Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 19: Yunhuang Daze (on)

Three days passed by.

All Tianjiao who participated in the state competition received news and went to gather outside the main city of Tianyun City.

There is a huge vacant lot outside the main city house, which can hold thousands of people at the same time without appearing crowded.

Figures came from all directions.

Tianyun Prefecture native Tianjiao!

Mountain Stream House Tianjiao!

Tianjiang, Hengjiang Province!

Tianshan, Tongshan Prefecture!

Chen Zong found that Tianyun Prefecture ’s native Tianjiao had as many as ninety people, while Shanliu, Hengjiang, and Tongshanfu had thirty each, adding up to ninety.

Exactly, one hundred and eighty people.

Four camps!

Each faction is the pride of the sky. Everyone is filled with amazing breath fluctuations, as if they are impacting the sky, and they are banging on other factions, impacting each other.

Standing high and low!

Tianyun Prefecture ’s native Tianjiao has the largest number of people, and its strength is very terrible. Therefore, it completely took the upper hand and even held the atmosphere of Sanfu Tianjiao with one enemy and three resistances, and even crushed it.


It feels scary.

However, the three arrogant Tianjiao people have higher fighting spirit.

The Tianjiao native Tianjiao people are extremely proud one by one, looking at the eyes of the three provinces, just like the wealthy people in the city see the poor in the countryside.

Indeed, there is a big gap between the three provinces and the native place of Tianyun Prefecture.

Gap in the background!

The gap of inheritance!

Environmental gap!

The gap between the strong!

The gap is obvious, and it naturally breeds a sense of superiority.

Outside, there are many people watching, among them are the powerful men in the Xuanming Realm and the eliminated Tianjiao.

The Tianjiao of the four camps confronted each other with breath, and secretly battled secretly.

"Zhao Xingkong, I heard that eleven of you have been taken away by someone from Xuanming Realm." A Tianjiao from Hengjiang Prefecture said with a smile, seemingly chattering, but hidden words.

Especially when he spoke, he didn't look for the fierce phoenix and Wang Fengyan Yan, but pointed directly at Zhao Xingkong, giving people a more obvious purpose.

Instigate alienation!

As soon as Zhao Xingkong's expression moved, there was a touch of coldness in his eyes, sharp like a sword, and then he smiled coldly, looking directly at the provocative Tianjiao of Hengjiang Mansion: "The Tianjiao of Xuanming Realm can win eleven places. That is their ability. You If you don't, you can try it. "

I have to say that Zhao Xingkong is not a brainless person. He will not be embarrassed and lose his reason because of the other person's provocation. Then he will break out to the people in Xuanming Realm. If this is the case, it will only make people look down on Zhao Xingkong and let people in Shanliufu Think he can't reuse it regardless of the big picture.

However, Zhao Xingkong not only did not erupt, but in turn confessed an army that was proud of Hengjiang Prefecture that day, but also secretly provoked the other party and the Xuanming Realm Tianjiao, laying a hint of possible conflict.

I have to say that Zhao Xingkong has this mind.

People with strength and brains can often live longer, better, and go further.

Of course, the eleven in Xuanming Realm did not feel refreshed, and he was treated like a chess piece.

An invisible confrontation gradually unfolded, and the tension of tenseness, sacrifice, and coldness also spread rapidly.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth roared, as if there was a raging wind, coming from the high void, and the sky was vast, coming from the sky, as if the sea was torrential and mighty.

Amazing and majestic atmosphere, accompanied by the grand and magnificent air machinery roaring the world, the mysterious and omnipresent all things and the mystery of the heavens and the earth are intertwined, and there is a vaguely empty sky between the clouds, such as the clouds covering the sky.

At the moment, all of them were shrouded in this mighty spirit and eternal gods, from the heart and the awe of the soul.

Between the heavens, there seems to be more lingering sounds.

"Half a step!"

A strong man in the late stage of the sacred realm was excited, excited, and in awe.

Great step!

This, but the superpower, superpower overwhelming countless into the holy realm.

In Tianyun Prefecture, there are even half-step holy strong men, which is terrible.

But think about it, Xuanyuan dynasty had real great holy realm strong, then there is half step big holy real strong in Tianyun state, it is not unacceptable.

Chen Zong and others are not clear how powerful they are, but they know that the Qi machine is pulling the world as if it can transform the sun and the moon, giving a feeling of supremacy and transcendence.

Then, the figures filled with tyrannical breath flew from the front, the breath of which was heavenly and magnificent.

"The state race is scheduled to take place in Yunze Dazai." A huge voice sounded, as if the sound of the sky was loud, rolling and shaking, filled with octagonal and four poles, and a sense of antiquity imprinted into the hearts of everyone It is issued by the strongest headed into the sacred realm.

It seems that it is not far from breaking the peak of entering the holy realm.

"Yunhuang Daze!" Suddenly, many people's faces suddenly changed.

Obviously, this cloud shortage is not a good place. On the contrary, it will be a very dangerous place.

"The location of the state competition is located outside of Yunzhuang-Daze, and there are already signs. Remember, you must not cross the signs, otherwise you will be in danger and it will be difficult to be rescued." That loud voice sounded again.

