Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 38: Chance of life and death

(During your eighth day of National Day Mid-Autumn Festival, the six roads are silent overtime codes. Only now is there an outbreak. Not much to say, offer the tenth more, ask for monthly tickets, subscribe for rewards)

Too fast!

The speed of ten crossbows is too fast for ordinary people to capture at all. The masters such as Chiyang Knife can barely capture the ten streams of light as fast as lightning, with terrible sharpness and coldness, amazing power, enough to hold the fingers Thick steel plate penetrates.

Chen Zong looked cold, his eyes twinkled like cold electricity, the sword had returned to the sheath, grabbed the body of one of the titled samurai directly with his right hand, run in front of him, kicked his left foot at the same time, and instantly kicked the other The corpse kicked and flew towards the other side, resisting the crossbow on the other side.

That's right, Chen Zongfang just slashed out his sword, and already beheaded the two well-established warriors with good titles, and used their bodies to become shields, which is a real shield.

The cricket's voice rang continuously. Under the precise calculation and control of Chen Zong, the bodies of the two titled warriors blocked five crossbows for Chen Zong. As for the other five crossbows, they were dangerously dangerous by Chen Zong. Avoid it.

Chiyang Dadao's eyes were wide and shocked, and the windstorm was dignified, and he couldn't do it at all.


Chen Zong trembled suddenly, and immediately threw out the titled samurai body with three crossbow arrows. Under the force of hundreds of pounds, the body with more than one hundred pounds slammed into one of the Mingguang guards severely.

At the same time, the heart was beating fast and suddenly, a whole body of blood was mobilized beyond the limit, impacting every part of the whole body, bringing arrogant power to Chen Zong's body. Immediately, that power rushed to his legs. Wave after wave, like a tide.

With a bang, Chen Zong's power erupted, as if the martial arts were broken, and the whole person turned into an off-string arrow, and quickly flew away to the other side of the martial arts.

The Ming Guangwei came out with a knife, and the sword was fiercely incomparable. He severely chopped the corpse of the title warrior, split it, and spattered the blood. The other nine Ming Guangwei also quickly aimed at Chen Zong's body. Shoot the crossbow again.

Three crossbows can be loaded on the crossbow at the same time. Now, it is the second crossbow.

Nine crossbow arrows, with amazing speed, shot at Chen Zong, and the raging wind battle will also erupt in an instant, as if rushing to Chen Zong like a howling wind, to stop Chen Zong.

If three title warriors and ten Mingguang guards were run away by the other party, it would be a shame to go home.

While rushing out like a violent wind, he drew both hands, raised the axe behind his back, and beheaded and killed. The momentum was amazing and the wind was roaring.

The next scene directly makes people feel dazzled and suspected hallucinations.

I saw Chen Zong's amazing speed, his body was rushing and turning, the pace was extremely exquisite, as if dreaming, avoiding the nine crossbow arrows from firing, the sword light flew, and the broken golden color permeated the air. There was a raspy direct iron and steel symphony, which was the collision of a sword and an axe, and Mars sputtered.

The battle of the gale will only feel the shock of a terrible force on the sword, and it will make his body a meal, unable to continue to fall.

However, Chen Zong was not affected at all, and he flew away in an instant across the storm.

Ming Guangwei's face is also not good-looking. After all, two consecutive laser shots were avoided by the opponent, and only the last chance of laser shots was left. After that, you must fill the crossbow. Even after training, but you want to fill the crossbow. A few breaths of time.

"Stop!" The raging wind will roar, the left arm swells, and under the force of arrogance, the axe flew away from the hand for a moment, and it seemed to bring a storm of horror between the rotations, ruthlessly hit Chen Zong's back with extreme precision.

It seemed to everyone that it was not an axe, but a storm.

Chen Zong was frightened, his back was cold, and it seemed to be crushed. This blow was too fast and fierce, and he could not avoid it. He could only turn around, and Mingxin Sword brought the fine golden sword light, as if the stars were scattered in the sky. Dazzling.

With a sword swinging a flying axe to kill, Chen Zong took advantage of the speed to further increase, faster.

The gate of the battlefield is right in front of him. As long as he rushes out, Chen Zong will have a better grasp to get out.

It ’s too late to speak, and the storm will catch up with ten bright light guards. Chen Zong suddenly feels creepy, and the kind of thriller penetrates the bone marrow directly to the soul, as if something is going to die next, piercing himself Like.

A sharp wind-breaking sound sounded, which seemed to tear the eardrums, which greatly changed Chen Zong's complexion. Immediately, a sharp arrow turned from lightning to shoot out from the flank, and in a short time, it crossed over a hundred. Mi, shot at Chen Zong's left leg.

Even steel is shot through instantly, not to mention flesh and blood.

Too fast!

And the grasp of the timing is so wonderful that the moment when Zong Zong's left leg fell and was about to kick off, it was the worst moment for the whole person to avoid.

I have to say that the archery person is really terrible, which makes Chen Zong feel cold.

who is it?

Who shot this cold arrow?

do not know!

