Sword God

Vol 25 Chapter 2: Ground fire refining (on)

Eight hundred miles south of Xuanming City, there is a valley.

The dark red land of the valley is not the color of blood sedimentation, but the color rendered by high-temperature roasting.

There is a pungent smell in the air, which is the smell of sulfur, and it also has a fiery hotness. Ordinary people can't approach it at all, either poisoning and dying, or dehydration and dying.

The practitioners who set up the foundation did not dare to approach, and they would also die.

Only by practicing to reach the transcendental realm can we approach here.

This is the location of the ground fire cave.

The Dihuo cave is controlled by the Ancient Xuan Club.

The ancient Xuanhui industry is spread all over the mysterious realm. Naturally, there are alchemists and smelters, etc. This fire cave is the place where the ancient Xuanhui is a smelter.

"Chao Shao, the ground fire hole is ahead." A deacon from Gu Xuanhui led the way, pointing at a red flashing hole in front of him, and the hot high temperature was constantly permeating from the hole, like an opening. Like the mouth of the fire beast, it seemed to burn everything.

The deacon of the ancient Xuanhui is also unclear why Chen Zong came here.

After all, the Dihuo cave is the place where the ancient Xuanhui refining divisions worked. The temperature is extremely hot and full of fire poison. Even those refining divisions who are in the holy realm are not willing to stay long.

After staying in the ground fire cave for a few months, you must leave. You can rest for a month or two and let the effects of fire poison disappear before you can enter again.

A semi-holy level, at most is to stay in it for a few days.

I do n’t understand, I do n’t understand what the other party is doing.

But Gu Xuanhui also intended to make friends with each other. After all, it was a Tianjiao with high potential, so if you ordered it, you had to obey it.

Instead, he brought himself into the ground fire hole and did nothing himself.

As the deacon of the ancient mysterious society stepped into the ground fire cave, Chen Zong immediately felt that the temperature was constantly rising, and the red light became more and more dazzling, as if a fierce flame was burning in front of him, as if to be Burn yourself to ashes.

However, this level of high temperature is not much to myself, because there is Ziyun Hexing inflammation body.

Although Ziyun Heixingyan has little effect on his current strength, it is still good in resisting high temperatures.

Moreover, Chen Zong can also feel that the fire poison that permeates the ground fire cave is purified by the power of Ziyun Hexingyan, and can not bring the slightest damage to his body.

In other words, Chen Zong can stay here for a long time, as long as he wants.

"Chen Shao, you have to pay attention, don't go into the deepest part of the Dihuo cave. The temperature of the Dihuo Lake is terrible and dangerous." The deacon said solemnly.

"Okay." Chen Zong nodded.

"Then I'll say goodbye, and I will pick you up in a few days." The deacon turned and left after he said that, he had other things to do, and it was impossible to stay here with Chen Zong.

Chen Zong looked around. This is a natural cave. It is a cave where ground fires converge. There are many cone-shaped stones in it, either protruding from the ground or hanging from above. The red light is shining, it looks like a statue. Inside the mouth of the ancient fire beast, the dog teeth are staggered and boundless.

Gu Xuanhui's refining division naturally has its place, and Chen Zong will not bother or bother.

Looking at it, Chen Zong immediately stepped forward and went to the deepest part of Dihuodong.

The purpose of entering the ground fire cave is to enter the deepest place, and use the power of the ground fire to cultivate the San Jie Li Feng.

San Jie Li Feng!

This secret method was created by a great sacred realm, the strongest sword, in the later period of repair, in order to sharpen the sword.

Three calamities are divided into three calamities. The conditions for cultivation are half-step swordsmanship.

If you have mastered the meaning of the sword and then practice it, it will be a bit slow and effective, but it cannot be used to the extreme, and the higher the level of the Taoism, the worse the cultivation effect will be.

Basically after three rounds of Taoism, it is completely invalid.

The half-step sword intention level is the most suitable level for practicing the three-strike sword front. At least, it is necessary to practice the first calamity, after which the two calamities can wait until the half-step sword intention breaks through to become the true sword intention and then practice.

It is also because half-step Jianyi can't bear the tempering of the second calamity, let alone a stronger third calamity.

San Jie Li Feng!

The three calamities of this mysterious method are ground fire, sky wind, and void thunder.

Ground fires are the easiest to find, followed by sky winds, and nether mines are the hardest to find.

Chen Zong continued to deepen, he could feel that the temperature was getting higher and higher, and gradually, the power of Ziyun Hexingyan had a sense of resistance.

However, Chen Zongben has a strong body and a high temperature and heat resistance, so he can still resist.

Go deeper and deeper.

The red light was extremely dazzling, shining in all directions, and it looked very dazzling, making it difficult for Chen Zong to look directly, as if his eyes were grilled on the fire.

Hot, hot, hot!

The heat that came from the outside world seemed to be the heat that burned the earth, and seemed to turn itself into ashes.

Carrying this high temperature, Chen Zong walked forward and saw a small lake.

The small lake is only about 50 meters in circle, and it is red and dazzling, making Chen Zong's eyes feel difficult to open.

Earth Fire Lake!

It was a lake finally formed by countless ground fires after years of continuous accumulation and sedimentation. The liquid that looked red flashing inside was not really a liquid, but was condensed to a very high form. It looked like a viscous liquid. a feeling of.

