Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 21: Hengjian (1)

Cloud deserted Daze, ancient landforms, ancient trees towering.

On a giant tree with a height of 100 meters, Chen Zong's straight back is standing like a sword, standing still, his eyes are restrained, and there is a faint ray of light flowing, staring in all directions, looking for the pseudo-high-end monster beast hunting.

It's been a day now, and Chen Zong silently calculated the points he got.

One hundred and eighteen!

During the night, the monsters are more active, so they get more beasts and more points, almost equal to the gains of the day.

"Come out yourself." Suddenly, a sneer came to surprise Chen Zong.

When was the person not even aware of it, and did not notice it.

It's not that you are not alert enough, but that the other party is too amazing.

But Chen Zong still didn't move. Who knew if the other person was talking about himself.

"What's the meaning of hiding, roll out obediently." The sound sounded, with a hint of sharpness, the moment of falling, a terrible vigor broke through instantly, shot through the dense leaves, and directly shot The air pierced a finger-thin vacuum channel through everything.

The finger that glowed with purple light was terrible, and shot to death, making Chen Zong creepy, it seemed to be penetrated in an instant, even if it was the sturdy physique brought by the mid-level semi-sacred practice. Cents.

If the streamer flickers, a figure is left in the place, lifelike, and penetrated in an instant. The thick trunk behind is also penetrated in an instant, leaving a smooth finger hole that can see the opposite.

Two people!

There were two people on the other side, both of them found themselves, but they didn't find each other.

Chen Zong has always been unique in hiding his breath, but this time, someone has surpassed himself in hiding his breath, and has to surprise himself.

The moment Chen Zong avoided that fierce laser, he was immediately locked by two breaths.

An air of indistinct breath, as if the sky is flowing clouds, and the Foshan Valley breeze, it is elusive, but it is like a silk-like cut that is constantly chaotic.

Another breath is that it is extremely sharp and overbearing, and it is this person who attacks and kills himself.

The two distinct breaths matched perfectly, locking Chen Zong and closing all escape routes.

The two of them, one wearing a green robe, seemed to have a smog of smoke all over his body. It looked a bit fuzzy in shape, as if the wind was blowing, the whole person would float with the wind.

The other person was dressed in a black dress, which set off the heroic posture. His body was surrounded by a stern and cold atmosphere like a sword, and his body was uncertain. His eyes were so cold that he locked Chen Zong and seemed to penetrate Chen Zong through the void.

Chen Zong's heart was shocked.

These two people are both Tianjiao native Tianjiao.

Of the ninety Tianyunzhou native Tianjiao, the strength is stronger than themselves, at least more than half.

The breath permeated by the two makes Chen Zong feel that the other is very strong, and it is estimated that they will not be inferior to himself, and in the case of the two together, I am afraid that it is difficult to cope with their own strength.

"Be obedient to hand over all the beasts in your ring." The cold young man in black looked directly at Chen Zong, his words were sharp and sharp, and he brought a heavy sense of persecution.

It seems that if you do not surrender the consequences of Beast Dan, you will be beaten.

Will Chen Zong surrender Beast Dan?

Of course not.

If you do not surrender the beast, naturally it is a battle.

Although they are strong, Chen Zong is not weak.

Fight if you want!

Suddenly, Jin Jin Yue Yue sword came out of the sheath and turned into a golden sword light smashing and blasting out like a vacuum. Two people with one sword each killed two people.

"So courageous." The young man in the green robe showed a hint of embarrassment, and seemed to disdain Chen Zong's initiative.

As Tianyun Prefecture's native Tianjiao, who has been selected repeatedly to obtain the state competition place, his talent and strength are very outstanding, and the sense of superiority in nature is stronger.

His strong sense of superiority made him look down on people outside Tianyunzhou. Therefore, not only did Chen Zong not surrender Beast Dan, he even dared to take the initiative, and he was disdainful even when he was furious.

"If you dare to shoot, then I will interrupt your hands and feet." The young man in black voice was extremely cold, with ten fingers in a row, and suddenly, all the terrible fingers broke through the air, it seemed that Chen Zong would run through thousands of sores. One hundred holes.

Fierce battle!


Chen Zong urged 70% and half of the sword intention to the extreme, and his strength was fully opened. A sword smashed blood to kill. The blood was permeated in the sky, and it was amazing.

"Da Luoyun smokes his hands!" The young man in the green robe swipes his hands and shoots them in the air, as if there is no half force, but it contains terrible power and is completely restrained.

Its trajectory is difficult to distinguish, mysterious, and uncertain, and it is difficult to understand.

"Crazy Knife!"

In the low voice, the long black knife came out of the sheath, and it suddenly waved and beheaded. The terrible black knife light split the front sky, as if splitting the mountains and the sky.

Across the black knife, a black knife mark spread like a scroll spreading away.

Facing these two attacks, Chen Zong immediately felt a great threat.

The opponent's talent is very high, all the exercises and martial arts they have achieved have reached the top grade, and the time they have cultivated has more than doubled, and the teaching instructions of the elders are invisible After many detours, this is not what Chen Zong has.

