Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 16: Tianfeng Captures the Flag (3)

Boom boom!

Earthquake moved, the mountain shook.

The avalanche was rolling, the huge snow wave was shot down from above, destroying everything and extinction.

The King of the Phoenix has already rushed to the top of the mountain, and Zhao Xingkong and Xu Mubai also showed their ability and rushed up.

The peerless Tianjiao of the third echelon burst out with amazing power, and they went up like a bamboo.

Chen Zong is in the fourth echelon.

The Tianjiao of the fourth echelon have the top 20 strong strengths. Among them, Chen Zong is the best.

Fengrui is like tearing the sky and earth, with an indescribable depth and mystery, as if originating from the deepest part of the soul, the direction of the heart, the direction of the sword, the finest.

The Tianjiao who had the first three echelons took the lead, and everyone in the back faced a lot of pressure from the avalanche. Otherwise, if it was the first, Chen Zong estimated that it would be difficult for him to carry it.

too strong!

This is the power of heaven and earth, the power of nature, and it is terrible.

From it, Chen Zong felt a kind of collapse, destruction, destruction.

However, there is simply no time for Chen Zong to go to enlightenment.

Taoism originates from nature and from heaven and earth.

Participation in nature and heaven and earth will help in understanding the Tao.

As conditions permit, Chen Zong will definitely stop and take a good look at it, maybe he can master one more half-walk way, and his strength will increase by then.

Even if you cannot directly grasp the half-walk meaning, you can deepen your accumulation and lay a more solid foundation for mastering the half-walk meaning and even the future.

It is a pity that it is time to break through the customs.

Gaining qualifications and participating in that Xuanyuan holy meeting is more important than enlightenment at this moment.

Cultivators need to understand the importance of scoring and the major and minor ones. If there is no clear distinction, many times the practice is just doing useless work and taking a detour.

No fear!


Rush Rush!

Chen Zong not only has to rush up, against the tide of avalanche, but also to surpass others as much as possible, otherwise, he may be eliminated.

After all, there are only thirty flags on Tianfeng's capture of the flag, and there are now more than twenty people in front of themselves. If you are not careful, the flag will be taken away by others, leading to their elimination.

Seventy-five percent sword intention!

With full strength, Chen Zong's speed increased again.

The whole person is filled with an incomparable edge, which is like a sword out of the sheath to kill, tearing the world.

Cross one person!

Cross over two people!

Chen Zong's speed is constantly rising. At this moment, the arrogant physique also plays an amazing role, which not only allows Chen Zong to better resist the amazing cold of the Daxue Mountain, but also provides himself with stronger endurance and explosive power.

Staying strong!

Seeing that they were surpassed by Chen Zong, those Tianjiao's faces changed one after another, and then one by one the greater impact of power broke out.


This is fighting with heaven and earth, with others, and with yourself.

The contention is the opportunity and the general trend.

The trend!

Chen Zong is fearless and does not invade evil.

Constant shock, half-step swordsman contention.

Chen Zong also keenly grasped that his half-step sword intention is half-step heart swordsmanship, which is closely related to the heart and the sword. If there is no fear in the heart, the sword has no match.

In this way, we can better sharpen the half-step sword intention, and then improve it.


Gradually, Chen Zong approached the third echelon, leaving everyone in the fourth echelon.

Under the avalanche, everyone couldn't be distracted to deal with others, so they could only watch Chen Zong surpass themselves.

If you do, you can cause trouble for Chen Zong, but you will be hit by the avalanche force because you are distracted, or you may fall down.

The power of the avalanche seemed to be endless, destroying everything.

At this moment, the leading Phoenix King has approached the peak.

Around the peak of the Snow Mountain, thirty flags with a length of three meters were planted on the peaks that had already been frozen. They were roaring with the avalanche and the strong wind, as if they were about to take off.

A blaze of fire burst into the sky, like a phoenix rushing out of the source of the avalanche. In an instant, the pressure suddenly disappeared, the speed doubled to the extreme, and it flew past, and the flag suddenly lost one.

Standing on the peak of the Snow Mountain, the fierce phoenix is ​​holding a fiery red banner, fluttering in the wind, and the heroic posture, this scene seems to be eternal.

After about a dozen breaths, the two figures also rushed out of the avalanche and ran straight to the two flags.

Starting with the banner, it was Xu Mubai and Zhao Xingkong.

The strength is as strong as them, there is no doubt that Tianfeng won the flag, and the quota is definitely obtained.

And no one will come to fight for the flag with them.

Rush Rush!

Figures came out of the snow, and the pressure suddenly dropped and the speed soared, all of which turned into streamers and shot at the flags.

Suddenly, Tianjiao of Yiganshanliufu shot and killed Xuanmingyu Tianjiao in an attempt to interfere with their capture of the flag.

Sudden change of events suddenly occurred, and the number of Tianjiao in the Mountain Stream House was much more, which suddenly put the Xuanmingyu Tianjiao into a disadvantage.

But Xu Mubai, who has received the banner, is not allowed to intervene, unless someone comes to capture his banner, they can only rely on them to deal with it.


Fight back!

For a moment, it was located in the middle of the top of the snow-capped mountains, and it was astonishingly violently collided, tearing everything up, and seemed to be able to break the mountains and earth.


