Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 13: Blocking

After more than two days, there is not only one altar in the huge Puppet Palace, but there are as many as five.

Zhao Xingkong came to an altar, but instead of rushing to take out the eighteen cores of the puppets, he waited quietly, while staring at the huge water leaking over the sky, while looking at the direction when he came.

After a short while, two figures appeared. Zhao Xingkong's eyes narrowed for a moment, and then returned to normal, because the person who arrived was the Tianjiao of Shanliufu, not the Tianjiao of Xuanming Realm.

"Brother Zhao."

"Brother Zhao."

The two were surprised at first, and then they shouted.

"It turned out to be you, did you get the core of the puppet?" Zhao Xingkong carried his hands on his face and looked proudly.

"They both got it," the two men answered in unison.

"Very good, now I will give you a task." Zhao Xingkong pointed out Jiangshan's appearance, his eyes looked as if he were in the world, but the two were very respectful: "Stay here, intercept the soil ravages of Xuanming Realm, don't let They crossed the Didi Palace. "

"Relax, Brother Zhao, there are two of us here, and neither of them can break through." One of them immediately stated.

"Yes, Brother Zhao, no one from our mountain stream house can pass." Another said.

"Well, the two of you in Tianfu of this government, although not in the top ten, are not weak enough together to fight against the top ten, I believe you can do it." Zhao Xingkong nodded, giving affirmation As soon as it was taken out, eighteen cores of puppets were sprinkled on the altar, and the light appeared, wrapping up Zhao Xingkong and disappearing.

Break through the palace.

Between the snow-capped heavens and earth, among the five altars, suddenly there was a bright light, and Zhao Xingkong appeared in it.

As soon as Zhao Xingkong appeared, he quickly swept across and saw a figure of fiery flames, but it was the fierce phoenix king, and his face changed immediately because he saw another person.

Xu Mubai!

It was impossible for Xu Mubai to break through the Didi Palace earlier than himself.

Zhao Xingkong seemed to be hit hard.

"Xu Mubai, how did you get here?" Anxiously, Zhao Xingkong asked a silly question.

"I haven't seen you for a while, how can you be so stupid?" Xu Mubai asked back, making Zhao Xingkong angry, and his face was blue and white.

When he asked this question, he realized it.

Of course, I came here through the Didi Palace.

Otherwise, would the people of Shanliufu still cheat Xu Mubai?


He Zhao Xingkong did not have this possibility, let alone a person from Xuanming Realm.

Although knowing that the other party arrived here through the Didi Palace, this is where Zhao Xingkong's doubts lie.

I am not so fast, why is the other person so fast?

If it is the first time for the Didi Palace, it will not be so easy.

However, it is true that Xu Mubai broke out of the Didi Palace and reached the second level earlier than himself.

Xu Mubai ignored Zhao Xingkong. This was a defeat. Even before, he barely beat the opponent, but after these days, his own strength has improved. Therefore, Zhao Xingkong has not been regarded as his opponent.

King of the Phoenix!

Then the phoenix king can be his opponent.

Xu Mubai's eyes twinkled in darkness, flowing like a vortex, staring at the King of the Phoenix.

That is not eagerness and admiration between men and women, but war.

The King of the Phoenix only glanced at Xu Mubai and ignored it, and did not know whether Xu Mubai was not used as an opponent or for other reasons.


Inside the palace.

"It's still a core of an apparition, but it has a core of flame." Chen Zong secretly said.

A total of eighteen cores of plutonium are required to pass through the puppet palace. In terms of quantity, Chen Zong has met the requirements, but in addition to the number, there are also attributes requirements.

Each of the three attributes, Fire, Apparition, and Storm, has six.

Today, Chen Zong has seven cores of flames and six cores of storms, but five cores of ice souls.

Now more than two days have passed, not far from the three-day period. If the core of the last soul is no longer found, I am afraid that I will not be able to break through the Didi Palace and be completely insulated from the Xuanyuan Congregation.

Next time, but a century later.

At one's own pace of cultivation, after a hundred years, not only will he enter the sacred realm, but it will most likely exceed the quadruple of holiness.

Although it is said that no matter whether or not he participates in the Xuanyuan Holy Church, sooner or later he will become a sanctuary, and his future achievements in the sanctuary will not be low, but whether it is organic, the result is different.

Having a good chance will make the foundation more solid and get more. Among the same level, the potential and strength will be more powerful and amazing.

Therefore, practitioners have to compete for all kinds of opportunities, and constantly improve themselves.

In this way, we can be stronger, we can go further, and practice to a higher level.

Therefore, before the time is up, Chen Zong will never give up. He must work hard to find the core of the last apparition.

During the search, Chen Zong met Tiger Mountain.

As the eighth peerless Tianjiao of Xuanming Realm, Hulieshan's strength is extremely powerful. I saw Hulieshan's black-red armor looks very domineering, holding a dark red sword in his hands.

