Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 87: Corpse

In the main hall of Xingyun City's Sirius Gate in Xingyun House, the atmosphere was cold and cold, and it was extremely depressed, making people breathless.

The Sirius Master was sitting in the first place, his face was cold, and the whole body was filled with terrible killing intentions, as if the waves were turbulent and turbulent, and everyone else was lowering their heads to speak, for fear of offending Sirius.

The fierce wolf was killed in Xuanming City, and they received the news not long ago.

After all, the evil wolf died, and the accompanying quadruple guards who died in the sanctuary also died. No one deliberately sent the news back, so I knew it was a bit late.

This is why Sirius Gate is not good enough in intelligence. In the final analysis, Sirius Gate is one of the great forces in Xingyun Mansion, but it is nothing at all for the entire Xuanming Realm.

Sirius Gate previously wanted to enter Xuanming City and set up a resident station, but unfortunately, resources are limited, and Xuanming Palace and those major forces will not allow it at all.

"Say, what to do, don't you usually say it one by one?" Sirius suddenly burst into anger, sounding thunderous.

"Master, that Chen Zong is on the low list and stays in Xuanming City. He is still valued by His Holiness. It is very difficult to deal with him." An elder said after gritting his teeth, and immediately felt only a cold look. Gaze on the body brought a lot of pressure, a trace of cold sweat could not help exuding from the forehead, and some regretted speaking, but now that we have to speak, we must continue to say the words, but also have to be justified: "If we take revenge, success, then Already, it will be very bad for us if we fail. "

"I suggest, ask someone to take a shot." The elder added that his eyes were getting colder and colder.

"I think the infamous Heisha should be happy to do such a thing."

"Heisha." The main pupil of Sirius Gate shrank.

Heisha is a dark force, the largest dark force in the Xuanming Realm, which is comparable to the strong existence of the Xuanming Palace, and hidden in the darkness, it is very mysterious and difficult to entangle.

The genius of the right path is arrogant, and Heixa likes assassination the most.

If the people of Heisha are asked to take a shot, they will never refuse.

However, Sirius Gate can be regarded as the right way in any case.

Sirius Gate is weighing the pros and cons.

If it is known that they contacted Heisha to assassinate Tianjiao Mingbang Tianjiao, the consequences would be very serious and they would be destroyed directly.

"The three elders, leave this to you." Sirius Gate's eyes twinkled with a faint green luster, and his voice was low.

"Okay." The three elders were the ones who suggested to find Heisha's shot. They could only agree with it bitterly.

Finding Heisha is a line of risk, but it's better than your own shot. As long as it is kept secret, Sirius Gate will be fine.

As a powerful dark force, naturally there are many secret strongholds, and even some strongholds are on the bright side, disguised as others, such as inns, restaurants, and even some small shops, etc. are possible, they are almost all-pervasive and invincible.

"The ninety-three mixed Yuan sword Chen Zong ..."

"The mission has been determined. The lower limit of the bronze level is required to receive the mission."

Soon, the contact was completed, and the mission was released in Heixa.


At this moment, Chen Zong and the other four Mingbang Tianjiao stay in the secret place of the ancient Xuanhui.

All five people passed the test of corpse bone prison left by corpse bone Taoists, and appeared in the original hall, and the sudden changes occurred.

The ground of the hall shook and cracked slowly, and a thick, extremely rotten evil spirit permeated, such as black smoke rolling, very ominous.

Chen Zong felt a palpitation. This kind of evil spirit was different from the previous one, and he did not dare to absorb it. At least, the deity did not dare to touch it, otherwise his vitality would be damaged.

It is possible that Shura's avatar can absorb, but he must leave the deity.

There are other people present today, of course, Chen Zong will not reveal the Shura avatar.

Among the black rotten evil spirits, there is a sarcophagus. The sarcophagus is huge and thick, permeating the ancient and vicissitudes. I saw that the sarcophagus was engraved with many twisted faces.

Is this what the skeletal people say?

Is the sarcophagus a treasure?

Or is there anything in that sarcophagus?


Speculations quickly flashed through everyone's minds.

The sound of clicking and clicking sounded continuously and it was very harsh and shocking.

The five men fixed their eyes, staring closely at the slowly opened sarcophagus, with tense strength flowing endlessly, arrogant attacks erupting at any time.

But after the sarcophagus lid was completely opened, nothing strange or dangerous happened, and I saw a figure lying quietly, or a body.

The body was wrapped in black cloth around the whole body, and the face could not be seen, but there was no vitality. There was only a trace of decay and vicissitudes, with a hint of evil spirit. Are shocked.

"Five juniors, this is the chance for this deity to stay here, a corpse corpse." The voice of the corpse Taoist said: "Hey, the corpse corps is here, and after being cultivated for so long, it should be able to enter the peak of the holy realm. , But how to control it depends on your own ability. "

The voices of the skeletal bones went silent, but the five of them burst into a fiery glow, staring at the corpse in the sarcophagus.

If the corpse at the top of the holy realm can be used as an ambassador, it will definitely be a great help. At least, it will become a huge life-saving card.

