Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 7: Fusai (1)

Time flies and three days pass.

A humble thatched hut in Xuanmingyuan opened, and every figure came out. It was the 108th place in Xuanmingyuan's Mingbang.

For three days, everyone either communicated their experiences or adjusted their breath and energy, and they have let the energy and spirit reach their peak. One by one, the eyes are introverted, and the eyes are moved horizontally. Occasionally, the flickering flickers out. Seems to pierce the sky.

A group of people walking and walking Yu Xuanang walked out of the ugly Xuanming Garden and headed for the mountain stream.

Fusai meeting point is in Shanliufu.

As for the content of the Fu Sai, it is not clear what the Xuan Ming Yu has done.

However, since it is here, no matter what kind of test, you are not afraid.

When the 108 days of Xuanyingyu arrived in Shanliufu, the Tianjiao people who participated in Shanliufu basically arrived.

The number of Tianjiao in Shanliufu was more than that of Xuanming Realm, nearly two hundred, which surprised everyone.

At the same time, Shanliufu's glorious eyes also swept across all of them, falling on the crowd, with a radiance and a hint of arrogance, which seemed to see everyone through.

For a moment, everyone felt inscrutable pressure coming.

It seems that the eyes of the Tianjiao people in Shanliufu are not good intentions, even with hatred.


Because the original race was the participation of Tianjiao in their mountain stream house, but now they have to be participated by people from other regions, and they will be divided into some places. Of course, they will feel uncomfortable, narrow-minded, and hate or even breed killing .

However, the Tianjiao people in Mingbang were not afraid of it, and they looked at each other with bright eyes.

If the momentum is now in the downwind, and then confrontation, how can it be enemy.

Regardless of the strength of the opponent.

Regardless of the outcome afterwards.

Now, at this moment, momentum can never be lost.

"That's Xu Mubai."

"Which one is white?"

"It was just a few months ago that Xuanming, who had played against Zhao Xingkong and won, was white."

"It was him."

Suddenly, all eyes focused on Xu Mubai's face.

Xu Mubai's look remains unchanged and unaffected.

"Zhao Xingkong!" Chen Zong et al. Wrote down the name.

It turned out that Xu Mubai actually came here to experience it, a few months ago, at that time, perhaps when the small world of Xuanming opened.

No wonder Xu Mubai did not enter the small world of Xuanming.

As for Zhao Xingkong, who was defeated by him, he will also be mentioned, indicating that Zhao Xingkong's strength is not trivial.

"Zhao Xingkong is here." The sound sounded, and everyone looked around, and saw a slender figure, striding forward.

The man was wearing a pale golden robe, with countless lines on the robe that burned like flames, stepping out at each step, as if walking through the void, with a straight, icy look, and a pair of eyes as bright as the stars.


A faint aura of air permeated from the other side, as if radiating in all directions, dense and dense, like an invisible net all around.

The net permeated in all directions, covering hundreds of meters in a circle, it seemed to cover everyone, with a kind of coercion invisible, straight into the heart.

However, it is difficult for people who are not sensitive enough to feel this invisible net, and they will only feel that there is some inexplicable depression in the face of Zhao Xingkong.

Chen Zong's eyes were dignified.

Zhao Xingkong's strength, I am afraid, is very scary, otherwise it would not be so.

A voice inside told Chen Zong that Zhao Xingkong's strength was enough to crush himself at this time.

If Zhao Xingkong's strength is strong enough to crush his current self, wouldn't it be better to defeat Xu Mukong's Zhao Xingkong?

Zhao Xingkong stepped forward, his cold eyes flashed, and immediately fell on Xu Mubai's face, bursting out extremely sharp cold mang, like two stars shining through the sky and flying through, to penetrate Xu Mubai.

The dark rays inside Xu Mu's white eyes became more and more intense, and it seemed to engulf something, and the amazing chill permeated and fluctuated in all directions.

The eyes of the two collided in the void, invisible and colorless, but they seemed to have an astonishing will, perturbed like a storm, making people tremble.

"Xu Mubai, the last time you were lucky to win a move, this time ..." Zhao Xingkong's voice was cold, his words were cold and his tone was extremely sharp.

"Which will be defeated by bravery." Xu Mubai's expression was light, as if he was telling a fact.

The conversation between the two was only one sentence, but it made people hear a lot of information.

The last time he played, Zhao Xingkong lost, but Xu Mubai estimated that it was not easy.

This time, Zhao Xingkong wanted Xuesha to pull back a game, but Xu Mubai had full confidence in himself.

As for the future, who can win and who can lose who is higher or lower between the two depends on their ability and ability.

The intangible breath collided endlessly between Tianjiao in the Mountain Stream House and Tianjiao in the Xuanming Realm. Suddenly, an extremely hot breath spread rapidly from a distance, accompanied by a high-pitched chirping sound, and the half of the sky was reflected by red light As if the fire was burning.

