Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 5: Strength improvement

(Something goes out, I'm late)

"I really don't know how good this soil is." Sima Li was furious and murderous.

"He must die." Sima Roujio's beautiful face was full of astonishment and murder.

For the first time, it was the first time she was so humiliated as the proud girl of the sky.

Yes, in Sima Rou's view, Chen Zong's various responses are shame on himself.

It was finally warned by the strong guarding the Xuanming District that if they were not the children of the Sima family and the Tianjiao of Mingbang, they would be severely punished.

Therefore, both Sima Li and Sima Rou have a great hatred for Chen Zong, and this hate cannot be washed away even by the torrential river water.

Those children of the family, the birth conditions and environment are hundreds of times better than ordinary people, even thousands of times, and the growth environment since childhood is also very good, which is not comparable to other people.

Naturally, they will develop some habits or personality.

Some family disciples will become humble and courteous, the same in appearance, and some family disciples will be modest and courteous on the surface, but they will be completely opposite and look down on anyone.

Some family disciples behave very directly, that is, they consider themselves superior, and look down on ordinary or low-income people. If they are offended, they will be furious, even if it is only a small matter, they will breed a sense of murder, and they will not let go unless they are killed. It will even cruelly destroy the door.

When it comes to acting fiercely, some children of the family have to overcome dark forces such as Heisha.

What happened to the two members of the Sima family, Chen Zong quickly left them behind, what happened?

To no avail.

After all, it is strength.

Only when you are strong enough can you avoid unnecessary trouble.

For example, the Skeleton Taoist ranked eighth in the Mysterious List and was alone, but no one dared to provoke it. Even the forces such as Xuanming Palace were unwilling to provoke, because the cadaver Taoist was very strong.

Weakness is the original sin.

Regardless of the cause, right or wrong, the weak will be suppressed, killed, and will be defined as wrong.

Power is everything.

Although there are other truths to be said, strong and weak are the main theme and the root.

If it is their own practice to break through to the mid-level semi-holy level, then the two may not be their opponents.


Work hard!

After calming down, Chen Zong took a sip of ten years of Qiankun Sun and Moon Wine, and began to refine its power, absorb it, and improve it.

Improve Qi training first, after all, you are basically exerting Qi training strength against the enemy now.

Chen Zong stayed in the Xuanming Yuan and generally did not leave. In addition to the previous assassination incident in Heixia, the guards in Xuanming District were very strict. It was extremely difficult for the Heixia people to mix in, and the price was too great.

Although Sima Li and Sima Rou of the Sima family hate Chen Zong very much, but there is no good way to deal with Chen Zong for a while. After all, martial arts are not allowed in the Xuanming District, and Tianjiao is no exception.

As for challenging Chen Zong, they are higher than Chen Zong on the bottom list. Taking the initiative to challenge Chen Zong is lowering their status.

In a flash, half a month passed.

In the 93rd Xuan Ming Yuan, a burst of breath suddenly erupted, rising into the sky, as if a sharp sword pierced the sky, sharp and vigorous, majestic and vast, deep and overbearing.

The semi-holy power cultivated by the tenth layer of Taiyuan Moyun Gong is very overbearing.

Immediately, Chen Zong ’s cultivation also broke through. He was promoted from a low-level semi-sacred level to a medium-level semi-sacred level. This breakthrough not only doubled the amount of Chen Zong ’s semi-sacred power, but also doubled his purity and power. powerful.

The overwhelming power fluctuations permeated the whole body and filled Chen Zong with a touch of joy.

Although it was just a breakthrough, Chen Zong could feel that he was stronger than before by several percent.

If it is stabilized for a period of time and cultivated for a period of time, it is not an illusion to double its strength.

With the breakthrough of cultivation, the potential of the soul was also further released, and various martial arts mysteries emerged.

Chen Zongjing sat sitting cross-legged, still and still, the arrogant breath gradually restrained, and the whole person seemed to become like wood.

Countless auras of light emerged in my mind, as if countless figures flickered endlessly, and as if countless sword lights tore through the sky.

Every figure and every sword light is extremely mysterious.

This sit-in was half a month long, Chen Zong's eyelids trembled slightly, and the eyes that had been closed for a long time seemed to be condensed, and a mysterious mysterious wave permeated from the bottom of the eyes.

The breath was exhaled from the mouth, and it turned into a ray of sword air breaking, tearing everything through everything, as if it were indestructible.

The practice of Qi training is to break through to the intermediate semi-holy level.

There are also breakthroughs in the Thousand-Person Sword Technique and the Dripping Sword Technique, and the Qianying Thousand Phenomenon and Phantom Nine Transformation also achieved breakthroughs.

He got up, jumped up, and pulled out his sword.

Chen Zong practicing sword.

This practice was only suspended for three days and three nights.

"Next, it's time to move around." Wu Jin Shen Yuejian returned to her sheath, and Chen Zong hung a cold smile.


"What, Chen Zong, a hybrid sword, challenged Chang Tianjun Simali!"

A piece of news, such as the storm sweeping away, detonated Xuanming City again.

