Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 29: Sword

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The small courtyard of the restaurant is hollow in the courtyard, and Chen Zong is practicing his sword.

Between Jianguang and Huohuo, there was a cloud of mist, a sharp wind torn, and the sound broke into the ear, leaving Chen Huang's face greatly changed, but he was still very happy.

Although he is not a samurai, he is very interested in it. Therefore, after reading many samurai skills, he always feels worse than Chen Zong.

Chen Zong did not bother with Chen Huang, but closed his eyes and waved his sword. The sword appeared to be chaotic. In fact, he used his sword in his hands to interpret it in recent days.

Jianguang looks like flowing water, endless, flowing endlessly from west to east.

Immediately, the sword light turned, like a single tree, and the leaves swayed in the wind, and immediately turned into a jungle.

Between the magpies, the sword light seemed to be floating in the sky, and seemed to be lazy and pleasant, but it was unique and mysterious.

The horror changed, the sword became a lone peak, standing between the heavens and the earth, towering and steep, independent from the last days.

Chen Zong was immersed in practicing swords, and forgot why, every time he wields a sword, his soul will sprout once and gradually deepen.

When Chen Zong stopped practicing sword, Chen Huang was pale and sweaty, his body was teetering, and he looked overwhelmed. The whole person collapsed on the chair and couldn't move.

But his tired eyes were full of excitement and excitement. It was Chen Huang's guard, but there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, secretly disdain. In his opinion, Chen Zong's swordsmanship was chaotic, and it was just shit. .

Chen Zong's brow frowned slightly, and she was slightly surprised. Could it be that Chen Huang could see some mysteries when he practiced the sword himself, only to become unable to bear the momentum contained in the sword.

"Second younger, would you like to learn swords?" Chen Zong asked.

"I ... can I?" Chen Huang seemed very excited.

Although the age of the samurai has passed and the samurai has fallen, he is very interested in the samurai and hopes that he can be a samurai, but it is a pity that he has been weak since childhood and is difficult to change.

"Yes." Chen Zong stepped out and walked out three meters. In a few steps, he appeared in front of Chen Huang like a ghost. This scene made Chen Zong's pupils shrink and shocked him.

Chen Zong carefully gazed at Chen Huang, and then stretched out his hand to examine the pulse, etc., and then thought for a moment.

"Your body is weak, but you can take care of it. I will give you a prescription." Chen Zongdao.

Although Chen Zong has not studied the medicine of elixir, he has extraordinary insight. It is not difficult for a mortal body to adjust to the strength of a normal person.

This is not difficult for Chen Zong, but good news for Chen Huang.

As long as the body is adjusted, he can practice martial arts.

This is actually Chen Zong's return to Chen Huang, that rice, that house, that money.

Chen Huang was pleasantly surprised, but his guard was even more disdainful. He was reminding Chen Huang not to be deceived.

"Where is the man who killed my brother? Get out and die." A violent drink sounded like a thunderous thunder. It was very sudden, very shocking, and suddenly changed the face of Chen Huang.

"Second is not good, it's Liu Er's brother Liu Da coming." Chen Huang's guard was suddenly shocked. Then Liu Da, but the elite warrior, was well-known in the Longjiang City with amazing strength.

As soon as Chen Huang's guardian's voice had fallen, the door of the detached house would be split open and blasted towards Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's figure flickered, avoiding the broken door, and looking ahead, there was a very tall and strong figure, nearly two meters tall, with a round waist, and this body alone made people feel oppressed, not to mention the breath on his body was very Strong and suffocating.

His face is full of flesh, his eyes are oppressive, his eyes are wicked, and his eyes are swept away, ignoring Chen Huang, and falling directly on Chen Zong. The eyes are more intense, and the terrible breath is oppressed: "It was you who killed my brother, Let me die. "

The sound of thunder sounded, and Liu Da stepped forward. The huge steel knife brought the dazzling knife light, as if the storm was sweeping, and the fierce beheading came.

On one side, Chen Huang was whirling in the wind, and felt like he was going to be smashed, terrified.

Chen Zong was motionless, his eyes flashed past, and he saw through the reality of the knife.

On martial arts accomplishments, Chen Zong did not know how many times he had to exceed Liu Da. The only thing that was good was that Liu Da was very strong and his power was amazing. Therefore, a slash can burst out of terrible power, and nothing more.

The huge steel knife was cut off, and Chen Zong's body was split open.

"Brother Chen!" Chen Huang suddenly exclaimed, looking pale.

"This guy pretending to be a ghost is dead." Chen Huang's guard also thought.

He was killed. For a time, Chen Huang couldn't tell what it was like.

Immediately, Chen Huang's eyes widened and he was trembling and excited, because it was incredible that he saw Chen Zong appear behind Liu Da.

Immediately, the iron sword came out of the sheath, and a sword stabbed out flat. It seemed to understate that there was no power, but at the moment when it was completely sheathed, an amazing power broke out. The sword was so dazzling that Chen Huang couldn't help closing his eyes. Unable to look directly, there seemed to be a thunder sound in his ear.

