Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 22: True intention

The iron in Shanhai Village's blacksmith's room is very ordinary iron, and the quality of the weapons we cast is average.

Chen Zong had learned casting in his early years. Although it was abandoned for many years, the superb realm and precise power control still allowed Chen Zong to continuously smelt ordinary iron blocks beyond the ordinary. The cast sword was naturally more elaborate than the old blacksmith The hunting knives to be made must be hard and sharp.

The old blacksmith was shocked, and Chen Zong also casually gave a few words to make the old blacksmith a treasure.

Swords are made of iron, even if Chen Zong is doing everything he can, it is just as hard and sharp as a fine iron sword. For ordinary people, it is a good weapon, but for Chen Zong, it is sober.

Starting with the iron sword, the old blacksmith and little blacksmith felt that Chen Zong's temperament seemed to have undergone some extraordinary changes.

"The sword wipes the dust." The old blacksmith watched Chen Zong leave, secretly amazed.

The left-handed sword, Chen Zong walked calmly, and it seemed that the situation followed, with a trace of indescribable sharpness.

The light flashed in Chen Zong's eyes.

From the old blacksmith, Chen Zong knew some information. On the other side of the mountain, there really were other people, villages and towns, which strengthened Chen Zong's idea of ​​going over the mountain.

To leave, you must leave as soon as possible. Since you have been here for more than a month and tried various methods, you cannot find a way to explore the illusion. You can only leave.

However, you have to make a leather armor for yourself.

Chen Zong is not difficult to make leather armor, but in just one day, Chen Zong made a beautifully shaped and well-fitting leather armor, brown all over, as well as arms and legs and a pair of leather boots, looking fully armed Like.

Without saying goodbye to the people in the village, wearing leather armor and holding an iron sword, Chen Zong stepped forward and walked outside the village.

"Zong brother, you are dressed up, where are you going?" Someone greeted.

"Look in the mountains," Chen Zong laughed.

"In the mountains, be careful, don't go deep. There are extremely ferocious beasts."

Chen Zong nodded.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Chen Zong saw a figure of Cangjie running away in front of him. The blood-stained figure was a group of extremely fierce wolves. There were more than a dozen horses, each one. They are the size of a calf and look very strong.

Under the strong will to survive, the man who ran away from Cangjie ran wildly at a limit speed and kept a certain distance from the evil wolf, but suddenly, his feet stumbled to a stone, and the whole man fell forward, and a bad wolf suddenly He flew towards him, staggering sharp teeth biting the man's throat severely, snapping his mouth, and dying instantly.

The other wolves rushed up, biting fiercely, dividing them into corpses and devouring them.

Immediately, the strongest head wolf drew his nose, and the green eyes flickered fiercely, with a hint of excitement and bloodthirsty.

Immediately, the head wolf screamed, unfolding its strong limbs, rushing forward like a gust of wind, and a dozen evil wolves behind them also sent out a fierce howl and rushed away.

A few kilometers away, Chen Zong's face was slightly dignified, and the direction of a dozen evil wolves was exactly the direction of Shanhai Village.

Just now, the villager Chen Zong also knows that he is one of the hunters in the village. Not long ago, he and some other hunters teamed into the mountains to hunt. Now it seems that those hunters should be more ferocious.

It is several kilometers away. If it used to be, it would be passed in an instant, but now, even if the overburden of Chen Zong's own overburden, it will take some time to pass.

What's more, it's inevitable that it will be a bitter battle with your own ability to meet the dozen or so powerful wolves.

Xiuwei and strength were lost, but his intuition was still there. Chen Zong could perceive the strong blood filled with the strength and strength of those dozen bad wolves.

The direction in which a dozen evil wolves ran was truly the direction of Shanhai Village.

According to Chen Zong's understanding, with the power of Shanhai Village, it is difficult to fight against these dozen evil wolves. Even if they can kill all the dozen evil wolves in the end, at least half of them will be killed or injured.

But what about that?

"Here ... it's just a fantasy." Chen Zong said to himself.

Since it is a fantasy, everything is false.

Even if it looks real.

That day is false, the ground is false, the mountains are false, the trees are false, the water is false, everything is false, and people are naturally false.

all fake!

Since it's fake, why bother.

Even if Chen Zong got along well with them before, more, just to find opportunities to explore the illusion.

What does life and death do with you?

Unmoved, Chen Zong stepped forward. After crossing a few kilometers, he saw the corpse of which the flesh and blood had been burned out, and the corpse was covered with traces of sharp teeth.

The bitten head fell to one side, and the eyes of death, despair, and horror were staring at Chen Zong, and his mouth opened slightly, as if to tell Chen Zong something.

Chen Zong's heart didn't move consciously, and an unspeakable feeling was born, as if being touched to some kind of softness.

A heart breeds an idea in his heart, and he returns to the village, kills a dozen evil wolves, and rescues the people in the village.

