Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 23: 1 silk edge

Outside Shanhai Village, more than a dozen wolves ravaged.

The villagers are holding various agricultural tools and fighting hard to resist the fight, in order to protect the old and weak women and children behind.

Those young children were frightened one by one, and they all caught the eyes of Chen Zong, which made Chen Zong's heart full of conviction suddenly jump.

In an instant, it seemed that the ordinary body was injected with a force beyond ordinary, and the speed increased again.

The iron sword emerges from the sheath, cuts through the air, and the sword body that becomes tenacious and hardened under the high-speed sword-swinging movement rubs fiercely with the air, emitting countless sparks, a trace of hot air permeating away, a sharp sound, piercing The eardrum has a scorched scent.

The sword was as quick as a streamer and violent as lightning.

Jianguang is empty!

Suddenly, the strongest and most fierce head wolf startled, and looked back quickly. The gloomy eyes reflected a dazzling sword light. The edge of the sword light brought countless crimson sparks, killing him through the sky at an astonishing speed.

Resolute, fierce, and fierce!

The sword came out like thunder.


The head wolf responded quickly and rushed out immediately. The terrible sharp claws tear the sky like a sharp blade of a soldier, as fast as lightning, and then sent first, and killed Chen Zong, so that Chen Zong gave birth to a kind of Feeling torn.

With this ordinary human body, even if it has leather armor, it can't stop the head wolf's claws, it will be torn off when touched, and even torn in half.

The cold attack struck Chen Zong's body and his hair was upside down. In his eyes, only the sharpest cold light broke through the air. When he was in danger, Chen Zong's body was unbelievably twisted, as if by coincidence, to avoid the benefits of the beginning wolf. Claw attack, the right palm of the right foot suddenly swooped, and the figure was cleverly missed from the head wolf.


The iron sword had already penetrated into the neck of a bad wolf, and Chen Zong felt a resistance, preventing the long sword from advancing.

The arm trembled, the power surged out, the sword body trembled, as if given a stronger horizontal force, and it seemed that its own sharp edge was excited, as if running through the evil wolf's neck.

The arm suddenly lifted, and the sharp blade cut immediately, tearing most of the evil wolf's neck.

Rao is a powerful wolf with strong vitality and stubbornness. When his neck is penetrated and torn halfway, he cannot survive. He fell to the ground instantly, his strong body and limbs were still twitching slightly. He seemed unwilling to die. The fierce mang could not be retained, and gradually passed away, and the silence rose.

More than a dozen wolves have died.

Although only one died, it was like the gospel that made the people in Shanhai Village excited, as if being injected with a new force out of thin air, more fighting spirit.

"It's Zong."

"Zonggeer really is amazing."

Most villagers were thrilled to see that Chen Zong rushed to kill a vicious wolf with a sword.

"Zong brother is careful."

At this time, the head wolf furiously turned around and rushed to death, as fast as lightning, and another evil wolf culled from another direction, which instantly caused Chen Zong to be surrounded.

Chen Zong's pupils suddenly contracted.

The heart was beating at an instant, as if the drums were beating, it seemed to burst out of his chest, and his blood was surging at an alarming rate, permeating the whole body, bringing more powerful power to Chen Zong.

Suddenly, this ordinary human body burst into extraordinary energy.

The body twisted with both feet, as if transforming into a heavy figure, avoiding the attack of the beginning wolf and that evil wolf, it was dangerous and dangerous, as if walking on the blade of a knife, everyone saw the cold sweat and thrill.

Jian Guang flashed again, sharp cutting sky.


Another was a bad wolf whose neck was cut open, and the blood flow was struggling as if falling down. Chen Zong fell down, carrying the terrifying force of breaking the earth, and trampled on this bad wolf's head, stepping on it. Into the ground, the terrible power rushed into the mind in a clever way, shattering the fragile brain, and the soul fluttered.

In the blink of an eye, two wolves were beheaded by Chen Zong.

Chen Zong did not stay in place. After stepping on the evil wolf with one foot, he immediately rushed forward with his own strength and rushed out. As fast as lightning, the sword brought a dazzling cold light, as if from heaven.

The third wolf was inescapable and died directly.

The head wolf was so furious that he completely gave up the other villagers and went after him crazy. Chen Zong did not fight the first battle. After all, the head wolf was very powerful and could not be killed with one sword. Therefore, he used guerrilla tactics and killed the others first. The evil wolf, after reducing the pressure, come to kill the wolf again.

When Chen Zong arrived and beheaded and killed three evil wolves, he also attracted the firepower of the first wolf. Less head wolves commanded, and the cooperation between other evil wolves could not be coordinated as before.

Suddenly, the villagers' pressure abruptly reduced, and they could completely resist the attack of the remaining wolves.




Chen Zong's face was cold, his eyes were sharp, and he flew out like a cold electricity. He crossed the sky. The iron sword in his hand pierced the sky with a stream of blood, decisively fierce and sharp, like a thunderbolt, and the void shook. , There are countless sparks flying away, the scorched flavor spreads in all directions, very pungent.

If there is no sword, it will be dead.

