Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 41: Strike 6 David (1)

There is a very ordinary hut in Miwu Lane. There are many such hut in Miwu Lane. It is inconspicuous, but among them, Chen Zong is hidden.

After half a day of rest, Chen Zong's injuries gradually recovered with the cooperation of the drug.

This is due to Chen Zong's accurate grasp of his own and the ratio of drugs in place, all-round absorption, without wasting a trace of waste.

Immediately, Chen Zong began to enlighten.

The benefits brought by a breakthrough are very obvious. Only by directly increasing the strength of Chen Zong, can he fight back in desperation, kill a dry warrior and Ming Guangwei, shock everyone, and successfully escape.

Now is the time for precipitation.

At the time of the breakthrough, Chen Zong still clearly remembered that moment, the overbearing spiritual will broke the shackles of the eyebrows, as if a cocoon broke into a butterfly, inciting the wings to spread wings and fly high.

At the same time, the ejected spiritual will also received information from heaven and earth, which is similar to a kind of inheritance, which is an application and mystery of spiritual will.


The implication is to use spiritual will to simulate something in the natural world between heaven and earth, such as flowing water, such as mountains, such as flames, such as storms, and so on.

Of course, if you want to be enlightened, you need to have a strong enough mental will, and then you must have enough grinding and precipitation.

Any success will not come out of thin air, nor will it happen overnight. There will be a process of hard work and sufficient accumulation.

Those titled samurai are constantly sharpening their own accumulation during the period of samurai and elite warriors, consciously targeting a certain aspect.

Such as the Changhe Sword King, the swordsmanship practiced at the beginning has some relationship with the river, and he often observes the flow of the river, and finally creates the Changhe swordsmanship in front of the Changhe to break through.

The Chiyang Swordmania is similar, the same will be the case with Gale.

All of them, even those martial arts saints, are only proficient in one kind. The simulation of the spiritual will will even become a force, which will affect the interference and spread to reality.

Not just confused.

Chen Zong, who has mastered this method, knows deeply that the application of spiritual will is close to the essence, very clever and amazing. Attaching to the sword can greatly enhance the strength, hardness, toughness and sharpness of the sword. Increase power.

Chen Zong is different from other titled warriors and even martial saints. His spiritual will is arrogant and many times as many as the top titled warriors. Moreover, he can not only transform a kind of power, but also other powers.

As before, at the beginning of the breakthrough, Chen Zong turned out to be Thunder and Lightning. After getting used to it, gradually, there were torrents, heavy rain, sharp gold, and so on.

Now, Chen Zong is precipitating. Once settled, Chen Zong is confident that he can do it.

Outside, the royal family directly dispatched three thousand forbidden guards. These three thousand forbidden guards are the strong soldiers guarding the palace, but the elite among the elites, each of whom has the terrible strength to resist two or three elite soldiers.

Each of the three thousand guards is divided.

One thousand sword shields!

One thousand pikemen!

One thousand crossbowmen!

The three thousand guards formed a siege circle, which directly blocked and enclosed all exits in all directions on Miwu Lane.

Immediately, there were twenty samurai in blood-red armor with dragon claws on them.

Dragon Blood Guard!

Each dragon blood guard is the top elite warrior, and even four of the twenty have reached the title of samurai.

In addition, twenty Mingguangwei, twenty Jing'anwei, twenty iron guards, twenty an Guoweis, and twenty hundred battle guards were dispatched together. Lianjue entered the alley of Wuwu, looking for Chen Zong's Whereabouts and kill.

In a Minghou mansion, only thirty Mingguangweis were trained, and ten were damaged at a time. The losses were severe. Now, the remaining twenty are directly dispatched without mercy, which represents Minghou's unwavering determination.

There are forty dragon blood guards, twenty are dispatched, which is half full.

The other Jing Anweis, etc., were up to thirty, and twenty were dispatched at once, which was terrible.

Immediately, a tall figure, dressed in a golden armor, walked into Miwu Lane.

"Even this adult was dispatched."

"It seems that this time, Chen Zong is fierce."

In this battle, the royal family did not block any news, because they want to let the world know that the samurai has fallen, even if they claim to be sword gods, even if they have the martial arts level strength, they can't change any facts.

In the minds of the civilians, the status of the samurai is very high, especially the martial arts, it is a noble status symbol.

However, the strategy adopted by the emperor was to respect the king and lighten the samurai. This time, due to Chen Zong, the atmosphere of the samurai became warm, and there was a hint of emergence. Although it was only a temporary phenomenon, it was definitely not. It is permissible to stifle any signs of emergence to ensure that no changes will occur.

Chen Zong must die!

The intentional release of news by the royal family is also to let people witness the power of the royal family. What about a martial saint, in front of the country, is nothing at all. The real power is still the power of the country. In this way, the cohesion is further enhanced.

