Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 84: Tragic

The overcast wind swept through the air, blown by itself, and the five of them suddenly felt involuntary, and the film was numb.

The five were immediately vigilant, the breath permeated the whole body, and they went on and on every day.

There were several pauses, except for the occasional blow when the chill was overcast, and the five continued to move forward, but remained highly vigilant.

This dim square seemed to be artificially built, very wide, and the light in the distant surroundings became increasingly dim. With the extraordinary eyesight of everyone, it became blurred and difficult to see clearly.

"Separate each other to see the situation." Lin Yi frowned slightly and said immediately, his words were firm and unquestionable.

The four did not have any objections. In short, when they had no objections to Lin Yi's leadership, then there would be no objections to some of Lin Yi's commanders, of course, it would depend on what kind of command they were.

If it was a random command, no one would ignore him.

Instantly, each of the five men ran quickly in one direction, extremely fast.

Immediately, as if there was a tacit agreement, the pupils of the eyes contracted in an instant, and a ray of splendor appeared.

I saw huge sarcophagi at the edge of the square as if they were inlaid on the wall. Each sarcophagus was spaced about ten meters apart.

Each sarcophagus is engraved with many weird patterns, and they are combined like a beast.

From those sarcophagi, everyone could feel an unspeakable ... chill.

Suddenly, the clicking sound sounded extremely harsh, making the five people's hearts tremble slightly, becoming more vigilant.

I saw a gap suddenly cracking in the sarcophagus, and opened it little by little, the coffin lid seemed to be heavy, making a dull sound, echoing in this dim square.

The yelling wind suddenly growled, blowing, and a hint of black breath came out from the open sarcophagus, like a smoky billow.

The chill struck, as if in a **** of a hell.

None of the five were comparable to ordinary practitioners. Without hesitation, they immediately pulled back and reunited again.

There seemed to be something inside the sarcophagus, which was waking up as the sarcophagus opened, and breathed an amazing breath.

Strong or weak, it is not clear, it is not appropriate to start directly, not to mention that there are many sarcophagi, it is better to converge first.

When the sarcophagus lid is fully opened, a thick black atmosphere that can't be melted rolls in the sarcophagus, faintly roaring like a sea wave, and smashing everything like a black hurricane, more like a horror breeding in it Extreme monsters.

Bang Bang!

The sound of continuous explosions swelled, and the thick black gas bursting into waves, bursting into amazing black waves, rushing out, with a total of fifty, like fifty long rivers of water rushing, Extremely cold, it also contained a terrible and unpredictable shock, which made the five people look different and more dignified.


The fifty black breaths turned out to be a strong and powerful qi, and the qi rushed before it reached everyone, and everyone felt a kind of wave that originated from the spirit and was disturbed. Health, it seems that there are grieving claws tearing in the air, and it seems that the bones are floating.

Shaqi is a terrible force. Once shocked by Shaqi, if the spirit, will, spirit, etc. are not strong enough, it will be affected, illusions will appear, and even immersed in it until the heart is exhausted and reduced to wandering, like a walking dead.

However, the five of them are all arrogant. They not only have extraordinary talents, but also have stronger soul strength than ordinary semi-sacred levels. They also have a stronger mental will and are naturally more resistant to the shock of evil spirits.

Having said that, no one is willing to bear the impact of evil spirits, which will continuously consume their own spiritual will and mental strength.

Although the five had never practiced, each of them had experienced hundreds of battles and had rich experience. All of them made accurate judgments and practices in an instant, back to back, facing the impact of evil spirits, and shot.

Gorgeous long swords on the wing of the forest wing came out of the sheath, the sound of crickets was clear and sharp, and the sword light was gorgeous. Immediately, a glimmer of light was brought out in this dimness. Go forward.

Zheng Tuo slammed his arms and clenched his fists, his two fists exploded, and his fist turned into a roar of storm.

Nan Wukong's fingers glowed with a **** glow like a sword. When he swept forward, the action seemed slight, but it was very fast. It seemed to cut a void and left a **** scratch.

The Jackdaw's hand did not know when a black and faint short bow appeared, but there was no arrow. Opening the bow, a black light condensed into an arrow on it, and shot out.

The gold shen yuejian came out of the sheath, and the astounding weight of 150,000 kilograms was exerted by Chen Zong in an instant, as if dancing a mountain and rolling up a terrible wind, and the roar was endless.

As soon as the five men shot, they immediately shattered the fifty strong evil spirits, and the terrible force pushed the evil spirits back.

However, those evil spirits diffused, but quickly diffused away, spreading to zero and spreading in all directions, flooding the dim square, after all, no matter how large this dim square is, there are limits. How can everyone avoid it? Let the shaki spread and become thin, reducing the impact.

