Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 22: Hengjian (2)

A sword, like Ling Chi, suddenly cut his body, the Qingpao fragmented, his body trembled under the cutting of the sword gas, and gathered his strength to fight against, crush, and disperse.

At the same time, Chen Zong's second sword was shot.

Sword of blood!

Blood was shining through the void, and the terrible weight of 150,000 kilograms burst out instantly, bombarded on the other side, and the amazing power burst out instantly.

Break through all the defensive forces, directly bombard each other, and crash into a large tree hundreds of meters away. The whole person seems to be embedded in the thick trunk and vomiting blood.

Turning around, the golden sword light smashed in a vacuum and killed the young man in black.


At a glance, his companion was hurt. The young man in black was shocked and approached Chen Zong immediately. The black long sword was cut down from top to bottom, as if he was going to cut the world.

Jianguang and Daoguang collided in an instant, exhaling a terrible breath, and the sword and the knife were also in instant contact.

The look of the young man in black suddenly changed, only to feel the opponent's sword was extremely heavy, with a fierce and incomparable force, unreasonable bombardment came, just like a brutal beast.


Field of Hearts!

The trajectory of the young man in black was accurately grasped by Chen Zong.

Each of the blades exhibited by the long black knife was terrible, the speed was amazing, and it contained a mighty blade, as if it could cut everything and everything.

This kind of power and mystery, Chen Zong constantly observed through the realm of the heart, and slowly realized.

Unconsciously, the two fought fiercely for a while, and it was difficult to distinguish between them for a while.

However, the fact is that Chen Zong was not in a hurry to separate the winning and losing, but was forcing the other party to continue to use his sword, so that he can further observe and draw on his advantages, precipitate his own accumulation, and can be integrated into the unique tricks.

This is a state match, but in Chen Zong's view, it is also a kind of sharpening, sharpening oneself, and sharpening swordsmanship.

Chen Zong has an idea, that is, as far as possible in the state competition, with the help of pressure breakthroughs, half-step swordsmanship reached 80%, and the unique trick Yan Lan further improved.


Improve your strength!

Regardless of the chance or whatever, in the final analysis, it is all for strength.

After all, it is strength.

Thirty-three days of sword cutting!

The long black knife broke through, and it turned into thirty-three dark and terrible knife lights from all directions in the sky. The knife light was deep, as if it could absorb all the light around it.

In the realm of the heart, Chen Zong clearly saw the trajectory of thirty-three black knife lights. The entire human body seemed to lose all its weight, as if it had lost its bones, and became extremely soft, like a ghost snake. While traveling through it, avoiding the black knife lights, try to observe the mysteries contained in it as much as possible.

Chen Zong has a profound understanding of this secret method of up to eight grades.

Sword of blood!

Grasp the instantaneous flaws, the blood shines, and the sky fills the sky.


The young man in black immediately stepped into the footsteps of the former young man in the green robe, and a sword flew forward, and the blood spewed wildly.

Defeating the two, Chen Zong was slightly relieved. The two were very strong. Except that he did not borrow the power of Shura's avatar, the power of the deity was fully used, and it was only dangerous to defeat him.

If you do it again, Chen Zong is not completely confident that he can defeat the two and join forces. His martial arts are really exquisite and worth learning from.

Since defeating the opponent, the next step is to harvest the loot.

Beast Dan!

Each person's appetite for the storage of the Beast Pellets is not fortified. As long as they are seized, the Beast Pellets can be easily taken out of them.

After getting the Beast Dan, Chen Zong threw Najie back to the two, and immediately left after casting a spell.

The two were not seriously injured, but neither were they light. They could not open the Na ring to take out the elixir to cure the injury. It would be impossible to recover the injury within a few days.

It is destined that the two of them will be eliminated.

The two men failed to **** Chen Zong's beast, but in the end they were snatched by Chen Zong in turn, and they were injured, affecting their own strength, and they naturally hated Chen Zong.


"Originally I had 118 points, but now the points have reached 326, which is not bad." After Chen Zong quickly left, he checked the beast dan in Najie, counted as points, and suddenly a smile came out.

Sure enough, the animal beast that robs others is more rewarding.

Chen Zong almost came up with the idea of ​​not hunting monsters, and specifically looking for others to **** Beast Dan, but as soon as the idea appeared, he was immediately dispelled by Chen Zong.

Among his 180 people, his strength can only be regarded as medium. It is estimated that by using the strength of Shura's avatar, he can reach the forefront. However, to what extent Chen Zong does not know, and what are the very powerful peerless Tianjiao strengths, Chen Zong Also unclear.

Not insurance.

If you really look for someone else to capture Beast Dan, you may end up in the previous two.

It is still safest to find the monster beast hunter to obtain the beast dan. Of course, if someone wants to rob his beast dan, Chen Zong will not be polite.

However, before that, Chen Zong planned to stop for a moment, because Chen Zong had no small understanding just before the battle.

The martial arts practiced by the young man in blue robes and the swords practiced by young men in black clothes contained different but profound mysteries. Some of these mysteries were enlightened by Chen Zong, and it is worth learning and drawing on.

