Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 14: Tianfeng Captures the Flag (1)

The altar is ancient and filled with deep light. In front of the altar, there are five mountain stream houses Tianjiao, chatting while watching the water leak while staring at the front.

Here, they stepped into the altar to intercept others and crossed the Didi Palace.

The competition is now no matter whether it is Xuanming Realm or Shanliufu. After all, it is all about competition. The fewer people cross the Didi Palace, the less difficult it is for Tianfeng to capture the flag.

Of course, if the people of Xuanming Realm arrive, it will be a little different.

After Chen Zong met Hulie Mountain, the two acted together and quickly followed the rules of Fengji to the left and Fengsi to the right, and then encountered a arrogant Xuanming domain, ranking 20th in the Ming Dynasty One of the cold star guns Xiao Fang Xiaohan.

Fang Xiaohan is not weak and has some means, so he has got enough puppet cores and is on his way to an altar.

After the three people exchanged information with each other, they speculated again that there was more than one correct route, but there were several, at least three, and it was unclear how many were at most.

The three men joined forces to advance, so that they can better respond to all situations.

"Someone is here again." One of the five mountain streamers Tianjiao said, and suddenly, the other four opened their eyes and shot extremely sharp and cold.

Then, excited one by one.

But they have waited here for two or three hours. If it was not for the purpose of intercepting the people in Xuanming Realm, they had already crossed the Didi Palace and entered the second level.

"If we waste all three of them, our task will be completed." One of the five said, and immediately laughed with discomfort with the other four.

The three of Chen Zong also saw five people in Shanliu Prefecture, and they all showed a coldness.

"Go!" Hu Lieshan said very directly, his voice was low and vigorous, implying hegemony.

Immediately, there was a terrible momentum erupting in Hulieshan. The whole person was like a tiger going down the mountain. The momentum was amazing. In the eyes of the five arrogant mountains of Liuliu, the body of Hulieshan disappeared and replaced by a head. Giant tiger.

The giant tiger is dark red and has a dark pattern on his body, which looks like a raging devil that was smashed from purgatory. Tigers are powerful and fierce. The impact of the momentum alone made the five mountain streams. Tianjiao felt creepy.

The dark red long knife that was a few minutes longer than the ordinary knife suddenly fell from top to bottom, and it looked like the claws of the giant palm raised by the giant devil's palm, tearing the sky directly.

At the same time, Chen Zongyi's sword came out of the sheath, and Jianguang brought a touch of blood, tearing the sky like a lightning storm, and striking to the ground with an amazing edge.

50% half step sword meaning!

Sword of blood!

Such a sword, its power is very terrible, when it can be included in the Xuanming domain Mingbang Tianjiao twenty.

The silver spear in Fang Xiaohan's hand shook, and the gun body seemed to be flexible. Like the body of a spirit snake, it was as outrageous as a dragon. The silver gun body brought a brilliant light, and the tip of the gun trembled, like countless cold stars. Blooming night sky, extremely gorgeous.

Every cold star burst into the air and shot out.

Fang Xiaohan's strength is very strong, but he has not realized the meaning of half a walk.

Chen Zong speculates that only the peerless Tianjiao in the top ten of the Ming Bang can realize that he has mastered half-walk.

It is unclear as to how much they have mastered the half-walk idea. In addition to the half-walk idea, their other strengths are also very strong.

Such as the level of exercises!

Such as martial arts attainments!

Such as minor exercises or other secret methods.

In some respects, Chen Zong is still lacking. After all, the cultivation environment and inheritance from the beginning cannot be compared with those of Tianjiao.

The three shot to kill, and the five Tianjiao in Shanliufu spread out and shot back.

One against Xiaohan above, one against Chen Zong, and three against Hulieshan.

Because they all see that Hulieshan's strength is the strongest.

A terrible momentum seems to be condensed into a real one. These strengths have only been seen on the top ten days of Shanliufu. In other words, this person should have the terrible powers of Shanliufu.

A fierce battle started immediately.

Chen Zong's opponent is also a sword, the sword is still very strong, one sword kills, the golden sword light is like golden light running through the sky, like a meteor-like speed, the penetration is amazing.

Very sophisticated swordsmanship, the power is amazing, as if it can penetrate everything between heaven and earth.

Nothing is broken!


Let Chen Zong's heart be startled, eyes narrowed slightly.

It can be concluded that this person will definitely not be low in the Tianjiao ranking of Shanliufu. Maybe, he is within twenty, or he will not bring such a sense of threat to himself.

However, such a master of swordsmanship is suitable to become his own sword.

Fang Xiaohan's opponent used double palms and wore a pair of black armour gloves, which was extremely scary.

The battle was extremely fierce, full of vitality, impact in all directions, the sword swayed, and the sword was astonishing.

Chen Zong fought with the opponent with a half-step sword intention, and he did not fall behind.

After some fighting, Chen Zong had a deeper understanding of the opponent's swordsmanship.

Holy middle class swordsmanship!

The opponent's skill is a sword technique that achieves the quality of the holy class, and he has cultivated to the point of being small, very pure, and approaching the large.