Chen Zong suddenly shook his head.

how is this possible!

After staying in Shanhai Village for more than a month, Chen Zong kept trying to find any possible way to explore the illusion, including living in harmony with everyone in the village, which was also a means for Chen Zong to explore the illusion.

But in the end they all failed.

For more than a month, the feeling of being integrated into the village became stronger, giving Chen Zong a sense of crisis.

If this continues, maybe he will be assimilated. In the true sense, from the body to the soul, he will become a member of Shanhai Village.

If so, then I will not have the idea of ​​breaking through the illusion, and I will stay in this illusion forever.

Thinking of this result, Chen Zong couldn't help getting creepy.

Absolutely not!

I must not immerse myself in this illusion, it is not my wish.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong ruled out the thoughts that came out of his heart, retracted his gaze and stared forward, stepping forward with steadfast steps.

I just don't know why, walking along, Chen Zong's pace is slowing down, he seems to be hesitating.

The thoughts in my heart are getting stronger and stronger, almost like obsession.

He lifted his right foot and stepped forward, but he was unable to land. There seemed to be an invisible force blocking it, but there was nothing.

As long as Chen Zong is willing, he can fall.

The eyes twinkled brightly, but the look was struggling, cloudy and uncertain.

The idea is violent, like a wild horse breaking off the dyke.

"Phantom ..."

"Intent ..."

Chen Zong's struggles became more apparent.

In the past, Chen Zong has always followed his heart, but this time, he was struggling.

Because Chen Zongdu is certain that this is a fantasy, since it is a fantasy, he cannot be confused.

But ... is it wrong?

The left hand holding the sword was unconsciously forced, and the blue tendons on the back of the hand seemed to scratch the iron sword.

Struggling and suffering!

Immediately, Chen Zongmai went out and dropped his suspended right foot, and made a dull sound like a cymbal drum. He seemed to step on the ground with one foot, exhaled a long breath, and the struggle under his eyes completely disappeared. Instead, he was extremely sharp and extremely firm as if The sword is sharp and sharp.


Since you have followed the original intention from the beginning, this time, follow the original intention.

Illusions are also good!

It's true!

As long as you are firm enough, you can eliminate all interference.

So why shake?

But its own will is not enough.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt as if he had realized something, and the dust of his soul was wiped away, becoming transparent and crystal clear.

I am me!

Really me!

The ego!

Keep your heart unchanged, don't move, don't shake, don't be confused!

What's hesitant about?

Turning around, Chen Zong stepped out of his right foot and walked firmly and quickly. He stepped straight two meters away. Right after the right foot had just landed, the powerful force rushed straight to the ground through the sole of his foot. The feet also followed.

The upper body leans forward, the center of gravity moves forward, the iron sword is raised in the left hand, and the eyes become sharp. The whole person is like a vigorous wild cheetah running in the wilderness and chasing prey. By the sound of humming, Chen Zong felt like he was about to fly.

Of course, this is just an illusion created by faster speeds.

This ordinary person's body can burst into such a speed, which is very amazing.

Gradually, Chen Zong heard the fierce howl of the evil wolf, and also heard the crying blood of the villagers of Shanhai Village ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ They are desperately trying.

Fighting with those dozen wolves.

From his voice, Chen Zong judged that someone was injured or even died.

Since he insisted on saving people, he couldn't delay. Chen Zong was getting faster and faster, and his legs were slightly numb.

Rush Rush!

Saw it.

Chen Zong clearly saw that the villagers were holding fighting equipment such as hunting knives and sickles, and were fighting a dozen evil wolves.

Under the leadership of the head wolf, more than a dozen evil wolves attacked in an orderly manner. On the contrary, the villagers were not good at cooperating or fighting. They were only able to hold on for a while due to the crowd.

But five people have fallen into a pool of blood and died by death.

The villagers are like skirmishers, and a dozen evil wolves are like well-trained elite soldiers. Their teeth and claws are terrible weapons, and injuries are inevitable.

In this situation, a dozen evil wolves may have slaughtered the entire village.

After all, in the entire village, the most powerful hunters have already died in the mountains. Although the rest are also young and strong, they are good at doing farm work, but they are not enough to fight the evil wolves. Moreover, there are not many young adults .

There are more than 70 people in Bailai who are old, weak, women and children, and their fighting ability is weak. The remaining 20 are teenagers, and their fighting ability is average. There are less than 30 young and middle-aged people. Now there are only 20 or so. That's it.

In this comparison, how are these dozens of bad wolves' opponents? Besides, among these dozens of bad wolves, there is also one of the strongest and most fierce head wolves. Its fighting power is arrogant, and it can be as good as three ordinary bad wolves. Of the five people who died, three were killed by the head wolf's claws.

one strike!

It was just one blow, and the three were slain by death. nt

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