Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 86: Corpse prison

Beyond the mysterious land, the sacred realm of the ancient Xuanhui still stood and waited.

Within the secret place, five Chen Zong are also waiting, waiting for the test that the skeletal Taoist said.

The yin wind spontaneously emerged from all sides, swept from all directions, a bone-bone door emerged out of nothing, and gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the door, everyone felt a creepy feeling, just felt a cold current rushing to the brain.

Pieces of pale bones and skulls were piled together, and the hollow eyes of the skull were dark and deep, as if staring at everyone, pressing their hearts.

Amazing gloomy chills constantly permeated from the bone-bone gate, as if there was a peerless demon sleeping in it, which made people afraid.

For a moment, five people did not move, invisible pressure appeared in the bottom of their hearts, arousing the deepest string in everyone's heart.

Chen Zong took a deep breath, ruling out the slightest hesitation and shock in his heart.

Immediately, the looks of Zheng Tuo and others also became firm, even if **** was ahead.

"Chen Zong, you are best at defense, or you are the first to enter." Lin Yi said directly, "Zheng Tuo, you enter with Chen Zong."

One offense and one defense.

Chen Zong and Zheng Tuo had no objection. The two stepped out together and disappeared into the bone-bone gate instantly.

"Go." Lin Yi said immediately, stepped out, and stepped into the boney gate with Nan Wukong and Jackdaw.

As soon as he stepped into the bone-bone door, Chen Zong felt a cold chill spreading, attached to the membrane, and seemed to infiltrate his own bone marrow.

Looking out, countless corpses were floating, rolling like the water of a long river, pale eyes seemed to stare, making Chen Zong can't help creeping out, the chill can't restrain from the deepest inside.

Immediately, Chen Zong's pupils contracted, and pale bones piled up in the distance.

Corpses become rivers, bones are mountains!

What is this place?

Chen Zong also found that Zheng Tuo, who walked into the bone-bone gate with himself, disappeared.

This seems to be a world of corpses and bones. Only one person is alive.

Suddenly, a sense of loneliness that seemed to be abandoned by the world emerged from the deepest heart.

Overcast winds blow in, mixed with a disgusting taste of decay, permeated with a pale and silent atmosphere, filled the heavens and the earth, the independence of the world, seems to be targeted, excluded, and hostile by the entire world.

The unspeakable chaos of the will came from all directions and rushed into Chen Zong's knowledge of the sea, and chaos within the knowledge of the sea seemed to tear Chen Zong's knowledge of the sea.

Under the impact of this chaotic will, the spirit will be extinguished at any time like the flame of a candle in the wind.

However, Chen Zong's soul is very powerful, and even strengthened with his spiritual will. In the face of such a chaotic and willful shock, he can completely resist, and the fire of the soul is burning, but those chaotic wills are burned one by one.

However, the indescribable sense of loneliness is not only impossible to exclude, but it keeps accumulating and deepening, becoming more and more vigorous.

Loneliness is the natural enemy of intelligent beings, especially human cultivators. Being lonely for a long time is a great and difficult challenge to the mind.

Especially in such an environment, the corpse becomes a river bone and the mountain, and the cloudy wind will be chaotic like ghosts, constantly eroding the mind and impacting the spiritual will.

While bearing the impact of the chaotic will, Chen Zong stared around, sharp eyes swept past.

"Illusion?" Chen Zong thought out.

If it were not for an illusion, where such a terrible scene would come from, Zheng Tuo and the other three would disappear.

But it's too real.

Chen Zong pays that with his current ability, ordinary illusions do not work at all.

After all, the illusion is aimed at the mind, or the spiritual will, which is related to the soul, and Chen Zong's soul is very strong, the mind is also very strong, the original heart is difficult to invade, and general illusions can't be confused.

Chen Zongdar asserted that if he wanted to confuse his illusions, the strong would also be recruited later in the sacred realm.

But if it's not an illusion, it would be amazing.

"Well ... you can only break into this demon corpse, you can break it." The somber, sharp, husky voice sounded suddenly, as if it came from the bottom of my heart, and surprised Chen Zong.

It's the voice of the bones.

This is the test set by the skeletal Taoist. As for why he wanted to leave a cave in this place and set a test, Chen Zong did not know, after all, Gao Ren acting had his own thoughts.

In other words, the skeletal man behaved in a mood and mood, and maybe he was left with a test of opportunity when he was happy.

Those are all things for corpse bones. As of now, it is to leave this corpse bone prison, or to leave this corpse bone prison.

"Destroy the heart ..." Chen Zong groaned, pondering the meaning.

The sound of clicking and clicking sounded continuously, and I saw that the corpse in the corpse was standing upright. The body was stiff and stood upright like a zombie. The dead and silent eyes suddenly radiated the bloodthirsty light of Senhan, staring at Chen Zong, letting Chen Zong's body was tight for no reason.

Then, as if the bones on the bone mountain were stirred by an invisible force, they flew up, pieced into one after another, the hollow eyes burned with scarlet flames, filled with amazing chill and fierceness.

A chill rose from the deepest part of the heart, like a spring.

