Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 76: qualifications

Intent on killing, cut off!

The sword is continuous, the sword is violent like a thunder bomber, and the chill is like the wind of the nine you, sharp and unrivalled.

The black wolf phantom pervaded the wolf claws, leaving nothing to stop.

Chen Zong's sword is in his hand, Chen Zong shows the secret of Tianjing warfare, his arms are filled with a rich crystalline white breath, the breath is stagnate like clouds, which makes Chen Zong's arms soar. The sword is more powerful.

The realm of the heart is covered by a five-meter circle, and the dust within five meters is completely visible. Nine terrible dagger lights are killed, and each of them is in Chen Zong's perception.

Nevertheless, Chen Zong still felt a great threat, as if the realm of heart was to be torn by nine swords, as if his own body was to be torn.

Chen Zong only knew that his own state of mind was not unbreakable. As long as the attack intensity was sufficient, he could destroy his own state of mind.

Of course, the attack of the fierce wolf can't break his own realm of the heart, it is only a threat, but he is ranked 93rd on the Underworld. If those who are among the best, can he be broken?

Can the strongest in the holy realm be defeated?

Thoughts flashed for a while, and Chen Zong didn't think much. The current situation does not allow himself to be distracted.

Every effort was made, the Nine Spirit Wheels turned to the extreme, and it seemed to be beyond the limit. The super-spiritual force was endless.


Ten Blades Kill!

Sword of blood!

Two strokes of holy-level swordsmanship were performed continuously in an instant, resisting the fierce wolf's nine kills by the wolf.

"Sirius breaks the mountain!"

The nine bladed lights that were blocked converged into a more violent bladed light in an instant, and turned into a complete black Sirius to attack and kill. The realm of the heart trembled, as if to break.

Chen Zong felt that the power of this knife was so strong that he was unable to stop it now.

Is it necessary to use the power of Shura's avatar?

In fact, Chen Zong is not very willing to use the power of Shura's avatar here, after all, the respect of the wine respecter is unfathomable, maybe there will be some clues.

As for Shura's avatar, Chen Zong is absolutely confidential and does not want to be known. That is the hole card.

Since it's not easy to use, don't use it now.

Taking a deep breath, one's strength is excited to the utmost in an instant. Under this pressure, it seems that it is necessary to surpass the limit, and the bottleneck for practicing Qi Xiu is loosened even more.

Without using the power of Shura's avatar, Chen Zong intends to sharpen himself with the sword of Li Xielang to break the bottleneck of Qi training and go one step further.

I have to say that this approach is very risky, but Chen Zong is 80% sure.

The last time I fought with Lin Heming made the bottleneck slightly loose, but it was not so easy to really break through the bottleneck.

You can break the bottleneck by practicing on your own, but it takes a short time. If you rely on external pressure, it can be faster.

The evil wolf is an external force.

This move is like a final battle.


The overwhelming force rushed to death, such as the tide and tsunami, and Zong's face changed drastically. Zhan Yuejian almost flew out of his hand, his tiger's mouth cracked, and a terrible and horrible force rushed forward, wantonly. damage.


Every step seemed to step on the Qiankun platform, blood and blood surged, almost gushing out, but was contained by Chen Zongsheng.

Because if a counter-blood spit out, the momentum will drop.

Li Xie wolf had a meal, and immediately changed to holding a knife in both hands, his eyes burst into an extremely dazzling and brilliant, extremely cold, unparalleled killing intention, to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Chen Zong.

The killing intention is amazing, the sword light is shocking, this sword is absolutely killing, and Chen Zong will not stop.

Chen Zong's pupils shrank quickly. Such a knife was better than the one just before, and it was his own retreat. The old force was just when the new force was being born.

Now, the power of Shura's avatar has to be used.

"You ca n’t kill anyone in Qiankun Garden, but you dare to violate the old husband's rules." At the same time, a rage sounded, and at the same time, the sword cut by Li Xielang with his full-hearted killing and whole body strength also broke, and then, an The irresistible force directly bombarded the evil wolf.

With a bang, Li Xiewol seemed to be flying upside down like being crushed. He was in the middle of the air and vomited blood.

"Get out, the old man's Qiankun Park doesn't welcome you." With the second sentence of His Holiness, a gust of wind roared up the wounded body of the evil wolf, and flew out of the Qiankun Park at an amazing speed. .

The lord of wine has the rules of the lord of wine, and the lord of wine has a strange temperament, and is an unusual peak of the Holy Spirit. He dares to violate the rules in his place and must be punished without being killed directly. , Already very lucky.

Even if Sirius Gate wanted revenge, it wouldn't be revenge. The entire Sirius Gate would not be enough to kill the Lord.

The supreme drinker suddenly angrily shot, shocking others, and also gloating a bit.

In the Qiankun Garden, there are hidden rules in the battle against each other. That is, until the point is reached, you can separate the winner or the opponent. After all, it is difficult to guarantee that the shot will be heavier.

But if killing, it is not allowed.

Maybe the battle was so smooth that he could show some tricks that he could not master. He might kill the opponent and the wine lord would disintegrate. But this time, the evil wolf deliberately killed Chen Zong, and it still caused Chen Zong, who has great interest in Jiu Zun, will naturally be angry, save Chen Zong to kill Li Xielang and expel him from Qiankun Garden.