"The way of the state race is to hunt the monsters around Yunhuang Osawa and obtain the beast."

Most of the outer areas of Yunhuang Daze are medium-level monsters, which are equivalent to extraordinary realms. In addition, there are pseudo-high-order monsters, which are equivalent to semi-holy.

Only by hunting the pseudo-high-order monster and obtaining its beast, can you calculate the score.

Pseudo-high-order monsters can be divided into three levels, low-level, intermediate-level, and high-level, corresponding to low-level semi-level, middle-level and high-level levels.

A low-level pseudo-high-order animal beast is counted as one point, a medium-level pseudo-high-order animal beast is counted as two points, a high-level pseudo-high-order animal beast is calculated as five points, and a top-level pseudo-high-order beast , Counted as ten.

Finally, the scores obtained by everyone are used to discuss the achievements before and after the ranking.

Take only thirty!

In other words, one hundred and fifty of these one hundred and eighty will be eliminated, and the remaining thirty will be eligible to compete in the top lane.

Thirty people!

Chen Zong looked dignified.

There are only thirty people on Tianjiao's spectrum. Each of them is extremely powerful and terrible, and their strength is far better than others.

How difficult it is to compete with these thirty people for places.

Fortunately, instead of directly fighting with them, it is hunting monsters to obtain beasts, and there is still the possibility of getting a quota.

But the rules also mention that you can **** others' monsters, but you must not kill people.

This has made countless people nervous.

If you get a lot of beasts, but are snatched by the stronger, you will get nothing.

Immediately, the appetite of the crowd was sealed by a mysterious power, and things could not be stored in or taken out, and everyone was given a brand new appetite for nothing in it, which was used to store the animal beast.

Then, everyone got a white token like a cloud, which contained a trace of mysterious power.

If there is a life or death crisis or any special situation, etc., the power of this token can be stimulated. At that time, the token will release its protective power to protect itself, and it can completely resist the full-strength strike below the sanctuary. The strong came to the rescue.

But it also means that the state race is abandoned and eliminated automatically.

"You guys, what questions do you have?" After the strong man said the rules, his gaze swept away, as if he could see everyone through, and his voice sounded at the same time and passed into everyone's ears.

"If you kill a high-level monster, how do you count points?" Tianjiao, a native of Tianyun, began to speak, with a voice of indescribable fiery heat and domineering, as if released, they could burn everything and become ashes.

The words immediately shocked everyone.

High-end monster!

That is equivalent to entering the Holy Power, killing high-level monsters and killing the Holy Power is no different.

It is almost impossible for a semi-holy level to enter the sanctuary, but of course, there have been three such as Yang Wang Yangquan, Black Fire King Hei Yanze, and Heavenly Sword King Ye Maodao. Prominent record.

The interrogator was only spoken before. He was wearing a black armor. The armor seemed to be ignited by a faint black flame, permeating a deep and ancient atmosphere.

Black Fire King Hei Yanze!

He is qualified to ask.

"There may also be high-level monsters around Yunhuang Dazao. If you kill a high-level monster, its beast dan will make a thousand points, and each higher level, the points will increase tenfold." The strong man said immediately .

Of course, that is impossible.

Such as the three king-level Tianjiao, can kill the first-level high-level monsters, absolutely can not kill the second-level high-level monsters, after all, the gap between the first and second levels is very large.

"No doubt, set off immediately."

Immediately, a huge white cloud wafted, and a force was suddenly generated to attract one hundred and eighty Tianjiao to the white clouds ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and quickly flew out.

"Let's go!" A strong man in Xuanming Realm immediately took the Tianjiao and set off on the Xuanming giant ship.

Yunhuang Daze is located in the northern part of Tianyun Prefecture, but it is a large area that stretches for millions of miles. The deeper it goes inside, the more dangerous it is. Numerous high-level monsters run rampant, and there are even pseudo-super-level monsters, which is equivalent to half Step into the Holy Power.

As for whether there are super monsters, it is not clear.

However, this state race was set on the outer edge of Yunhuang Daze, and a lot of preparations were made, so that there are almost no high-end monsters in that peripheral area. Even if there are, there are very few, and very few, and , Just a high-level monster.

This is naturally intentional.

In addition, there are many strong men staring at the sky, protecting everyone, whoever is in danger of life and death, will rescue them.

After all, every Tianjiao has advanced from the house races. They are very strong, very amazing, and have a bright future. It is a pity to die for this state race.

The speed of the huge white clouds was fast, and after a short time, they left Tianyun City and approached the cloud desert Daze.

Soon, the cloud shortage Daze is now.

It looks like an endless landscape, there are countless mountains and forests, and there is no end.

At a glance, Chen Zong felt an inexplicable sense of grandeur.

"Yunze Dazao has arrived, you are ready to go down, remember, the state race time is five days, five days later to finish on time, calculate the results." The strong said.

Baiyun is about a kilometer high from the ground. At this height, people who are not repaired enough will fall into meatloaf.

However, the strength of everyone is extraordinary. Although the kilometers are high, they have their own means and they are safe and sound.

Suddenly, they jumped one by one and fell instantly. nt

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