Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 15: Tianfeng Captures the Flag (2)

Snowflakes fell from the sky, swirling in circles, covering the sky.

Five altars, from time to time, lights up, and someone appeared from the altar.

When the people of Shanliufu appear, the Tianjiao of Shanliufu will show joy, and when the Tianjiao of Xuanmingyu appears, the people of Shanliufu will show anger.

Time passed slowly, and the period of three days was approaching.

Today, there are more than sixty arrogances in Shanliufu, and over thirty in Xuanming Realm.

One after another, time is gradually approaching, and the Didi Palace is about to close.











The palace is closed.

"No ..." Several mountain streamers Tianjiao are gathering enough cores to rush towards the altar at full speed, but in front of them, the altar gradually becomes blurred. After three breaths, the altar completely disappears in front of the eyes. This made these people emptied.



Almost, just a little worse, you can break through the altar through the altar.

Just a little time difference.


One hundred people!

There are a hundred people under the majestic and beautiful snow-capped mountains.

Seventy-five Mountain Stream Houses Tianjiao!

Thirty-five Xuanming Realms are proud.

The Tianjiao of Shanliufu is more than forty than that of Xuanmingyu, more than doubled.

But Tianjiao people in Shanliufu didn't feel happy at all.

You know, this is the site of Shanliufu. It belongs to them. In addition, they have undergone similar training before, and they have an advantage. Moreover, their total number is 200, which is nearly more than that of Xuanming Realm. a hundred.

Forty more, it is impossible to form a crushing advantage.

But the facts have been achieved, and they can only be crushed at the second level.

Zhao Xingkong had already convened Tianganjiao, a Ganshanliu government, to conspiracy plans. As for the phoenix king who did not participate, it seemed unwilling or dismissive.

"The second pass is to capture the flag for Tianfeng. There is no time limit. When all thirty flags are lifted, it ends." A vigorous voice sounded as if it came from outside the sky, like a god: "It is pulled out in all flags. Before the start, other people ’s successful flags can be snatched, remembering that they must not be killed, or they will be eliminated directly. Those who have captured the flags will not succeed and they will not be able to transfer the flags to others. Otherwise, they will be deemed to have automatically renounced their qualifications. "


very clear.

A hundred people heard the voice and understood the rule.

The snow-capped mountains are thousands of feet high. Such heights are naturally very high in the eyes of mortals. I do n’t know how long it will take before they can climb up. But for semi-holy masters, it ’s actually not much. Can easily climb to the top.

So, it seems that it is not so difficult to capture the flag at Tianfeng?

Is this really the case?

"I announced that Tianfeng, the second level, captured the flag ... begin!"

With that magnificent and mighty voice falling like a god, suddenly, one hundred Tianjiao moved suddenly, and an explosive speed broke out immediately, rushing towards the snowy mountain.

Snow Mountain ... No way!

It was snowy and thick, and the snowflakes kept falling, constantly thickening the snow layer.

The King of the Phoenix is ​​the fastest, as if the wings of a flare spread out, and everyone was left behind in an instant, and they rushed out in a hurry. Wherever they went, the white snow melted into water vapor, and the thick snow on the ground Also left a trace of melting, such as running water.

But in an instant, it was covered with snowflakes and turned into snow.


The speed of the fierce phoenix king is indescribable, even if Chen Zong's eyesight is amazing, he can only see a touch of red light like a line, quickly rushing to the snowy mountains.

Such a speed is more than 50% of his own. If he is against the enemy, he is afraid that he will be defeated or even killed if he cannot catch even the opponent's one move.


How could there be such terrible people in the semi-holy level.

But Chen Zong not only did not feel afraid, but had an inexplicable excitement.

At the semi-holy level, some people have reached this level of strength, saying that they also hope to reach this level, and even ...





As his body unfolded, as fast as a streamer, as soon as he rushed into the real range of the Snow Mountain, Chen Zong sank and immediately felt different.


An invisible pressure came from all directions, suppressed on the body, and, extremely cold, extremely cold, penetrated into the body surprisingly, it seemed to freeze the blood and frost.

Both Qi and blood and the speed of the half-holy force have dropped by half, and the numbness of the limbs has a very significant effect on their speed.

Not only was he himself affected, everyone else was affected, and Chen Zong was even more shocked. The King of the Phoenix seemed unaffected.

If under such circumstances, such an amazing speed can still erupt, it can only show that the true speed of the Phoenix King will be even more amazing.


Really terrible.

Xu Mubai's body flutters, as if she is walking through a gap in the void. There is an unreal feeling, like a white shadow, as if it is integrated with the snow mountain, but carefully distinguished, there seems to be a touch Inky flashing.

It was dark and dark.

Zhao Xingkong's speed is also very fast, just like a bit of a cold star breaking through the sky, almost flush with Xu Mubai, and his force is amazing, he has an amazing determination to surpass Xu Mubai.

