Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 75: Evil wolf

The heavy dragon sword weighed 98,000 kilograms, and one sword bombed and killed like a meteor sinking, and the power was unmatched.

Zhao Yuan's long sword was broken open, and the dark sword light directly bombed and killed his body, breaking through numerous defenses and directly hitting the heart mouth goggles.

The rattling sound was extremely harsh, Zhao Yuan's complexion changed greatly, and the goggles seemed to be broken.


Pei Ran Mo Yu's vigorous and powerful and overbearing violent, Zhao Yuan felt that he was as weak as a child in front of this blow, and was instantly repelled by dozens of meters, his blood was surging and his heart seemed to be broken. The blood couldn't help spitting out, and his face was pale and weak.

This result is shocking.

"You ... Why don't you defend?" Zhao Yuan, pale, screamed in shock, questioning Chen Zong.

After hearing the words, Chen Zong smiled slightly and did not respond to Zhao Yuan, because he did not want to respond, was too lazy to respond, and disdain to respond.

"Well ... Although the most powerful defensive swordsman is known to be unbreakable, but the opponent must have enough strength to cast. The opponent is too weak to be defeated by one or two swords. Why defense?" Someone sneered at once Said.

Too arrogant people will never be welcome.

Hearing that laughter, Zhao Yuan's pale complexion turned green and red again, and his face turned white again. The last bite of blood spewed out again. The whole person seemed to be stepped back by a few steps like an invisible force bombarded. Out of breath, almost fainted.

The nagging laughter and words were heavier than Chen Zong's sword, shattered Zhao Yuan's inner pride, and exposed Zhao Yuan's ignorance and shallowness.

Yeah, even the opponent can't carry a sword, what qualifications can the opponent use to defend the sword.

Zhao Yuan lost his soul, and the whole person seemed to become a walking dead. Chen Zong's sword and the laughter of only the talents directly shattered his self-confidence and pride.

So fragile.

Lin Xiong hurried forward and dragged Zhao Yuan back to the Qian Kun roulette. The worst situation still appeared. Now, we can only see if Zhao Yuan himself can get out of this blow and shadow.

If he walks out, his mentality will be improved, even with all aspects, he will achieve higher achievements in the future.

If you can't get out, it's basically useless.

However, this has nothing to do with Chen Zong. Blessings are their own way. If Zhao Yuan did not provoke himself so aggressively, such a thing would not happen.

Speaking of this, Zhao Yuan has nothing to do with himself, and there are no contradictions and grudges. He just wants to step on his own position. In this case, he must bear the corresponding consequences and costs for this. No one can blame him.

Except for Lin Xiong and the Yingqi Nun, no one would care about Zhao Yuan.

"You just defeated the opponent with just one sword. It was not enough." Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, and the terrible Han Mang also locked Chen Zong: "I'm your opponent."

With that said, before Chen Zong agreed or refused, a figure flew up from the air, and came like a cold wind.

Just a moment, a black robe figure appeared on the Qiankun platform, facing Chen Zong who was about to return to the Qiankun roulette.

"He is ... the evil wolf.

"The evil wolf sword is ranked 93rd on the Hades list, and the mixed sword is only 105."

"I don't know, maybe there is enmity."

That's right. The two did have enemies. To be precise, Li Xielang was hostile to Chen Zong. Therefore, this is the way to do it. Otherwise, it should be a low-ranked challenge and a high-ranked challenge.

The high-ranked initiative challenged the low-ranked ones, and it looked a little self-defeating.

The fierce wolf leaned forward, his eyes were fierce and savage, and he rushed out, like a fierce wolf rushing towards Chen Zong, and the amazing killer was rushing like a tide, and he wanted to drown Chen Zong. .

The speed of the evil wolf is extremely fast. Near the moment of Chen Zong, a dark blade of light kills with the sound of hell-like roaring death, as if splitting heaven and earth with one stroke.

This knife is accompanied by a sharp and sobbing sound, like the roar and roar of the Yinfeng Wolf, straight into the spirit, it will make people feel upset, unable to stay awake, and their strength will be affected.

However, this did not affect Chen Zong.

But the power of Li Xielang's sword made Chen Zong look dignified.

Using the same knife, Zhao Yuan and Li Xielang have a huge gap, such as Tianyuan.

If Zhao Yuan's knife is likened to a snake, then the evil wolf's knife is like a dragon.

This gap is essential.

The power of this knife is even stronger than Lin Heming.

The 93rd place on the bottom list is really terrible.

The fierce wolf's sword is not only powerful, but also surprisingly fast. It is like a thunderbolt breaking through the air, and the amazing momentum has completely locked Chen Zong.

This knife is inescapable.

Full burst, mixed swords.

Suddenly, the sword light flickered to defend the sword.

"Here comes, Sword of Unbreakable Yuan."

"He can block Lin Heming's attack, but he can't necessarily block Li Xiewol's attack. Li Xiewol's strength is stronger than Lin Heming."

A knife was blocked by Chen Zong, Lin Heming was a little surprised, but the long knife in his hand didn't stop at all. The second knife was slashed out like lightning. The second knife was not completely cut off, and the third knife was cut off. .

