Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 39: All die

In a slow world, everything becomes slow.

The wind, the cloud, the person, the arrow ...

Chen Zong's expression was somber, like a pilgrimage. The mystery of the heavens and the earth, everything, and everything appeared, seemingly at your fingertips ... mastery.

Mystery ... in your heart, mind, hands, sword ...

The specially-made terrible arrow with the power of lore, shot mercilessly through the sky, and never let Chen Zong shoot through.

This arrow, for the growth of the River Sword King, Chiyang Knife Mania, and Gale Warrior, cannot be evaded or resisted, and will definitely be penetrated, even if it does not die, it will be severely damaged.

However, Chen Zong is not that class.

The eyebrows seemed to be broken, as if the heavens and earth were opened instantly. Although the spiritual will has not been enhanced, Chen Zong's control and application of it have risen in a straight line.


But the sword disappeared into the air, and was replaced by a bolt of lightning. The lightning was white and extremely dazzling. It seemed to be falling from the sky with unparalleled power, tearing the sky and breaking everything.

Lightning brings destruction and destruction.

Under a sword, the special arrow trembled and began to shatter from the tip of the arrow.

The huge recoil force generated by the strong collision, Chen Zong took a step back to directly resolve the impact force, a sword waved, and lightning flashed across the sky.

This sword, almost to the extreme, directly hit a Mingguangwei's body and knocked it back more than a dozen steps. A swordhole was pierced out of Mingguang's amazing defense.

If it wasn't protected by bright armor, the sword would easily pierce its body and shoot directly.

However, these bright light guards have undergone rigorous training for a long time, and have not been afraid of it. They immediately adjusted and rushed again to attack with other bright light guards.

If the sword breaks through the sky, a sword is killed, and there is a thunder in the air, it seems to smash everything. That terrible thunder blasted directly to the storm.

The thunder broke through the air, tearing the storm, killing it mercilessly, and letting the violent wind fight creepy.

This blow actually made him face the Thunder and Lightning, his heart trembled, his body was numb, and his blood seemed to stagnate for a moment.

Can't dodge!

With a violent drink, the battle of strong winds will dance the double axe, all the power will erupt, just to resist the sword of Chen Zong.

But he couldn't stop it!

Thunder hits the air, penetrates the gap between the double axe, and directly hits the body of the squadron, and the terrible power instantly penetrates the armor of the squadron.

This armor is also precision-cast and has an amazing defense force, which greatly weakens the power of this sword, so that the storm will be able to seize the opportunity to quickly retreat and save its life.

Ten Mingguangweis killed one after another, coordinated with each other in an orderly manner, besieged Chen Zong, and the magic shot opened the bow and arrow again, aiming at Chen Zong, which brought great pressure to Chen Zong again.

But now, before.

Chen Zong has pierced the mystery and mastered the application of spiritual will, but Chen Zong's spiritual will is extremely powerful, more than several times stronger than the top title warrior.

The strength of the title warrior mainly lies in spiritual will.

After all, the body is the body of an ordinary person. No matter how you exercise, it is only close to the limit of the human body.

Each of the top title warriors cultivated their bodies to an astonishing level, and then spent a lot of money to maintain them. This is why they need to rely on large forces.

What determines the strength of the title warrior is the spiritual will.

The stronger the spiritual will, the stronger the effect that can be exerted, indirectly increasing the power.

However, there is no special method for improving spiritual will. It can only rely on a long time to sharpen it. It also requires certain talents. Insufficient talents. The next day's efforts, the results are limited.

Chen Zong's spiritual will is several times that of the top-ranked warriors such as Chiyang Swordmania, which is undoubtedly terrible, almost inhuman.

With such a strong spiritual will, Chen Zong grasped its mystery again, and gradually became familiar with it after several applications, and his power gradually became apparent.

Sword breaks through the sky!

The thunder broke everything.

The speed of the sword reached the extreme in an instant, and turned into three lightning bolts, which hit three Mingguangweis respectively.

The mighty three swords not only repelled the three Mingguang guards, but also broke Mingguang armor.

Immediately, Chen Zong's waist twisted, his mighty power burst, and his sword slashed, as if blocking the river. It seemed that a large thunder swept through the army and repelled the two Mingguang guards again.

A trace of sharpness radiated from the depths of Chen Zong's eyes, shocking.

Immediately, one step forward, the sword of Mingxin turned into a fine broken golden mang, with unparalleled sharpness through the void, like a broken golden thunderbolt.

It was lightning that seemed to be compressed and condensed to the extreme, with amazing speed and unparalleled penetration.

A sword broke through, and a Mingguangwei's Mingguangjia suddenly penetrated. The remaining strength remained. He pierced the heart of Mingguangwei, pierced the heart fiercely through the gap between the cymbals and drums. The heart was pierced and then shattered.

At the same time, Shenshu released his finger again, and the special arrow shot again, as fast as lightning.

This strike was the best time to capture the moment when Chen Zong's sword penetrated Ming Guangwei's heart.