Not long after, more than a dozen evil wolves fell to the ground, leaving only the last head wolf to chase after him.

Chen Zong was in a stature, turned back suddenly, and the long sword brought a brilliant light, like a waning moon, killing him, the edge was sharp, torn and cut, and killed the head wolf's neck with great precision.

The head wolf's eyes were green and faint, and it was extremely hot and extremely fierce. The huge body flashed and was extremely strong. Avoiding the moment of Chen Zongyi's sword, he rushed straight forward, his claws waved, tearing the sky.

The bodies are staggered, Chen Zong avoids the wolf's claws at the beginning, the iron sword crosses the sky, cuts the body of the head wolf, but only leaves a deep sword mark.

Minor injuries!

This wolf is huge, and its skin is amazingly tough. It can withstand the sharp edge of the iron sword to a certain extent.

Such defense made Chen Zong's heart sink slightly.

That bit of pain irritated the head wolf, and it was extremely furious, and immediately turned around and clawed across the army, tearing everything apart.

Chen Zong's footsteps are staggered, his body is erratic like a cloud, with a sword in his hand, he waved repeatedly, his movements are ingenious and delicate, like clouds in the sky, changing, such as water and diarrhea, impervious to wind, and crazy the wolf's claws The flapping was completely resisted, and countless sparks sputtered.

The strength of the head wolf is extremely large, and each hit is more than a kilogram.

The force of a thousand pounds is nothing to the body before him, and it will be destroyed with a flick of a finger, but now this body is very weak, and the strength of one arm is only a hundred pounds, even if Chen Zong can play it several times, That's no more than three or four hundred kilograms of power. Compared with kilograms, there is a big gap.

However, Chen Zongxiu lost his strength, but his sword skill still exists.

With one sword in hand, you can remove the impact of the opponent's power and completely resist.

Suddenly, the head wolf attacked wildly, while Chen Zong continued to wave his sword to resist, the speed was extremely fast, everyone was dazzled, and he felt a sense of dizziness.

They couldn't understand why Zong brother became so powerful, even the best hunter in the village could not compare with it.

But at this moment, they can't think of so much, they can only stare with wide eyes.

Because it will determine life and death.

The head wolf is not only powerful but fast and amazingly fast. It is also experienced in battles and has rich experience in fighting. In addition, its keen sense of intuition is very terrible, just like a killing machine.

This wolf alone is enough to kill all the villagers in Shanhai Village except Chen Zong.

In physical terms, Chen Zong is indeed inferior to the head wolf, but Chen Zong's countless life and death battle experience is still there, and his exquisite swordsmanship is also there, and the fourth level of Kendo still exists.

All this is the reliance of Chen Zong.

When the sword is in your hand, you can play it out.

If the realm of the heart could not be used, the wolf would have died.

However, under Chen Zong's counterattack, the iron sword was chopped on the head wolf, but it only caused minor injuries.

If you can't break the defense, you can't kill the wolf, but your body has reached its limit.

Just now, it seems that Chen Zong easily killed and killed those ten evil wolves. In fact, it is because of the outbreak of exceeding the limit. Beyond the limit, it will bring a tremendous load to the body.

As the load increases, the body may collapse.

Now the fierce battle with the head wolf has already brought Chen Zong's body load to the extreme. If it continues, it may be unbearable and collapse. Then not only will he not kill the head wolf, but also the villagers, and he will die here .

Lead the wolf away?

Unrealistic, after all, although your speed can burst, it can only last for a short time, and the head wolf's body is more strengthened ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can completely chase himself.

So what should I do?

Thinking sharply, Chen Zong did not feel surprised, but became more firm.


In any case, you must kill the wolf, save the villagers, and save yourself.


Extremely firm conviction!

Unparalleled faith!

Belief is an invisible force.


The head wolf fell with his claws. After Chen Zong resisted, he took a few steps back. His body was slightly rested. Between the ups and downs, the muscles of the bones trembled, the viscera contracted, and the blood hit the body at a violent speed. Suddenly, his feet twisted and twisted. The ground cracked and the dust was flying, a force that was extremely strong seemed to be flying through the legs and the waist like a dragon, and then spread the spine quickly, like a undulating dragon, and then through the arms through the shoulders, straight into the hand Chinese iron sword.

This is Chen Zong's last outbreak, desperate to exhaust everything.

After the outbreak of the sword, Chen Zong paid for himself, and his body would be severely damaged. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time to recuperate.

But only then can there be hope to kill the wolf.

The material of the iron sword is limited, and its sharpness is limited. Therefore, despite the outbreak of all power, it only makes the iron sword faster and stronger, but it is difficult to improve its sharpness. Therefore, whether the sword can kill the head wolf, Chen Zong actually knows Bottomless.

But this is the end of the matter, there is no other method available, can only fight back and fight hard, or in the end, it will inevitably end up in a dead end.

Under the absolute conviction born of incomparable and firm death, suddenly, the iron sword in Chen Zong's hand trembled slightly, seeming to make a soft whistle, indistinct, as if the sleeping beast awakened, burst out A faint but sharp edge. nt

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