Fierce battle!

At the same time, Chen Zong also came out of the snow, like a sharp sword passing by, a sword slashed, the light of the sword was pervasive, and the chill was overwhelming.

"court death!"

A mountain stream house Tianjiao immediately shot at Chen Zong.

A scuffle began on the top of the mountain.

Amazing wind and snow mixed with terrible power to impact all directions, as if to blast everything.

The King of the Phoenix and Zhao Xingkong and Xu Mubai just watched.

Zhao Xingkong really wanted to take a shot and defeated all the Tianjiao in Xuanming Realm so that they could not win the flag. In this way, only Xu Mubai won the flag, which was less than three places.

But no, he can't shoot. If he shoots, it means he gave up the banner.

The banner cannot be abandoned unless it is taken away. If you give up the banner yourself, you are giving up your qualifications.

Zhao Xingkong looked anxiously, only hope that the Tianjiao people in Shanliufu would be more upset and prevent the people in Xuanming Realm from winning the banner.

But Zhao Xingkong's idea can only be extravagant hope.

Not long after, a second Xuanming Realm Tianjiao won a banner.

Just when he won the flag, the Tianjiao of Shanliufu immediately rushed away, trying to seize it.

Under the dogfight, Chen Zong's figure changed indefinitely. In an instant, three figures appeared. It was difficult to distinguish between true and false. They rushed out in three different directions respectively.

The three figures can be true or false. As long as it is within a certain range, Chen Zong's true body can be freely changed, which is very delicate.

But it wo n’t work if the distance is too long.

The three figures rushed towards the three shorter flags, each within the range of 300 meters, which is exactly the mysterious range of Chen Zong's magical transformation.

"Sculpture of the worms!" A peerless heaven in Shanliufu said angrily. With a wave of his hands, three terrible palm prints blasted out, as if smashing the mountain, and suffocating Chen Zong.

"Cut!" Hu Lieshan noticed this and immediately waved his sword.

The three terrible dagger lights were extremely fiery, as if the violent volcanic magma had compressed and erupted. The three palm prints in the split directly disintegrated Chen Zong's pressure.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Zong grabbed a banner, but there was no joy in his heart, because there were still seven shots of flags that were not pulled up, which meant that the banner in his own hand was not stable enough and someone would take it. .

Sure enough, there were two streamers approaching immediately, it was the two mountain stream houses Tianjiao.

The two rushed to the left and right, with extremely fast speed and cold looks.

Yan Lan!

Chen Zong's expression was so dazzling that Qicheng half-step swordsmanship erupted, which was even more a unique skill.

A sword waved, the sword light disappeared, and a faint light of golden smoke spread out, and instantly split into two, killing the two mountain stream houses Tianjiao.

The power of this sword is terrible.

The look of Tianjiao in the two Mountain Stream Houses could not be changed, and they immediately resisted, but were defeated. When the pale golden smoke fell on the body, it was cut frantically, as if the body was shredded.

However, this trick was divided into two, and the power dropped a lot. In addition, the strength of the two was also very strong. They tried their best to resist, but they did not die, but they were not injured. The amazing sword energy raged in the body. In vivo cutting is average.

Chen Zong grabbed the banner and quickly retreated, casting his body to the extreme.

From time to time, there are hundreds of magical forms, sometimes magical Luo nine transformations. The two kinds of physical strengths are exerted with full force, and they are applied alternately to make Chen Zong's physical style more inscrutable.

Hulieshan also grabbed a banner ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ also performed his body skills and did not contact the Tianjiao of Shanliufu.

The sword Lingxiao banner is in its hands, and the ground is rooted. The whole person is filled with an astonishing sharpness, and it seems to be able to pierce everything that tears the sky and the earth.

He is the second peerless arrogant in the bottom list, and even if placed in the mountain stream, he can be included in the top three. At this moment, the top three of the mountain stream have already won the flag, and naturally they will not shoot.

At this moment, Tianjiao, a short-lived mountain stream man, quietly approached Jian Lingxiao from the back, and planned to make a surprise attack.

Unexpectedly, a touch of golden sword light passed and bloomed in front of the eyes. Immediately, the whole person seemed to be split open, and the blood spewed out.

Had he not been able to kill, he would have become two corpses.



No one dares to fight against Jian Lingxiao again.

Zhao Xingkong's complexion became more gloomy.

Because at this moment, seven flags have fallen into the hands of Tianjiao in Xuanming Realm.

Eighth shot!

Ninth shot!

Tenth shot!

The larger the number, the more ugly Zhao Xingkong's face was.

Eleventh shot!

When the eleventh shot fell into the hands of Xuanmingyu Tianjiao, the last shot was also obtained by Shan Liufu Tianjiao.

Chen Zong was relieved.

Only now faced a lot of mountain arrogance, the pressure increased, and he did not fight against it. He could only continue to dodge his body. Now all the thirty shot flags have been captured, and he has also kept the flag in his hand.

That is to say, he got a place in the mountain competition, and advanced to be able to participate in the state competition.

The flag has a total of 30 shots, Shan Liufu Tianjiao won 19 shots, and Xuanming Yu Tianjiao won 11 shots. Although the number is not as good as Shan Liufu Tianjiao, it is more than their so-called three places. Out several times. nt

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