Like magma.

On the surface of Dihuo Lake, a layer of almost transparent flames was still burning. Chen Zong could feel that layer of almost horrible power of horror, which was even more terrifying than his own Ziyun Hexingyan.

Mysterious ancient fire tactics work, and the purple cloud and black star flames suddenly run every part of the body in a mysterious trajectory, which greatly resists the terrible high temperature brought by the burning of Dihuo Lake, allowing Chen Zong to stay longer here. time.

Then, he began to practice the Secret Method of the Three Robbery Fronts.

Fortunately, Chen Zong can divide his mind into two uses, otherwise, the ancient ancient refining fire tactics or the three robbing front secret methods can only operate one.

Half step sword meaning, it is a kind of nothingness power, different from spiritual power and semi-holy power.

Chen Zong ran the three jeopardy fronts and the first jealousy. Suddenly, a trace of ground fire was drawn and quickly entered Chen Zong's sea of ​​knowledge, which was exactly where the half-step sword meant.

At the same time, half-step Jianyi also emerged from the sea of ​​knowledge.

The atmosphere of the ground fire was so pure and extremely hot that, once entering the sea of ​​knowledge, Chen Zong felt that his sea of ​​knowledge seemed to be burnt to ashes, and it was extremely painful.

Chen Zong must endure.

The fire of the ground fire spread quickly, enclosing the condensed half-step sword, and kept burning.

The pain became more and more intense, and it directly increased several times, so that Chen Zong felt faint, but he must support and keep awake. Otherwise, not only will it not have the effect of tempering, but he will burn the half-step sword intention. I can no longer understand the meaning of the sword, and even my soul will be traumatized, which is very serious.

This price is really amazing, but if you can practice the Three Secret Frontier Secrets, you can create the ultimate sword, and the gains are also amazing.

Chen Zong is guessing whether the so-called supreme means the way to go beyond the higher order.

If so, it is truly amazing.

No matter what, the secret method created by the great sacred state most powerful sword late in the repair is always extraordinary.

The flames of the ground fire were being hauled, gradually drifting into the sea of ​​knowledge, wrapped in a half-step sword, and kept burning, as if the sword embryo was being calcined.

The high-temperature burning caused Chen Zong to endure great pain, directly impacting the pain of the soul, and there was a feeling that the soul was roasted on the fire.

Withstand and control, continue to temper.

This is a fire disaster.


This is a calamity. After a calamity, you can be reborn.

The half-step sword was intended to be melted by the fire of the earth fire, and it seemed to melt. Chen Zong had to control it and continually converge. This was very difficult and laborious.

Without a strong mental will, it cannot be supported at all.

That is to say, even if most practitioners get the secret method of San Jie Li Feng, they cannot practice successfully.

Gradually, Chen Zong took it and adapted to this high temperature.

This is just the beginning, absorbing more of the fire of the earth into the sea, and tempering the half-step sword, under this tempering, the half-step sword seems to become more solid.




As more and more ground fire gas enters the sea of ​​knowledge, it continually condenses and gradually turns into a flame to burn, and that flame also continuously absorbs the external ground fire gas, becoming more and more powerful.

San Jie Li Feng's first fire and land fire was to use ground fire to temper half-step sword.

However, the practitioner cannot release the half-step sword intention and put it into the ground fire for a long time, then he can only do the opposite and let his own knowledge burn the ground fire in the sea.

How to set off a fire in the sea?

The Great Sacred King Xun Xiu had a sudden whimsy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ in a way of absorbing the fire of the earth, from the most subtle, a little bit of accumulation, a little bit of improvement, letting himself constantly The endurance continues to adapt, and in the end, the sufficient amount of ground fire gas can be condensed into a flame, and then continuously absorbed into a real ground fire.

In this way, it is truly a half-step sword intention tempered by ground fire.

It took half a day for Chen Zongfang to absorb enough of the fire of the ground fire to form a ground fire in the sea.

As soon as the ground fire appeared, Chen Zong felt that his sea of ​​knowledge seemed to be burned, and his soul was trembling under the high temperature.

Terrible to the extreme, a little carelessness, the sea of ​​knowledge will be destroyed by this terrible ground fire, and even the soul will be burned to ashes.

Exquisite mastery!

The San Jie Li Feng is extremely delicate. As long as Chen Zong continues to operate, as long as Chen Zong's spiritual will can support it, he can resist the calcination of the ground fire and continue to temper the half-step sword.

It's like the process of casting an iron block into a sword embryo.

Time passed slowly, a ground fire was continuously burning in the sea of ​​knowledge, and the half-step sword intention was continuously calcined, and as the ground fire was burned, the half-step sword intention gradually became more solid.

This is the depth of the ground fire cave. In most cases, no one will come, but occasionally strong people will appear.

At this moment, an old man in a fire-red robe flew over and was shocked when he saw Chen Zongshi.

Because he felt the breath of Chen Zong fluctuated.

Higher semi-holy level!

When did the high-level semi-holy class come here to practice, didn't they seek their own way of death?

The old man's hair was red, and under the light of Dihuohu Lake, as if a burning flame, he stared at Chen Zong, as if to see through Chen Zong's reality. nt

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