Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 10: Who taught who

Chen Zongzheng quickly moved forward. Suddenly, two strong winds came from behind. For a moment, a strong wind passed by.

"The soil in Xuanming Realm is just right." Ma Xifeng appeared in front of Chen Zong, stopped Chen Zong's way, sneered, his eyes were playful, locking Chen Zong, as if Chen Zong had become a prey: "Kneel down , Obediently hand over the core, I will spare you this time. "

Wei Zidong appeared behind Chen Zong, and his arrogant breath locked Chen Zong.

"Did you mean this?" Chen Zong took the fiery red core out of his arms and smiled at Ma Xifeng.

"Give it up." Ma Xifeng's eyes twinkled, and he had a core, and ordered immediately.

"Tell me first, what is the role of the core?" However, Chen Zong is calm and impatient.

"This isn't something you should know about such a dungeon." Ma Xifeng sneered, and he immediately found out that the other party was talking, naturally he wouldn't say it clearly.

"It has something to do with leaving the Didi Palace," Chen Zong said, seemingly self-conscious, while observing the expression on the other side.

Sure enough, when Chen Zong said this sentence, Ma Xifeng's eyes and look changed, confirming the guess in Chen Zong's heart.

The core of Xun really had something to do with leaving the palace, but Chen Zong did not know in more detail.

However, there is an opportunity to know now.

"Knelt down and put on the core of the puppet." Ma Xifeng drank suddenly, his voice was cold and full of amazing power. If the person is not strong enough, he will be immediately frightened, it is possible to kneel.

However, this trick did not play a slight effect on Chen Zong.

"I think it's better to say the specific role of the core of the puppet." There was a slight smile on Chen Zong's face.

Ma Xifeng and Wei Zidong laughed at the same time.

It seems that this earthworm from Xuanming Realm is very confident in himself. Perhaps he is the proud son of Xuanming Realm. He doesn't have many opponents. I don't know how thick the sky is outside.

What's more, in this case, let the other party know what it means to sit in the sky and watch the sky. It's also time to wake up and recognize the cruelty of the world.

The thought flashed by, and Ma Xifeng stepped out suddenly, throwing out a slap.

A seemingly simple slap, but the angle is very tricky, extremely delicate, as if all dodge routes are blocked, there are no dead corners, and it can't be avoided at all.

Ma Xifeng also has full confidence. This slap will be directly thrown on Chen Zong's face, making a crisp sound, and even directly swell the other's face.

A crackling sound.

Ma Xifeng flew to the side, his body spinning rapidly in the mid-air for three turns, and the whole person hit the thick and hard wall directly, making an extremely dull sound.

The jokes and smiles on Wei Zidong's face solidified instantly, and immediately turned into stagnation, completely stunned.

Ma Xifeng was thrown away by the other's slap?

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Does he have hallucinations?

A series of doubts rushed into my heart, and looked calmly, Ma Xifeng was standing up shaking, his face swelled up, like a big bun, and we can see how hard that slap was.

Ma Xifeng was also choking himself, should not be, how could he be fanned by himself?

How could this earthworm escape one's slap, and in turn slap himself?

There seemed to be a buzzing sound in his head, rumbling.

This Ma Xifeng may have good strength, but relatively speaking, compared to the current Chen Zonglai, it is still not as good, let alone the slap just before. Ma Xifeng did not face Chen Zong squarely, under contempt, naturally, Chen Zong turned back and slapped him fly.

Masi, who was quickly awake, was very angry, and her eyes burst into a terrifying killer.

With one palm, the power of the mountains is amazing.

This palm also demonstrates Ma Xifeng's extraordinary ability. The space around Chen Zong's body is directly blocked. It seems that he can only face the bombardment of this palm, such as the storm raging everything and destroying everything.

At the same time, Wei Zidong also shot, sweeping one leg like a thousand troops, sinking heavily, and seemed to be able to smash the mountains and directly bombard Chen Zong's back.

Attacking back and forth, like a former wolf and a tiger, immediately made Chen Zong feel threatened.

It is indeed the arrogance of Shanliufu, and its strength really is not ordinary.

The thought flashed by, and Chen Zong immediately gave up his sword.

The golden sword light suddenly lighted up, and instantly turned into a thunderbolt that burst into the air. The force was so strong that it directly tore up the wind of Ma Xifeng, and a sword came.

The speed of the sword is amazing.

After a sword hit Ma Xifeng, the sword trembled and swept backwards, as if cutting off the sky, breaking Wei Zidong's leg into a storm and bombarding Wei Zidong's body.

Two swords!

After shattering the attacks of Ma Xifeng and Wei Zidong directly, they flew them.

The strength of the two is not weak, but compared with Chen Zong, there is still a gap. Moreover, Chen Zong did not use half-step swordsmanship because he could not kill.

