Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 46: Sword Broken Void (Part 1)

Outside the alley of Wuwu, the three thousand guards were surrounded in all directions, one by one wearing armors, and their eyes were gazing coldly. The strength of the whole body could condense at any time and release a terrible blow.

But nothing happened.

The six David and Jinlong Swordmaster entered it, as if the sea was sinking in the sea, without any trace.


Everyone is waiting.

The royal family is waiting, the samurai are waiting, the civilians are waiting.

The sword king of the river looked down, with a hint of expectation and hope in his heart.

Standing next to the Changhe Sword King is an old man who looks very old and seems to have stepped into the coffin with half a foot. However, everyone in the samurai hall around him is respectful and respectful.

Sunset martial arts!

The Samurai Hall was created in one hand, and to a certain extent, a strong samurai with dignity was retained from the hands of the royal family.

Today, he is very old.

Among the three remaining martial arts sacrifices in Longxuan Guoshuo, the sunset martial arts age is the oldest and the most qualified.

However, it is also because of the oldest age. Now that it is over eighty and lacks sufficient nourishment, the body has gradually weakened. In a few years, this body will be similar to ordinary people. Nor can it stop the flow of power.

After one hundred years, lacking enough powerful experts to sit in the town, the Samurai Pavilion was afraid that it would go down or even be banned by the royal family.

Changhe Sword King, this junior, if he cannot break through to Wu Sheng, this is the case.

The sunset martial arts sullen and gazing at the front, that is the direction of Miwu Lane, I just hope that the young warrior who is suspected to have martial arts-level strength can survive.

Time has passed slowly, and a long time has passed.

Suddenly, a touch of golden light flashed out, flying dozens of meters from Miwu Lane, landing heavily, breaking the hard ground directly, and inserting it obliquely into the crack, the golden light dazzled.

In this scene, all of them were taken aback by surprise, and the guards blocked in that corner immediately responded with a long gun and a strong bow aimed.

But when I saw the glittering things, the eye pupils contracted like needles.


"That is……"

The members of the royal family were shocked and couldn't believe it.

At sunset Wu Sheng ’s slightly curved body was erect, because of shock, his eyes widened, his eyes almost bulged, his body was trembling.


Extremely shocked!

Shock from the heart!

Perhaps the common people did not recognize what the golden sword represented, but he knew it, and was very clear and familiar.

Golden Dragon Great Sword!

That is exactly the sabre of the Golden Dragon Sword Saint.

To some extent, the Golden Dragon Swordmaster is his own opponent. His sword was thrown out of Miwu Lane. What does this mean?

This shows that the Golden Dragon Swordmaster may encounter unexpected events.

Otherwise, how could the opponent throw the sword away and throw it out.

For a time, the sunset Wu Sheng could not tell what it was like inside.


Or ... sad?

The royal camp was frightened.

Golden Dragon Great Sword!

That's the sword of the current king of the kingdom, Jinlong Swordmaster, how could it be thrown out.

Who was thrown out?

What about the Golden Dragon Swordmaster?

I dare not think about it, otherwise I will feel creepy.

Suddenly, the metamorphosis was abrupt, and an extremely sharp blasting sound sounded. At the same time, an arrow burst out from the string, and it instantly passed over dozens of meters and shot at one of the guards with a strong bow.


Too fast!

Although the Guards had undergone rigorous training and responded much faster than ordinary people, they could not fully respond to this attack.

With such a blow, even the six Davids could not respond in time, not to mention the six David's guards.

Suddenly, the guard with a strong bow was directly pierced through his throat by this arrow, and his whole body backed up under the impetus of force and hit another guard.

The sharp arrow that penetrated half of the neck was almost stabbed by the guard who was hit.

Immediately, the second, third, fourth ...

One arrow followed the other and shot through the air. The speed was extremely fast and extremely amazing. They shot and killed one guard after another, arrows and arrows killed.

And the shots were taken by those guards with strong bows.

Archer is Chen Zong.

Shooting and killing strong archers is naturally a threat to weaken the Guards. After all, if you appear, you will definitely face a dozen salvos from the archers, which is very unfavorable.

Chen Zong's strong bow came from one of the six David's hundred battle guards.

Of course, the arrows were also obtained from the hundred battle guards, with a total of one hundred and twenty.

After Chen Zong beheaded Jinlong Swordmaster, he fully restored his strength until he fully recovered and found all the arrows. Then he took the Jinlong Swordmaster's great sword and threw it out to shock others.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Zong fired arrows, using superb archery, to shoot one after another the Guards.

The distance from the walls of Miwu Lane to the encirclement of the Guards was nearly 100 meters, just right.


"dash forward!"

Suddenly, the commander ordered the Sword and Shield soldiers to immediately raise their shields to form a shield wall and move forward.

Shields were used to resist the shooting of bows and arrows, and those strong archers also opened their bows and arrows, aimed at Miwu Lane, released their fingers and fired a round of salvos.

