Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 42: Strike 6 David (2)

Neat footsteps gradually approached, and then stopped, just outside Chen Zong's lurking hut.

They seem to be checking.

The inspection was very careful, and no clue could escape, Chen Zong knew that his plan was defeated.

In this case, let's go immediately.

The moment the door was opened, a master quickly raised his arm and aimed his crossbow at the door. If Chen Zong rushed out at this time, their crossbow would shoot out.

Under normal circumstances, even if there is latency, you will not choose to do it at this time.

However, Chen Zong did the opposite.

When the door opened, a shatter of golden light came out, extremely fast, and extremely sharp, as if piercing everything and cutting everything, making people creepy.

The opponent's response was also very fast. A crossbow shot in the air in a round, and a dozen or so crossbow arrows shot with an incredible assault.

The shattered golden sword light turns into a little bit of starlight. Each point of starlight is a blade of swords, which hits the crossbow arrows and shifts them.

The broken golden stars converge, condensing into one of the most dazzling glamors, which is shot out of the air.

These twenty people are the Tiewuwei of Wuhou Mansion. They have a black iron armor to protect themselves. They respond very quickly. The waist has a long knife out of the sheath, and it turns into a cold black sword light. Cut off directly.

This knife is simple and fierce.

Tie Wuwei was cultivated by Wu Hou himself. They have all been on the battlefield. Therefore, their swords are very standard battlefield swordsmanship. Each knife is very simple, but very direct. Gorgeous, just to kill the enemy.

Every Tiewuwei has been on the battlefield, and the battlefield with the enemy nations has been killed to death. Every Tiewuwei has at least hundreds of enemy forces under his sword.

Chen Zong had a terrifying feeling. The knife was superb and simple, and the killing was amazing.

But Chen Zong looked calm and calm, facing a few long knives, his heart couldn't bear the slightest ripple.

The sword waved, as if the storm was sweeping, and the sword lights were swung open, and the sword turned into a thunder and killed.

As soon as one of them was going through the killing, suddenly two long knives broke into the air to kill Chen Zong at the same time. In this case, the normal method is to keep the sword away.

But Chen Zong did not.

The body twisted and made a sudden spin in the mid-air, very cleverly avoiding the killing of the two long knives, but the sword did not pause for a while, and turned into a thunderbolt, which instantly penetrated into the opponent's throat. .

First kill!

Twenty Tiewuwei left nineteen.

Quick decision!

Chen Zong knows that the movements caused by the fighting here are likely to be known by others, and they will chase them down, which will increase his pressure.

After killing one, Chen Zong landed on both feet, and the power broke out, pushing the whole person to rush forward. One sword brought across the sky. The sword light was extremely sharp, turned into a blast like a storm, and killed the second Tiewuwei.

Stronger and more powerful than the top titled samurai, allowing Chen Zong to have a strong impact on the other side, even if the iron warriors have undergone rigorous training, they can to some extent resist the spiritual will of the titled warrior, but also Can't stop Chen Zong's spiritual will.

After all, six Davids are indeed very strong. Ten joints are enough to counteract and even kill the top-ranked samurai. Not to mention twenty joints, but they are not Wu Sheng class opponents.

Now whether Chen Zong's strength reaches Wusheng level, Chen Zong himself is not clear.

But it is certain that it is definitely more powerful than the top-ranked warriors, or else it is not easy to kill top-ranked warriors such as Fengfeng Warlord and Chiyang Swordmania.

Strength is the source of confidence.

Tie Wuwei is indeed very strong. Twenty joint forces are enough to kill any top-ranked samurai in a short time, but they can't kill Wu Sheng and Chen Zong.

The overwhelming spiritual will, superb swordsmanship, experience and momentum through battles, and everything, make Chen Zong's strength.


A sword crossed, and Tie Wuwei did his best to respond, but could not help it.

That sword light is too fast, like a blast, and it changes in an instant, like a cloud moving unpredictably.

Sword across the throat and cut half of the neck directly.

When the power of spiritual will is brought into full play, the opponent's special armor is already difficult to completely resist, and it can only weaken a few percent, and the remaining few percent is enough to break open his flesh and blood.

Fast like a cheetah, like a tiger, like a dragon.

If anyone saw it, I don't know what it would be like.

A mere mortal body can be so fast, fierce and flexible, and all kinds of changes are contrary to the common sense of the human body, it is amazing.

Chen Zong avoided the slashing of the Tie Wuwei's swords, and the Mingxin sword was like a Qianlong out of the abyss.


The third!

If there is no sword, it will be dead.

The Tiewu guards quickly dispersed and fired the crossbow again.

But as soon as they dispersed, Chen Zong also moved quickly and approached one side.

Swing the sword, hit the crossbow, kill it with one sword, and kill an iron guard again.

Twenty iron guards are not ordinary people, nor can they be compared to ordinary warriors. Each one has superb combat experience and is extremely rich. It is not easy for Chen Zong to kill them completely in a short time.