Chen Zong looked dignified.

The so-called skeletal prison, is this the zombie and the skeleton?

The zombie jumped suddenly, leaped high, and fell down with a terrible decaying breath, rushing to Chen Zong. The scene where hundreds and thousands of zombies jumped together made Chen Zong extremely shocked.

And the skeletons are like a rush of troops and horses, and the shock of horrible blasts seems to swallow Chen Zong.

Alone, with a sword in hand, Chen Zongwei stayed still, his eyes staring coldly at the front, facing the impact of the corpse prison.


Killing and robbing the heart is killing and killing the corpse prison.

However, this killing cannot be confused by the intention of killing the mind, but it is the killing of the true heart in the sober state.

The gold Jin Shenyue sword swept out, as if the Qianjun army was easy to split, the majestic and overbearing, the sword front was terrifying.

If Jianguang ran across the sky like a waning moon, the bodies of more than a dozen zombies were swept away, and then he stopped and cut off. Chen Zongyi sword was in his hand, like a **** of war on the battlefield.

Kill kill!

Amazing killings pervade the whole body and surround them endlessly, and almost become substantive. Under normal circumstances, this killing will make people lose their sense and become addicted to killing, but Chen Zong's heart is extremely calm and completely free from strong killing influences.


two hundred!


Eight hundred!

Nine hundred!

one thousand!

Constantly beheaded, gradually, Chen Zong gave birth to a kind of enlightenment.

Killing and cultivating heart!

Persevering in the heart during the killing, and not being disturbed by the murderous spirit, is to refine the heart.

For Chen Zong, it doesn't seem to be difficult.

With Chen Zong's soul strength and spiritual will and Kendo realm, such killing would have no effect at all.

The killing was emptied, and the corpse bone mountain crumbled under Chen Zong's sword and turned into a ash fly.

The world in front of him began to collapse, and Chen Zong's expression did not change half, and some just calmly, watching all this coldly.

Immediately, the shattered world began to disappear, Chen Zong was a little surprised, and he returned to the original empty hall, but in the hall, only one of them, Zheng Tuo and four others disappeared.


Chen Zong speculated that perhaps they also entered the so-called corpse prison with themselves, but they had not yet killed the corpse prison.

While waiting, Chen Zong cultivated.

Time passed slowly, and about a minute later, a figure changed from bleak to solid, which was Zheng Tuo.

As soon as Zheng Tuo appeared, he saw Chen Zong.

"Brother Chen can pass the corpse prison?" Zheng Tuo asked.

"Killed." Chen Zong responded.

"Admire." Zheng Tuo sighed sincerely.

Only by experiencing the test of the so-called skeletal prison in person did he know the difficulty. He Zhengtuo ranked 80th on the Ming Ranking, while Chen Zong ranked 93rd, a gap of 13 places.

However, when dealing with the corpses before, Chen Zong absorbed all the majestic and powerful spirits in a magical way, and then killed and killed twelve corpses, only one less than himself.

However, you should know that Chen Zong ’s title is Mixed Sword, and what he is best at is defensive swordsmanship. Mixed Yuan is not broken, and his title is slashing, and what he is best at is offense.

Therefore, beheading and killing 13 evil corpses on his own can't be more than Chen Zong.

Now, Chen Zong is past the corpse prison one step earlier than himself. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

"Brother Chen, I dare to conclude that you will soon surpass me in the rankings," Zheng Tuozheng said.

"Brother Zheng, inherit your good words." Chen Zong smiled.

This answer also indirectly acknowledged Zheng Tuo's words, and also revealed Chen Zong's great confidence in himself.

Beyond Zheng Tuo!

To Chen Zong, it was just a matter of time.

You should know that Zheng Tuo's cultivation is a high-level semi-holy level. It is difficult to go further on this level of semi-holy level, and the space is very small.

On the surface, Chen Zong is a medium-level semi-holy level, but it is actually a low-level semi-holy level, or he has just broken through to a low-level semi-holy level. There is still a lot of room for improvement in the low-level semi-holy level.

At a glance, we can see that Chen Zong has higher potential than Zheng Tuo.

When his cultivation reached a real mid-level semi-holy level, Zheng Tuo was definitely not his opponent.

Even at the low-level semi-holy level, Chen Zong has the confidence to overtake Zheng Tuo.

The two did n’t talk much, they cultivated each other. The arrogant Tianjiao was not blown out, but the actual strength. Each of them was very serious and worked hard, but time would not be wasted, let alone be tested. It is even more rewarding.

About a few dozen breaths passed in the past, the third figure appeared, and there was no air in the south.

Seeing Zheng Tuo, Nan Wukong was not surprised, but when he saw Chen Zong, the kind of surprise on Nan Wukong's face was very obvious.

Turned out to pass the test of corpse prison earlier than himself.

After a while, Jackdaw's figure also appeared, and finally, it was Xuankong Jianlin Wing.

Seeing that he was the last one to appear, that is, he was the last one to pass the test, Lin Yi's face sank slightly.

At this time, when all five passed the test of corpse prison, the hall shook for a while. nt

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