The breathtaking astonishment also came.

A figure quickly approached in the flames that filled the half sky.

"The king of the phoenix is ​​here." Shan Liufu seemed to be very excited and full of expectations.

As soon as Xuan Ming Yu was dry, he turned his head and looked, one by one, looking dignified and more curious.

The breath is very hot, strong, and amazing, and it is not the breath of entering the holy realm, it is the breath of the semi-holy level, but the breath of the semi-holy level can be overwhelmingly amazing.

Xu Mubai's complexion has a touch of dignity, deep in his eyes, there is a touch of warfare condensation.

King of the Phoenix!

Immediately, a fiery red figure appeared in front of the crowd, and the hot red light that filled the half of the sky rushed from behind, like a stream of introverted and introverted into the body.

It was a graceful body wearing a fire-red armor with a pattern of fiery phoenix spreading wings and flying high on the armor, as if it could really soar into the sky and soar into the sky.

Standing tall and graceful, full of fire-like style and charm, it is very seductive, as if attracting everyone's eyes.

However, the appearance of the other person is more general. Compared with the tall and charming body that is extremely enthusiastic and tempting, it makes people feel a bit sorry, otherwise, if it is a beautiful face that matches the beautiful body, then It is a curse to the country and the people.

The body of the other party is indeed graceful and full of temptation. Women will be jealous when they look at it, and men will be attentive when they look at it. No one can avoid this unless they are passionate.

But some people have enough self-control, and won't be tempted or immersed in it.

Chen Zong was amazed by the size of the other person, and even more surprised by the breath that pervaded him.

The terrible breath, the fieryness, seemed to be able to burn everything between heaven and earth to ashes.

King of the Phoenix!

There is no doubt that this is a king-level Tianjiao. Of course, Zhao Xingkong is also a king-level Tianjiao, but the same as Wangwang-level, in fact, there are three or six or nine grades.

Chen Zong estimates that the fierce phoenix king should not be a low-ranking king, at least medium, or even a high-ranking king.

As soon as the Phoenix King arrived, it immediately became the focus of everyone. The eyes of the arrogant people in a dry mountain house fell on her. Peel off.

Although the appearance is somewhat ordinary compared to the figure, it also belongs to the first class. Coupled with that charming body, it naturally becomes the goddess in the minds of countless people.

As soon as King Lie arrived, it seemed as if the audience was warm, the atmosphere changed, almost everyone's attention was attracted to him, and Xu Mubai and Zhao Xingkong were ignored.

The fierce phoenix king was the first day of Shanliufu, and Zhao Xingkong ranked second.

There was a faint smile on the corner of the phoenix king's mouth, like a proud phoenix, proud of a flock of chickens.

With the arrival of the fierce phoenix king, all Tianjiao of the Mountain Stream House arrived, a total of two hundred, nearly one hundred more than Xuanmingyu.

The tyrannical atmosphere rushed into the mountains, and a series of figures flew from the sky. It was the strong men of Shanliufu. All of them were cultivated in the late stage of the sacred realm, which was terrible.

Standing high, the astonishing momentum is pervasive, and the sharp eyes are swept away, as if everyone is going to see through.

"The Xuanyuan Shenghui is about to be held. Now, it is the first round of the qualifying round. Only by obtaining a place can we advance to the state competition. Only then can we stand out and truly enter the Xuanyuan Shenghui." In the sky, a mountain stream The strong voice of the strong man of the government ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ introduced into everyone's ears: "Except for the extra words, I declare that the qualification of the Xuanyuan Holy Congregation Shanliu Fufu begins now."

Everyone was secretly excited, but did not say anything, but listened carefully.

Because, also announced the content and rules of the Fu Sai and so on.

"This time, there are 308 participants in the Mountain Stream House, and there are 30 advanced places."

Everyone was surprised when they heard thirty places.

Three hundred and eight people, but only thirty advanced places, means that two hundred and seventy-eight people will be eliminated, because of the cruelty of the Xuanyuan Holy Church.

You know, these 308 people are not ordinary practitioners. Each of them is Tianjiao. They are all level tiers. The worst are also general geniuses. Many are Hou geniuses, and some are juniors. Genius, as far as Wang Genius is concerned.

They are all Tianjiao, but they need to eliminate 278. For everyone, the competition will be extremely fierce.

So, what is the content of the house match?

Are 308 people going round after round?

Or something else?

Chen Zong also felt a lot of pressure.

After all, his current strength has not yet reached the limit of the semi-holy level. As 308 people, he is more powerful than himself, not one or two, not ten or so simple, maybe twenty or more .

Therefore, if you want to win a place, it will undoubtedly be very difficult and full of pressure.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong was not afraid, instead, full of fighting spirit.

From practice till now, step by step until now, I have gone through many hardships and struggles with other expert geniuses, never discouraged, never stopped and never afraid.

So this time, maybe the opponent is very strong and the competition is fierce. nt

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