Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 18: Tianjiao rampant

The sky is flowing with clouds, and the wind is moving.

In the courtyard of a single-family house, Chen Zong closed his eyes and held Jin Shenyuejian in his left hand, the whole person was extremely relaxed.

Sinking shoulders and elbows!

Get together to know the sea!

In my mind, there was nothing in the air, nothing was missing, only Honghongyu, vast.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's closed eyes opened and burst into a ray of fine to pure cold mansions, such as swords and broken air.

Immediately afterwards, the Jin Jinyue Yue sword ejected from the scabbard by herself, straight into the sky as if nothing, the right hand suddenly extended, grabbed the void, and directly held the hilt of the Jin Jinyue Yue sword. Suddenly, it filled the Jiuxiao through the blade.

Half step sword meaning!

Soaring into the sky!

The golden sword marks seemed to flash across the sky, and they disappeared after a few breaths.

The sword returned to the sheath, Chen Zong gazed at the golden sword mark, and the eyes flickered endlessly until the golden sword mark disappeared.

"It's still 70%. It's not so easy to break through to 80%." Chen Zong said secretly, a smile hangs immediately at the corner of his mouth: "However, it's fast, only a trace, if there is enough external pressure, it is expected to investigate It was broken and promoted to 80%. By then, the power would be increased by several dozens. "

Each step of the half step sword will increase its power by several percent.

The half-step sword intention of 10% to 30% is relatively basic, so the increase after promotion is not much, it is about 20%.

From 30% to 40% of the sword, the power can be increased by 30%.

The increase in power between 40% and 60% is also 30%.

The increase in power from 60% to 70% is as much as 40%.

The increase from 70% to 80%, Chen Zong estimates, is also 40% increase in power.

The same is true for 80% to 90%. As for 90% to 10%, the improvement will exceed 90%.

Then, your half-step sword intention is the mind sword Taoism, at least the intermediate-level Taoism, its power will be stronger than the low-level basic sword Taoism, that is, its 70% half-step sword intention, its power It is comparable to Bacheng's basic half-step swordsmanship. It may even exceed it.

If the meaning of heart swordsmanship is high-level, then his 70% half-step sword meaning is enough to be comparable to the low-level 90% half-step sword meaning.

What kind of Taoism is, I don't know yet. Only after becoming the real Taoism can we be clear, or go to a special testing place to test it.

But where to test, Chen Zong doesn't know.

If the half-step sword intention is improved, the power of your usual shot will also increase, and the power will be stronger when you use the sword, especially when you use your own unique skills.

At that time, the strength will be significantly enhanced, and even let yourself have the ability to challenge the tenth in the bottom list.

"Quickly, I have a hunch. Eighty-five percent of the swordsmanship will not be too far away." Chen Zong muttered to himself.

Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong wandered back and brought a book to Chen Zong.

Tianjiao Spectrum

Chen Zong glanced at it, and suddenly he was interested. He opened it and looked at it carefully.

The ones listed above are all Tianjiao who participated in the state competition. Of course, not all, but only a part of them. Most of them are Tianyunzhou Tianjiao, and a small part comes from Shanliu and Hengjiang and Tongshan.

The person written on the first page of the Tianjiao spectrum is named Yangquan, a clan of the Yang clan in Tianyun Prefecture, named Tianyang King. It is not clear how old he is.

The practice is the saint-level best practice called Tianyang Zhaoshi, and it has been cultivated to the thirteenth floor. Martial arts is a supporting martial art of Tianyang Zhaoshi: Tianyang Fingers and Zhaoshiyin. .

Its best record is to fight against a common low-level entry into the sanctuary, and fight against it after a hundred moves.

Seeing this, Chen Zong was shocked.

The semi-holy level, it is actually very scary to be able to fight back into the sanctuary.

You know, the gap between the semi-holy level and the sanctified realm is huge, it is like a gap between heaven and earth. This message also broke Chen Zong's previous ideas.

In the past, Chen Zong believes that the semi-holy class can at most be able to escape from the ordinary entrance to the sanctuary, which is very rare and rare. After all, he originally escaped from a lower-ranked player who entered the sanctuary. The third move of the Blood Sword is the most powerful one.

In addition, it also resorted to the geographical location of the forest and high-end monsters, or even if there is a third trick of the **** sword mark, it will inevitably be caught up and die.

As for the weight of the beheaded sacred realm, it depends on the strength of the Tiansha force field of Shura's avatar, which cannot be regarded as the power of his own deity.

The King of Tianyang actually had a low-level record of beheading into the sanctuary, even if it was only the most common low-level into the sanctuary, it was very scary.

Of course, the other party's beheading was not marked on the information, and Chen Zong did not know.

"Tianyang treasure ..." Chen Zong couldn't help murmuring.


The memory fragments of King Taiyuan are slightly, but not much. Therefore, Chen Zong knew this treasure but didn't know much about it. He only knew that it was a kind of blood vein that was similar but different, and it was more rare than blood vein. thing.

Bloodline can be passed on, but treasure body is not necessarily, it is also uncertain.

