sharp edge, and was forced through the sword body at an alarming speed, as if to smash the palm of Chen Zong's sword.

Chen Zong secretly was shocked.

The first time he met, he saw the extraordinaryness of Lin Heming, his strength was extremely pure, and the application of his own strength was extremely brilliant.

Chen Zong was immediately excited, and a little bit of warfare burst out from his heart, stirred up, emerged, and spurted out.

The power broke out, and the sword body of the heavy dragon trembled. After the force invading the sword body was suddenly broken, a sword rolled up a terrible whistling sound, as if surging like a tsunami, and blasted to Lin Heming.

Lin Heming was also slightly surprised, only to find that the ability of the challenger was beyond imagination.

This way, this battle will be more interesting, isn't it?

Silent for six months, today, just stretch some muscles.

As soon as I thought about it, a tyrannical breath exploded from Lin Heming's body and rushed straight up, accompanied by a sharp, high-pitched scream, the breath that soared into the sky, as if I could see a white crane phantom wings spread high .

"The master is finally going to show his real strength." Lin Heming's servants unconsciously shook his fists and said secretly.

Only the battle was just temptation.

Of course, even if it is a temptation, the ordinary high-level semi-holy level is difficult to resist a few moves, so Lin Heming can determine whether the other party really has the ability to challenge itself.

If not ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Of course it is easy to beat.

If there is, it will naturally play well.

Although Lin Heming has a mild temperament, he generally does not give a heavy hand to the challenger. At most, it causes the other party to be slightly injured, but it does not mean that he is indisputable.

If there is no dispute with the world, then it should be a secluded place to live in seclusion, no need to cultivate, and live a rural life of beautiful scenery.

Lin Heming also likes to fight with powerful opponents, because this can further sharpen himself, make himself a hundred feet further, and can even pursue the opportunity to break through into the sacred realm.

Basically, the strength has reached the current level, and it is already the limit. The rest is a breakthrough, but he has not been able to find a breakthrough opportunity, and has been trapped at the peak of the semi-holy level.

He also yearns for a breakthrough.


Seeing Lin Heming's momentum soaring, Bai He's tweets became sharper and Chen Zong's eyes became more condensed. The amazing cold mang radiated like a sword's edge, and his strong breath condensed like a sword. Break through the clouds.

To improve, Chen Zong is disguised as a medium-level semi-holy level, but in strength, he is stronger than the ordinary high-level semi-holy level. As for how strong it is, Chen Zong himself is not clear enough. Now, he can use this Lin Heming Verify it.


The two men were furious.

Lin Heming's arms opened and slowly raised, it seemed to bring countless phantoms, as if the white crane had bright wings, his body rushed up over the sky in an instant, turned in a volley, and came lightly and swiftly, and at the same time, Another figure drew an astonishing blast against the ground of Wudoutai, and the blast cut sharply and killed like a knife.

Both were Lin Heming, as if splitting into two in an instant, attacking Chen Zong from two angles, extremely sharp.

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