Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 4: Sima Dasha

Chen Zong did not miss the auction sponsored by Gu Xuanlou, but he did not get anything.

For one thing, the auction didn't have anything that it specifically needed.

Second, wealth is not enough.

For the time being, what Chen Zong needs most are high-level exercises and martial arts, and treasures that can be quickly repaired without side effects.

It is a pity that only one of the highest grades of refining exercises appeared in the auction, and it is a holy grade, which does not meet the requirements of Chen Zong.

Furthermore, even if he meets the requirements of Chen Zong, Chen Zong cannot afford it.

After all, Chen Zong's wealth is more than 4,000 yuan.

The most common sage-level Chinese style exercises start at least five thousand yuan.

As for upgrading the treasures, there are also Chen Zong also bidding. Unfortunately, in the case of insufficient wealth, it ultimately failed.

It can be said that Chen Zong gained nothing at this auction.

No, it should be said that there is no gain other than gaining some insight.

In this regard, Chen Zong was not disappointed.

Although Tianyuan Sacred Realm is richer than the four upper realms, it also needs corresponding wealth or ability to obtain.

"Are the Chen Yuanzong in the mixed Yuan sword?"

There was a sound of indifference outside Xuanmingyuan.

"Who?" Chen Zong responded to the inquiry and opened the door to look.

I saw a young man in black with a long shawl scattered outside the door, half of his face was covered by black hair, and the other half was indifferent.

"You are Chen Yuanzong of the mixed Yuan sword?" The young man in black embraced the black sword, his eyes stared indifferently: "Follow me."

Chen Zong couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

"What's the matter," Chen Zong responded directly.

Inexplicably, I have to take a trip with him. Is he free?

"Young and young called you over," said the indifferent man in black, and then added: "Sima young."

"I don't know." Chen Zong closed the door directly.

Sima young?

I have never heard of it, but Chen Zong is reminded of the Sima family, one of the most powerful forces in the Xuanming Realm.

Maybe that Sima Dasha is a child of the Sima family.

But what about that?

Inexplicably, he named himself to pass by, but did not say what was the matter, Chen Zong naturally ignored it.

Seeing Chen Zong closing the door, the indifferent black man's complexion suddenly changed, his eyes burst with amazing coldness, faintly with a touch of murder, the sword in his arms trembled gently, and a terrible cold murderous laser shot out. It seems that the sword is going to scabbard and break the protection of Xuanmingyuan.

But this indifferent black man still didn't do it in the end, because he knew that even if he did, there was nothing he could do to protect the Xuanmingyuan.

"Chen Zong, Master Sima summons you, that's your luck, don't make mistakes." The indifferent black man resisted anger and murderousness, sang in a deep voice, and the sound passed through the protective force like ripples and spread, falling Into the ears of Chen Zong.

"Sima Dashao." Chen Zong did not respond, but groaned slightly.

On the bottom list, there are also a few people in the Sima family. It seems to be about five or six. Some rank higher than themselves, and some rank lower than themselves.

The highest ranking seems to reach the top ten.

That young horse may be one of them. As to whether it is the highest ranked one, Chen Zong is not clear.

Obviously Sima Dasha is not a name but a title.

Chen Zong didn't think too much, filtered out the clamor of outside noises, and continued to cultivate.

The indifferent black man threatened to leave after several clamoring threats to no avail.


"Failed?" In the ninth Xuan Ming Yuan, a young man in a white gown was sitting in the first place, smiling slightly.

"The subordinates are not good at doing things, and please ask for punishment." The indifferent man in black was no longer half indifferent, but looked down and bent sincerely and fearfully.

Behind the white shirt youth stood another man in black. The appearance was similar to that of the indifferent black man. The difference was that the hair covering his face was different, one was covering the left, and the other was covering the right. Seven or eight points are similar, a flash of worry is flashing.

Disadvantages, the consequences are not small.

"It looks like this rookie has a lot of personality." Young Sima, a white-shirted young man, ignored the fear of the indifferent black man, but chuckled softly: "I didn't expect that I hadn't been here for a while, but I was out. So interesting newcomer. "

"Brother, presumably this person thinks that he is ranked as the great pride in the bottom of the list, but it is just a superficial person." The woman in the same white shirt sitting on the side laughed, also the top of the list. one.

"Rourou is right. Chen Zong didn't know which soil was from the backcountry. He didn't know the reputation of his elder brother. Otherwise, he didn't need to call someone to call him, and he would run over and worship him. Underfoot. "Another young man laughed, with a proud look on his face.

This person, who is also a direct child of the Sima family, is also Tianjiao, and his ranking is above Chen Zong.

"Hehe." Sima Sima seemed to enjoy the feeling of being held up high, but did not lose his reason and become arrogant: "I originally saw him as a personal talent, and it is worth training, but since he is so ambitious You don't need to bother. "

"Zhao Er, I will not punish you this time." Sima Dasha said indifferently to the man in black who was sincere and afraid to bow his head.

"Thanks a lot," Zhao Erlian bowed, thankful.

