Sword God

Vol 25 Chapter 54: Closing and incubation

Xuanming's order vibrated lightly, and immediately, released a trace of strength, quickly diffused away.

The last shock of the mysterious order was to guide Chen Zong to the black hole, enter it, and gain an opportunity to master the power of the spiritual will, accumulate more and more dynamism in the realm of Mingjian, and finally master the half-step sword .

This time, it was Xuanming Small World that was about to close, and everyone would be sent away from Xuanming Small World.

Of course, the prerequisite is to have a mysterious order.

Wrapped by the power of the Xuanming Ling, Chen Zong's body became blurred, and the whole person seemed to be walking through a darkness, the darkness was a bit chilly, constantly invading from all sides, but was looked weak and yet another layer Tough enough to resist.

It seemed to be flying in the dark and cold, and immediately, irresistibly rejected.

After experiencing the change of darkness and light, Chen Zong found that he fell into the valley, which is the Xuanming Valley.

Around him, all the figures were solid, one by one, who were sent out of the Xuanming Small World.

Immediately, a terrible breath came suddenly, overwhelming, deep, majestic, and overbearing, as if from the wrath of the ancient strong, directly suppressing everyone.

Chen Zong could not move for a while.


The breath was so arrogant that it seemed to crush himself.

All the people were stunned and had no idea what was going on.

Why do you and others immediately encounter this terrible repression as soon as you leave the small world of Xuanming?

Immediately, they saw a figure flying across the sky, spreading all around, there were dozens of people, each of them exuding terrible breath fluctuations, cold as prison.

These people are all powerful men in the sanctuary.

Their eyes gathered, with a bit of coldness, and swept across the crowd, with a wave of chill.

Chen Zong's heart sank.

Could it be said that the opening of the Xuanming Small World is a conspiracy, and intends to wipe yourself out?

Could it be said that Xuanming Palace is directly related to Heisha?

After all, in the small world of Xuanming, he encountered the black evil killer, and Wu Feng also encountered the black evil killer, indicating that more than one killer entered the small world of the dark evil, two or more.

Xuanming Small World, but Xuanming Palace is in charge, and there will be a Heixia killer, and Chen Zongsheng has to be doubted, and it is not only Chen Zong who has this kind of doubt.

what is the problem?

But if Xuanming Palace wants to deal with them, it can't be so troublesome.

Besides, there are disciples of Xuanming Palace.

"Two black evil mice, still want to confuse and die!" A vigorous and dull voice sounded, with indescribable anger, such as thundering and blasting, very terrible.

Immediately, the two bodies trembled, as if they were sifted, as if the bones, viscera, etc. were crushed and crushed by a terrible force, and they were exploded, and the flesh was confined within a meter of a circle and completely turned into powder Alas.

In this scene, everyone's pupils contracted and shocked, but they didn't know what happened.

Then, the repression of the crowd also recovered and disappeared, and everyone recovered their ability to move.

"After you entered the Xuanming Small World, there were Hexa Killers coming to death, and at a great cost, a total of ten Hexa Killers broke into the Xuanming Small World." Only then was the extremely vocal voice, Everyone explained: "The target of Hexa Killer is you. Now it seems that eighteen people have encountered unexpected events."

Chen Zong and others were startled secretly, glanced over, and found 108 days of pride, including the two that just died, and only ninety were left.

In other words, a total of eighteen Mingbang Tianjiao died in Xuanming Small World.

Among them, Dai Donglin died under his sword. Chen Zong was very clear. As for how other people died, Chen Zong did not know, but either he was killed by the Heixia killer or he was killed by other Hades. .

Now it seems that no matter who killed it, the black pot seems to be carried by the Hexa killer. Chen Zong also hopes that, otherwise he will kill Dai Donglin himself. Although he has no regrets, if he is known by the Xuanming Palace, it is definitely not small. Trouble, it is very likely that the strong man in Xuanming Palace will kill himself.

With the terrible demeanor just found, Chen Zong knew that even if he used all the cards he could not escape.

In any case, because the Heixa killer broke into the Xuanming small world, the eighteen dead arrogances of the dead were all attributed to Heixa's head.

Even if everyone else knows that not everyone is killed by the Hexa Killer, but there is no substantial evidence.

The outside world can't know what happened in the small world of Xuanming.

When they learned that Dai Donglin was dead, Sheng Yuan and Xu Mulong were naturally shocked. The first thing they suspected was Chen Zong, but the doubt was eliminated in an instant.

Because of the previous battle, Chen Zong was not as good as Dai Donglin, but he escaped desperately to escape.

After a few days, even if Chen Zong's strength has improved, it is impossible to kill Dai Donglin.

Coupled with the entry of Heisha killer, Dai Donglin's death was naturally attributed to Heisha killer.

Unsurprising, Chen Zong left Xuanming Valley and quickly returned to Xuanming City.

