Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 43: Strike 6 David (3)

Twenty Mingguangweis strode briskly and vigorously through the alleys of Miwu Lane.

Suddenly, a sharp arrow turned into a sharp aurora pierced the sky and shot at one of the bright light guards.

That's a crossbow!

Crossbow arrows are extremely fast, incredibly amazing, run through the sun and the moon, and have unique timing. Even the bright light guards who have undergone rigorous training are difficult to avoid.

When there was an instant sensation, the crossbow had already crossed the air for dozens of meters, and shot into the neck of Mingguangwei from the gap between Mingguangjia.

There is a slight gap between the helmet and the armor, but it is subtle, but it is penetrated by a crossbow, and it instantly dies.

At the same time, a flash of sword light shot down like a lightning volley.

This sword is extremely sharp, like a meteor breaking the moon, extremely fast and extremely sharp.


Directly through the armor of the second Mingguangwei, kill it.

Only in an instant, Ming Guangwei, who had undergone rigorous training and made many warriors frightened, died of two.

The remaining eighteen bright light guards looked cold, reacted at the fastest speed, spread out instantly, the crossbow pointed at the falling figure, and burst out without hesitation. Suddenly, the eighteen crossbow arrows broke like lightning. Kill it.

But all this seems to be in the grasp of that figure. Once again, the bodies of the two Mingguang guards are used as shields to block some crossbow arrows. One sword is swung out and the other crossbows are thrown away. Out of the shock, a sword is absolutely empty.

Miwu Lane is not very large, but it is very complicated. Six Davids are scattered and each side is easier for Chen Zong to break.

After a fierce battle, none of the twenty Mingguangweis left, and all died under Chen Zongjian.

The blood of Mingxin Sword dripped and landed on the ground, rattling.

After Chen Zong collected some crossbows, he quickly left.

These crossbows will become a good helper for themselves, helping them better kill the enemy.

At this point, Ming Guangwei's entire army was annihilated, and Tiewuwei had only one.

After Chen Zong left, he did not immediately look for other enemies to start, but rested.

After a fierce battle, my physical strength is not small, and I need to supplement food and rest to recover. In this way, we can ensure that we can deal with other strong enemies with the highest attitude.

This time, it may be more dangerous than I thought.

Six David, Dragon Blood Guard is the strongest, and the other five Guards have the same strength.

However, the one hundred battle guards are different. Twenty people, ten are with a crossbow and ten are not, but they are long bows.

Crossbows and bows have their own advantages, but when used well, they are terrible.

The crossbow is very convenient and fast when launching. It is extremely fast and can be launched with a raised hand. The penetration is amazing, but the distance is limited, which is about 50 meters.

Beyond fifty meters, the power of the crossbow will be greatly weakened.

The bow is different. To take the arrow and open the bow, it takes a little time, which is slower than the crossbow, but the advantage is the range.

The strong bow can shoot 100 meters, and it can have good lethality within 100 meters.

Fifty meters and one hundred meters. In this world without extraordinary cultivation power, the gap can be very wide. After all, even if it is a martial arts powerhouse, it takes two or three breaths to pass. Outbreak.

Although the archery of the ten hundred battle guards is not as impressive as the shot, it is also very scary.

However, everything is under the control of Chen Zong. The terrain of Miwu Lane is complicated, and bows and arrows will be limited here.

Of course, in addition to the amazing arch skills of these ten archers, their strength in close combat is also amazing.

However, they all died, all under Chen Zong's sword.

They are great, Chen Zong is even better.

After killing the opponent, Chen Zong took a crossbow and also took a strong bow and a pot of arrows.

Restore strength, continue searching, continue hunting.

Six Davids, three Davids have died, and three Davids remain, respectively, the strongest Dragon Blood Guard and Jing Anwei and An Guowei.

You treat me as a prey, and I treat you as a prey.

This is a life and death game chasing each other.

Jing Anwei ... Down!

An Guowei ... destroyed!

Tie Wuwei, who found An Guowei, also died.

At this point, David Six had only the strongest Dragon Blood Guard left, and they split into two directions, encircling Chen Zong in front and back.

The left and right sides are tall fences.

Bow and arrow!

Qiang Bow was pulled into a full moon by Chen Zong in an instant, and the sharp light of the sharp arrow tip flickered endlessly.

Twenty dragon blood guards, a blood-red dragon claw armor and helmet, exudes indescribable coldness, sharp eyes like cold and electric lasing, staring at Chen Zong, brought Chen Zong for no reason Unspeakable stress.


Arm shield!

Blood-red long sword and short blade, fully armed.

In terms of equipment alone, the Dragon Blood Guard is better than the other five guards, and its breath is even more extraordinary. No wonder it will be called the Sixth David.

The fingers were released, and the arrow turned into a streamer shot, but the ten dragon blood guards remained the same, quickly raised their right arms, and defended with arm shields.

However, Chen Zong's swords are extraordinary, and archery is also good. His eyesight is superb, and the arrow is extremely accurate.

Immediately, ten dragon blood guards waved their swords together, and the blood-colored long swords were chopped off, forming a wall of swords. Between the crosses, they blocked Chen Zong's arrow.

