Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 85: Skeleton

The evil spirit was surging and surging from all directions, and it was as fierce and fierce as the returning river.

When the tide was passing by, the four of Zheng Tuo felt a chill and couldn't help but feel embarrassed, but when they thought that Chen Zong could absorb the evil, they had to hold back.

Otherwise, the evil spirits will not be eliminated. Fifty evil corpses are like fish, but they will be very bad for five of them.

When Chen Qi entered the body, Chen Zong also felt a chill invasion, raging through the body like a blade, making Chen Zong extremely uncomfortable, but also unknowingly improving Chen Zong's ability to withstand Qi.

Although these evil spirits are fierce, and they are impure, they are nothing to Shu Xiu Chen Chen. As soon as Shao Gong is burned, he will immediately convert the purification and absorption of evil Qi into sacred evil forces, and continuously improve his cultivation.

These evil spirits have accumulated for many years and precipitated for many years. They are very magnificent, and even if most of the mottled parts are refined, the remaining pure parts are also amazing.

Chen Zong estimates that after all the evil spirits here have been refined, the cultivation of his Shura avatar will rise.

It seemed to feel that the evil spirit was decreasing, and the evil corpses instinctively felt bad and became violent.

Roar Roar!

The roaring roar sounded, and the corpses rushed madly. They felt that the source of the reduction in qi was there.

Only by killing that person can we prevent the reduction of evil spirits. For a time, the pressure of Zheng Tuo's four people increased greatly.

But no matter how great the pressure is, they must also hold it up, otherwise Chen Zong will not be able to absorb the evil spirits, and they will fall into the previous predicament.

I just hope that Chen Zong can absorb the evil spirit as soon as possible.

A moment later, most of the evil spirits disappeared, and the evil corpses became more violent.

Zheng Tuo surrounded the whole body of Chen Zong, resisting the attack of the mad corpse.

Zheng Tuo is no longer empty-handed, with a heavy long knife in his hand, and carrying a knife with both hands to roll up a violent hurricane, each knife burst out with incredible strength and violentness.

Look at this sword, the name of the wild cut is well-deserved.

Nan Wukong's **** is amazing, each finger is sharp and sharp like a sword, glowing with a **** light, leaving a trail of blood in the air, the blood scar is shocking.

Lin Yi's swordsmanship is indeed superb. The sword light is extremely brilliant. Each sword is very mysterious, and it also contains an indescribable emptiness.

Jackdaw had a short bow in his hand, and burst without breaking the bow. Black arrows shot out, and the corpses violently hit were repelled.

Tianbang is arrogant and has great strength. If it is changed to an ordinary high-grade semi-holy level, it has already been abused and killed by the corpses.

The evil spirit is getting less and less, but the corpse is becoming more and more violent. Chen Zong continues to absorb the evil spirit, and the cultivation of Shura's avatar is gradually improved.

Entering the holy realm in the middle and heavy!

"Chen Zong, are you okay?" Lin Yi growled in a low voice, and the pressure brought by the corpses became more and more difficult to support.

"Wait a moment." Chen Zong responded very briefly.

The final evil spirit was sucked into the body as much as possible. Suddenly, the hall returned to a clear and bright, and the repair of Shura's avatar instantly broke through again.

The first stage of the Holy Land!

The practice of going to the holy realm is not easy, and often requires a lot of effort and energy and time.

Being able to break through from the early stage to the late stage can be regarded as a great gain.

No matter what else, the improvement of Shura ’s cultivating behavior alone made Chen Zong ’s trip a great deal, at least saving years of practice time, and his life-saving hole card was stronger.

After the deity enters the body through shaki, the ability to withstand shaki is also greatly enhanced. When the power of Shura's avatar is borrowed in the future, it can better bear its load.

Jin Jin's Shen Yuejian shuddered, making an extremely dull sound, and the sword's air broke through thousands of troops, and he suddenly knocked a few corpses.

The evil spirit disappeared, and everyone felt a lot more comfortable. Chen Zong joined the battle, which also relieved the pressure of the four people, losing the evil spirit, and the evil corpses also had a slight advantage.

The 150,000-pound Jin Jin Yue Yue sword was terrible, and was completely inspired by Chen Zong. The power was unmatched, and each sword was overbearing.

Chop Chop!

The sword is endless, a touch of gold across the sky, even though the sword is extremely heavy, weighing 150,000 kilograms is very amazing, but the strength of Chen Zong is very powerful, and he has a high degree of control over the control of the sword and his own power. The weight of the sword did not affect him in the slightest.

Several swords slashed out in a row, and immediately broke the hard film and body of the corpse, and cut off the waist.

After losing the evil spirit, once the dead corpse is injured, it is difficult to recover quickly, and the advantage is not obvious.

The five of them took out their respective strengths, and together, the corpses were beheaded and killed one after another. Subconsciously, the five also competed secretly to see who killed more corpses.

Two quarters later, all fifty corpses were beheaded.

Among them, Chen Zong killed 12 heads, Zheng Tuo killed 13 heads, Nan Wukong killed 11 heads, Lin Yi killed 8 heads, and Jackdaw killed 6 heads.