This shows that the opponent's swordsmanship is very high, and also spends a lot of energy and time on this swordsmanship.

Maybe it has been cultivated for several years.

Chen Zong's guess was correct. This person obtained this sword technique two or three years ago and began to practice. He also had the guidance of the elder strongman in the door. Therefore, he could cultivate Xiaocheng to approach Dacheng within two or three years.

I just didn't expect that with the full force of the swordsmanship, we couldn't defeat the opponent or even suppress it.

Sixty-five percent step sword!

Sword of blood!

When the half-step sword is promoted to 60%, the power of one sword is more than 20%, nearly 30%. Such a clear improvement, one sword is killed, and the blood is as thunderous as a thunderbolt. .

The golden sword light shattered in an instant, and a sword was bombarded on the opponent. The terrible sword anger was endless. The 150,000-pound Jin Jin Yue Yue sword was even more amazing in strength, allowing the other party to be bombarded into a body. Pinky feeling.

Step backwards, step by step, every step seems to crush the extremely hard ground.

However, the ground of the Didi Palace is extremely hard, so every step on it will produce an extremely strong anti-seismic force, which will numb the Tianjiao's feet in that mountain stream house.

Stepped out, Chen Zong reached the second sword.

Burst of blood!

Although this sword has not yet been cultivated to Xiaocheng, the power of the sword is very terrible, not to mention the other side is injured.

When a sword is reached, blood light directly devours the opponent's body, terrifying power, bombards the opponent in all directions, and retreats again. After spitting three blood, he falls and rolls, his limbs spread out, and he falls softly. on the ground.

There was no death, but the injury was definitely not minor, and the power to fight again was lost.

Chen Zong didn't pause, and immediately turned around, with a terrible power on his waist, as if the ancient fierce beast awakened by Jin Yue, blasted out with a terrible power and killed Fang Xiaohan's opponent.

Fang Xiaohan was fighting fiercely, and Chen Zong killed him with a sword. He immediately changed the appearance of Shanliufu and had to deal with it, but Fang Xiaohan caught the moment and killed him with a single shot, as if the stars were on a monthly basis. .

Suddenly, the mountain stream house Tianjiao was defeated.

Then, Chen Zong and Fang Xiaohan shot and killed three other mountain streamers Tianjiao.

As a consequence, there is no doubt that all five mountain streamers Tianjiao were defeated and severely wounded, and their core of puppets was naturally captured by Chen Zong and others, leaving them with no hope of breaking through the palace.

"It's not enough time, let's wait." Hu Lieshan said: "If our Xuanming Realm Tianjiao comes before the end of time, and it is lacking the core of the puppet, we can just give them."

Chen Zong and Fang Xiaohan also had no objection.

After all, whether you pass through the Didi Palace faster or slower through the Didi Palace has no effect on the second hurdle, as long as you pass through within the prescribed time.

The three waited while adjusting their breaths, and also paid attention to the passage of time.

After more than an hour, Tianjiao of Shanliufu came over and was defeated and wounded by the three to take away all the cores of the puppets, but Tianjiao of Xuanming Realm came over.

"Let's go," said Hu Lieshan, letting Fang Xiaohan and Chen Zong go one step ahead.

Fang Xiaohan was the weakest. He entered first, then Chen Zong entered, and finally Hulie Mountain entered.

Under the snow-capped mountains, one of the altars suddenly flashed with light ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A figure appeared in it, it was Fang Xiaohan.

Fang Xiaohan shrank slightly, because the chill in the air struck people, and immediately started to disperse the chill, and at the same time stepped out and stepped out of the altar.

Seeing Fang Xiaohan, Tianjiao on one side of the Xuanming Realm showed joy, while Tianjiao on the side of Mountain Stream House was gloomy.

Immediately afterwards, the altar was illuminated again, and Chen Zong's figure also appeared.

All eyes fell on Chen Zong and locked them.

Chen Zong's physique is amazing and his blood is extremely strong, so although the chill here is amazing, it can't affect Chen Zong.

Also, Hulie Mountain never appeared, and Chen Zong immediately walked down the altar.

Immediately, the altar lit up again, and Hulieshan appeared in it.

Three arrogances of Xuanming Realm appear one after another. One side of Xuanming Realm is naturally very happy, while the side of Shanliufu is somber and almost frozen, especially that of Zhao Xingkong. If you can kill people, I am afraid that the three of Chen Zong have already been Ling Chi.

Previously, Zhao Xingkong had talked a lot. He had up to three places for Xuanming Realm. Although there was no second stage of Tianfeng's capture of the flag, now he has passed the first stage of Xuanming Realm. There are more than a dozen, only about ten less than the thirty in Shanliufu.

The more people, the greater the competitiveness of the second pass, and the greater the pressure on the side of the mountain stream.

Zhao Xingkong was in a bad mood. He was so bad that he could not wait to kill anyone. He killed the people in Xuanming Realm completely. The Tianjiao in other mountain stream provinces were also in a bad mood.

Only the fierce phoenix king did not react, because she was the first day of arrogance, and neither Zhao Xingkong nor Xu Mubai was regarded as her opponent. nt

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