Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 88: Instantly die

The sum of the ancient Xuanhui's remuneration is not lucrative, but Chen Zong is not very excited. After all, the Yuan Yuan Dan he owns is not small.

What really made Chen Zong happy was that he had absorbed a lot of evil spirits in the secret place, so that De Xiulao's Xiu Xiu was promoted from the initial stage of entering the holy realm to the late stage of entering the holy realm, and his strength also rose.

It can be said that in the secret place, the five most proud of the Tianjiao Tianjiao were actually the most successful, but Chen Zong. As for the Xuankong Jianlin wing, although he got a corpse that reached the peak of the sacred realm, he had to hand it over to the ancient Xuanhui Seniors, get some rewards themselves.

It is believed that the reward he received will be more generous than that of Chen Zong and four others. Who made him the Tianjiao that the ancient Xuanhui focused on training.

If Chen Zong's four choose to join the ancient Xuanhui, they will naturally receive corresponding treatment.

After receiving the reward of the ancient Xuanhui, the four left the ancient Xuanlou and walked to Xuanming, returning to the Xuanming Yuan each.

The Xuan Ming Yuan on the 93rd is the Xuan Ming Yuan where Chen Zong now lives.

When Chen Zong opened the protection of Xuanmingyuan on the 93rd, he opened the door and walked in. When he closed the door again, a shadow appeared as if he was passing through the void, flashing like an illusion.

After two breaths, Chen Zong's pace kept changing, but his eyes flashed sharply.

The moment I opened the door and walked in, I felt an unpleasant sensation, permeated from the deepest part of my heart, and turned into a strong sense of crisis that swept through my body, pressing my heart and soul.

Chen Zong knew that there was a crisis approaching, which was in this Xuanmingyuan.

It is just in which direction the danger comes from, but it is difficult to make an accurate judgment for a while.

But Chen Zong did not show the slightest difference, as if he continued to walk without knowing it.

A strong sense of crisis is becoming apparent.

As soon as Chen Zong opened the door and walked into it, the surrounding light suddenly darkened, as if it had turned from day to night in an instant. Even if Chen Zong had excellent eyesight, it was difficult to see things, and it seemed that his vision was temporarily deprived. same.

Immediately, a slightly sharp sound sounded, as if the sharp blade quietly tore through the sky, stabbed to the heart from Chen Zong's back, and died in a single blow.





With no effort at all, he only wanted to kill Chen Zong.

I have to say that the attacker was very decisive and very sophisticated, and he was a super assassin.

If Chen Zong wasn't half-aware and half-prepared, he might have succeeded.

But Chen Zong already felt it, but he couldn't determine where the opponent would shoot, so he kept pretending not to know, and waited for the opponent to take the initiative.

At the moment when the light became dark, Chen Zong excitedly released the realm of the heart, covering a range of five meters.

Even though his eyes were limited by darkness and could not see the object, the realm of the heart was not affected at all. When the other party entered the range of five meters, the lightning-like speed seemed to drop a lot, allowing Chen Zong to grasp it further.

However, the person who made the shot reached the mid-second stage of entering the sanctuary, and was particularly good at the speed and strength bursting out. The speed that broke out in an instant suddenly approached the third level of entering the sanctuary.

With this kind of strength, it is a sneak attack, even Tianmingjiao is hard to avoid.

But unfortunately, Chen Zong is not the general arrogant Tianjiao, but Tianjiao with a strong card in his body.

Under the realm of the heart, let Chen Zong capture the opponent's fatal blow and the extremely lightning-fast attack. It ’s too fast. Even if there is a realm of the heart, Chen Zong cannot fully react to avoid it, even with the realm of the heart. There are signs of collapse.

The triple dragon rhinoceros body is only a high-order semi-sacred artifact, which can withstand the attack of the high-order semi-sacred artifact, but it is difficult to resist the blow of entering the sanctuary double and holding the second-grade artifact.

Speaking late and fast, Chen Zong has done his best to respond, but the reaction that is usually proud at this moment seems to be ineffective at the moment. Only with a strong sense, can I feel that sharpness is unmatched. Heiman radiates in the realm of the heart, as if to penetrate the realm of the heart.

Since Chen Zong ’s cultivation has broken through to the lower semi-sacred level, although the range of the realm of the heart has not improved, the stability has improved a lot. Otherwise, before such a breakthrough, such a hit of the realm of the heart is unbearable. Will collapse, and now, barely able to hold on for a short breath.

It may sound short-lived, but in fact, it is enough to divide birth and death.

The deity reacted too late, his strength could not keep up, and he was able to use the power of his avatar.

Tiansha force field!

At an instant, there seemed to be a buzzing sound in the air. The terrible evil came out like a volcanic eruption, and it swept across like a turbulent tsunami. The black-robed man who got the hand-kill was a little meal. , Dark and deep eyes revealed a touch of horror.

The wickedness is boundless, the bones are floating, as if those who had been killed by themselves have turned into resentment and came to avenge and demand death. Rao is his ruthlessness and he feels trembling for a moment. Tremble.

There is a slight disturbance of strength in the body.

