Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 8: Fusai (2)

"Fu Sai, will be divided into two levels, the first level is the Didi Palace."

As soon as the words of the strong man in Shanliufu came out, Xuanmingyu did not react to Tianjiao because he didn't understand it, but the two hundred Tianjiao in Shanliufu showed joy.

Didi Palace!

They all know, they all know, and each of them has experienced where they have entered the simulated Didi palace, and even some of them have the honor to enter the real Didi palace to sharpen themselves.

They know, understand, and even experience it for themselves. On the contrary, the people in Xuanming Realm do not have it. Invisibly, they have a few advantages.

Seeing Shan Liufu's arrogant look, everyone knew a bit.

"The second pass is when Tianfeng captures the flag."

As soon as the words of the strong man in Shanliufu came out, the people in Xuanming Realm were even more puzzled. The arrogance of Shanliufu was first, and then some of them showed a stunned look, and some showed ecstasy.

Before that, they also had some training. Although they didn't say a specific name, the four words that Tianfeng captured the flag gave them some associations.

Did they prepare for this match before?

If so, wouldn't it be a big advantage.

In this scene, the fool can see the problem.

"Sir, are you doing this, isn't it unfair to the heavenly pride of our Xuanming Realm." The elder of Xuanming Palace said directly, and the arrogance also spread.

At the peak of the sacred realm and the top ten of Xuanbang, it was still very deterrent.

"Fair? Where isn't it fair?" A strong man in Shanliufu immediately retorted, showing a little disdain: "The Didi Palace and Tianfeng captured the flag, but I own it. Grinding, as a matter of course, if you feel unfair, you can withdraw from the tournament yourself. "

In a word, the powerful men in Xuanming Realm immediately became angry.

First let them live in the humble thatched hut, and now, they are biased in the government event, it is really deceiving.

The perseverance breath permeated from the body of a strong man in the dark field, sweeping away like an invisible storm.

There are dozens of strong men in the mysterious realm escorted by this party, each of which is at least a quadruple cultivation in the sanctuary. The momentum under the anger is permeated, and suddenly, it seems that the sky is darkened. Extremely oppressive, like Foshan Yuyulaifengfenglou general.

"Enough is enough." A grand voice suddenly sounded, as if shaking between heaven and earth and full of majesty: "This is the content of Shanliufu, Fusai, which is decided by this government. If you feel unfair, you can appeal."

This is the voice of the owner of the Shanliufu government.

Or, serve.

Either, disagree and go to appeal.

Where to appeal?

Naturally is the capital.

After all, Xuanyuan Saint will allow the five major domains to participate, which is the result of the five major powers fighting for the Xuanyuan dynasty, which was approved by the royal family of the Xuanyuan dynasty.

However, if you really choose this method, it means that you cannot participate in the Fusi now, you will miss the Fusi, even if the mountain stream is punished by the Xuanyuan royal family, you will still not be able to restore the qualification of the Fusi, and directly meet the Xuanyuan Holy Church Missed.

Another point is that now is the very time when the Xuanyuan Holy Communion is being held. Even if it is an appeal, the Xuanyuan royal family may not have time to ignore it.

After all, Shanliufu belongs to the Xuanyuan Dynasty, but Xuanming Realm is not.

It's like the difference between a loved one and an outsider. Under normal circumstances, it is toward the loved one.

How to do?

A strong man looks at the elder Xuanming Palace. He is the first person to make this decision.

Even if the elder Xuanming had a good temper, he was almost vomiting blood at this time. The anger in his chest rose like layers of volcanic magma and was about to erupt, but he had to forcibly resist the eruption.

Once it breaks out, the tournament will definitely not be able to participate.

In order to allow the Tianjiao people in Xuanming Realm to participate in the tournament, and to pay for the efforts of Xuanming Palace for a period of time, it was not wasted.


Can only hold back!

Take a deep breath and keep your anger down.

Do not speak, which means default.

"Why, still not convinced? If you don't agree, if you still feel unfair, then get out." The strongest man in Shanliufu said coldly.

"Serve!" The elder Xuanming's voice was extremely heavy, and everyone could hear the heavy humiliation.

For a time, a wave of anger emerged and stirred in the hearts of everyone.

Even if Chen Zong is not a disciple of Xuanming Palace, at this moment, as the Xuanming Realm's arrogance, he is repeatedly oppressed and humiliated here, feeling and feeling enemies.

"Remember, do your best to win one of the thirty places. The more, the better. Let the people in Shanliu know the consequences of oppression and humiliation." The voice of a strong man was 100. The sounds of Tianming list sounded in the ears, full of inspiration.

The approach of Shanliu Province is just that. It's not fair. What do you think?

This is our place. If you want to participate in the tournament, you can only obey it obediently, or else you will roll away.