The blade of light brightened and beheaded from all directions, it seemed that Chen Zong would be divided into corpses, and the terrible killing impact would make the scalp horrible.

But Chen Zong still looked calm and calm, without panic, it seemed that it wasn't the sword light, but the phantom.

Between the staggered footsteps, the body twisted, like a spirit snake swimming in the grass, making the sword light fail.

Killed with a sword, as if penetrating numerous sword lights, once again penetrated the throat of an iron Wuwei, and killed.




Astonishing killing swept across all directions, Chen Zong showed no mercy.

To kill yourself, you must be killed by yourself.

To this day, there is no other way to go, only **** battle to the end.

The killing breeds, and the eyes become more and more stern, running through the sky, falling on another Tie Wuwei, and sending out a sword.





Flowing clouds!

Each sword has different mysteries, different speeds and different strengths.

With the constant death of Tie Wuwei, Chen Zong's pressure became less and less.


Tie Wuwei has five left, but these five Tie Wuwei did not fight with Chen Zong, but left quickly.

They need to attract other people to siege this person together, otherwise this person is too strong.

Chen Zong wielded a sword, and a silver-gray sword suddenly tore through the sky, chopped a neck of Tie Wuwei, and split the neck in half.

Leaping forward, jumping suddenly with the help of the fence, a sword volleyed out, and once again killed a Tiewuwei.


However, the remaining three Tiewuwei quickly separated and went in different directions.

Their physical fitness is very good. For a time, Chen Zong can only chase one and temporarily give up the other two.

One step out, such as the cheetah running at an amazing speed, quickly catching up with that iron Wuwei, and then killing.

At this time, the other two Tiewuwei had spread and ran far.

Chen Zong quickly took off the iron crossbow's crossbow and tied it to the belt. There were also nine crossbows on the belt.

At a glance, Chen Zong quickly understood the principle and operation of this crossbow, immediately put three crossbow arrows, then buckled it on his left forearm, and quickly set off to pursue one of the iron weapons.

Chen Zong's speed is very fast, and he has to outperform the opponent, approaching slowly, raising his hand, the crossbow blasts out through the air, hits the opponent's back, but is blocked by the armor and embedded in the armor.

The second arrow was fired without any luck. The crossbow penetrated directly through the leg joint of the opponent, which made the opponent stunned, and he was about to fall forward. Chen Zong rushed forward and killed with one sword.

Chen Zong took off the opponent's crossbow again. This was a good use of the gadget, which is a great helper for himself in dealing with strong enemies.

As for the last Tie Wuwei, I'm afraid it's hard to catch up.

Chen Zong's eyes flickered, and he quickly looked around, and immediately wiped away the traces left by him and left quickly.

About a quarter of an hour later, a golden figure approached quickly, and eventually stopped in front of a dry iron guard's body.

This is an old man wearing a golden dragon armor. He is tall and mighty. Although he looks young, he looks ruddy, and his blood is a little stronger than young people. There is a big golden sword behind him.

The old man's eyes were so sharp that he swept across, then squatted down, opened a corpse of Tie Wuwei, saw a wound on his throat, and his pupils suddenly contracted like needles.

With years of sword training experience and extremely rich fighting, the old man saw at a glance that it was a sword injury.

This sword is wounded and smooth and sharp, which means that when it is killed, there is no obstacle in the cutting of www.wuxiaspot.com.

This shows that the quality of the sword is very high, it also shows that the man's swordsmanship is very clever, and his shot is extremely fierce.

"It's a bit interesting, don't let the old man go out on his own." The old man murmured to himself, his eyes became stronger and stronger.

Originally, he thought that the landlord would let himself go out on his own.

Although David is strong, it is still unknown whether he can stay with each other.

Take a look here. There are a dozen corpses of Tie Wuwei, and the sword injuries on each corpse are basically the same. They are from the same person, which is enough to be terrible.

For myself, I haven't played against others for many years. The two in the King City have fought before, but it ’s hard to win or lose. It is not interesting to fight.

Now, there is an interesting person, maybe, a good opponent.

Standing on top of the sky is extremely difficult, the opponent is hard to find.

Stepping forward, the old man's footsteps are fast and healthy, no less inferior to those young and titled warriors.

Chen Zong converged as much as possible, and his steps were very slight, making it difficult to detect. Six David, or only five David, were looking for Chen Zong, and Chen Zong was also looking for them.

This is a **** battle of life and death, no half chance.

Either you or I will die.

Chen Zong didn't want to die or die, so he had to kill the other party.



Who is a hunter and who is a prey are changing.

You chase me, and I chase you.

This is a race for life and death.

Beyond the mist, the 3,000 guards stood by and were completely defensive.

And more than one thousand meters away from the Three Thousand Guards, there were many onlookers, most of them civilians, among them there were many warriors. nt

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