The Dragon Blood Guard on the other side approached quickly, raising his left arm, and his crossbows aimed at Chen Zong. When approaching a certain distance, the crossbow arrows shot out.

Chen Zong must deal with the ten crossbow arrows that were shot and killed from behind. At the same time, the ten dragon blood guards that were shot directly approached a certain range, firing ten crossbow arrows, which caused Chen Zong to be attacked before and after.

With both feet striding, Chen Zong quickly rushed to one side, stepped on the fence, and avoided the shooting of twenty crossbow arrows, and the twenty crossbow arrows shot at each other one after another.

However, this scene has already been trained many times. The look of the dragon blood guards has not changed, and they have raised their arm shields to block the crossbow and shoot, and then kill Chen Zong.

Among them, there are four levels of titled samurai. As soon as the sword comes out, there is a flood of blood, and it is even connected, as if the surge of **** waves came.

Chen Zong only felt that his eyes were full of blood, which seemed to be able to smell the terrible blood smell.

The eyes were sharp, calm and calm, and the broken golden sword light suddenly turned into a torrent of waves, violently impacting in all directions, the terrible sword gas radiated between the waves, tearing like a sea tide.

There is no doubt that among the dragon blood guards, these four men are the most threatening, and greater than any top-ranked samurai.

So, kill them as soon as possible.

The long bow of the left hand waved out, blocking a sword and beheaded, and the right-handed sword of Mingxin slanted obliquely, the angle was exquisite to the extreme, extremely mysterious.


This sword is irresistible and unavoidable.

As if passing by a thin golden wind, the dragon blood guard's eyes glared, losing his strength, and the whole person fell from the wall.

At the same time, the three long knives were beheaded from different angles, and the knives were extremely exquisite, as if only born for killing.

Chen Zong kicked up and proposed to hit the blade with great precision, shift it, swept the long bow, blocked the other sword, the Mingxin sword trembled, and after driving the third knife, he drove straight and penetrated through the gap of the armor. , Running through the throat.

To kill such an extremely rigorously trained elite, it must be fatal.

The other Dragon Blood Guards cooperated with each other.

Chen Zong was suddenly in trouble.

The strength of each Dragon Blood Guard is outstanding, and its cooperation is even more amazing. The pressure of 20 Dragon Blood Guards on Chen Zong can obviously outperform other guards.

Fortunately, Chen Zong has been sharpened and has made great progress.

However, this body is always just an ordinary body and has its limits.

Almost, Chen Zong was almost chopped by a dragon blood guard's long knife.

He does not have the armor of the Dragon Blood Guard, and his defense is much worse. If he is cut, he will be injured.

Once injured, it will be very bad for you.


Fierce fighting, pressure struck.

Under the pressure of life and death crisis, Chen Zong's application of spiritual will is more proficient, and the accumulation of Ming Jianli is becoming more vigorous.

At this stage, the state is the easiest time to accumulate precipitation. Once it breaks through, the strength will become more powerful, but it will become more difficult to continue to accumulate.

Ming Jianli!

This is the advantage of this realm, and it is also the only advantage.


Another Dragon Blood Guard fell under Chen Zongjian.

This feeling of walking and jumping on the blade of the knife made Chen Zong frighten and Chen Zong extremely excited.

This is a battle about one's life and death. There is no room for negligence, and this feeling of lingering on the edge of danger and life and death makes Chen Zong's blood boiling. Www.wuxiaspot.com It seems to be condensed to the extreme, and it seems to be completely transformed into a substantial spray.

Chen Zong knew that it would be another transformation.

Half a walk meaning!

A breakthrough means that you must also break through the realm of Ming Jianli, and step into the fifth realm of Kendo, and of course, it is only between the fourth and fifth.

Chen Zong does not know if Ming Jianli's advantage still exists in this case.

Therefore, Chen Zong didn't want to break through so soon.


Accumulate further!

These accumulations do not see any effect now, but in the future, they will definitely have a significant effect.

Millions of high-rise buildings rose flat, nothing was in vain.

The blade edged across his cheek, and a trace of coldness permeated it, as if to cut his own face, making Chen Zong feel cold.

With a slightly crooked head, avoiding the knife, a sword stabbed backhand and killed the opponent directly.

The Dragon Blood Guards seem to be mad, and they are not afraid to kill, even if they die, they will pull Chen Zong to die.

Chen Zong became more excited, but also more vigilant.

You must not be injured or delayed for too long. The longer you fight, the more disadvantageous you are.

The third title, Samurai Dragon Blood Guard, died under the sword, and the pressure was significantly reduced.

A click sounded suddenly, as if Lei Guang cracked, the sword was killed and a dragon blood guard was killed.

Only ten of the twenty Dragon Blood Guards are left.

At the same time, in the distance, a tall and mighty figure in a golden armor, like a tiger descending down the mountain, is running at an astonishing speed. It seems that soon, Chen Zong and the Dragon Blood Guard will fight. .

Chen Zong's heart jumped for no reason, a hint of danger felt from the bottom of his heart. nt

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