Chen Zong also had no time to think. The instincts of life and death that had been refined and hardened broke out from the deepest part of the soul in an instant, and the left foot that was struggling to kick was a sudden meal, and a strength seemed to spread again, permeating the whole body, immediately , Mingxin sword came out of the sheath, bringing the bright golden light, a very precise pick.

The incredible scene was shocking to the extreme.

The blade of Mingxin Sword, right at the tip of the arrow, seemed to be a thousand times through the exercise, with great coincidence.

The mighty force smashed from the arrows, as if the Mingxin sword was to be broken. Chen Zong did not use force to resist, but instead cleverly borrowed the power of this arrow to impact. Charge forward again.

The person who shot the arrow from the side was even more shocked.

The arrow he carefully planned turned out to be so resisted, unthinkable, like dreaming.

But when he saw that Chen Zong was about to rush out of the gate of the battlefield, he immediately reacted. This time, three arrows were placed directly on the bowstrings, and they were drawn to the full moon in an instant, as if shooting blindly. Lock Chen Zong.

Chen Zong had to wave his sword and split his arrows. With such a delay, the raging winds also chased after him, the two axes fell, and ten bright light guards quickly approached.

A top-ranked samurai, ten Ming Guangwei, who had carefully cultivated proficiency in fighting and killing and cooperation since childhood, and a sudden archer, finally blocked Chen Zong and prevented him from rushing out of the battlefield.

"It's over." Chi Yandao Kuang couldn't help shaking his head and sighed, a little sad.

Although Chen Zong's performance made him feel amazing, he couldn't escape after all.

The Gale will be a top-ranked samurai. Although Chen Zong is very strong, it is not easy to kill him. In addition, with the cooperation of ten bright light guards, he will fall behind.

And the person who shot the cold arrow is another titled samurai, the top titled samurai, belonging to the enshrinement of Wuhou Mansion. Its title is Shenshu, but it is the first person in Longxuan to deserve it.

Among the four major residences, Minghou and Wuhou are the closest.

It's not surprising that a shot can be fired.

What's more, the magic shot itself came out of the army, a powerful subordinate of the martial arts, and different from other titled warriors.

In an open space, within enough distance, the top-ranked warriors such as Chiyan Swordmania and Squall Warlords, etc., are not opponents at all, even if they are martial saints, they must face up.

"God shot, he's dead." Wuhoufu sneered.

Shen Sha is a middle-aged man with narrow, sharp eyes, like a hawk-like eagle, staring at Chen Zong's body through more than a hundred meters, and locked directly.

This distance is exactly the distance of the powerful bow and arrow shot.

Both bows and arrows are special, terrifying.

Seeing that Chen Zong has been surrounded by ten Mingguang guards and squalls, he did not rush to shoot arrows, but took out a very special arrow. The tip of the arrow showed a spiral shape. It's so amazing.

Far away, Chen Zong felt creepy, and a chill stirred on his back.

There was a glare in the corner of my eyes.


An unprecedented crisis.

It is necessary to deal with not only the gust axe of the gust of wind, but also the joint killing of ten bright light guards, and we must pay attention to that arrow.

Chen Zong's pressure suddenly increased sharply to the extreme. It seemed that the nerves were overloaded, and they were about to break.


The pressure between life and death!

Between life and death, there is great terror, but there are also great opportunities. Whether you can resist that terror and seize that opportunity depends on your ability.

Capable, Chen Zong has never been short.

The heart beats abruptly and is not under the control of Chen Zong. The sound of bangs is like a cymbal drum, almost rushing out of the chest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The spiritual will seems to be activated in an instant, the eyebrows suddenly beat, as if Something is just the same as breaking through the brow.




At the same time, the fingers of the magical shot were released, and the special arrow was released from the bow string through the sky at an instant, with a sharp and extreme sound, shooting out like a wave.

One arrow ... through the world!

Chen Zong just blocked an axe from the squall warrior, and avoided the front and back assaults of the two Mingguang guards, and then faced the attack of this arrow.

Suddenly, fell into life and death.

Everything around seemed to be slowing down. It seemed that the flow rate of time had become different. The coldness and murderous intention of Ming Guangwei were clearly visible. The fierce wind battle seemed to freeze the fierceness on his face.

This is a silent world!

This is a world full of silence!

This is a world that is about to become pale!

The gap between the fast and the slow makes Chen Zong a huge gap, and the body and spirit seem to be separated.

Suddenly, the mind shook, as if the spiritual will was exploding. An invisible force broke through the restraint of the eyebrows, as if it were the impact of a torrent.

As if a butterfly broke out of a cocoon and spread out its beautiful and shocking wings, it was gently fanning.

Countless Ming Wu emerged in an instant, flooding Chen Zong's mind, as if to burst Chen Zong's mind, but it did not happen, but was organized by Chen Zong clearly and orderly.

It's like a legacy!

A kind of inheritance from heaven and earth, under which Chen Zongming realized the mystery of the title warrior, or the mystery of spiritual will, in the realm of Ming Jianli, the accumulation deepened and became more vigorous. nt

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