Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 24: Rusty front

Fengmang was born from a sword, and he was shocked when he appeared!

The faint edge, like silk and smoke, was extremely fierce in Chen Zong's perception, and it was shocking.


Silent and silent, the void is as fragile as tofu, and it can be easily cut open. The kind of thrilling pleasure makes Chen Zong have an incredible feeling, but also a kind of smoothness from the depths of his own body. Ellen is hearty.


Ignore everything!


Nothing is broken!

The faint trace of the faint faint loomed, almost transparently attached to the blade of the iron sword, the moment it came into contact with the head wolf's body, without any pause or resistance, directly tore the tough and amazing film of the head wolf, tearing Fissured flesh and blood and hard bones like steel are divided into two.

The blood is sprayed and sprinkled on the ground, and the strong **** smell is extremely pungent.

Chen Zong and the head wolf staggered by, only feeling that there was pain everywhere on his body, as if the body was stirred by a blunt knife and severely stirred. The broken chaos was messy and difficult to stand. Insert the ground and keep it from falling.

The wolf's body was cut open, fell into a pool of blood, struggling to withdraw, and uttered a sound of unwilling groaning whine, but he couldn't get up anymore, and gradually died.

He reluctantly turned back and saw the death of the head wolf. Chen Zongfang was really relieved, his eyes were dark, and he couldn't hold back anymore. It was unconscious.


It feels like being crushed and put together again and again, like a nightmare cycle.

Until a stream of light suddenly appeared, as if tearing the world, Chen Zong suddenly awakened. As soon as he woke up, he could not feel his own body. The next breath, an unspeakable pain swept through, and it seemed to tear Chen Zong's soul. same.


It really hurts.

I feel like my body is torn apart.

Chen Zong's eyes twitched. This kind of pain was really uncomfortable. Fortunately, he hadn't suffered serious injuries before, and could still endure it.

But after self-examination, Chen Zong knew how bad he was at this moment.

Fortunately, I am not an ordinary person in nature. Although I cannot cultivate, I can still take care of it, but it takes time.

Putting down his physical injury for a while, Chen Zong recalled the sword that killed the head wolf.

It was a sword that exhausted this physical strength, and also a sword that gathered the faith of slaying.

Perfect to pure!

No dust or dirt!

This was in Chen Zong's expectation and also under Chen Zong's grasp, but afterwards, a trace of faint sharp burst suddenly burst out, but it was completely unexpected.

It is also the emergence of that sharp edge that makes Chen Zongna's sword possess a peerless advantage, just like the sword embryo opens, like a waste ironized excalibur sword, without destroying everything without cutting.

It was a wonderful power that made Chen Zong's heart palpitate, tremble, and yearn for an instant.

Chen Zong pondered carefully, what kind of power is that?

Chen Zong had never experienced this kind of power before.

As if a touch.

A touch of the heart, a touch of the sword.

Sinking down, forgetting the pain in the body, Chen Zong searched for the memory of King Taiyuan.

That kind of sharpness, as if the dust is full of life, as if the rust appears.


His feelings and the memory of King Taiyuan immediately made Chen Zong suddenly realize.

That seems to be moral!

What is Taoism?

Taoism is the meaning of Taoism. Taoism exists in the heavens and earth, between everything, but it is not touchable and difficult to find.

The Taoism is an understanding, application, and mastery of the Tao by the practitioner, a power closer to the Tao, and a path to the Tao.

Under normal circumstances, only those who are strong in the sanctuary are qualified to master the Tao.

However, not all powerful men in the sanctuary can grasp the grasp of the Tao.

Taoism is like a watershed to the sanctuary.

Those who do not master the Tao are ordinary sanctuaries, and those who master the Tao are powerful sanctuaries.

Each of Feng Houfeng's strong masters grasps the meaning, which is like a sign, a sign that has the potential to become a strong person in the sanctuary.

But grasping the Taoism is difficult.

Such as Chen Zong's Xiuluo Chen Xiu, although Xiuwei is already in the late stage of entering the sacred realm, but he does not have any sense.

This is of course the reason why it is difficult to grasp the grasp. It is also because when Chen Xiu appeared, he directly absorbed a large amount of evil spirits, and then he was promoted to the first stage of the sacred state. In fact, he has not been in the sacred realm for a long time, and the precipitation is not enough, so he did not understand the grasp of the Tao.

As for the semi-holy level.

In the memory of King Taiyuan, there are still fragments of memory. It seems that in ancient times, there was also a peerless heavenly pride that can realize a trace of the meaning at the semi-holy level.

No, strictly speaking, it is not a complete Taoism, but a half-step Taoism.

The contrast between the half-walk way and the real way is like the contrast between the half-holy level and the sanctification, and the gap is very obvious.

Some peerless arrogances of this era, when it is also possible to realize the mastery of half-walk in the semi-holy level.

Perhaps among the peerless Tianjiao who is in the top ten of the bottom line, some people have mastered the meaning of half a walk.