After a while, Sima Ruanmen and Sima Li walked out of the No. 9 Xuanmingyuan.

"The elder brother didn't care about that earthworm because the elder brother was generous and generous, but he dared to disobey the elder brother's will, that is, hitting our face." Sima Li looked coldly, his eyes flashed fiercely.

"That's right, Brother didn't take the shot, that was disdain." Sima Rou also looked for a moment, his eyes darted to shoot out.

"Let ’s go, you ’ll know that this earth is thick and thick." Sima Li smiled coldly.

As soon as Sima Li and Sima Rot turned, they walked towards Xuan Ming Yuan on the 93rd.

Chen Zong is being interrupted again while he is practicing.

Unlocking the protective forces and opening the door, I saw the extraordinary appearance of a man, a woman, and two young men standing outside, staring sharply like a sword, gazing into Chen Zong's face, and it seemed that Chen Zong was going to be pierce.

"You're Chen Zong, a mixed Yuan sword who is known as a mixed sword?" The man said, his eyes looked with a bit of scrutiny, and his words also meant a bit of interrogation.

"What's the matter?" Chen Zong's brow frowned slightly, and she was interrupted to cultivate, especially the other party's attitude was still the same, naturally she wouldn't welcome each other with a smile.

"My elder brother summoned you, but you refused, it was really arrogant." Sima Li smiled coldly, his eyes burst into an extremely sharp light, as if to pierce and tear Chen Zong, a terrible mental coercion and shock So, with the idea to subdue Chen Zong.

However, Chen Zong was unmoved and didn't seem to feel half the same.

"Sima family?" Chen Zong asked.

"Knowing that we are from the Sima family, dare to do so. I really don't know where the soil came from." Sima Rou said. Although the sound was good, the words were sharp and difficult to hear, with a high meaning.

"Don't get out of here." Sima Li drank suddenly, as if the thunder burst the void.

"There is something to talk about, nothing to go." Chen Zong's voice was cold as a sword.

"Okay ..." Sima Li and Sima Rou were both irritated by Chen Zong, especially Sima Rou, with a beautiful and good family background, and his own strength is extraordinary. This is the first time I have been so scolded.


Sima Rou shot with anger, with a wave of his hand, as if the butterfly was dazzling like a flower, and a touch of sensation was permeated at the fingertips, as if the air was torn by a knife.

This move is full of change, unpredictable, and unrelenting in its power. It directly shows the amazing strength and strong foundation of the arrogant and Sima family geniuses.

Suddenly, the opponent shot mercilessly, letting Chen Zong's eyes flash a chill.

Jiu Jin Shen Yuejian immediately emerged from the sheath, taking up a terrifying sword, as if compressing the power of a mountain like thunder and beheaded.

This sword, Chen Zong also did not stay.

As soon as Chen Zong came out of the sword, Sima Rou's look changed slightly, and the power diffused by that sword was beyond imagination.

"Bold!" Sima Li screamed, stepped out and pointed like a sword with a sharp stab, and his fingertips were pierced through the void with a golden metallic luster, like a short sword pierced to Chen Zong. The body penetrates.

Although Sima Rou was surprised, his shot was unambiguous and changed very quickly. The moment when he first collided with Jian Guang, countless strengths were released, and the rigidity and softness were constantly changing, constantly weakening the strength of Chen Zong's sword ~ ​​www. wuxiaspot.com ~ Lianchadai also seems to be a butterfly wearing a flower-like wrap around the sword body, which is close to Chen Zong, and the fingertips are permeated with the sharp coldness of the forest, tearing everything.

Suddenly, Chen Zong was facing two arrogant attacks, and both of them ranked above themselves, even above Zheng Tuo.

One-on-one, Chen Zong had to do his best to fight, let alone the other two shot and attacked.

Instantly, Chen Zong was in trouble.

Field of Hearts!

After constant enlightenment and cultivation, the realm of Chen Zong's heart reached six meters.

At present, the improvement of the realm of the mind is the improvement of the scope. The other improvements are very subtle. Chen Zong does not know when it will be able to change qualitatively.

The realm of the heart is still too deep for himself.

In the realm of the heart, Chen Zong's attacks were captured clearly by Chen Zong, very mysterious, much more powerful than the evil wolf, and Wu Feng could not compare.

This is a gift, and it is also the heritage of the family.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's overall strength has improved a lot during this period. Otherwise, he has been defeated. If so, he can barely resist the two people's blow.

Immediately, Chen Zong stepped back and opened his protective forces.

With a buzz, an irresistible force emerged out of thin air, pushing the physical shape of Sima and Simali apart.

Taking a deep look at the two, Chen Zong closed the door and didn't bother.

At present, the strength of the deity is not enough to fight the two, and continue to fight against each other.

Second, here is the Xuanming District, where fierce conflicts are not allowed.

Sima Ruanmian Simali was about to explode. The force of the force was incessantly violent. He directly bombarded the protective power of Xuanmingyuan and successfully attracted the strong guarding the Xuanming District. nt

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