The fastest is the King of the Phoenix, who takes the lead first, followed by Xu Mubai and Zhao Xingkong, which are almost flush, and then, is the peerless Tianjiao who ranks in the top ten of Qianganshanfu and top ten in the Xuanming domain name.

In this way, the fierce phoenix is ​​the first echelon, and it is a single player.

Xu Mubai and Zhao Xingkong are the second echelon.

A total of more than ten of the top ten peerless Tianjiao are the third echelon.

Chen Zong is in the fourth echelon.

After that, there is the fifth echelon.


It seemed that the deity of the Snow Mountain in the sleep was awakened by the noise, and a sudden burst of sky-high anger broke into the snow mountain. The heavy snow was tumbling in an instant, like a wave that trembled from above and slammed down.

The roaring sound became sharper, as if the giant waves were swooping down. At first, it was weak, rapidly increasing, becoming more and more powerful and more amazing, like the collapse of Foshan, the whole snow mountain was shaking madly.


Great avalanche!

The avalanche of this snow mountain is different from the avalanche of ordinary snow mountain, which are two concepts.

Under the terrible avalanche, the original astonishing pressure more than doubled in an instant, and gradually increased with the increase of the avalanche potential, as if to overwhelm and destroy everyone.


Everyone's face changed.

First and foremost is the King of the Phoenix.

An extremely high-pitched tweet sounded like a cloud, and then, I saw the flame of King Phoenix's body seemed to explode in all directions, spreading to ten meters, condensing into a noble flame Phoenix Phantom.

The flames are soaring, the incredibly hot atmosphere seems to burn the mountains and burn the sea, burning down the world.

Without stopping, it was extremely outrageous.

Under the ten-meter-high fiery phoenix, the fierce phoenix king came out with an unparalleled astonishing momentum, as if to fight against the big avalanche.

The avalanche is the power of nature, the power of heaven and earth, the horror is extremely majestic, and the manpower is invincible. However, at this moment, the fierce phoenix has to challenge it and face it directly. His will is extremely tough and terrible.

This point has made everyone admire endlessly, whether it is Tianjiao in Shanliufu or Tianjiao in Xuanming Realm.

"This person must have blood." Chen Zong secretly said.

Moreover, it is more amazing than high-order blood, is it super-blood?

Chen Zong didn't know what the super-order blood was, but he heard that it was very powerful, far superior to the high-order blood, belonging to two levels.

For example, the gap between semi-holy and sanctification.

If this fierce phoenix has super bloodlines and has such strength, it is justified.

Suddenly, the fierce phoenix came into contact with the avalanche. For a moment, the ten-meter-sized fiery phoenix seemed to be extinguished. The power of the avalanche was too strong and too strong.

But I saw the flames of the phoenix wings suddenly showing off, and all the fiery violent eruption erupted in an instant, burning the sky and burning everything.


The crackling sound was so shocking that countless snowflakes were exploded and turned into white smoke and water vapor to dissipate.


Potential is like breaking bamboo, nothing to stop.

The phoenix king, facing the terror force of the avalanche, burned with the blaze of extreme flames and rushed straight up. It seemed that even if the mountain **** was angry, she could not stop her will.

In the blink of an eye, the body of the King of the Phoenix disappeared in front of everyone. Only the boundless and endless white snow waves rolled down, majestic and domineering, as if from all ages, swept the world.

Chen Zong felt that the avalanche he had seen in the past compared with the avalanche in front of him, like a comparison between a snake and a python ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is not an order of magnitude at all.

For no reason, there was a hint of astonishment deep inside.

It seems that the terrifying power of that avalanche will engulf, crush, crush, and destroy his body.

Taking a deep breath, the eyes are shining brightly, like a sword out of the sheath, the astonishing sharpness in the moment will shatter a trace of astonishment in the heart.

The powerful soul, amazing will, and half-step sword will allow Chen Zong to better resist the invasion of foreign evils.

Fear and fear are one of the evils.

However, not everyone has the kind of ability such as Chen Zong, who responds very quickly, only a few.

Xu Mubai and Zhao Xingkong moved together in unison, bursting into their respective capabilities.

Xu Mubai is permeated with a layer of white and black light. Black and white seem to be constantly rotating. His body is more and more difficult to find. One step out, it seems to shuttle in the void, swinging away. Layers of ripples rippled like avalanches.

And Zhao Xingkong's body was filled with a terrible sharpness, and that sharpness took on a broad taste, as if from ancient times, it seemed to be able to tear the sky.

Boom boom!

On the second peerless Tianjiao sword Ling Xiao, there is a terrible golden sword light rising to the sky. It seems to be piercing the world.

From that terrible golden sword light, Chen Zong felt a breath of half-step sword.

Sharp and boundless!

Chen Zong concluded that what Ling Xiao understood was afraid that it was not the meaning of the basic sword, at least the meaning of the intermediate sword.

At the same level, the middle-level Taoism is stronger than the basic Taoism.

For example, 50% of the mid-level Taoism is more powerful than 60% of the basic Taoism. nt

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