The level of martial arts skills also directly determines the strength of strength.

The two did not grasp the half-walk meaning, but the basic strength is very strong and the martial arts is brilliant, so the power between shots is very amazing.

After a fierce battle, Chen Zongnai couldn't help each other, but also resisted the attack of the two, and did not fall into the wind.

The two Tianyunzhou Tianjiao faces were cold and angry, and the two of them joined forces and could not defeat each other, but they were tied.

"Yan Yun Jin ... Da Luo Yun smokes his hands!" The young man in the green robe exhibited his secret tricks and once again exhibited his unique tricks. One hand formed like countless clouds of smoke, as if the wind would dissipate, but the extremely tough coils condensed, Its power is more than 50% stronger than before, terrible.

One palm struck, the pressure brought by the terrible vigor suddenly oppressed from all directions, and countless pressures were as silky and pliable, entangled Chen Zong's whole body, allowing Chen Zong to give birth to a This kind of feeling of hands and feet can't stretch out, can't stretch the bones, and can't show the strength to the fullest.

The smoke-like big hand came when it was killed by air bombardment. Countless clouds of smoke shuttled through it like silk threads, as if weaved into a wonderful pattern that blended into the heavens and the earth. The mystery was deep and boundless. When Chen Zong observed carefully, Feelings of sinking into it.


This trick is very clever and the mystery is very deep.

Suddenly, Chen Zong was touched.

There is a similarity between Yan Lan's own unique trick and this one. No, it should be said that the mystery of Yan Lan's sword is still very shallow. Compared with the opponent's one, its similar mystery There are high and low points.

Learn from!

At the same time, the young man in black waved to death.

Suddenly, the knife disappeared, replaced by a dark knife light, as if tore the sky and the earth to kill, there are thirty-three.

Thirty-three days of sword cutting!

This is a terrible secret attack with up to eight grades. The power is amazing. The thirty-three black knives are extremely deep and sharp, as if cutting the space around Chen Zong, leaving Chen Zong independent of a small In the space, isolated from the world, unable to evade the slightest, can only deal with the terrible slash of the sword.

Two strokes came together, killing left and right, and immediately made Chen Zong feel the shadow of death permeating.


These two tactics are so powerful that even if you use the Sky Crystal Warfare Method by yourself, you can only block one of them, but you can't stop the other.

So much more.

Celestial War Body!

Field of Hearts!

The realm of Chen Zong's heart has reached the seven-meter range, and everything within the seven-meter range is clearly grasped.

Da Luoyun smashed his hand and locked it in all directions, as silky and pliable, thirty-three dark knives killed him and cut everything.

When it entered the realm of the mind, it seemed to slow down, and all trajectories were clearly grasped by Chen Zong.

The power was amazing. Chen Zong didn't choose hard resistance, but instead covered the realm of the heart, he performed the magical Luo Jiu transformation method to the extreme, fine and subtle, all-pervasive, and instantly separated from the big Luo Yunyan's hand lock and thirty-three dark Daoguang locks and swims in it.

Dodge Dodge Dodge!

While avoiding them all, Chen Zong also understood the mysteries contained in it as much as possible.

Create your own unique skills, you need to continue to supplement and improve constantly, so that its power is getting stronger and stronger, and there are more and more mysteries ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ how is it possible! "The two Tianyunzhou Tianjiao were suddenly stunned.

The tricks and tricks they used were actually avoided, what is the situation?

Stepping out, Chen Zong quickly approached the Qingpao youth, and the realm of hearts immediately enveloped the other side.

In the realm of the heart, every move of the other party was mastered by Chen Zong.

The big Luo Yunyan hand that the opponent casts can not only attack the distance, but also consolidate his energy on his hands, and continue to bombard and kill. The power is amazing, and it is like a cloud of smoke that is unpredictable and erratic.

In the realm of the heart, Chen Zong immediately understood the other side's martial arts mystery more clearly.

One sword killed, and the smoke filled the smoke, it was Yan Lan's sword.

Compared with the previous sword, this sword is different, more mysterious, and there is a mystery of the big Luo Yunyan hands in it.

It was Chen Zong who absorbed some of the mystery of the other Luo Yunyan's smoker and merged into Yanlan's sword, but the relationship of the initial integration was not clear enough. Therefore, there was a trace of the smoker's hand.

If there is time for Chen Zong to settle down, the traces of Da Luoyun's smoker will disappear, and the mystery will be fully integrated into Yan Lan's sword, making Yan Lan's sword more perfect.

The sword light spread like a silky mist, covering the whole body of the Qingpao youth.

Hard to resist!

Yan Lan's sword under Ming Wu is as pervasive as a spring breeze, and cuts directly on the opponent through the defense of the opponent, tearing the defense through everything.


Suddenly, the robes on the youth of the Qingpao came down sporadically, with sword marks all over the body, blood dripping, and looked terrible.

The terrible sword qi is constantly invading the body and causing deeper damage, as if to dismember it. nt

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