Upon returning to Xuanming District, Xuanming District, Chen Zongfang was relieved, and relatively safe.

Then, Chen Zong began to retreat.

Chen Zong didn't know how other people's gains during this trip to Xuanming's small world, but his gains can be called rich.

First was Xiuwei's breakthrough, reaching a high-order semi-holy level, and then mastered the power of lightning.

Secondly, it is the mysterious fire refining method.

The most important thing is that the accumulation of Ming Jian's realm is several times more ambitious than in the past. It will be more helpful for future cultivation. In addition, it is to master the means of spiritual transformation, which will also be helpful for future cultivation.

Also, it is half-hearted Kendo.

This is the road to the truly strong.

The powerful sanctuary masters the Taoism, and the Taoist sanctuary without the Taoism can only be regarded as ordinary.

Retreat, the first thing is to organize the trip to harvest.

Secondly, it is enlightenment.

Relive the battles in the small world of Xuanming, especially after realizing the transformation of spiritual will and half-step swordsmanship.

Finally, it is to strive to master the half-step sword.

It's just not easy.

After mastering 50%, if you want to reach 60%, the difficulty will increase more than a few times. As for the difficulty from 60% to 70%, you have to increase it several times. After that, it will be more difficult.

But again, the power of each promotion is also amazing.

For five days in a row, Chen Zong was reconciled, and every detail was reviewed more than once, and he felt deeper.

Vaguely, Chen Zong felt his half-step swordsmanship seemed to be able to improve to 60%, but it was still a little worse.

Since it was difficult to break through for a while, Chen Zong adopted the most direct way.

Practice sword!

It's just basic swordsmanship, but it contains the truth of its origin.

Sword after sword, cycle over and over again.

Chen Zong forgets everything, forgets everything else, and is completely immersed in the sword practice. A trace of consciousness gradually breeds from the back of his mind, like a gurgling spring like a spring, spreading and spreading naturally.

Suddenly, the aura burst out like a raging tide, so that Chen Zong was awake in an instant and grasped the mystery in an instant.

A sword is killed, the sword lights up, runs through the sky and tears the sky.

Suddenly, the golden sword marks penetrated more than a hundred meters away, and they paused for two breaths before they dissipated.

Half step sword meaning ... 60%!

Chen Zong can feel that 80% of the half-step swordsmanship is more powerful than 70% of the half-step swordsmanship.

"Half step sword meaning, 30% before should be the foundation, but the basic increase in strength, it will become obvious from 40%, the more complete the power, the stronger." Chen Zongrui thought secretly.

The accumulation of his own level of swordsmanship can actually increase his half-step sword intention to 10% in a short time.

But this short period of time is relatively speaking. Chen Zong estimates that it will take at least a year or even longer, which is already an astonishing speed for other practitioners who have mastered the half-walk idea.

Chen Zong felt that it was still a bit slow, and time was urgent.

Heixa people want to kill themselves, no doubt, they may encounter other dangers and so on.


great power!

Chen Zong couldn't help thinking.

Nowadays, practicing Qi Xiu to reach the high-end semi-holy level, and then promote, is also the limit of the high-end semi-holy level, but it is not so easy.

As for the practice of refining the body, even if it is promoted to a high-level semi-holy level, there is not a significant increase in overall strength ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is just another way to increase.

As for swordsmanship, dripping swordsmanship is his strongest swordsmanship at present, but it is not easy to practice to a higher level.

Chen Zong could not help but think of Wu Feng's absolute sword.

The unique skill is Wu Feng's original trick.

What's the benefit of creating your own trick?

For one, it fits well with one's strength. It fits with one's own performance and can be used to the extreme.

Second, there is great potential.

Of course, this trick is not just to create casually, but to make every effort to synthesize everything and create a killing trick that reaches the limit and exceeds the limit.

"Originally I wanted to wait until 10% of the step of sword intention and then create my own tricks. Now, 60% of the step sword intention can also be created." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes twinkled.

The original trick had ideas before, and kept thinking and accumulating, and gradually got the idea.

Now it is time to put it into action.

The bright eyes of the eyes flickered endlessly, becoming sharper, and then closed, locking all the bright lights inwardly.

Start to enlighten!

When it comes to his own trick, there must be a subject, which is a half-step sword.

The trick will be created based on half-step swordsmanship, so that the power of half-step swordsmanship can be brought to the extreme.

Your own half-step sword intention means half-step sword intention, which is different from the general sword intention. If you follow the path of the ordinary sword intention to create unique skills, you will inevitably waste the potential of the half-step sword intention. .

If there is a body, it is the filling frame.

What framework to use?

This requires enlightenment, a flash of aura, and an opportunity.

Chen Zong recollected, recollecting the past experiences.

Fighting, training, enlightenment, scenery.

All of this can be used as a reference. nt

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