Many warriors are watching and waiting, even if they know that facing this lineup and such power, Chen Zong will inevitably die, but there is still a little expectation in his heart, so a slight trace is like a candle in the wind. Burning in the night wind, it may go out at any time.

As a samurai, even as a thug of the royal family, deep down in my heart, I still retain a point of pride and expectation as a samurai.

Sword God!

Without knowing it, it has become a symbol and pride in a short period of time.

The last fight.

In this battle, if the sword **** can survive, perhaps, the era of the samurai will return, there is a possibility.

However, the probability is too low and too low to be almost impossible.

Because the three thousand guards, six davids, and even the royal saint of the royal family also dispatched in person.

If you can't escape, you can only die and fight.

In the ordinary house, Chen Zong was startled, only to feel the slightest cause of perplexity permeating out, almost choking.




There is a big danger and a big danger.

With a flash of faint light in his eyes, Chen Zong knew that the royal family had acted, and the **** battle was unavoidable.

So come on.

The injury was healed, and the precipitation after the breakthrough was almost the same. Chen Zong only felt the blood boiling.

Perhaps this battle is the last battle to leave this world, because Chen Zong has grasped the opportunity to master the half-step sword.

Strictly speaking, the application of spiritual will is actually close to Taoism.

In other words, it is actually the predecessor of Taoism, and it is the roughest stage in the initial stage of half-walk Taoism.

Breakthroughs are at your fingertips, and you are in control. If you want to, you can make a real and thorough breakthrough.

Then, fight.

The blood was boiling, and the war was overwhelmed by Chen Zong.

The battle is a battle, but it is not a blind and reckless battle. This royal operation is definitely not a petty fight, but a terrible force that is sufficient to destroy its own power. Then, you must be careful enough to defeat each. To ensure that the enemy is killed alive.

Chen Zong did not have the slightest fear, but at the same time his blood was boiling, as if a flame was burning in his chest.

Take a deep breath to calm yourself down gradually, but your eyes are sharper and sharper, like a sword, penetrating everything.

"Are you ... also excited ..." Chen Zong clasped the stalk of Mingxin Sword and said secretly that the sword seemed to be psychic and trembled slightly.

The sword was excited, and Chen Zong's heart was also excited.

Excited for the upcoming blood battle of life and death.

Excited to stain the sword with blood.

Xi Jian to kill!

Swords were originally weapons and killers.

The 3,000 Guards did not enter the search of Miwu Alley, but scattered outside of Miwu Alley to block everything. As soon as Chen Zong rushed out, he would immediately face siege by at least hundreds of 3,000 Guards.

Hundreds of elite guards better than elite soldiers, personal strength or just samurai level, but together, the top-ranked samurai will be unable to support a few breaths, even the martial arts, will be entangled and difficult to escape.

Even outside, there were tens of thousands of soldiers on standby to support them.

This is a killing, a dead end.

Six David, a total of 120 people divided into six teams, entered the alley of Miwu, and searched from six directions.

A figure of a golden armor also quickly walked in search.

Miwu Lane is well-known and not small, but it is not very large. Under the intention of searching, 120 people spent half a day ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ enough to complete the search, not to mention these people have experienced severe For rigorous training, there is a topographic map reference of Miwu Lane.

As time passed, Chen Zong adjusted and maintained as much as possible.


Chen Zong's ears moved slightly, and they heard the sound of footsteps, very subtle, but they were zooming in a little bit, although the amplitude was not obvious, but Chen Zong was sure, extremely affirmative, this was not a hallucination.

Moreover, the sound of footsteps seems to be the only one. It is true in the ears of ordinary people or ordinary samurai warriors, but not in Chen Zong's ears.

It was a neat and consistent pace, the weight and intensity of the landing were the same, the lifting speed was the same, and the stride was the same, like a whole.

"Twenty ..." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes grew brighter.

The footsteps of the twenty people were exactly the same. It sounded like the same person. This kind of ability instantly reminded Chen Zong of the Six Guards.


"Or something else?"

Chen Zong secretly guessed.

Yesterday, I have seen the strength of Ming Guangwei. If you don't break through and want to defeat them, it will not be easy.

And the ten Mingguangwei teamed up is already comparable to the top titled samurai, then the twenty Mingguangwei teamed up will definitely be stronger.

I don't know which of the six guards is the six guards, but no matter which one, Chen Zong is not afraid, even if it is the most powerful dragon blood guard among the six guards, Chen Zong also competes and even kills them. confidence.

Confidence comes from strength.

It's close!

The footsteps of the twenty people were getting closer and closer. Based on the footsteps, Chen Zong made a judgment and judged how close the other party was.

And myself, is waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the best opportunity to shoot, killing and hurting the opponent as much as possible. nt

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