Since you don't leave, take part in the competition, grab the quota with the strongest attitude, try to grab as many quotas as possible, give the people in Shanliu a slap, and fight back fiercely.

For a time, 108 days of pride were filled with fighting spirit and imposing.

"Hum, shouting who can't, don't even get a place at that time, it's a shame." Suddenly, Tianjiao of Shanliufu spoke sarcastically.

"Don't look down on them like this, maybe they can win two or three places." It sounds like he is speaking for the Xuanming Realm, but in his tone, it is full of lightness.

Thirty places!

It is impossible to make Tianjiao of Xuanming Realm unable to get a place.

First of all, Xu Mubai's strength is very strong, and it will not be weaker than Zhao Xingkong, but Zhao Xingkong is second to Shanjiao Tianjiao.

Therefore, the probability of Xu Mubai winning a place is very high.

In addition, in addition to Xu Mubai, as a person with high strength in Xuanming Realm, there is no small chance of winning the quota.

"Listen, three ... three places." Zhao Xingkong suddenly sneered, looking coldly at the Tianjiao in Shanliufu, then looking at the Tianjiao in Xuanming Realm, with a few cold eyes With a bit of mockery, he said, "At most, let them get three places."

At this point, it was as if the result had been announced.

Only the people in Xuanming Realm get three places, up to three places, maybe even two or one.

"it is good!"

"Up to three places."

"can do."

Shanliufu's arrogance echoed.

Thirty places, up to three, one-tenth, and at least twenty-seven places, the Tianjiao of Shanliufu.

How arrogant!

How bullying!

"You all heard, three places." Xu Mu Bai smiled slightly, her voice was steady, not irritated, but the darkness in the eyes was swirling like a vortex, showing her heart. Restless.

"Everyone, the three places are the least. Remember, get more places." Jian Lingxiao smiled a little, and there was a terrible sharp momentum, straight into the sky, as if the sword was out of the sheath. The sharpness of the match made Shanliufu's complexion change suddenly.

So strong!

Zhao Xingkong couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

In addition to Xu Mubai, in Xuanming Yutianjiao, there are people of this strength.

The court match has not yet started, but the rivalry between the two sides of Tianjiao has begun.

"The Didi Palace has been opened. Now enter it. You must cross the Didi Palace within the specified time to enter the second hurdle." The strong man in the mountain stream said, but did not specify how: "Remember, you must not kill people, otherwise no matter who No punishment for punishment. "

Compared to the Tianjiao people in the mountain stream house, the Tianjiao people in Xuanming Realm are confused.

However, it is clear that the other party did not intend to explain in detail, so he could only enter the Didi palace and then act on the situation.

The entrance to the Didi Palace is located in another space, or a secret place, a secret place transformed by the day after tomorrow.

A black door opened all over, and the black light flowed like water, and it seemed to flow endlessly.

The phoenix king who has not spoken instantly turned into a fiery flame. Among the flames, there seemed to be a flame of phoenix with wings flying high, and the speed was astonishing. It instantly spanned several kilometers and disappeared into the black gate.

Zhao Xingkong coldly glanced at Tianjiao in Xuanming Realm, with a sneer smirk at his corner of his mouth, his body flickered, and his swiftness was as straight as an arrow off the string. With the queen of the Phoenix ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ into the black instantly The gate disappeared.

One after another, Tianjiao of Mountain Stream Houses set off, quickly entered the black gate and disappeared, leaving only 108 Tianjiao of Xuanming Realm.

Xu Mu's white body moved as if it had lost all its weight. The whole person floated forward like a ghost, giving people a sense of ease, as if walking in the void.

Obviously not into the sacred realm, but it seems to be able to achieve the sacred realm of flying in the air. Of course, the whitening method is extraordinary, but after all, it is not a real air flying, it can only be regarded as flying at a low altitude within a certain distance.

Instantly, Xu Mubai's figure disappeared into the black door.

Then, Jian Lingxiao's figure turned into a golden sword light, tearing the sky with a stern gesture, and instantly submerged into the black gate.

One after another, not long after, all 108 arrogant Tianjiao all fell into the black gate.

In front of Chen Zong's eyes, there was darkness. The whole person seemed to constantly shuttle in the darkness. Immediately, a bright light appeared in front of him, and that light gradually expanded and became brighter in front of his eyes. It seemed to be an exit.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong rushed towards the light, and suddenly, rushed into the light.

After the change of vision between darkness and light, Chen Zong adjusted at an instant. The light in front of him looked a bit dim, just as dusk was about to go to night, but such dimness had no effect on Chen Zong's superb eyesight.

Even the darkness is as clearly visible as the day.

"Gong Di Palace ..." Chen Zong said secretly, and his sharp eyes swept away, seeing everything around him clearly. He was standing at a crossroads, and there were four passages around. I didn't know where to go. . nt

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