Chen Zong had some experience in that battle. Now he needs to find a place to digest it well, and thoroughly integrate it into his swordsmanship, especially in his unique skill Yan Lan Yi Jian.

The opponent's big Luo Yun smoker is very subtle, light and changeable like a cloud, but extremely flexible and terrible, and the thirty-three days of slashing is an instant burst of amazing power, as if it can destroy everything Like.

Chen Zong envisioned incorporating both mysteries into his own unique skills.

Leaping forward, he landed on the top of a tree more than 100 meters high. The leaves were very dense. Chen Zong's heart was divided into two uses.

Countless auras flashed, such as Wan Yingfei dancing.

Yan Lan Yi Jian was analyzed with Chen Zong's enlightenment.

This trick was created by Chen Zong. No one is more familiar than Chen Zong, so the analysis is simpler and deeper.

Time passes slowly, countless mysteries emerge, just like countless sword-light spins, mysterious.

Suddenly, a ray of sword light glided across the darkness and lighted up instantly, and that jian ray spread out in the darkness at once, like a ray of smoke, like a magic mist.

But I saw a ray of light lingering, covering the front, and cutting wildly. Each thread was as light and volatile as a cloud of smoke, floating like a mist, and cutting everything with a sharp edge like a sword. It is scattered, but has its own unique features, covering everything in all directions to lock everything.

The silky foggy sword light disappeared, and the darkness was restored, and Chen Zong continued to quietly enlighten.

Not enough, not enough.

This sword can be further improved and become stronger.

So, what can we do to make it stronger?

All the super-perceptions are turned on, and the thoughts are turned sharply. In a split second, tens of thousands of thoughts flash, and constant collisions emit thousands of sparks.

Dark and bright masterpieces, as if the heavens and earth were beginning to open, the thunder was roaring, the drizzle was falling, the wind was blowing, and they came from a distance and rolled away.

Clouds and smoke quietly permeated the heavens and the earth, and the magic mist fluttered in the wind.

Suddenly, everything seemed to turn into Jianguang.

Sword light like clouds!

Ruyan Jianguang!

Sword light like fog!

Sword light like rain!

Clouds, smoke, fog, and rain are permeating, as if there is a avenue intertwined with truth, and the glory of the sun is blooming, turning into a sword that fits the world of all things, a sword passes, the sword light is like clouds, smoke, fog, The change is rainy, and it seems to coexist, like ancient times, leading to the future.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's eyes opened, and deep inside the eyes, there seemed to be a fascinating but endless sword light bursting out.

Immediately afterwards, he pointed out that when the sword stabbed in the air, it turned into a mist of sword light. The sword light diffused away, and the clouds, smoke and rain were scattered, and the mystery was intertwined with mystery.

Suddenly, the leaves under the sword light instantly turned into powder dust, and were completely shredded, as if to create a vacuum, the power was terrifying.

"This sword ... is done." Chen Zong secretly gratified.

Yan Lan's sword is further improved and its power is more powerful, but the current sword, which uses the word Yan Lan, seems to be somewhat inconsistent.

"Yunyan magic fog ..." Chen Zong thought for a moment, then came up with a new name.

Clouds of smoke and rain!

Chen Zong suddenly thought again.

This unique style created by myself was formerly Yan Lan, but now it is a cloud of rain and rain, the name has changed, and the power is stronger ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The mystery is deeper and more complete, but the core of its essence has not changed.

In this way, it is not an advanced step, like the level of the level.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt an inexplicable throbbing, his heart beating violently, and his eyebrows bursting out as if there was something to pierce.


In an instant, a horrible ray of extreme brilliance emerged, sharp to the extreme, and radiated from the eyes of the eyes, running through the sun and the moon.

Half step sword meaning ... Bacheng!

The power of 80% half step sword power is more than 40% stronger than Qicheng. The power of swordsmanship motivated by half step sword power also directly improves 40%. This kind of improvement and repair is more amazing than other improvements.

Perfect skills to improve the power, half-step swordsmanship successfully broke through, making Chen Zongxin happy, at this moment, his strength is more powerful, especially with 80% half-step swordsmanship to show the smoke and rain, the power is becoming more horrifying and multiplying Enhanced.

Strong strength is the root of self-confidence, so that we can calmly cope with difficulties and strong enemies.

Having made both breakthroughs, Chen Zong began to practice the exercises, and tried to break through the exercises.

Taiyuan Moyun Gong is now the eleventh floor. If it breaks through, it is the twelfth floor, and its power will be even stronger.


Fully operational!

An extremely pure semi-holy force pervades every part of the body, sweeping rapidly, as if the thunderous thunder of a mighty horse is astonishing.


No sooner!


Fasten the limits!

Chen Zongxi was full of energy and was full of energy.

The tyrannical breath permeated then, and the semi-holy force, which was extremely tyrannical, seemed to freeze for a moment, and then, once again, it moved like a thunder, like a torrential dyke. nt

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