Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 48: Enemies are narrow

Like a big dream, waking up from the hazy.

Chen Zong stood still in the dim sky, his eyes were a little blank.

came back.

Yes, I returned to the small world of Xuanming, and Xuanming Ling also held it in my hands, but my previous experience and everything that happened in that world clearly turned into a picture, like a horse in the mind. Flowing past, very clear.

Every piece of experience and every comprehension is engraved on the deepest part of the heart, and the deepest part of the soul is like a brand that will never be forgotten.

All the experiences in that world, although the time is very short, which adds up to a few months, but Chen Zong feels that he has experienced a lot and deposited a lot.

It seems that different memories are colliding and merging, so that Chen Zong cannot fully react for a while.


Two breaths!

Three Breaths!

As time passed slowly, Chen Zong's consciousness gradually became sober. All experiences in that world were turned into memories, which were completely absorbed by Chen Zong, becoming a period of experience in his own life, regardless of each other.

"It feels good to have power." After being fully awake, Chen Zong shook his right hand. Suddenly, a force that seemed to be able to break the mountain broke out in his hands, and he burst the air and burst.

If there is such a power in that world, why fear everything, enough to push it all.

Of course, this is just Chen Zong just thinking about it.

Whether that world is a real world, Chen Zong does not know, maybe it may or may not be, just a world created by fantasy, but some of his gains in that world are real.

For example, all kinds of enlightenment and accumulation in the realm of Ming Jian.

For example ... half-hearted Kendo.

Whether it is the massive accumulation of Ming Jian's philosophical realm, or the mastery of half-hearted swordsmanship, Chen Zong has brought great benefits.

The former is to enhance the potential of kendo, which provides a great foundation for leaping forward in the sword one way and even reaching further heights.

The latter, directly enhanced the strength of Chen Zong.

This trip can be said to be full of gains.

Of course, without the persecution of the Golden Dragon Sword Master, Chen Zongke would not break through so early and master the half-step sword intention, but also intends to stay in the realm of Ming Jianli for a period of time and continue to accumulate to his limit.

But now that you have broken through, you don't need to regret it.

As soon as my heart moved, half-step sword intention was immediately triggered.

This is an intangible power, a power derived from spiritual will.

It is not enough to have spiritual will alone. It is also necessary to have enough knowledge and mastery of sword-to-sword skill and sword-to-sword skill.

Tao means the mystery and power between heaven and earth.

It has gone beyond the level of spiritual will substantive interference.

Interfering with reality with spiritual will, that is, the ability that was initially available when the titled samurai was reached in the previous world, but only at the level of martial saints can it truly interfere with reality.

Although it is powerful, it is still not as good as Taoism. Even half-walking Taoism is stronger than that, because that is the essence of improvement.

The half-step sword appeared, turning into an invisible edge, permeating his fingers, and Chen Zong stabbed lightly, as if piercing the space with a stroke, as if to split the void.

This sharpness is more amazing than in that world.

After all, in that world, Chen Zong's body is very ordinary in all aspects, but returning to the original world is completely different, and the basic strength is too much and too much.

Withdrawing the half-step sword, Chen Zong hung a smile.

His strength is at least twice as strong as before, or even more than that.

If Xiuwei breaks through to the advanced semi-holy level, no doubt, the strength will go further.

The time spent in that world was several months, but I was still in the small world of Xuanming, indicating that the time flow rates of the two worlds are not equal.

But that world has been in the past for several months, and how long the time of the Xuanming Small World has passed, it is not clear to Chen Zong, because there is no comparison.

The opening time of Xuanming Small World is one month. Chen Zong does not know how long it is left. He can only rush to find other opportunities to get as much as possible.

Although it is said that I have gained a lot in this small world, it is naturally a good thing to be able to gain more opportunities. It is only good and not bad for myself.

As the figure unfolded, it suddenly turned into a breeze and a cloud of light, light and fast, and swept forward.


One hundred and eight people, each holding the Xuanming Order, entered the black hole virtual shadow before and after.

Chen Zong entered a world without extraordinary powers, accumulated deeper in one of the swords, and realized the mastery of the half-step sword.

Others have their own experiences.

Lin Chaoqun appeared in the small world of Xuanming. It seemed that he didn't respond at once. After a dozen breaths, he just sighed.

"Unfortunately, just a little bit, I can get the highest inheritance." Lin Chaoqun's eyes flashed a bit of cold light, and some unwillingly clenched his fists.

The highest inheritance, but one that can be compared with Xuanming's true power, the ancestor of Xuanming became a strong person with the complete Xuanming true power, opened up Xuanming Palace, and made it the strongest force in Xuanming Realm.

Of course, this has a relationship between personal ability and the efforts of others, but it is also directly related to Xuanming's true power.