The part of the knife is relatively narrow, and the lower part is wider. It is longer than a normal knife. A stubborn breath spreads on it, and it is extremely fiery, as if being absorbed into some terrible flame, like magma. Like.

The battle with Hulieshan was actually the three arrogances of Shanliufu, each with good strength. Together with each other, they actually resisted the sword of Hulieshan.

These three did not get enough puppet cores at all, but there was not much difference. According to this situation and the rest of the time, they knew that they were unlikely to break through the puppet palace. It's easy to find. I don't know how long it will take to complete, so I have other thoughts.

That is to block the people in the Xuanming Realm on one of the correct routes, injuring them and robbing their puppet core.

In this way, you can get yourself more puppet cores and break through the puppet palace. The second is to prevent people in Xuanming Realm from piercing the puppet palace, so that all the places are owned by Shanliufu.

The abacus is good for two purposes.

And these three Tianjiao rankings in the mountain stream house are not low, one eleven, one twelve, one thirteen, their strength is a little stronger than the eleven to thirteen in the Xuanming Realm.

Only when the three men joined forces could they compete with Hulieshan.

However, the strength of the three is not weak, but it is impossible to defeat Hulieshan. Hulieshan is very scary. The long knife is in hand and there is almost no defense. It seemed like they were doing their best, the power was terrible, as if volcanic magma erupted, and they were about to destroy the world.

From the sword, we can see that Hulieshan's fighting style is mainly domineering violence.

Under Hulieshan's long sword, even if the three mountain stream houses Tianjiao cooperated together, they could barely support the undefeated.

Chen Zong's arrival was noticed by the three Tianjiao and Hulieshan Mountains.

"Chen Zong, please help me." Hu Lieshan said directly, without feeling embarrassed because he was the eighth peerless Tianjiao of the Ming Bang to ask for help from Chen Zong.

Chen Zong was a little surprised, and a little surprised.

When seeing Hulieshan in battle, Chen Zong did not intend to make a shot, because for some people, he was very proud. If he rushed in, not only would he not be grateful to the other party, but Chen Zong would be dissatisfied. If he was narrow-minded, Maybe I will still hate you for being nosy.

However, since Hulieshan asked Chen Zong for a shot, of course Chen Zong would not refuse.

Hu Lieshan is very talented and strong, and is said to be imposing, and he is quite friendly to practitioners and casual practitioners from a small family.

Chen Zong can see that although the strengths of the Tianjiao of the three mountain stream provinces are strong, they can only resist the attack of Hulieshan. If they continue, they will be defeated. However, the distance to the Earth Palace is closed and the time is also Running out.

Chen Zong did not cast the strongest sword, but used a sword with a half-step sword to show his blood.

With such power, in the case of one-on-one, naturally it is not the opponent of any of the three mountain stream houses Tianjiao, but now, Hulieshan is their biggest threat. Therefore, Chen Zong only needs to break with a sword of sufficient power All three of them can balance.

Sword of blood!

The light shone through the sky like lightning and smashed out. The sword-like sharpness of 50% and half steps was very amazing.

Tianjiao, a mountain stream mansion locked by Chen Zong, had to part out of his power to deal with the sword, or he would be wounded.

Tiger Lieshan's eyes flickered brightly, as if a fiery flame of magma spewed out.

He can see that UU reads www.uukanshu. com Chen Zong's sword is very powerful, and also masters the half-step sword meaning, which is very scary.

And the timing of that sword was very clever.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hulieshan broke out, cutting it across the board with a horrible and overbearing edge.

Half a step!

Hu Lieshan also mastered half-step sword intention.

This sword was killed, and the dark red sword light was like a volcanic magma that erupted suddenly. It was extremely terrifying, and it was dead and rotten. Compared with Chen Zong's sword, I do n’t know how much to dominate.

Shan Liufu's arrogance suddenly changed greatly, but this knife's grasp of timing was unique and powerful. If the three of them joined forces to burst out, they were somewhat hopeful to resist it, but first, Chen Zong's exquisite sword killed him. , Directly pulling the strength of one of them.


Even if they burst out with all their strength, they couldn't stop it. Under the terrible sword of Hulie Mountain, the three mountain stream priests were smashed and spattered.

Hulieshan stepped out one step, as if the King of Tiger descended from the mountain, with a magnificent momentum, turned into an astonishing shock of spiritual will, making the three people's look changed again.

Second knife!

One cut across the blade, as if the thousands of troops were splitting easily, the three were directly split and flew, hitting the wall, and vomiting blood.

If it was a killer under Tiger Mountain, it would be enough to kill them all.

Given the rule of no killing, all three of them survived.

Lost and wounded, the trio's puppet core was also captured by Hulieshan.

"Brother Chen, do you still lack the core?" Hu Lieshan asked.

"The core of an apparition," said Chen Zong.

Hu Lieshan was about to present a core of the Apparition to Chen Zong, and at the same time, he was surprised. Chen Zong got so many puppet cores. He was indeed a person who was optimistic about himself. nt

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