Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 6: Arrogant

On the Wudou stage, there are over a hundred figures, endlessly illusioned, true and false are difficult to discern, and everyone around the Wudou stage is dazzled.

Sima Dasha, in a white shirt, and a young man in a black, gold armor, glanced at them a little, swiping past and seeing through falsehood, locking Chen Zong's true body.

Their ranking is very high and their strength is not comparable to what Chen Zong can now.

But in most people's eyes, they can't see where the true body is.

Sima Li's eyes wrinkled slightly, and he found it difficult to see through the body for a while.

Immediately, I saw his pupils shrink and rotate. It seemed that the starlight bloomed and became extremely sharp. It seemed to be able to pierce all the illusions, look directly at him, and draw out with one finger.

Refers to the extremely sharp blade-like, tearing everything.

Chen Zong's heart froze, and he felt a sense of being cut apart.

The other person's eyes are weird, it seems that some kind of pupil technique has been performed, so that he can see through his body.

After all, Hundred Shadows and Phantoms is a figure that confuses others to confuse others.

The giant sword smashes, the strength is unparalleled, the sword qi is vertical and horizontal, the instant collision, the terrible breath is extremely sharp, tearing everything around.

Chen Zong only felt an astonishing force that penetrated everything, killing himself through the sword body, as if to tear his body and pierce it, and Sima Li also felt a terrible force, such as The thunder was outrageous and brutal.

The figure flickered into two, although less than before, it was more solid, as if it were all real.

The nine magic changes!

With a breakthrough, Chen Zong's Qian Ying Qian Phenomenon not only improved, but also the magic Luo Jiu transformation.

Smali found that his pupils could not see through.

As if it were all true.

"Changhong Blood Rainbow!" Smali drank in a low voice, and Smali swiped her fingers, bringing a touch of golden streamer, and a blood color flashed on the edge of the streamer, as if the blade of blood was swept towards the two figures.

The third figure flashed and killed Smali.

"Isn't Chen Zong the best at defensive swordsmanship?"

"His swordsmanship is said to be unbreakable. Why didn't he cast it?"

Some people don't know why.

But who knows that the so-called mixed yuan does not break swordsmanship and is the best at defending the argument, which was given by others, and Chen Zong himself has not acknowledged it.

Sima Li is a monarch-level genius. He practiced the famous long fingerings of the Sima family and was called Chang Tianjun. The long fingerings were exquisite and sharp, and contained amazing penetrating power.

Fingers left traces in the air, crisscrossed and crisscrossed, as if weaved into a large net, falling down in the air.

The big net is extremely sharp, cutting everything.

Chen Zong seems to be under the hood like a fish in the net.

The sword rises, the light shines, tearing the sky.

In an instant, there were hundreds of swords that were extremely sharp, tearing the sky.

Extremely powerful!

Hundreds of swords are extremely sharp, killing the hundred nodes that turned into giant nets, which are just weaknesses.

Giant net is broken!

A volume of blood light, as fast as an aurora lightning, burst into an extremely fast speed.

One of the swords of dripping blood

When Chen Zong's Xiu Xiu broke through to the mid-level semi-holy level, Xiu Xiu was promoted, and the sword skills exhibited were faster and stronger, and he had a deeper and better understanding of the dripping swordsmanship.

Killed with a single sword, the blood shines like a thunderbolt, illuminating Simali's eyes, making Simali frightened. Between the contraction of the eyes and pupils, the starbursts emitted are becoming sharper and sharper. barrier.

The fingers are dazzlingly golden, shining in all directions and endlessly, as if astonishingly sharp and astonishing.

One finger swept through the void with the mighty power of Pei Ran Mo Yu, leaving a shocking finger mark, as if he had swept across the soil heavily, for a long time.

The sword gas collided with the finger strength, the blade edge collided with the fingertips, bursting out amazing power, extremely sharp, tearing all directions.

Immediately, the blood light exploded, erupting into an astonishing power, as if a thousand-year volcano was erupting instantly, extremely fierce, destroying mountains, destroying mountains, and dying.

Burst of blood!

This is the second trick of the Dripping Sword. Unlike the speed-focused Sword Blasting Blood, the Sword Bursting not only has amazing speed, but also contains terrible power. It can burst everything in an instant. Destroy everything.

This sword is more powerful than a sword, and naturally more mysterious and harder to cultivate.

If Xiu ’s breakthrough potential is not stimulated, Chen Zong will have to spend a lot of time and energy to practice it.

Smali's look suddenly changed, and he tried his best to erupt.

"Broken Star!" It was like the roar of a sleepy beast. All the forces were compressed, condensed and spun out. One finger shot out, and a dazzling touch of stars bloomed with dazzling light. It shone in all directions, but broke apart in an instant.

When the flash of starlight shattered, a horrific force spewed out as if to destroy everything.

This is the power of the broken star, which is the seven secret attack methods of the Sima family. Simali has been practicing for several years and has achieved great success.