In the final analysis, everyone was invited by the ancient Xuanhui to explore the secret place at a high price. The harvest in the secret place should belong to the ancient Xuan society.

Moreover, even if this corpse that reached the peak of the sacred realm got their hands, they did not have the corresponding means to make the ambassador, and they had to pay the price that they could not bear.

Lin Yi waved his hand and included the sarcophagus and corpse directly into the ring.

This secret exploration is over, the so-called secrets are also known, and of course the five will not continue.

Have left the secret place.

"All are coming out." The commander who entered the sacred realm took a sigh of relief, but for some time he was a little worried.

After all, it is the five arrogant Tianjiao. If you die in the secret land, the loss to Xuanming Realm is huge.

Especially Lin Yi, that is the arrogant arrogance of the Ming Bang carefully cultivated by Gu Xuanhui, and it is not to be lost.

Fortunately, all came out alive, and it seems that there is no loss.

"Are you ready to explore the secret place?" Lin asked again, staring with some hope at Lin Yi.

"Go back and talk." Lin Yi said, and then nodded.

Immediately, under the **** of a commander in the sacred realm such as Commander Lin, he quickly left and returned to Xuanming City.

As for the secret place, it is naturally useless.

There is a strong **** who enters the sacred realm, and naturally it is safe. After all, if you want to move them, you must send a stronger one.

Enter Xuanming City and head to Guxuan Tower.

The four waited on the fifth floor of the ancient Xuan Building. They were entertained by the forest steward, who also chatted and asked what happened to everyone after entering the secret place.

That's not a secret, of course, it will not be concealed deliberately.

As for Lin Yi, who left with the corpse corpse, it was the corpse corpse at the peak of the sacred realm, which was of great value, and the ancient Xuan Huicai was so thick that it was not impossible to get a method to control the corpse corpse.

When you get the corpse at the peak of the holy realm, the top strength of the ancient mysterious society will be strengthened again. Naturally, you can surely keep the amazing wealth and expand it further.

"The skeletal man, did not expect it to be the Dongfu he left." On the fifth floor of the ancient Xuan Tower, Lin Guanshi was shocked after hearing about it.

The corpse is a man, that is a peerless murderer in the Xuanming Realm. I did not expect that it was left by him, and it was also a corpse who reached the peak of the holy realm.

This time, Gu Xuanhui made a lot of money.

As for now, it is to wait for the follow-up rewards to the four arrogant Tianjiao in the Ancient Xuanhui.

This initial reward has been given, and subsequent rewards are related to the harvest in the secret land. The greater the harvest, the greater the reward.

They didn't let everyone wait too long, and about half an hour later news came.

"After the high-level assessment of the ancient Xuanhui, there are two follow-up rewards for the four, the first one is one of the two." Lin Guanshi still looked a little surprised, his gaze swept away and said, "First, everyone You can get two thousand yuan yuan, second, or a treasure worth two thousand yuan yuan. "

The four of Chen Zong were silent, not too few, but ... many.

Two thousand Yuan Yuandan!

You need to know that the pre-remuneration they received before was worth more than 300 yuan and nearly 400 yuan. Even if it is very good, now it has increased more than five times.

Sure enough, this follow-up reward is really amazing.

"Lin Guanshi ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What about the second kind of remuneration?" Chen Zong asked, although surprised, he was still sober.

"The second kind of reward is my Guxuan Tower concession. Since then, if you four come to my Guxuan Tower to buy, all of them are 20% off." Lin Guanshi said, this reward surprised everyone.

Who knows that the ancient Xuanhui Ancient Xuanlou is the largest firm in Xuanming City, selling many treasures.

20% discount, and no matter what treasures are 20% off, it is really amazing.

Two thousand yuan Yuandan!

20% off!

It's really a big deal.

"I choose two thousand yuan Yuandan." Chen Zongwei smiled.

Now that I am practicing by myself, elixir is sufficient for the time being, and I can buy it at Guxuanlou after taking it.

After all, choosing two thousand yuan Yuandan is still a treasure equivalent to two thousand yuan Yuandan, the difference is not big, it is just before and after.

But want to come back, it is natural that Di Yuandan is more convenient, that can not only be used for cultivation, but also can be used as currency circulation, killing two birds with one stone.

Zheng Tuo, Nan Wukong, and Jackdaw also made choices.

"I don't know how many people think we Gu Xuan will be?" Lin Guanshi asked with a smile again.

Jackdaw didn't say anything, the three said each one, and they had a good impression of the ancient Xuanhui.

"I wonder if some of them would like to join our ancient mystic society?" Lin Guanshi asked again.

If they can recruit these arrogant Tianjiao to become members of the ancient Xuanhui, the potential of the ancient Xuanhui will be greatly enhanced.

Lin Guanshi may promise that as long as he joins the ancient mysterious society, he will get the most important training.

Unfortunately, all four refused.

"If you are interested, you can come to Guxuanlou to me." Lin Guanshi said, leaving a back road, and then sent the four Mingbang Tianjiao out of Guxuanlou. nt

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