Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 23: Hengjian (3)

Stronger tricks!

Eighty-five percent step sword intention!

Taiyuan Moyun Gong Twelfth Floor!

If you don't break it, one break is three, which is unexpected by Chen Zong.

Strength, stronger.

Stronger strength brings stronger self-confidence. Chen Zong's figure jumps up lightly, fluttering as if losing weight, turning into a streamer with blurry ghosts like flying birds flying away, and shuttles among dense leaves. In that, the body seems to be between the unreal reality, without touching any leaves, and passing directly through the gap.

Speed ​​is a lot faster than before, with a hint of sharpness.

One finger penetrated through the sky, and the extremely powerful fingers penetrated the sky like a sword, killing a pseudo-high-order monster that was 100 meters away. It was a senior pseudo-high-order monster, and Chen Zong had five points to account.


"Chen Zong, for the sake of Xuanming Realm, I won't move you, but you hand over the beast dan on your own." Sima Huanyu gazed at Chen Zong, understated, his eyelids drooping, a touch of fineness, vague There was a hint of sorrow, as if it were high above.

Earlier, Sima Huanyu had recruited Chen Zong in an attempt to make Chen Zong use it, but was rejected by Chen Zong. At that time, Chen Zong was so arrogant that he would one day surpass himself.

Sima Huanyu was not angry. Would the eagle care about the chicken's provocation, and the true dragon would care about the idea of ​​earthworms. In Sima Huanyu's opinion, Chen Zong was just talking wildly.

However, step by step so far, this Chen Zong is just like himself and entered this state game. Perhaps there is some luck in it, but it also surprised him.

Unconsciously, a little man who was previously inconspicuous had the qualification to let him take a closer look.

not bad!

But that's it.

Until now, Sima Huanyu still doesn't think that Chen Zong can compare with himself. We must know that he is ranked ninth on the list and has very strong strength.

During this period of time, my own strength has also been improved and strengthened. If it is a challenge, I may be able to move forward in the rankings.

What is Chen Zong?

When Chen Zong heard Sima Huanyu's words, he suddenly smiled.

Before, this Sima Huanyu was strong enough to make him look up, but now, who is strong and who is weak is not necessarily.

Even if you are not as good as the other party before, you want to let yourself be better off, let alone now.

"Sima Sima, I like the beast dan inside your ring, take it out." Chen Zongwei smiled, not polite.

When others are polite to themselves, they are naturally also polite to others. If you are not polite, you are also welcome.

Sima Huanyu heard that the original high look suddenly changed, and the coldness was amazing. A touch of Hanmang burst out from the eyes, as if it fell on Chen Zong's face through the void, it seemed to be Pierce Chen Zong.

"It's very good. It seems good luck to enter the state race, which makes you swell." Sima Huanyu smiled coldly, he was angry, and was angry from the bottom of his heart, a little loach, even dare to put it in front of himself Tail demonstrations can be ignored before, but now they cannot be ignored.

"For the sake of Xuanming Realm, I want you to be sober and sober." The coldness in Sima Huanyu's eyes was as cold as a sword, turned into a cold electric lasing, and seemed to penetrate the sun, moon, and stars. On Chen Zong's face, it seemed as if he wanted to pierce Chen Zong's eyes, straighten his mind, and brought fear.

However, Chen Zong's look remained unchanged, and he was not half astonished.

Sima Huanyu shot, one finger stretched out, there seemed to be a touch of starlight at the fingertips, and a slight poke seemed to plunge into the water, and there was a ripple of ripples.

Chen Zong suddenly felt a creepy feeling, his eyes contracted under his eyes, and he saw a sharp and extreme starlight radiate from the center of the ripple, as if shooting through the void.

The eyes seemed to be dim, and only that little starlight dazzled to the extreme, penetrating the sun, the moon, the heavens and the earth, so that Chen Zong had a sense of being penetrated for no reason.

This feeling is very strange, not only threatening his body, but also his soul.

It seems that there is a mystery of spiritualized will, but it is different and seems to be more sophisticated.

Chen Zong has not fought against the peerless Tianjiao in the top ten of the Ming Bang, and it is not clear what means the peerless Tianjiao in the top ten of the Ming Bang have.

Just to be clear, the gap between the top ten and the bottom ten of the Ming Bang will be very large, and there seems to be a gap.

But now, he has practiced Taiyuan Moyun Gong of the top grade to the twelfth level, and has already caught up with many levels of Tianjiao. He has also mastered half-step swordsmanship to 80%, and his basic strength is more than ever A lot of power, even more unique skills, powerful.

In this way, Chen Zong had the confidence to face Sima Huanyu, and even a little bit of excitement in his heart. Finally, he had to fight against the top ten peerless Tianjiao in the Ming Bang, verifying his strength at this moment.

Jin Jin Shen Yuejian came out of the sheath, one sword broke, as if smashing the vacuum, breaking that little starlight finger, and blasting at Sima Huanyu.