If you can get the highest inheritance comparable to Xuanming's true power, you will definitely have some great achievements in the future.

Although it is said that as a disciple of Xuanming Palace, he can inherit Xuanming's true power, but in the end, it is not all.

Only the lord of the palace can inherit the complete and complete Xuanming true power.

However, although I have not been able to obtain the highest inheritance, I have also received a good inheritance. Second only to that highest inheritance, it is not inferior to the incomplete Xuanming True Gong, and it is a talented person. Yes, it belongs only to me.

Then it will become a hole card of your own.

"When I practice this method, that list will be the first ..." Lin Chaoqun's eyes were sharp and incomparable, as if piercing the sky, and a deep self-confidence permeated from the depths of his heart.

Not everyone who enters it has a gain.

Some did not get anything, and some were very ordinary.


Not what you want.

There must be opportunities, fate, and sufficient capacity.

Ability, not only refers to strength, but also the integration of mentality and other aspects.

Those who have harvested are naturally very happy, while those who have not harvested will inevitably feel depressed.

As time passed, Chen Zong did not find other opportunities, but without discouragement, it was the best to find it, and his gain was not small.

"Two brothers, then Chen Zong is too bullying, and must not let him go." Xu Mulong said angrily.

"Of course, if I find him, I will entertain him well." Sheng Yuan's face was somber and his eyes were glowing with cold light. He challenged Chen Zong and defeated Chen Zongjian and became a laughingstock. .

He continued to study hard, turning hate into motivation, and taking his strength one step further. He planned to retaliate against Chen Zong fiercely, and even killed him.

Now, I have gotten some good chances in the small world of Xuanming, and my strength has been improved a little, becoming more powerful, and my revenge is getting stronger.

"Although I have no injustice with him, as a member of the Xuanming Palace, I would definitely not let him bully our Xuanming Palace." The other person looked cold.

He is a disciple of Xuanming Palace, and is ranked twenty-eighth on the Hades list-Dai Donglin.

As soon as Xu Mulong left the black hole, he met Sheng Yuan and Dai Donglin, and joined forces with them to get revenge from Chen Zong and recapture Xuanming Fruit.

Of course, Xu Mulong would not say the specific reason, but only said that Chen Zong had taken the opportunity that should have belonged to him.

Xu Mulong is a cousin of Xu Mubai. He is also a genius of arrogance. His status is enough to treat other disciples in Xuanming Palace. At least, be polite on the surface, or he may offend Xu Mu. White.

And Xu Mubai's identity is very high, in Xuanming Palace, can even be comparable to those elders.

You know, the elders of Xuanming Palace are at least the four strongest in the sanctuary.

Moreover, Xu Mubai is also defined as the next palace master of Xuanming Palace, if nothing unexpected happens.

Therefore, the consequences of offending nothingness are serious.

Xu Mulong and Sheng Yuan prepared to retaliate against Chen Zong. Sima of Sima's family naturally also had this intention. Therefore, Sima Li gathered Sima Ruan and Sima Rui to join forces to prepare to find Chen Zong and kill him.

Unconsciously, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong was spotted, but Chen Zong did not know.

His body was like the wind, passing by quickly, and immediately, Chen Zong saw the three figures in front of him, and those three people also saw Chen Zong, and immediately showed joy.

"Chen Zong, you're dead." Sima Li was surprised for a while. When she didn't expect her three talents to meet, she encountered Chen Zong. She was instantly delighted, her eyes shot out with extreme chills, and she was forced through thousands of kilometers. , As if to penetrate Chen Zong's body.

Chen Zong was also slightly surprised, but did not plan to escape halfway.

With increased strength and increased confidence, we can fight one world war.

As it happens, you can also verify the strength you have at this moment.

His eyes, sharp and sharp like a sword, pierced the sky, making Simaly feel subconscious.

You should know that after mastering the half-step sword, Chen Zong's eyes became sharper and sharper. Sima Li was defeated under Chen Zongjian again. Facing Chen Zong's sharp eyes, he would naturally be afraid of subconsciousness.

But soon Simali reacted, and immediately glared at Chen Zong, his anger rising.

"Chen Zong, this time, you can't escape." In the roar of Simali, he immediately opened up and approached quickly.

Sima Rou also displayed her body skills at the same time, and flew in. As for Sima Rui, she was carrying her hands and strolling in the courtyard.

Among the three, Sima Rui was the strongest, because Sima Rui ranked highest and ranked 37th in the bottom list.

Chen Zong can be sure that Sima Li and Sima Rou are not their opponents, but Sima Rui is not weak at all, ranking 37th in the bottom list. Chen Zong does not know whether he can rely on his current strength. Confrontation or even defeat.

But Chen Zong has full confidence, even if he is not an opponent, he can calmly retreat.

Without worries, you can go all out. nt

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