Taoism, or the predecessor of half-step Taoism, is super secret.

After you have cultivated your extraordinary mystery to the extreme, you can find an opportunity to break through.

Then, the sharp edge in the sword that beheaded the head wolf should be the half-step heart swordsword meaning transformed by the power of the heart sword.

After careful consideration, combined with the memory of King Taiyuan and careful comparison, Chen Zong became more affirmative of this.

That razor-sharp edge, terrifying oneself, is probably half-hearted swordsman.

Chen Zong's understanding of Taoism is very simple, but it is mentioned in the memory of King Taiyuan, but the memory of King Taiyuan is incomplete and therefore incomplete.

Before, Chen Zong didn't deliberately understand. After all, he needed to improve his cultivation and strength, and the morality was so unpredictable.

But now, since I have been exposed to the half-walk idea, after I wait to leave here, after I leave the small world of Xuanming, I need to understand it well.

Chen Zong went to feel it carefully, but could not find the trace of the half-walk meaning. It seemed that the front edge was like an illusion, and there was no trace.

Taking a deep breath, the injuries in the body were immediately affected, and the pain was so great that Chen Zongqing couldn't help humming.

For the sake of today's plan, let's take care of injuries first.

It is not easy to recover from such a serious injury. It is absolutely paralyzed and replaced by ordinary people.

However, Chen Zong is not ordinary. With the cooperation of the villagers, after self-regulation, half a month later, Chen Zong can get out of bed and walk like a normal person.

To the villagers, this is almost like a miracle.

Freedom of movement, but does not mean that you can fight with the general in the past, the injury is still not cured, if you rush, you are afraid that the injury will intensify.

Therefore, Chen Zong did not rush to leave Shanhai Village, intending to heal his injuries before leaving.

The fur of the head wolf was peeled off, and was carefully crafted into a set of protective leather armor by the most skillful people in the village, which exactly fit Chen Zong's figure.

This wolf's fur is very tough, and after being crafted by artisans, it is even tougher. It has superior protection ability and can better protect Chen Zong's body.

On the seashore and on the reef, Chen Zong sat quietly without fishing.

Now that 60% of his injuries have recovered, the remaining 40% will take longer to recuperate, and it is estimated that it will take about a month.

And Chen Zong intends to see if he can truly realize half-walk in this month.

Chen Zong has a feeling, perhaps, that half of the trail meaning is the key to leave here, the key to explore the illusion.

Meditation and gazing, the sound of tide and sea breeze whistling in my ears.

Chen Zongdu determined that the edge of the sword was half-hearted, and it was transformed based on the power of the heart sword. If you want to understand, you should start with the power of the heart sword.

Just trying it, Chen Zong did not feel the power of the sword.

The power of white clouds!

Power of Flame!

Power of the Heart Sword!

These three extraordinary mysteries disappeared completely, leaving no sense, leaving Zong helpless.

If the half-step Heart Kendo is likened to a closed door, then the power of Heart Sword is the key to open the door.

Now Chen Zong has no keys and cannot open the door.

Strong break?

This is also a method, but the door is very strong, and with Chen Zong's current ability, it cannot be opened.

But take your time.

Half-walk means that it is an extraordinary force. If you master it, your strength will advance by leaps and bounds, so it is difficult to grasp and it makes sense.

Day after day, in addition to recuperating his injuries, Chen Zong would come to the sea to learn, but although the injuries gradually recovered ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, the half-hearted swordsmanship idea was still lacking. .


Too hard!

Chen Zong was not discouraged, but was enlightened day after day.

The sincerity of the golden stone is justified.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed, and as Chen Zong guessed, the injury really healed, but the half-hearted swordsmanship still had no clue.

However, Chen Zong also realized that.

On that day, it was possible to inspire a half-hearted swordsmanship. It was precisely with the strong conviction and the inevitable birth of the slain wolves that they were killed.

In other words, one may still have to face the crisis of life and death, and under the pressure of death, but also upholding his own heart, and having the resoluteness and the strongest conviction of life after death, can he be re-invigorated.

So let's get started.

The injury was cured, Chen Zong returned to the house, put on the leather armor made of the wolf's skin, and took the iron sword, and then left the crowd and went outside the village.

Everyone knows that Chen Zong is going to leave, and he is very reluctant to stay, but Chen Zong's intention has been decided, and of course he will not change his mind because of this.

"Zong brother, don't need our village outside, remember to be careful."

"Be careful."

The villagers were concerned.

After saying goodbye to the crowd, stepping on the brisk and firm steps, Chen Zong walked outside the village under the reluctant eyes of the villagers.

Chen Zong estimated that he would not return again during this trip.

Gradually, Chen Zong's speed became faster and faster. He ran on the field like a horse and ran towards the mountain.

Although this speed is not slow, it will not cause any load on itself, which is completely within the tolerance range. nt

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