The power released by Dacheng ’s Qipin Attack Secret is very powerful, and he directly smashed a sword and burst his blood, killing Chen Zong like a bamboo.

This is a finger that was exerted only after Smalli's strength was condensed and compressed to burst out. The power is terrible.

Celestial War Body!

This is also a seven-class secret method, but it is not an attack secret method, but a supplementary secret method. Once it is cast, it will increase its own strength, which is obtained from the memory of King Taiyuan. Chen Zong also cultivated it to the state of Dacheng, and the strength increased significantly. .

Burst of blood!

With the increase in the battle body of Tianjing, Chen Zong once again issued a sword, and a volume of blood light broke out, terrifyingly powerful and shattering everything.

The domineering broken star pointed to a meal, and then broke, and the sword was extremely horrifying and blasted out.

For a while, Smali couldn't resist, and she could only retreat quickly, but she was still a step behind.

With a bang, the blood-colored sword light was full of amazing power. It bombarded Simali, and the force of the extreme force shocked and exploded, directly knocking Simali back, as if swallowed by blood, and fell to the battle table.

The blood was gone, Simali backed up again and again, but was not injured. A layer of protective power flashing on his body appeared on his surface, and it was firmly protected, which was the life-saving treasure given by the Sima family.

The life-saving treasure is naturally very precious, but it was consumed here without expecting, which made Simali, who was very angry, angry.

Falling on the Wudoutai, Simali was defeated. If he did not have a life-saving treasure, the sword would be severely damaged if he did not die, so he was defeated.

"You **** it!" Sima Li stared at Chen Zong, with hatred like a torrent rushing away, seeming to tear Chen Zong completely.

Sima Rou also looked at Chen Zong with a look of disgust and animosity.

In a white shirt, Sima dazed for a moment, but never thought that Simali would be defeated, and it was difficult to react for a while, and a smile that seemed to master everything was immediately revealed.

"A bit of patience." The young man in the black gilt battle armor secretly whispered.


"This Chen Zong is really amazing."

"Strength is rising too fast. It feels like it was hidden before, but now it just broke out."

For a while, everyone was excited and excited.

Chen Zong ’s identity is a casual repair, and Sima Li is a direct child of the Sima family. Sima family is one of the major forces in the Xuanming Realm.

Therefore, Smali is one of the representatives of the family.

Now that Simali's defeat under Chen Zongjian, to some extent, is equivalent to the morale of the casual camps hitting the morale of the family camp, naturally it will make many people happy and excited.

"Great." Zheng Tuo couldn't help but sigh, bitterly, before he knew it, Chen Zong had overtaken himself and realized what he said that day, and it took a short time.

Nan Wukong wanted to make a disdainful hum, but he couldn't hum anymore. There was no way. Now Chen Zong's strength has surpassed him.

Before, I always wanted to compete with Chen Zongfeng, and the face of the high and low sky of Jianxuan Jianlin was a bit ugly and difficult to relieve.

"Good boy." The Bodhisattva nodded happily. He found that Chen Zong's strength had improved again, compared with that of Wu Zong, a disciple of Sword Master.

After defeating Simali, Chen Zong replaced Simali on the bottom of the list and ranked 76th. As for Simali's defeat under Chen Zongjian, his ranking was exchanged with Chen Zong for ninety-three.

Of course, Smali's strength is definitely more than ninety-three, he can challenge to a higher position.

But that's what happened afterwards ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Now, Smali only feels shame. The discussion and laughter around him seem to be aimed at him, making him hate the sky, almost going crazy.

"Your strength is good, and you have talents. After you break through to the advanced semi-holy level, you may be ranked in the top 50." A sound that seems to be gentle but high above all sounds, suppressing many voices, Everyone looked, and the speaker was a young man in a white shirt with a rich expression: "I give you a chance, worship my Majesty, and I will give you a chance to go further."

"That's Sima Young."

"Yes, it is Sima Huanyu, the youngest and the youngest in the Sima family."

"Sima Dasao even liked Chen Zong and wanted to take him as a servant."

Suddenly, staring at each other nervously, will Chen Zong promise Sima's solicitation?

The Sima family is the youngest Sima family, is the most outstanding genius, is also the young master of the Sima family, is the ninth arrogant arrogant, the strength is extremely unpredictable.

Simply put, the Tianjiao in the top ten of the Mingbang can be called Peerless Tianjiao, and the tenth later is called Tianjiao. The difference of two words means a huge gap.

The sound of argument in the ear also let Chen Zong know the identity of the so-called Sima Dasha, and his heart sank slightly, but Chen Zong did not feel afraid.

"In the next day, my achievement will only be on you. Why do you need your chance?" Chen Zongbuxubuji said, with a high tone, no lowness, no humility, and revealing an indescribable style.

But in a word, they suddenly detonated all around, making everyone think that they were hallucinating, and even those who supported Chen Zong thought that Chen Zong was crazy, but just beating Simali, he became arrogant and confident.

Surprisingly more than Sima Daxiao. nt

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