When Chen Huang opened his eyes and looked, Chen Zong's sword had returned to its sheath, and the fierce **** Liu Da, who had the elite warrior level, fell into a pool of blood, his eyes widened, full of shock, and he could not die.

"Chen ... Brother Chen ..." Chen Huang was excited and incoherent, and his guard had already become a statue, his mind was numb.

Then Liu Da, but an elite warrior, is powerful, and Liu Er is two levels. One Liu Da can fight several Liu Er and can win.


Just before Chen Huang closed his eyes and didn't see clearly, but he barely saw that Chen Zong just drew his sword and stabbed like lightning. It penetrated Liu Da's heart from his back and died with a sword.

One sword will kill Liu Da, an elite warrior. How strong is this Chen Zong?

Title Samurai?

When thinking of this, Chen Huang's guard couldn't help but his legs were weak, and his intestines were blue.

If you respect yourself, maybe you can get the advice of the other party. Now, I guess there is no chance, but fortunately, although I despised the other party before, I didn't say it and did not offend the other party.

Although this is an era when samurai are declining, almost all samurai are reduced to thugs, and those who do not want to be thugs are running for survival and living hardships.

But the status of the titled samurai is not comparable to that of a samurai or an elite warrior.

Ordinary families simply cannot worship the titled samurai, such as the Liu family. Although they are a large family in Longjiang City, they do not have the qualifications to make the titled warrior effective.

After all, if a samurai with a title deliberately assassinates, it will be enough to kill the Liu family up and down.

Decline does not mean abolition. It just has a lower status than before, but it has a powerful force and will win enough status for itself no matter where it is.

The death of Liu Da was not concealed. Soon, everyone in Longjiang City knew it.

The Chen family immediately ordered Chen Huang to associate well with Chen Zong. Those who are suspected of having the title of samurai strength, and still very young, may become martial saints in the future, even if they cannot be solicited and have their friendship.

The Liu family was furious.

Liu Er died, and the loss was not great, but Liu died, and the loss was amazing. After all, there were only three elite warriors in the entire Liu family. Now that one has died, the loss is obvious.

But the other party can kill Liu Da, even if his strength is not the title of the samurai, among the elite warriors, he is also a leader.

"Immediately send the news to the hands of Master Liu Erliu of Wang Chengming Hou House." The owner of the Liu family immediately sneered.

Everyone in the Liu family heard his words and his eyes lit up.

"Yes, Liu Da Liu Er's master was a titled samurai twenty years ago. Twenty years later, his strength will definitely be stronger."

However, from Longjiang City to Wangcheng, it takes ten days to speed up the horse, and one round trip takes at least fifteen to twenty days.

"Brother Chen, the big deal is not good." Chen Huang came to the door and said in a hurry: "The Liu family sent the news to Master Wang Cheng Liu Da Liu Er and prepared to let him deal with you."

"Anyway." Chen Zong didn't care, since it was just a world with no special power, there was nothing to worry about.

"Brother Chen, this is not a trivial matter. The master Liu Da Liu Er became a titled samurai twenty years ago. He is known as a split mountain sword. The sword is terrible. He was recruited by the Ming Hou government. Now the past twenty years must be stronger. "Chen Huang was anxious:" Brother Chen, you might as well leave Longjiang City first and find a place to avoid the limelight. "

"Don't care." Chen Zong laughed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and then took a closer look at Chen Huang: "Your body has begun to take care of you, and you will be able to recover to a normal person in about half a month. Now, I Teach you the basics of swordsmanship and watch with your heart. "

Chen Zong was so decisive that he immediately brought some confidence to Chen Huang, and heard that Chen Zong was going to teach his sword skills, and immediately dispelled distractions, looking attentively.

Chen Huang has never practiced martial arts, but it doesn't matter. Chen Zong has an amazing understanding and mastery of the human body. His sword skill is superb and his realm is deep. It is easy to point a rookie.

In a few words, he pointed directly at the essence, and Chen Zong did not bother Chen Huang's **** on the side. If the other party could understand, then he understood, and he learned.

Under the teachings of Chen Zong, Chen Huang himself had a bit of talent for sword learning, and soon he was very good. Of course, he had to practice a lot to master it.

As time flies, in addition to pointing out Chen Huang's daily practice of swords, Chen Zong is practicing his sword and enlightening himself.

The breath on my body has also become more and more hazy, so that people cannot see through it, it is extremely inscrutable, and if there is a person with a high enough level to see it, they will be absolutely shocked.

In the realm of Ming Jianli, Chen Zong's accumulation can be described as deeper and more magnificent. In a short time when he came to this world, he had better than many accumulations in the past few years.

In Wangcheng Minghou Mansion, an old man with a red face and a strong blood was carrying a huge black knife on his back, his eyes were deep and expressionless, and he strode out of Minghou Mansion with an amazing momentum and rode on a prepared horse. , And immediately went out of the city.

The place to visit is Longjiang City.

The purpose of this trip was to get revenge for the apprentice.

This person is the titled samurai known as the Split Mountain Knife, and it is also Liu Tiezhan, the master of Liu Da and Liu Er. nt

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