Sword God

Vol 25 Chapter 1: Taoism Vientiane 4 steps 9 turns

In the Xuanming Palace, the Xuanming Palace, the palace community is undulating in the mountains, surrounded by all directions, overlooking from the sky, the position of the palaces can be seen faintly, and the lines outline a giant beast.

It is rumored that it is a mysterious monster.

Of course, rumors are rumors, and no one has ever seen the so-called black monster, which is an ancient monster that exists in legends, like a god.

In the Xuanming Palace, the Xuanming Palace sits first, and there are elders on the left and right.

"Palace Lord, in the past two months, we found a total of three Hexa strongholds and eradicated them." An elder reportedly bowed slightly.

"Continue to look for it." The master of Xuanming Palace waved his eyes, his eyes flashed with extreme murderous power.

Two months ago, in the small world of Xuanming Palace, Xuanming Palace died of two Tianjiao. One of them was Dai Donglin, which was ranked 28th in the Xingming Palace. This caused the high level of Xuanming Palace to anger.

It happened that Heixa killer ventured into the small world of Xuanming, so everything came down to Heixa's head.

Xuanming Palace immediately moved into action, and within two months, found three Hexa strongholds and directly annihilated.

In terms of overall strength, Xuanming Palace is stronger than Heixa, but Heixa is hidden and difficult to find.

Xuanming Palace fully mobilized. It took only two months to find three strongholds. Among Daheixa, there are many more strongholds than branches, and it is estimated that there are hundreds of them.

The removal of the three strongholds is not a big loss for Heixa.

Other strongholds are more secretive, making it difficult to find Xuanming Palace.

The removal of the three strongholds also reduced the anger at the high level of Xuanming Palace to a certain extent.

Heisha can exist for so many years without being completely annihilated. Naturally, it has its own unique features. Although Xuanming Palace is stronger than Heisha, it is also limited.

If a full-scale war is to be waged, the entire mysterious realm will be battered. No one wants to see this result.

"Did Xu Mubai and Lin Chaoqun go out?" The master of Xuanming Palace asked, leaving behind the black shame, because there were more important things.

"Return to the lord, not yet out of customs." An elder responded immediately.

"Attention, after another month and a half, when the Xuanyuan Holy Tower is opened, it must not be missed." The Xuanming Palace Master was extremely serious.

Xuanyuan Tower!

This is a sacred place in the Xuanyuan Realm, an ancient high tower with magical powers, not only useful for the semi-holy level, but also for entering the holy realm.

However, the Xuanyuan Tower to be opened this time is aimed at the semi-holy level.

In fact, the reason why the Xuanming Palace opened the Xuanming Small World to the world so that Tianjiao can enter is to prepare for the Xuanyuan Tower.

At that time, competing for the place of Xuanyuan Sacred Tower will not only be Xuanming Realm, but also other realms.

All in all, Tianjiao in the five realms in Xuanyuan Realm will participate.

It is a competition of Tianjiao in the entire Xuanyuan Realm. Tianjiao in Xuanming Palace is not enough. Other Tianjiao needs to participate in order to win higher honor.

Therefore, Xuanming Palace will open the Xuanming small world to other Mingbang Tianjiao.


"Gather at Xuanming Palace a month later ..." Chen Zong was a little surprised.

This is the news I just received.

As for why meet at Xuanming Palace?

Why is it a month later?

Chen Zong didn't know because he didn't say.

However, Chen Zong came up with an idea and always felt that it had something to do with the opening of the Xuanming Small World before.

"There is still another month to strive for further improvement of strength." Chen Zong secretly said.

Regardless of what the Xuanming Palace gathers for a month later, its own strength is stronger, and it is not a bad thing.

Streamer flying shadow!

Suddenly, Chen Zong's body dissipated, turned into a streamer, the speed was amazing, appeared in another place.

This is a sacred-grade lower body method, mainly based on the speed of long-distance running. The change is not as good as the thousand shadows and thousands of magic bodies, but in speed, it is worse than several percent.

This body method is exactly what Chen Zong bought from the ancient Xuanlou. As for the sacred-grade top-grade body exercises that Chen Zong needs, there has been no news.

After all, the holy class top grade exercises are already a lot of powerful Zonggong exercises. Generally, they will not be spread. If they want to obtain them, they will have to pay a huge price. Chen Zong currently does not have such financial resources.

After one month of training, Chen Zong practiced the streamer flying shadow to the beginning, which is faster than Xiaocheng's Qianying Qianwu body method.

In addition to getting streamer flying shadows and practicing to get started, Chen Zong's practice of Qi training has also increased.

In addition, the basic tricks to be created are basically rough, but they need to be constantly improved.

"One month, I will perfect my own skills." Chen Zong secretly set a goal for himself: "It is also time for Shura to take a black fruit as a separate body."

The other arrogant Tianjiao who received the news were also confused, but they also knew that strength was important, not to mention that they had more or less opportunities in the small world of Xuanming.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

At this moment, a terrible horror of eruptions erupted like an ancient volcano, as if the stars had exploded, swept across in an instant, sweeping the entire mysterious courtyard.

Fortunately, Xuanmingyuan opened up a protective force to block this terrible and terrible shock.

But when this shamelessly passed Chen Zong's body, Chen Zong only felt his soul tremble, a trace of chill invaded it, as if to freeze it, and there were countless thoughts, and it seemed to fall into the blood of the dead.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's soul is strong, and he has ignited the fire of the soul. He also realized the half-step sword meaning, and external evils are difficult to invade in order to resist this unpredictable impact.