Chen Zong beheaded and killed twelve heads, which made Nan Wukong's eyes narrowed and looked more and more narrow, while Lin Yi looked a little uncomfortable, but the jackdaw did not have any strangeness, or even looked at any strangeness. Not coming out.

Immediately, the five also quickly checked.

Fifty sarcophagi were completely opened, the evil spirit disappeared, and all fifty corpses were beheaded and killed, so what next?

Can't find the other door, just leave?

Leaving nothing?

Just as everyone was wondering, a strong wave seemed to emerge from nothingness, so that the five of them immediately gathered strength and were extremely vigilant.

"Hmm ..." The hoarse, gloomy, and sharp weird laughter suddenly sounded, as harsh as the rusty iron piece frantically rubbing, extremely uncomfortable, and immediately rolled up a gust of wind and howling, a faint Figures also appeared in the vast hall.

The figure seemed to be shrouded in a black robe, very mysterious, like a projection from another world. When the black robe phantom appeared, a terrible coercion spread.

It's cold and cold, like prison, majestic and majestic.

Extremely terrible, it is definitely a strong man in the sanctuary, making all five feel a fatal crisis.

"What's your senior name?" As the team leader, Lin Yi spoke first, asking carefully.

"The deity is a bone-bone man." Hei Ying said, his husky, sharp voice still sounded so harsh, but it also shocked everyone.

Chen Zong didn't feel much. After all, the title had never been heard before, but the other four people, including Jackdaw, shivered.

"Bone bones ... Bone bones people ..." Lin Yi's tongue was knotted, and she was shocked, even a little bit shocked.

Chen Zong didn't know the reputation of the skeletal Taoist, but they knew that it was the top ten superpowers on the mysterious list, and his reputation was not only good, but fierce.

Except for the newcomers like Chen Zong, many people in the Xuanming Realm know the fierceness and horror of the skeleton bones.

Being able to rank on the mysterious list itself has very terrible strength. The top ten strength of the mysterious list is even more amazing.

"Don't be nervous, if the deity is going to kill you, you won't stand here intact." The ghost of the bone Taoist laughed.

But the crowd still couldn't help feeling creepy, even if Chen Zong didn't know the arrogant and mighty might of the bones, there was a kind of palpitations.

It seems that if the other party wants them to die, that one will not survive.

Even if it is Xuanming Palace, you also have to avoid the bones of Taoism, that is the murderous name.

"You can find a cave where the deity stays here, even if you have good luck." The ghost shadow of the skeleton bones again said, the voice is still so harsh: "The deity left a chance here, but can it be obtained, It depends on whether you can pass the test set by your deity. "

Hearing the opportunity, everyone's breathing became quicker.

The opportunity left by the top ten in Xuanbang is absolutely extraordinary.

After the ghost shadow of the skeletal body spoke, it disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, and the amazing coercion disappeared without a trace.

"Who are the bones?" Chen Zong asked.

"Don't you know the bones?" Lin Yi asked.

"The Skeleton Taoist is the eighth super strong in Xuanbang, and he is still a monk. His temperament is temperamental, and then the murder is serious and the door is destroyed, and his strength is extremely powerful. Even Xuanming Palace is unwilling to provoke him. Takubu said not stubbornly.

"As far as I know, the skeletal Taoist got a great chance in his early years, it seems to be called the cadaveric inheritance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, which created his ostentatious name." Nan Wukong added.

Chen Zong was horrified at the words.

The Xuanming list in the Xuanming domain is actually a shadow of the Xuan list. It is more difficult to be ranked in the Xuan list than in the Xuan list.

The eighth in the mysterious list, what an amazing ranking, how powerful it is, it is impossible to estimate, it is definitely many times stronger than the wine respecter.

The most important thing is that the corpse bones are scattered, unrelated, and so terrible. No one wants to provoke him at all. After all, if he provokes such a strong person, he cannot be killed at once, and he will be remembered by the other party. revenge.

Anyone who is horrified by a terrible power will feel scared and scared, even if it is such a powerful force as Xuanming Palace.

After all, they have a large family and a large number of people, but there are very few people who can confront such strong men as corpses, and the whole Xuanming Palace can only find two or three.

Do these powerful men not protect the rest of the Xuanming Palace all day long without practicing?

That is impossible.

According to them, the corpse bone can be ranked in the top ten of the mysterious list, and no one dares to provoke it. In addition to his own strength, there is another reason, that is, the corpse corpse.

The skeletal tradition inherited by the skeletal Taoist is very unique, and it can be used to make corpse cymbals. It is rumored that there are nine horrible cadavers who have reached the peak of the Holy Land under the strength of the skeletal Taoist. They are not afraid of pain and fear of death. Even more terrible.

Everyone is looking forward to what kind of opportunity the skeletal people will leave.

Inheritance of corpse road?

Maybe not, what could it be?

However, if you want to get the opportunity left by the skeletal Taoist, you must pass the test set by him, so what is the test? nt

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