Unexpectedly, facing this arrow, Chen Zong stepped down and immediately took the Mingguangwei as a shield and greeted the sharp arrow.

The sharp arrow was terrible, and it instantly penetrated the Mingguang armor behind Mingguangwei, piercing it severely into Mingguangwei's back.

But Ming Guangwei's heart had already broken and died.

Blocking this arrow to shoot, Chen Zong kicked out, slamming Ming Guangwei's body to one side, blocking two Ming Guangwei's crossbow arrows, low in shape, the whole person is like a snake snake out of the grass, speed It's amazingly fast and flexible.

A sword broke open Mingguangwei's long sword, turned into a lightning thunderbolt, drove straight through, penetrated Mingguangjia, and then pierced the heart, straight through the heart.

The second Mingguangwei was killed.



Fight back!

Chen Zong interpreted a peerless Jedi counterattack, killing continuously.

One by one, Mingguangwei fell, leaving five remaining.

However, the training of Mingguangwei is extremely rigorous. No matter how many they are, they can work together to exert their great power. Of course, the greater the number, the stronger the power will be.

The gale battle will be furious and chase wildly, but it will never be able to catch up with Chen Zong.

The sixth Ming Guangwei fell under Chen Zongjian, and the pressure on Chen Zong was getting less and less.


If the sword rushed like thunder, it was incredible.

In addition, a layer of invisible power is blessed on the sword, making the sword stronger and sharper. Chen Zong feels incredible for this method. The invisible power is the power of spiritual will.

In the world of cultivation, spiritual will is a kind of illusory power, but in this world, I don't know why, the spiritual will has shown different changes, and it seems that there are signs of substance.

It's not just simple to interfere with each other's mental will.

If the sword thunders, it will bloom with unparalleled thunder, splitting the crossbow and lasing, and rushing out of shape, running through the throat of the seventh Mingguangwei.


No mercy!

Chen Zong's eyes were extremely cold and cold, like cold electricity, locked the eighth Mingguangwei.

The amazing killing intention changed the look of Ming Guangwei slightly.


Chen Zong's people were very fast, and Chen Zong's sword was also very fast, unable to dodge and difficult to aim.

The sword light passed by like a dazzling thunderbolt.

The eighth!

Suddenly, Chen Zong turned back and turned into a thunderous sword, with terrible power, to kill the generals.

The raging wind will be chased with anger, but Chen Zong turned around and suddenly felt a shock. He quickly waved his double axe, rolled up a violent wind, the sound of the wind was roaring, with the sharpness and fierceness of the axe, he was crazy to kill.

Meet on the Narrow Road!

You die i live!

The gust of wind was fierce on his face.

But at the next breath, the fierceness turned into a solitude, and the howling wind stopped for a moment.

The sword was drawn out, and a sword hole was left in the throat of the storm, and blood was bursting out.

His neck was pierced from his throat, his eyes widened, full of magic and shock, and between the blood jets, the distant Chiyang knife's pupils shrank like a needle, terrifying.

The strength of the squadron is similar to himself, and on the same level, he was killed by the opponent with a sword.

It's terrible. Such strength is invincible.

Only Wu Sheng can do it.

Could it be said that this person is Wu Sheng?

If you have the strength of Wu Sheng, why challenge yourself?

For a time, the chaos in Chiyang's mad mind was chaotic.

Although the remaining two Mingguangweis are not weak ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, they are nothing to Chen Zong.

Two swords and two kills!

Ten Mingguangwei fell to the ground and died.

Immediately, Chen Zong's eyes fell and fell on the bow-holder who was 100 meters away.

Suddenly he was shocked. He took out the three arrows without hesitation, aimed directly at Chen Zong and let go. The three arrows shot to the ground, and he took out the three arrows and shot them again, and at the same time backed up.

Three consecutive rounds of shooting, three and three arrows were shot out of the air, and the magic shot quickly retreated, leaving to leave here.

In a squall battle with ten bright light guards, their arrows cannot shoot each other, let alone now.

It is better to go first!

But will Chen Zong let him go?

will not!

Extremely positive answer.

Since the beginning of archery to intercept itself, it is the enemy of life and death, it is time to kill.

Even if it is because the other party intercepted himself that he was facing the crisis of life and death, and thus found an opportunity to break through, and mastered an extraordinary increase in power, it is equally worth killing.


If the sword thundered and shattered an arrow, Chen Zong's speed was not reduced, and he was like a bamboo shooter.


The sword rushed into the thunder and quickly approached, which greatly changed the appearance of the target, but he was good at archery and speed, so that he could get away better.

Seeing that the other party was about to flee, Chen Zong immediately burst into an overload and the speed surged. The whole person was like a giant crossbow that burst out, extremely fast.

You chased after me and rushed to the pavilion on the side of the battlefield.

There, it is where the eight noble families, the four dahoufu mansion and the general general man all reside. The direction of the shot is the place of the group of people in Wuhou mansion.

As soon as he gets there, he is safe. nt

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