If it is changed to another semi-holy level, I am afraid that the soul has been shaken and the sea has been damaged.

Mental trauma can be more difficult to heal than physical trauma.

Then, a touch of silver-gray with a ray of blood blasted out of the house, straight through Chen Zongmei's heart, and penetrated from Chen Zongmei's heart instantly, disappeared.

Chen Zong stood still and seemed to turn into a statue. Only half a quarter later, he laughed loudly.

Only that light was Shura's avatar.

Half a month ago, Chen Zong asked Xiuluo to take a xuanming fruit. Xuanming fruit allows people to enter the xuanming state. Under this state, whether it is cultivation or enlightenment, it has a great effect.

And let Shura take the first one, Chen Zong also thought about trying.

For half a month, although Xiuluo's avatar did not improve, he realized a kind of meaning.

God evil!

Only then did Bafang sweep across the courtyard, making himself feel as if the cold killing of the blood of the dead body was the same as that of that day.

This is just the breath, and if it bursts out, it will be terrible.

The Shura avatar itself is condensed by pure and majestic evil spirits, and has cultivated the holy superb incisive Shura Gong and incisive Shura swordsmanship. It has extremely high talents and accomplishments in Sha.

It is inevitable to understand the meaning of Sha, the difference is only around time.

A mysterious fruit shortens the time and greatly advances the time of comprehension.

Of course, there may be other differences between the time when there is Xuanmingguosuke and the absence of Xuanmingguosuke.

In the memory of King Taiyuan and His Holiness, there are all kinds of information about Taoism.

Taoism is divided into four steps and nine turns!

First-order-based, lowest.

The fourth order is the top order and the highest.

One turn is the lowest and nine turns is the highest.

The fourth order refers to the quality of Taoism itself.

Nine turns refers to the level of Taoism cultivation.

It's like the exercises, there are grades of lower, middle, and upper, and there are several layers in the exercises.

There are many types of Taoism, which can be called Vientiane.

Therefore, it is known as the fourth-order nine-turn of Vientiane.

The so-called Vientiane, with a simple description, is that there are many kinds of Taoism, and each Taoism is different.

Such as the way of fire, the way of water, the way of wind, etc., in addition to the way of sword, the way of sword, the way of evil and so on.

This kind of Taoism belongs to the most fundamental and basic Taoism.

Taking the meaning of fire as an example, it can be divided into other ideas, such as Jin Yan Taoism, Yinhuo Taoism and so on. These Taoisms are the extension, expansion and enhancement of the basic Taoism.

Generally speaking, when the basic Taoism is mastered, it is a turn, but it can be improved with continuous enlightenment, but it is more difficult. After all, that is the foundation, belongs to the lower order, and has limited potential.

In the memory of the two strong men, the basic ideology can generally only be improved to three turns, and it is difficult and difficult to break through the four turns.

The middle-level Taoism above the basic Taoism has more powerful power and potential.

For example, the meaning of fire and gold flames, which are the same turn, are more powerful.

However, the basic Taoism has its benefits, that is, plasticity, and the Basic Taoism can be promoted to intermediate-level Taoism.

Most of the enlightened enlightenment enlightenment is often the basic enlightenment, and then slowly enlighten and become the middle order enlightenment. A few enlightened enlightened enlightened persons can directly grasp the middle order enlightenment.

Tiansha Taoism, which is realized by Shura's avatar, is one of the Shadao Taoism.

In addition, the half-step Xindao Taoism ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, which is recognized by his deity, is also a kind of sword Taoism when he is promoted to the future.

As for whether the meaning of heart swordsmanship is intermediate or advanced, Chen Zong is not clear. This requires testing, or to see more records to learn more, or to understand it.

The Tiansha Taoist thought, at the moment of comprehension, it seems that a vast sky sound is introduced into the ear, telling Chen Xiu that it is a third-order Taoist meaning, that is, a higher-order Taoist meaning.

In the memory of King Taiyuan, there is very little part about Taoism, and the respect of Taoist Lord Luo has a lot of memory, but it is relatively simple.

Such as the so-called meaning of destruction and killing, which are very famous from ancient times to the present, belong to the highest order, and have been conclusive since ancient times.

Now, Tiansha Taoism has just come to its realization, it is a turn.

With the future practice of enlightenment, it will gradually be promoted to two or even three turns.

Taoism has four steps and nine turns, each with its potential.

As the basic idea, the upper limit is basically three turns, it is difficult to reach the fourth turn, and the fifth turn is impossible.

The upper limit of mid-level Taoism is six revolutions, and there is a slight possibility that it can reach seven revolutions.

The higher-order Taoism can be promoted to nine revolutions.

What is above the Ninth Turn, Chen Zong does not know, there is no half record in the memory of King Taiyuan and His Holiness.

However, for the time being, the record of Taoism and Vientiane, fourth-order nine-turn, is enough.

Next, Shura's avatar is a full-fledged practice, and promotes cultivation as a method of enlightenment sword and Tiansha Taoism.

Mastering the magic of a turn, Shura's avatar is at least twice as powerful, or even more.

"Do I also take Xuanming Fruit?" Chen Zong secretly said.

Xuanming fruit has a good effect. If you take it by yourself, it is expected that you will realize the half-step sword to 70% or even 80% or higher. nt

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