Sima Huanyu's brows frowned slightly, and with some surprises, the other party broke his finger and came back.

You know, although the strength of your finger is not very strong, but it also used 70% of the power, enough to defeat Tianjiao after the top ten.

From this point of view, before Chen Zong's strength comparison, it did improve.

However, this is only the case.

With a cold look, Sima Huanyu once again pointed out a finger. This finger used ten percent of the power, the starlight was dazzling to the extreme, but the light let the surrounding void fall into darkness, and the finger became more dazzling.

If a ray of starlight explodes, Chen Zong looks more dignified.

A sword swept across the air!

The sword is steady and majestic.

That finger was broken again by Chen Zong.

"Okay." Sima Huanyu was very angry and smiled. Two consecutive moves were defeated by the opponent, which made Sima Huanyu completely angry.

Third finger!

When the finger lifted up, the sky suddenly darkened, as if the night was falling, pervading a boundless trend, heavy as if to be depressed, so that Chen Zong felt heavy, unspeakable uncomfortable, seemed to suffocate Like that, the whole person was extremely distressed, and his chest seemed to be heavily pressed by big stones.

Immediately, a blazing starlight bloomed at the fingertips of Sima Huanyu, dazzling to the extreme, shining like heaven and earth, as the light diffused, as if the waves were rippling, it was everywhere.

That little starlight burst out and shot towards Chen Zong. In Chen Zong's eyes, the starlight seemed to be constantly enlarged and re-zoomed, from a little cold star to a meteor, not only the speed is amazing, but also contains The terrible power seemed to destroy everything.

Chen Zong's expression was slightly dignified, and he felt that his body was about to collapse under the terrible starlight of this finger.


Blood glowed, one sword soared blood, fifty percent half step sword.

As the youngest Sima family disciple, the first disciple of the Sima family, a rare century-old peerless arrogant, Sima Huanyu's practice is no small matter, but it is an incomplete holy level of best practice, although the incompleteness lacks the last few layers, But it does not hinder his previous cultivation.

At the same level, the power of the holy grade best practice is stronger than that of the holy grade best practice.

"Half step sword!" As soon as Sima Huanyu felt the indescribable sharpness of the invisible edge, his expression changed slightly, and he immediately sneered: "So, this is how you dare to challenge me to rely on."

The half-walk meaning is not so easy to grasp and grasp, most of the semi-holy levels cannot grasp, only a few people can do it.

Those who can understand and master the half-walk idea have a very high talent, and there are certain opportunities. Only by combining various factors can they be expected to understand and master.

As the top ten peerless Tianjiao of the Mingbang, Sima Huanyu naturally grasped the meaning of half a walk.

Under the blood light, Sima Huanyu's starlight that was killed by a finger was instantly broken. The blood light with terrible anger, penetrated the sky instantly, leaving a **** sword mark, straight away.

Sima Huanyu didn't mean to dodge the slightest, and there was a touch of coldness in the corners of his mouth, with a bit of irony in his eyes, and one finger lightly, the fingertips were surrounded by thousands of strands of starlight, which were subtler than the hair, and there was no power. .

Suddenly, the **** sword light was broken.

"Meteorite kills in the air!" The low-drinking sound suddenly rang from Sima Huanyu's mouth, as if thunder roaring and roaring from the deep of his throat. Immediately, the black arc spread from nothingness and instantly covered all directions ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ seems to be a party The world is covered.

Immediately afterwards, a bit of light bloomed at the fingertips of Sima Huanyu, and in the dark and high altitude, there seemed to be a touch of stars echoing.


From the dark void that enveloped the world, a light suddenly appeared, falling at an alarming speed, getting faster and faster, burning, repulsing the air to shake the void, crushing the vacuum, becoming more and more intense, more vigorous, and more violent. More overbearing.


Destroy everything!

The group of meteorites burning with a blazing golden flame was shot down from high altitude, as if dispersing the darkness, as if it were a magnificent and overbearing sun.

Chen Zong couldn't breathe, only felt that he was under the darkness, covered with coldness, and seemed to be thrown into the darkness and cold, and the fierce meteorite trembled in the void, and the terrible force bombarded through the void. In himself, it seems to crush himself.

The bones and flesh are fluctuating with it.

This blow contains a half-walk breath.

Chen Zong didn't know what the half-walk was, but he felt very strong.

And, in this darkness, he couldn't escape, couldn't escape, and was locked by the shock of the terrible meteor breath, and he couldn't avoid it.

Can not be avoided, but can only resist.

Chen Zong's face was dignified, his pupils shrunk like a needle, bursting out the incomparable spirit piercing the heavens and the earth, staring at the meteor shot down in the air, his whole body was full of energy, and the high-order semi-holy power was extremely vigorous, extremely pure, Turbulent, surging through the sword.

At the moment, Shen Jin's sword bears countless forces, seems to become extremely heavy, and can crush the mountains. Then, an indescribable sharpness permeates, as if it originated from the soul, as if from the sword body Deepest. nt

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