Nan Wukong, Zheng Tuo and others were shocked when they heard the news.

Chang Tianjun Sima Li is a direct child of the Sima family. She is a high-grade semi-sacred and powerful, ranking 76th on the bottom line.

Chen Zong ranked 93rd.

The battle between Chen Zong and Li Xielang that day proved that Chen Zong's strength had already threatened Nan Wukong and Zheng Tuo's qualifications, but they were just qualifications.

As Zheng Tuo said, Chen Zong will sooner or later overtake himself, but Zheng Tuo does not think that Chen Zong will be able to do it in a few months, at least for several years.

After only two or three months, Chen Zong actually challenged Simali.

Has his strength greatly improved in these months?

"Okay, take the initiative to come to you in search of death, and I will complete you." Sima Li suddenly sneered after learning about it.

"This time you have to seize a good opportunity to abolish him." Sima Rou's beautiful face flashed a moment of light.

At this time, they were thinking about how to deal with Chen Zong, but they did not expect that the other party would take the initiative to initiate a challenge, and the opportunity was just right.

"Relax it softly." Sima Li shook her hands, as if to crush Chen Zong.

"The ninety-third of the Blacklist challenged the seventy-sixth." In the ninth Xuanmingyuan, a sturdy young man with a gold and black battle armor showed a smile of interest.

I haven't been to Xuanming City for a long time. I didn't expect to come here this time, but encountered such an interesting thing.

Maybe take a look.

A news was a storm, and the Lord of Wine naturally knew the news.

"This boy." The Supreme Master of Wine shook his head, but did not worry. After only a few contacts with Chen Zong, he knew that Chen Zong was not a reckless person.

Since he dared to take the initiative to challenge, on the surface he was confident.

But at that time, I have to come forward, after all, that is the people of the Sima family, what if I want to overpower others?

No matter what the argument did, it did not affect Chen Zong.

Three days passed by.

Still inside the Wudoutai, Chen Zong has arrived, standing on the Wudoutai, eyes closed, calm and calm, slowly comprehend and wait.

Many people had gathered around Wudoutai, but the warrior Changtian Jun Simali had not yet arrived.

Time passed slowly, the blink of an eye was an hour passed, and Smali still didn't show up.

Chen Zong stood on the Wudoutai and waited for an hour under the watchful eyes. He did not feel irritable but calm.

This is mentality and spiritual practice.

The two hours passed, and the waiting people were already impatient, but Chen Zong's look remained unchanged.

"This Smarley shelf is so big."

"That is, they are from the Sima family."

"He did it on purpose. He used this method to delay time and deliberately made Chen Zong's heart furious."

It was another half an hour later, and Sima Li was late.

He took a leisurely step, his face glowed with a bit of sharpness, and there was a sharp touch of deep under his eyes, gazing at Chen Zong from Wudoutai through the sky.

At the same time, Chen Zong's eyes opened and a ray of cold mang burst out, as if the sword gas burst into the air and fired at Sima Li.

Sima Li snorted, and a proud sneer hung from the corner of his mouth, and then stepped forward, his body turned into a streamer-like flight, and landed on the combat platform instantly.

"I'm thinking about how to deal with you, you just come to your door, just right." Sima's voice rang directly in all directions, very mad: "Rest assured, I will not kill you, but as punishment, I will abolish you The repair is ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Let you know that the earthen owl is the earthen owl, and it will go wherever it comes from. "

"You don't have this ability." Chen Zong's answer was straightforward and simple, sharp as a sword.

"Soon you will know if I have this ability." Sima Li seemed to be questioned, smiling angrily, sneer again and again, staring at Chen Zong with astonishing sharp eyes, it seemed to tear Chen Zong's body.

Raising his right hand, a dreadful cold mang penetrated through the fingertips, piercing the sky, and struck Chen Zong with awesome power and murderous intention like aurora lightning.

She Jin Shen Yuejian came out of the sheath, brought a loud noise, and smashed out in the sky.

It seems that Chen Zong's cultivation is still a mid-level semi-holy level, but this time it is a real mid-level semi-holy level, not a disguise, and there is no need to disguise it.

The black and gold swords are bright and powerful, violent and unmatched. One sword breaks the finger, and rolls up the terrible blade storm to kill.

A thunder on the ground, slightly surprised Sima Li, seems to be a lot stronger than a month ago.

But Smali didn't have any concerns. He had no confidence in his strength.

The armbands cover the forearms and palms, and the five fingers are extremely sharp, shining with a ray of golden magic, which is extremely dazzling.

This is an unusually high-order semi-holy level. Its power is stronger than the ordinary high-order semi-holy level.

A series of ten-finger shots, a horrible aura of vitality, shot through the void, and after breaking the sword light, they shot at Chen Zong.

Hengjian was ahead, blocking every horrible finger from lasing, Chen Zong stepped out, his shape turned into a path.

Hundred Shadows and Phantoms!

This is the second aspect of the Qianyingqianqian body method, and it is also familiar with it. The application is very delicate. For a moment, the entire platform is the figure of Chen Zong, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false. nt

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