One knife after another, the speed of the knife is getting faster and faster, and the power contained above is getting stronger and stronger, making Chen Zong's face more dignified.

"Sirius howls!" A violent drink, the sound exploded, and turned into a terrible sound wave shocking Chen Zong. Chen Zong seemed to hear the next majesty on the moon night. Gives a feeling of consternation.

As if his own spiritual will would be broken under this roar.

However, Chen Zong's spirit was extremely tenacious, resisting the shock of amazing sound waves, but the slash from the slash turned into a half black Sirius who broke through to kill.

The black Sirius only turned out with a metamorphosis of his front body. His eyes were fierce and cold and ruthless. His intentions were sharp and his claws were extremely sharp. It seemed to tear the sky and leave scratches.

The amazing murderous mix of killing intentions made Chen Zong creepy.

Field of Hearts!

Consumed by the mind, covering a five-meter circle, the knife that broke into the realm of the heart was immediately felt by Chen Zong.

This knife is very strong and strong, stronger than Lin Heming's crane gouging, and also more perfect.

However, there are still flaws in this sword. Following that flaw, Chen Zong's action is almost to the extreme. The heavy dragon sword returns to the sheath, the sword of Yue Yue starts, and the mighty power bursts out.


Ten Blades ...

Suddenly, the ten sword lights were killed, and the beheading was in a place where Sirius Xiaoyuedao was the flaw.

Amazing momentum swayed in all directions, making people's eardrums seem to be torn, and the splendid light spattered, submerging the bodies of Chen Zong and Li Xielang.

Immediately, the two figures receded.

Chen Zong looked dignified, only feeling that the palm of his sword was trembling slightly, and the strength of the impact was reduced.

The evil wolf looked a little dignified, he did not expect that this person could block his own lore, even without being injured.

People around were also surprised.

Lin Heming's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he was very shocked. He felt that Chen Zong's strength seemed to have improved a little more than he had before when fighting with himself.

This is indeed the case. After the war with Lin Heming, Chen Zong gained something. The cultivation did not improve under practice, but his strength did improve a little.

At this time, the supreme master of wine changed his normal state, his eyes flashed, his eyes stared at Chen Zong as if to see through him.

Only when Chen Zong and Li Xie wolf fought a battle, the Supreme Master of Wine even felt Chen Zong's true cultivation.

Extreme Limits!

"It's really interesting, this boy is disguised as Xiuwei." The Supreme Master of the Wine secretly said a smile on the corner of his mouth.

I have to say that Chen Zong's camouflage is indeed very bright, and the general peak of the divine realm can not be seen, but the wine respecter is not unusual. Over many strong players on the mysterious list.

Just the slightest difference, let the wine master catch it.

As for the realm of the heart exhibited by Chen Zong, the sense of the wine respecter is very weak, and if there is none, nothing can be seen.

Regardless, Chen Zong completely aroused the interest of His Holiness.

On the bright side, it seems to be a medium-level semi-holy level, but it is actually a transcendental limit, but it has more strength than an ordinary high-level semi-holy level.


"Absolutely emperor genius."

The lord of Jiujuan roared, the eyes in his eyes seemed to be able to pierce the sky, but quickly hidden, but his arm holding the wine jar was trembling slightly, betraying his inner excitement.

There is no Emperor-level genius in the entire Xuanming Realm.

The potential of an emperor-level genius is extremely amazing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you grow up, it will be very scary.

The future of the emperor-level genius is also amazing, and there is no small hope to achieve the great sanctuary.

It took a while for His Majesty to fully calm down and restore his calmness, but his eyes kept gazing at Chen Zong. He was curious whether this Zong Zong could fight head-on with Li Xielang.

After all, Chen Zong's true cultivation is only the limit of transcendental realm, while Li Xielang's cultivation is a high-order semi-sacred level, and his strength is far superior to the ordinary high-order semi-sacred level.

The impact of vigor, surrounded by the whole body, looks like a dark Sirius, the breath of Li Xie Wolf soared, his eyes became colder and shimmering with cold light.

The terrible force hit the long black knife in his hand, the blade trembled, and the sound of howling was made, making people feel cold and cold.

This sword is a high-ranking semi-holy level, and its strength is completely stimulated, so that the strength of the evil evil wolf is strengthened.

The figure is slightly low, the dark blade of the long knife locks forward Chen Zong, and the eyes of Li Xie Wolf shrink like a needle.

In the next breath, the evil wolf's body disappeared and turned into a ray of light tearing the sky, and his long sword turned into a wolf's claw, tearing the void apart.


The amazing killing intention made Chen Zong creepy.

The strength of this fierce wolf is indeed too strong, even stronger than himself now, unless the power of Shura's avatar can be used to defeat it.

However, for a time, Chen Zong did not use the power of Shura's avatar.

The realm of the heart is fully urged, and everything within five meters of the circle is clearly perceived by Chen Zong.

Zhan Yuejian inspires more powerful power, the sword light overflows, and the sword is full of energy.

"Sirius Nine Kills!" The low-drinking sound was like a roar of a wolf, terrifying. The fierce wolf that killed him was killed with a single knife.

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