This is also unavoidable. In this way, even if it is affected by evil spirits, it will not be so strong.

A terrible roar sounded, like a roar of some kind of beast, very weird, fell in the ears of everyone, could not help but a chill from the bottom of my heart, a kind of creepy feeling.

The scarlet light radiated like an aurora, traversed in the black mist, and stared at the five from all directions. It seemed to find the peerless deliciousness, and it sent out an amazing crazy roar and roar.

Even in this black evil spirit, everyone's vision is more disturbed, and they can see the body that emits scarlet rays.


At least it looks like a person, with both hands and feet running upright, but it's not a person. The robes on his body are broken, as if eroded by years. The exposed skin is dark, and many wounds roll out, looking shocking. .

"The evil spirit is like a tide ... This is the evil corpse." Zheng Tuo looked dignified.


A monster whose corpse has undergone corpse transformation under the most intense evil spirits is powerful and fast, its body is better than steel, and it has severe poison. If it is hit, it will likely enter the body. Will become infected into evil spirits.

There are fifty total corpses, which rushed out from the sarcophagus, and burst into shock at an alarming speed. The terrible horror was mixed with the amazing stench, which was disgusting and alarming.

"It's fast, at least it's high-end semi-holy."

"That's ..." Suddenly, Lin Yi stared at some of the corpses, his face changed greatly, because he found that the corpses were a bit familiar, he had seen it before, and once I thought about it, it was the ancient army that was dispatched here. The Xuanhui high-level semi-holy level, did not expect that they not only died, but also became a terrible corpse.

The crisis came, and all five knew that if they were not careful, they would probably suffer a big loss here, or they would be hit and turned into evil corpses.

Fifty corpses approached fast, lightning fast, and waved their claws to kill them, bringing a terrible wind to kill them.

The stench made people feel dizzy.

The five of them quickly held their breaths to avoid that smelly smell from affecting their own strength.

Lin Yi shot it with a sword, and the brilliant sword light was extremely dazzling. He shot with a mysterious charm, hitting a dead body, but made a dull sound.

The huge force smashed Jianguang, and the corpse's body flew upside down without any obvious damage.

Chen Zong slashed across the sword. Under the collision, Chen Zong could feel that the recoil was very strong, but under the amazing power of Jin Jin Shen Yuejian, the evil corpse was bombarded tens of meters directly and rammed into other evil corpses. Shocked several corpses and rolled them down.

Such a mighty sword did not kill the evil corpse, but left a mark on the body.

Chen Zong was amazed. The corpse of this evil corpse was so hard that it was almost comparable to the high-end semi-holy artifact.

If the other corpses are the same, there are as many as fifty such corpses.

No wonder the high-end semi-holy levels who entered here before will die, how such a terrible evil body is an opponent.

Even though the five of them are all powerful and powerful, they feel pressured.

The evil spirit was permeated, but the corpse that was injured by the crowd absorbed the evil energy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The wound healing power was not affected at all.

"It's not easy. The environment here is good for the corpses." Zheng Tuo looked dignified.

The five of them depended on each other, back to back, and confronted the corpses directly, stalemate for a while.

The evil atmosphere is good for the evil corpses, but it is not good for everyone. Although the evil atmosphere is scattered and becomes thin, it will always impact everyone's mind and will. The time is okay, and it can be fully tolerated. As time goes by, the impact will become obvious.

These corpses are difficult to entangle. It is not so easy to kill them. A little injury will not affect their strength.

"I have a way to absorb the evil spirits here, but I need you to protect me." Chen Zong said.

"OK." The four agreed immediately.

Immediately, the four of them dispersed, protecting Chen Zong in the middle.

Chen Zong said this because of the relationship between Shura's avatar.

After entering here, Chen Zong also found that the power of Shura's avatar was suppressed. After all, Shura's avatar belongs to the practice of entering the holy realm. Here, the practice of entering the holy realm is restricted, so it is suppressed and cannot be inspired.

But this will not affect the practice of absorbing evil spirits. Chen Zong has already tried it a little before saying so.

Protected by four people, Chen Zong immediately made Shulu, who was in the sea, fully cultivate.

As soon as the saint-class superb burnt-out Shura Gong was operating, the evil spirit that suddenly pervaded the surrounding area rushed from all directions like a tide, spreading to Chen Zong, and suddenly wrapped Chen Zong's whole body up and down. Startled.

Immediately afterwards, the rich black evil spirit continued to pour into Chen Zong's body. After entering the body, he quickly smashed into the head and entered the sea of ​​knowledge, which was then absorbed by Chen Xiu and quickly refined. nt

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