And treasure bodies generally do not have any clear hierarchy. Each treasure body has amazing potential. If properly developed, it will be very scary. It is not inferior to super bloodlines, and may even surpass it.

To a certain extent, treasure bodies are rarer and more powerful than blood vessels.

Of course, if it is a super order blood, it is extremely rare and powerful.

Speaking of which, I don't have any blood or treasures. Without these advantages, in heaven, of course, we should be inferior to these heavenly darlings with blood and treasures.

However, he has a powerful soul and amazing understanding, as well as perseverance and perseverance.

The first page of the Tianjiao spectrum records the Tianyang King. This is not a true king-level powerhouse. Therefore, the three characters of the Tianyang King are titles, which represent the Wangtian Tianjiao.

If it is called by the name of the title, it means that it is the real powerful king.



One is the title given by people, as if it were spread by the people, and the title comes from the King Tower, as if it was recognized by the world.

Recorded on the second page, the same is the king-level Tianjiao, named Heiyanze. He is a member of the Heiyan clan. He has super-blooded Heiyan bloodlines. With its supporting martial arts secrets, training to the thirteenth floor also has a remarkable low-level record of killing and passing into the sacred realm. As for who is stronger than Yangquan and Hei Yanze, it is not mentioned.

Recorded on the third page, the chief Tianjiao from the Tianyun religion, Ye Xuandao, known as the King of Swords, is a natural sword bone, which is also cultivated by the heavenly superb Tianyun Cangyu Jue and his Supporting martial arts secrets, etc., are also cultivated to the thirteenth floor, also like Nayangquan and Hei Yanze, have had a stunning low-level record of beheading into the sanctuary.


Hei Yanze!

Ye Yan said!

None of the three are stronger.

What is recorded on the fourth page is still Tianyunzhou's peerless Tianjiao and Wang-level genius.

Yang Feng!

Still surname Yang, the same surname as Yangquan, from the Yang family in Tianyun.

This Yangfeng practice is also the Tianyang Zhaoshi method and its supporting martial arts secrets, etc. It is said that he has cultivated to the twelfth floor. He does not have the Tianyang treasure body, and has not scored a low-level record in the holy realm, but However, it has an undefeated record of tens of tricks and low-level countermeasures from the entry into the sanctuary.

Tianjiao has thirty pages, and each page records a peerless Tianjiao message. It can't be very detailed. It may not be so true.

But no matter what, it brought a great shock to Chen Zong.

Thirty pages!

Of the thirty peerless Tianjiao, twenty of them belong to Tianyun Prefecture, and all have a good origin.

For example, Yunjiao and Yangshi and Heiyanshi that day.

Chen Zong speculated that these three may be the most powerful forces in Tianyun Prefecture.

The other ten pages are the peerless arrogance of Shanliufu, Hengjiangfu and Tongshanfu.

Among them, there are three people in Shanlifu's Peerless Tianjiao. One is the King of the Phoenix, whose real name is Feng Yanyan, who has a super rank blood, who is practicing the phoenix tactics, is a holy class, and has also cultivated to the height of the twelfth floor. amazing.

The second is Zhao Xingkong, who is also practicing the saint-level superb skills and martial arts.

Third, it is called Tang Shizi, and the martial arts practiced by him are not saintly superior, but saintly superior.

There is one more person in Shanliufu, and one is Xu Mubai.

Xu Mubai, the son of Xuanming, is practicing holy superb Xuanming true power, and suspects to have a treasure body related to both pupils ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but it is not clear what exactly.

"This Xu Mubai even has a treasure body." Chen Zong's eyes twinkled.


This refers to a magical physique, which may not be reflected in the body, but also in other parts, such as the eyes and so on.

Xu Mubai is very strong, and it is not surprising that he has a treasure body.

The next six were from Hengjiang and Tongshan respectively.

Chen Zong noticed that at least half of the practitioners of martial arts practiced on the Tianjiao spectrum practiced holy quality, and the other half practiced holy quality.

There is not a small gap between the sage-level superb quality and the sacred-level top quality. Within the same level of exercises, their powers are obviously different.

Therefore, sage-level masters and martial arts scholars tend to be stronger.

Compared with them in the exercises, Chen Zong does not have any advantages or even is completely at a disadvantage.

"If I borrowed the Tiansha force field of Shura's avatar, I don't know if I can fight against everyone on Tianjiao?" Chen Zong secretly thought.

The strength of each of Tianjiao's spectrum is very strong, at least, there is the level of strength of Jian Lingxiao, and compared with Jian Lingxiao's current strength, there is still a big gap.

Also, if you have a hole card, your opponent will not have a hole card.

Of course, regardless of whether or not they can compete, under the last resort, Chen Zong does not intend to borrow the power of Shura's avatar, and can rely on the deity.

Although Shura's avatar was split for his own cultivation of Vientiane Shura Supernatural Power, it was also an independent life.

"Cultivation, half-step sword intention is not far from Bacheng, and Taiyuan Mo Yungong is about to break through to the twelfth floor." Chen Zong secretly said that once the breakthrough, there will be a lot of improvement in strength. nt

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