Since then, the evil wolf will become a joke.

Without one fierce wolf, everyone will lack a strong competitor. After all, the other party is the 93rd in the bottom list. If it is not so dead, in the end, it is possible to get the qualification for drinking the sun and moon. .

But now, there is no hope.

Outside the Qiankun Garden, a figure fell from the sky, smashed heavily on the ground, and bounced back. I couldn't help spitting a few blood, and my whole body seemed to be broken, and I couldn't get up for a while.

Struggling to take the elixir to take, until the power of the elixir to dissolve to relieve the injury to stand up, Li Xie wolf pale pale as a ghost howling, eyes twinkling with the terrifying killer, can not be turned into rich.

This killing is aimed at Chen Zong, and also at the Supreme Master of Wine.

If it wasn't for the Supreme Master of Wine, Chen Zong would have been killed by his sword.

Li Xielang didn't know. If it wasn't for the sake of His Holiness, Chen Zong would use the power of Shura's avatar. At that time, instead of Li Xie Wolf killing Chen Zong, Chen Zong would kill the evil wolf.

He hated the Lord of Wine because he blocked his sword.

If you know the truth, Li Xielang may be grateful to His Holiness.

"In the old man's Qiankun Garden, you can compare points with each other, but you can't hurt your life. The old man reiterates it again." The respectful drinker said coldly, and then waved his hand: "Well, you continue."

Chen Zong returned to Qiankun Roulette to rest, while healing wounds, while fighting back to the battle between Li Wu and Li Xie Wolf.

That battle was very dangerous, but it was also a good grind for myself.

Chen Zong didn't take another shot. Only in that battle, he had already seen how his strength was.

Among the remaining thirty-nine people, the highest ranking in the bottom list was eighty, a young man in black clothes, named Zheng Tuo.

Secondly, there is the 84th member of the Mingbang, a young man with long purple eyes and narrow eyes, named Nan Wukong.

"Well, now the old man announced that Zheng Tuo, Nan Wukong, Lin Xiong and Xia Ming were eligible to drink, and the others dispersed on their own." The wine respecter announced directly.

The four named were naturally happy, and those who were not qualified were somewhat regretted.

After all, Qiankun Sun Moon Wine is not simple. It can enhance the potential and stimulate the potential, which is very helpful for cultivation.

Chen Zong also had some regrets. He regretted that he could not taste the Qiankun Sun and Moon Wine, but the wine lord made this choice and could not interfere himself. After all, Qiankun Sun and Moon wine was made by the wine lord, and he had 100% autonomy.

What's more, the wine lord has a strange temperament, and his behavior has always been based on his preferences.

"Little friend, come to Qiankun Park tomorrow." Suddenly, a voice came from Chen Zong's ears, and Chen Zong slightly looked at him, and saw him nodded slightly.

One after another left with regret, only Zheng Tuo and four other named talents stayed.

They can taste Qiankun Sun Moon Wine.

Out of Qiankun Garden, Chen Zong returned to Xuanming to take the 105th Xuanming Yuan.

"The Master of Wine asked me to go to Qiankun Garden tomorrow, why is that?" Chen Zong secretly thought.

In the sense, the supreme drinker is kind, and if there is maliciousness, depending on the disposition of the supreme drinker, he will not turn around.

Of course, unless the wine lord hides himself deeply.

In any case, since the respected wine invites you in good faith ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong did not feel anything wrong, so I will go there tomorrow.

Letting go of the doubts in his heart, Chen Zong began to cultivate.

Practice is like sailing against the water. If you do n’t move forward, you will retreat. Even if it is difficult to improve, you still have to keep practicing.

Soon, the fact that the four of Zheng Tuo were qualified to drink Qiankun Sun and Moon Wine was also spread, and the incident that Li Xiewol was injured and expelled by His Holiness the Wine was also spread.

All these news Chen Zong ignored, one night passed, and the next morning came, Chen Zong left the Xuanming District and went to Qiankun Garden.

When he came to the gate of Qiankun Garden again, it was still open and unguarded. Chen Zong walked into it without hesitation.

Qiankun Garden is quiet and deep. There is a kind of indescribable comfort and a sense of joy.

"My little friend, please come here." The voice of His Holiness the wine passed into Chen Zong's ears through the void.

Following the instructions of the Supreme Master of Wine, Chen Zong walked to a kiosk shortly after, and a figure was sitting inside the kiosk.

"Please sit down, my little friend." The respectful drinker smiled slightly.

"I don't know if the seniors called the juniors, what's the advice?" Chen Zong asked when he sat down.

"Rest assured, the old man is not malicious to you." The supreme drinker laughed: "but you hide very deeply, boyfriend."

Chen Zong's heart moved.

"In this world, we should hide some more. Mu Xiu and Lin Feng will blow. If they don't have enough strength, they must keep some." The wine respecter sighed with emotion, and then stared at Chen Zong: Come to you, not for others, but to invite you to drink. "

"Please, drink me?" Chen Zong felt a little confused, and it was really unclear what the Lord ’s deed was doing.

"My wine is called Qiankun Sun Moon Wine." The supreme drinker laughed, and immediately magnified Chen Zong's eyes.

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