"Not good." For a moment he reacted immediately. He was afraid that he was caught in an illusion and had to concentrate part of his mind to resist the illusion brought by evil spirits. Distracted invisibly, making his strength impossible. Fully played out, falling 20% ​​out of thin air.

Immediately, a figure appeared next to Chen Zong. The evil spirit more than doubled in an instant, as if the flash of a torrent burst in an instant, shaking the mind.

The fatal grievances demanding more and more horrible, and the impact on the mind became more obvious, had to allocate more mind to resist, making the mastery of their own power further decline, which indirectly weakened their strength.


With the emergence of Chen Zongxiu as Chen Xiu, the power of the Tiansha force field has been strengthened, and the strength of the opponent has been indirectly reduced by 30%. Conversely, Chen Xiu ’s strength has increased by 40% due to the relationship of the Tiansha force field.

If the other person's cultivation is one of the most important to the sanctuary, then the weakening will be more obvious.

Of course, the extent of this weakening is not only related to Xiu Wei, but also directly related to the strength of the individual's mind and will.

This killer kills a lot, is extremely hot, and his heart is very tough, otherwise the impact will be more obvious.

Although the exercises practiced by this killer are also holy grades, they are only holy grades, while Chen Xiu ’s practice is the holy grade of the incineration of Shura Gong, which has a huge gap in essence.

What's more, during this period of hard work, Chen Xiu practiced the burning of Shura Gong to the eleventh floor. The Holy Power is extremely pure and extremely powerful.

The elite three-class holy artifact Qingshuang Hansha Sword is amazing in strength. One sword is in hand, and the cold air overflows. The temperature in the surrounding area drops sharply in an instant, and a few pieces of frost spread across it, as if to freeze everything.

Once Chen Xiu, who is holding the Qingshuang Hansha Sword to reach the first stage of entering the sacred realm, has taken the shot, the ordinary triplets in the early stage of entering the sacred realm can compete.

Killed with a single sword, the cold and bright Jianguang glowed with a terrible evil spirit and chill running through the sky, and the speed was amazing, like a frost and lightning strike.

The sword and the dark short blade collided in an instant, and the terrible force slammed out, causing the short blade to collapse, and a little chill spread, and it seemed to freeze the short blade.

Fierce as a dragon!

The first move of the Burning Shura Swordsmanship was performed. The terrible shame turned into a roar of the dragon, sending out an amazing roar, impacting the opponent ’s mind, causing the opponent ’s mind that was constantly impacted by the Tiansha force field to fluctuate in an instant, like a city wall. It was broken like a gap, and fell instantly.

In the crisis of life and death, it is deadly for such a mind to be broken, even if it is too late for him to respond.

As if the cold dragon and evil spirit condensed together, the dragon was astonishingly domineering and sharp. It swept across the darkness without seeing five fingers, leaving an ancient trace.


The Hansha Dilong disappeared, but the black-robed man stood stubbornly, motionless, as if he had been fixed.

The darkness within a few meters of the surrounding area instantly retreated and disappeared without a trace. Only a black robe figure stood and was directly exposed to the broad daylight.

As soon as the darkness disappeared, Chen Xiu disappeared, and he re-entered Chen Zong's sea of ​​knowledge and continued to cultivate.

As an avatar, he has a complete and sophisticated heritage, and there is no limit to cultivation as a bottleneck. Naturally, he must practice wholeheartedly. Not only must he cultivate the Shari Shura Gong to promote cultivation, but he must also cultivate the Shari Shura sword to improve strength. Transformation cannot fall.

In addition, the Tiansha force field has to be cultivated as well, which is very easy to use.

Standing still, it seems that the heart of the black robe who is being fixed is penetrated ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ leaving an astonishing sword hole, the frost on the edge spreads, and the blood is completely frozen.

Kill with one sword!

From the time when the black robe man attacked Chen Zong to be killed, the whole process was very short, but it was only a dying time, but it was divided into victory and loss and life and death.

Too fast.

Masters fight, only one breath, one breath difference, life and death are unexpected.

The fighting time was extremely short, and Chen Zong opened the protection of the Xuanmingyuan again, so that the breath fluctuations here did not spread and did not attract the attention of others.

The man in the black robe fell to the ground and Chen Zong stepped forward to check the origin of the other party.

The imprint on the back of the other's left hand caused Chen Zong's pupils to contract instantly.

"Mark of Hexa!"

Chen Zong was startled, and his hair was upright.

Heisha is the first dark force in the mysterious realm. It has existed for many years.

Could it be that he has been stared at by Hesha again?

Immediately, Chen Zong calmed down and thought carefully.

It's possible to be retargeted by Heixia, and another possibility is revenge.

Whose revenge?

Thinking abruptly, Chen Zong thought of Li Xielang, and then thought of Sirius Gate.

Sirius Gate does have a motive for revenge, but as a righteous force, Sirius Gate should not collude with Heisha?

But Chen Zong is not a fledgling rookie. Many experiences have already sharpened Chen Zong to maturity.

In this world, where there is light, there is darkness, and where there is a gentleman, there are villains. Some people seem to be gentlemen, but in the dark they are no different from villains.

"Sirius Gate, if I find out that you colluded with Heisha to assassinate me, I will never give up." Chen Zong secretly flashed a faint flash of light through his eyes. nt

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