Sword God

Vol 25 Chapter 53: Break through

With blood flowing, Dai Donglin covered the wound on his shoulder and ran away.

The speed of Chen Zong's improvement of power was too terrible. He was suppressed by himself a few days ago, and he even surpassed himself completely a few days later, and that strength seemed extraordinary.

Half a walk meaning!

Half step sword meaning!

It is unclear if it is changed to a general semi-holy level, but Dai Donglin has a lot of knowledge and has personally experienced it.

That is half-step sword.

Even the peerless Tianjiao who are in the top ten do not necessarily have a half-walk sense.

No wonder the improvement of the opponent's strength will be so great.

No, the last time the opponent had already performed half-step swordsmanship, but it was very different from then.

Dai Donglin broke out with all his strength, and only shifted. He was not pierced by the throat, but cut his shoulder. If it was pierced, the thickness of the sword was enough to smash the shoulder.

A terrible sharp force lingered on it, like a sacral bone, extremely sharp, like an invisible sword, terrible and painful.

Dai Donglin's speed is fast, and he breaks out regardless of his own consumption, because he can feel that Chen Zong wants to kill himself, he really wants to kill himself.

Although angry, it is more important now to get out.

Chen Zong followed closely.

Dai Donglin had no mercy before, and was thinking of killing himself, but now he can't beat himself before turning away.

It's not shameful to escape, it's normal.

It is foolish not to run away without being able to run against the opponent, but to desperately.

Of course, if you can't escape, you can only fight to death.

Seeing that Dai Donglin was getting farther and farther, Chen Zong frowned slightly, and he was indeed faster than ordinary practitioners of the same level in speed, but still not enough.

His own body style, only Qianyingqian Qianshen body style and Magic Luo nine changes, are not suitable for long-distance running, but the changing body style suitable for battle.

It seems that it is necessary for him to find a body training practice focusing on speed and long-distance running.

Holy evil!

Suddenly, Chen Zong borrowed the power of Shura's avatar, overwhelming pure power, will give himself a faster speed.

Under the persecution of the persecution force, the figure rushed into a rush like a blast, and quickly approached Dai Donglin.

A sword waved.

Fierce as a dragon!

The dragon roared when it was empty, and immediately made Dai Donglin's complexion suddenly changed, and he tried his best to dodge. This avoidance, the ground was suddenly blasted by a fierce dragon, a terrible impact, to a certain extent hindered Dai Donglin's speed.

At that moment, Chen Zong waved his second sword.

With this sword, the amazing holy force condensed into a lightning thunder at an instant, with amazing speed and terrible destructive power.

Burning Thunder!

It is more powerful than the first sword. With the blessing of 50% of the sword, the power is terrifying, much faster and stronger than one sword.

"You can't kill me." Dai Donglin shouted quickly, but his voice was penetrated by Jian Guang, his heart was pierced instantly, and all defenses were invalidated.

Amazing evil spirits rushed into his body in an instant, vandalizing and crushing the heart.

"You ..." Dai Donglin pointed at Chen Zong with an astonishment on his face, covering his heart with one hand, and the blood couldn't stop flowing wildly, his eyes gradually disappeared and he fell down.

It is a great irony to understand that the twenty-eighth Tianjiao has great prospects and amazing potential, but now he is dead here.

But if he did not provoke Chen Zong and did not kill Chen Zong, he would not die.

Human life or death is often self-initiated.

Regardless of Tianjiao or whatever, as long as you haven't really grown up and have peerless force, then you must think about everything, deal with all dangers, and even grow up, even the strongest in the Holy Land is not truly invincible.

As the founder of the Heart Sword Shinshu Sacred King, he died.

As for how he died, it is unclear at this time, and he will not know everything until he has attained sanctification.

The Sword Sage King is undoubtedly the Great Holy Realm King. Of course, whether the Great Holy Realm King is divided into different levels, Chen Zongke is not clear, but since it is the Great Holy Realm King, his strength must be very strong. All fall, indicating that in this world, there may be a stronger existence than the Great Holy Realm.

Or dangerous.

This gives Chen Zong a warning that without absolute invincibility, everything is relative.

Chen Zong moved quickly. He collected Dai Donglin's appetite and took away useful things, but some things that felt special and might be more sensitive or representative, Chen Zong did not move.

In comparison, Dai Donglin is a disciple of Xuanming Palace, and here is the Xuanming small world that Xuanming Palace has been managing.

Tianjiao, who killed Xuanming Palace in Xuanming Small World by himself, would never be good if he knew it.

The ancient fire tactics worked, Ziyun Hexingyan ejected, fell on Dai Donglin's body, and quickly burned. Although the power of Ziyun Hexingyan can no longer keep up with his own strength, he cannot bring himself strength. Increase, but the temperature is still very high, which is quite good for corpse destruction.

Watching Dai Donglin's body turned to ashes under the high temperature of Ziyun Hexingyan, Chen Zong took a sigh of relief, waved his hands, and immediately spread that layer of black ash, fluttering between heaven and earth with the wind, I don't know Where to go.