Even if you don't see the target, in this way, you can suppress the opponent, make it difficult for them to take the lead, and let the sword and shield soldiers approach.

Along with the Sword and Shield soldiers, the pikemen began to burst into arrays, pointing their spears straight.

For a while, murderousness pervaded all directions, making everyone in the distance feel cold.

Changhe Sword King's eyes were bulging, almost falling out, and he was shocked.

Jinlong Swordmaster is dead ...

So, what about Six David?

Didn't find Chen Zong, or was he beheaded by Chen Zong?

After much deliberation, with the ability of Liu Dawei, Chen Zong could not be found. In other words, the probability that Liu Dawei was beheaded by Chen Zong is as high as 70%.


Thinking of this, the Changhe Sword King was frightened and extremely frightened.

Even against his own strength, against six David and a martial arts saint, and counter-kill.

What is this strength?

Now, it is even more against the Guards.

Is it going against the sky?

Thinking of this, Changhe Sword King was excited for no reason, and inexpressible excitement emerged from the deepest heart.

Chen Zong did not show his head, but he also felt the approach of the Sword and Shield soldiers, but Chen Zong looked calm and calm, not at all surprised.

Close to here, so what?

Dare to come in?

If you come in, it's not enough to kill yourself.

But Chen Zong didn't wait quietly, but moved quickly, rushed elsewhere, and fired an arrow again.

The arrow broke out of the string, shooting the Guards archer again.

Alone, with the walls of Miwu Lane as a cover, Chen Zong moves freely and is as fast as the wind, extremely flexible.




All 120 arrows were set, and as many as 130 Guards were shot and killed.

And Chen Zong also picked up some arrows. It was the strong archers who blasted out and became his ammunition supplement.

"Kill in!" A prince was almost killed by Li Jian, furious, and roared immediately: "Kill the prince immediately."

"Come in!" The General of the Guards looked iron-blue, seeing that his subordinates were being shot and killed, extremely angry, and shouted by the prince. Suddenly, the Sword and Shield soldiers advanced into Miwu Lane, followed by pikemen.

Most of the alleys in Miwu Lane are not wide. They can only be two or three people side by side. If the sword shield soldiers are fully armed, they can only be two people side by side.

Of course, if it is a wide area, it can accommodate five or six people at the same time.

But for Chen Zong, a group of heavily armed sword and shield soldiers and pikemen entered Miwu Lane, no different from trying to kill him.

Even six davids are not Chen Zong's opponents, let alone them.

Only in empty places can these guards play a more terrible lethality than Six Davids. Here, it is just a cocoon.

I have to say that the general gave a very stupid order.

Seeing a group of knife and shield soldiers carrying a shield long knife, the hidden advancement came, Chen Zong sneered, and his eyes shot a little murderous.

Taking a step, calmly, step by step towards the sword shield soldier, Mingxin sword slowly came out of the sheath, a trace of sharp edge permeated.


A sword broke through the sky, and the sword light was as fast as a thunderbolt. It was extremely fast and bombarded on the shield.

The shield was indeed strong, but it was not as strong as the six David's armor.

After all, the number of the Guards is not limited to just three thousand. Everyone needs a pair of armors, weapons, shields, etc. If the quality of Six David is pursued, the financial resources of the royal family cannot support ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Therefore, we can only retreat, Rao is so, it is also a boutique.

Weapons, armors, etc. used by the elite soldiers must be one level lower.

Under a sword, the shield was broken open immediately, killing the guard behind the shield.


Be invincible!

Chen Zong explained what it means to be a tiger.

Although the coordination of the Sword Shield and the Lancer is close, it depends on who the opponent is.

What's more, they are still in the alley, and their advantages have not existed.

This is a massacre.

Hundreds of Sword Shields and Pikemen poured into this section of Miwu Lane, all of them dead.

After killing hundreds of the Guards, Chen Zong also spent several dozens of physical strength and lurked again to rest.

Thousands of elite soldiers, even if they stood and stood still and allowed Chen Zong to kill, would have to kill for a long time and consume a lot of physical strength.

What's more, they will resist, although it is said that their resistance is nothing to Chen Zong.

After seeing hundreds of the Guards pouring into Miwu Lane, a voice came out. Before long, all the voices were silent. The generals of the Guards were extremely dark.


The thick **** smell permeated the air, indicating that they were all dead.

How to do?

A terrible strongman who can destroy six Davids and be able to slay the Jinlong Sword Saint against the sky, and is in the terrain like Miwu Lane, how to deal with it?

Even if it is a double martial arts shot, it will not help, maybe it will be killed like Jinlong martial arts.

"Fire attack!"

"Yes, use fire attack to burn him alive. If he doesn't want to die, he must rush out and then siege him."

That's right, in the alley, fire attack is indeed very suitable. Under the fire, anyone must die. nt

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