Who knows if the strong man in Shanliufu can know the situation here.

If the two men were killed by themselves, the consequences would be serious and the implication would be great.

However, although it cannot be killed, it can be defeated, it can be injured, and it is forced to ask the relationship between the core of the puppet and the method of leaving the puppet palace.

"How is this possible!" Ma Xifeng and Wei Zidong were shocked. How could they be repelled based on their strength.

How could the strength of this soil be so high.

Xuanming Realm, all they knew was Xu Mubai, because Xu Mubai had defeated Zhao Xingkong by one stroke.

Except for Xu Mubai, others do not pay much attention to it.

But the fact gave them a slap.

Chen Zong did not speak, and once again uttered a sword. The violent sword smashed the sky and directly split Wei Zidong. The whole person hit the wall and made a dull sound, as if the drums were roaring and shaking. Out.

During this period of cultivation, Chen Zong's overall strength has been significantly improved, even if he does not use the half-step sword, but with the transformation of spiritual will, he can also have the top 30 strength of the Mingbang. If the half-step sword is used If you want to, there are no problems in the top 20 of the list.

But the top twenty is just a general, eleven is the top twenty, and nineteen is also the top twenty, but there is no small difference between their strengths.

Ma Xifeng and Wei Zidong's strength is indeed good, but it is also equivalent to the strength between the forty to fifty on the Ming Bang, how are Chen Zong's opponents.


Chen Zong waved his sword and directly wounded the two seriously.

"Now, I ask you to answer, I will ask separately. If you answer differently, don't blame me." Chen Zong smiled coldly: "Although it can't kill you, there are some methods that can give you a taste . "

After speaking, Chen Zong pointed out Wei Zidong's head immediately, closed his hearing and so on temporarily, and turned his body over to see this side.

"How to break through the Didi Palace?" Chen Zong stared sharply, staring at Ma Xifeng, asking word by word: "Think clearly and answer. If you don't agree with his answer, you will be at your own risk."

Ma Xifeng looked at Chen Zong coldly, with a look of disdain, and then a clicking sound sounded. Ma Xifeng made a terrible noise, and one of his fingers was broken by Chen Zong.

"You can not say, I will break your fingers and toes one by one, and then crush them one by one. If it is not enough, I will crush your limbs one inch at a time." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, The faint smile and indifferent words made Ma Xifeng tremble involuntarily, as if looking at a demon.

Breaking and crushing the ten fingers, and breaking the bones of the limbs, it is still an inch of crushing. Imagine that the pain is extremely amazing, and Ma Xifeng can't help but feel cold.

The injury was normal, but the pain was purely torture.

"Left and right is just a way to break through the Didi Palace. Since you want to keep it, keep it, someone will always say it." Chen Zong smiled slightly, but his voice became more indifferent, and immediately made Ma Xi strong. Feeling bad.

"I said." When Ma Xifeng saw Chen Zongzheng preparing to take a shot, he immediately said, "The method of breaking through the Didi Palace is not difficult. There are two points. One is to find the right direction. The other is to obtain three different attributes. Core, six for each. "

Now that the words have been exported, Ma Xifeng simply broke the jar and broke down in detail.

The palace is very large, and the passages are very complicated. If you cannot find the right path, you will get lost here, unless you are lucky enough.

But how do you find the right path?

There is a rule to follow.

A tip: every second to the left, every fourth to the right.

The meaning of this sentence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is that when encountering the left and right aisles, the left one will be selected, and when the cross aisle intersection is selected, the right one will be selected. Export.

If you do n’t know this rule, of course, you will be winding around, even if you are lucky, it is difficult to guarantee that you will always go on the right path.

The Tianjiao of Xuanming Realm don't know this, but the Tianjiao of Shanliu knows that it will save a lot of time invisibly.

In addition, there are three types of salamanders in the palace.

One is Huoyanyan, which was beheaded by Chen Zong before.

One is frost.

One is the storm cricket.

There are three kinds of attributes, and their cores are different.

Only by obtaining six of the three cores can they break through the Didi Palace and enter the second stage of Tianfeng to capture the flag after finding an exit.

Chen Zong did not directly believe Ma Xifeng's words. Therefore, after turning his hearing closed and turning around, he began to ask Wei Zidong. Wei Zidong knew a lot and immediately said it. In addition to the different ways of speaking, the content is the same.

Every second to the left and every four to the right!

Three attributes: six cores each!

In this way, Chen Zong believed in 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​could go ask other people.

Then, of course, it was the core of the puppet that took them away.

But there is only one. It is a storm-pull core. It looks bright yellow. It seems that there are storms sweeping through it. It seems that it is going to burst out of this core.

It was a good harvest to get the information and a core of puppets. Chen Zong did not embarrass the two people anymore, but they were not injured and they were unable to open the Na ring to take out the elixir to treat the injury. nt

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