No bones!

I have to say that it was very sad. Anyway, during his lifetime, he was also a **** of pride and a talent. He didn't know how many people he had beaten and how many people admired. Now not only has he died here, all good prospects are gone, and there is no bone left.

But in fact, if he could, Chen Zong would not be willing to do so, but in order to survive, he had to do so, so that he might not be noticed by Xuanming Palace.

Otherwise, it is not good for yourself.

Quickly away, Chen Zong inspected what was obtained from Dai Donglinna's ring.

Elixir is essential, but mainly to restore strength and treat injuries.

In addition, there are some personal collections, which are of great value, and some people like Yuandandi Yuandan, which increase Chen Zong's wealth.

Immediately, Chen Zong found three exotic fruits, which are the kind of exotic fruits that he had taken before and would repair it.

"That's right." Chen Zong was immediately pleased, and immediately found a place to take three refining fruits.

The majestic energy contained in the three different fruits was instantly released, extremely pure, and swept across Chen Zong's entire body, as if the waves were surging and surging.

Chen Zong runs Taiyuan Moyun Gong, quickly refining and absorbing the power of the alien fruit into a semi-holy force, which makes him become a semi-holy force.

Chen Zong is confident that with these three alien fruits, he will be repaired to achieve a further breakthrough and reach a high-level semi-holy level.

As long as it is achieved to reach a high-level semi-holy level, the semi-holy power will be more pure, the power will be more horizontal, and its strength will be enhanced as a result.


The semi-holy force swept through the tide like a tide, hit everything, and became increasingly tyrannical.

Immediately, after a shock that broke through the puppet, Chen Zong immediately felt that the semi-holy power was changing, becoming more vigorous and pure.


After the breakthrough, Chen Zong did not stop immediately, but continued to practice the exercises to consolidate cultivation.

The domineering breath pervades the whole body, suppressing everything like it, the depth like a prison is unpredictable.

After a while, Chen Zong stopped working, and his arrogant breath was restrained.

Cultivation is a breakthrough.

Immediately, Chen Zong showed a different color and did not get up, but continued to sit and realize.

Not long after, a trace of electric mang jumped out of Chen Zong's body, very subtle, and gradually strengthened with the passage of time.

That's an extraordinary secret: the power of lightning.

The power of lightning and the power of fire belong to the same level.

Chen Zong speculates that the reason why he will realize the power of the Thunder is most likely related to his recent mental transformation of the Thunder.

Enlightenment Enlightenment Enlightenment and continuous improvement.

Chen Zong's accumulation is very ambitious, and these accumulations are released at this moment, which makes Chen Zong's extraordinary mysterious lightning power quickly rise.

One product!

Second product!


The improvement of one product after another is astonishing, and after a period of time, it rises to the ninth product, which is on par with the power of the flame and the power of the white cloud.

As for the power of the Heart Sword, at this moment it has transformed into a half-step Heart Sword meaning, with higher levels and much more powerful power.

If the power of the flame, the power of the white cloud, and the power of the thunder and lightning can all be promoted to half-walk, its power will also increase dramatically and become more powerful.

Otherwise, just at the level of nine grades, like that of Ziyun Heixingyan, the increase in their current strength has become limited ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is better than nothing.

Of course, for the general semi-holy level, the extraordinary secret power of the nine grades is still very useful, but Chen Zong and other Tianjiao, the unique extraordinary secret strength, regardless of the number of products are limited, unless there are several extraordinary secret Combined forces.

Today, Chen Zong has mastered three extraordinary secrets, and when combined, they are as before.

Unexpectedly, getting three different fruits from Dai Donglin not only allowed his cultivation to break through to the high-end semi-sacred level, but his strength improved significantly, and he also realized the power of thunder and lightning.

Although the power of thunder and lightning is not very helpful to oneself, but that is a potential, which means that in the future, one can hope to grasp the meaning of thunder and lightning.

Of course, it is only hopeful that it may not be grasped.

Most of the strongest people in the sanctuary have only one kind of meaning, they can master two kinds, very few, and three kinds, it is very rare.

Now that I have mastered half-hearted Kendo, I have a great grasp of being promoted to true mind-kendo.

But for the other several, Chen Zong is not so sure.

"After I leave the small world of Xuanming, I should practice the Secret Method of the Three Robbery Fronts." Chen Zong secretly thought.

This is the inheritance from the third floor of the Ice Palace of the Ancients, a heritage mystery of the Great Holy Realm Sword Repair, and a unique secret method. Secret method.

This secret method can only be cultivated when it reaches half-step sword intention, sharpen its sword intention, and create supremacy.

In other words, the most fundamental reason for the three robberies of Feng Feng's secret method is to create the supreme sword intention and the supreme sword intention.

The supreme sword intention and the supreme sword intention look like, Chen Zong does not know, but it does not hinder Chen Zong's longing. That is the realm of the Great Sacred Sword Master who wants to pursue but cannot. nt

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