Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 24: Hengjian (4)

Half step sword meaning ... Bacheng!

Extreme sharpness, through the world, tearing everything.

Sword up ...

The light of the sword penetrated the air, and a light breeze blew out of nothingness. The drizzle and light smoke dazzled, as if the night was hazy and misty.

Jianguang differentiation, such as pigments scattered into the water, water waves ripple, diffuse into pieces.

Like smoke, rain, and fog ... It seems to turn into a flowing cloud, evacuating a vacuum.

Clouds of smoke and rain!

When a sword was killed, Chen Zong's hand holding the sword disappeared, and the sword also disappeared.

The look of Sima Huanyu suddenly changed, and Chen Zong's sword gave him an indescribable sense of etherealness.

Meteor is coming to the sky!

Smoke and rain go to the clouds!

Meteor shooting in the air is a unique skill created by Sima Huanyu. After the guidance of the elders in the clan, it has been perfected for many times, supplemented by the half-step starlight Taoism, and its power is amazing.

The violent one-strike collision seemed to blow up the vacuum, and the terrible vitality seemed to pour out like a torrent of dyke, impacting in all directions and crushing everything.

The sky is falling apart!

Moon destroys star sink!

The roar sounded like a thunderous thunder, moving in shock, the terrible force smashed the vacuum, smashed the earth, and cracked apart. The storm rolled like the end of the world. The terrible power made Chen Zong and Sima Huanyu look different , Back and forth.

Sima Huanyu never expected that the other party could block his own meteor and kill the sky, it was incredible.

When did this meditation soil dwarf have such strength, as if dreaming.

However, Chen Zong became cold, and before he knew it, his strength had also risen to the point where he could fight against the top ten peerless Tianjiao of the Ming Bang.

Suddenly, a trace of lofty sentiment rippled in his chest, spurting out thinly, and fighting spirit.

Come again!

Killed with a sword, the sword turned into blood.

Sword of blood!


Chen Zong completely regarded Sima Huanyu as a sword-sharpening stone, bullying himself, and exerting his sword skills to the extreme.

Sima Huanyu's strength is very strong, and his own strength has become very strong, enough to compete with it. In this case, let's fight.

Sima Huanyu was furious, his high-mindedness was broken, and his heart was filled with disbelief, but he had to accept the fact that this situation made him even more annoyed.

"I am a young master of Sima, a master of the Sima family, and a casual repairer, how could it be my opponent." Sima Huanyu secretly said that the shot became more fierce.

The ten fingers dazzled with their own starlight. There was a half-step starlight ideology diffused and condensed, exuding a sense of intermingling of coldness and fiery heat, as if it could pierce everything, terrible, and penetrated the world.

Strands of star light radiated in all directions, and beams of sword light smashed the vacuum.

Sima Huanyu completely hit the real fire, angered and murderous, and has put aside the idea that the state race cannot kill.

An ant!

A cricket ant looked down upon by him suddenly had the ability to compete with himself. This was unacceptable in the heart of Sima Huanyu, who used to be high above him. Therefore, he must be destroyed and destroyed by his own hands.

There is a murderous intention, and there is a killing intention on the shot, leaving Chen Zong with a creepy feeling, as if infiltrated by countless chills.

It seems that there are countless cold and hot needles piercing from the whole body, giving Chen Zong the tingling sensation, creepy.

Under the stimulus of this murderous intention, Chen Zong is more excited, his mind is more concentrated, it seems to enter a certain realm, the realm of the mind is exhibited unconsciously, everything around him is clearly cleared by Chen Zong Mastered.

All trajectories are presented in the realm of the mind and mastered by the mind.

The sword comes out, its trajectory is extremely mysterious, extremely fast, as if it fits into a certain mystery.

Sima Huanyu is in the realm of the heart. Even if the martial arts mastery is superb, the mysterious speed of the shot is extremely fast, but the realm of the heart cannot be avoided.

When Chen Zongxiu broke through to the higher semi-sacred level, the realm of the heart became more and more stable. Even if all the power of the divine realm broke out, it would not affect the slightest. At least the duo of the divine realm could make a full force to shake To the realm of the heart.

Sima Huanyu's strength is indeed very strong, martial arts is brilliant, and his shot power is amazing, but he has not the strength to cut into the holy realm.

The fierce battle continued, and Sima Huanyu was even more shocked to find that he had no power but Chen Zong.


A tinge of inexplicable terror permeated deep inside.


Star Wars!

Suddenly, Sima Huanyu urged the secret method. Immediately, countless starlights gathered from all directions, lingering between the swirling circles, gathered rapidly, covering Sima Huanyu's whole body, as if wearing a starlight armor for Sima Huanyu.

Suddenly, Sima Huanyu's body seemed to swell in a circle, and it seemed to have a mighty and overbearing feeling. Every action was filled with amazing power.


Under the starlight war, Sima Huanyu's eyes were like radiating stars, and they fluttered out with a single palm, when the air crashed.

This palm condenses the dazzling starlight, with a strong half-step star path, the atmosphere is permeated, and it instantly falls, it seems to burst the sky, and immediately brings strong coercion to Chen Zong.

Under the mysterious starlight warfare, Sima Huanyu's every action was even more amazing, and each strike gave out an astonishing power.

In the realm of the heart, Chen Zong looked cold, clearly seeing the trajectory of Sima Huanyu, and could clearly feel the terrible power contained in it.


Destroy everything!

The sword rises, the sword light bursts out, and the blood light bursts.

Sword of blood!

Blood shattered, but then the second sword the third sword the fourth sword.

Fulin is here!

Celestial War Body!

Burst of blood!

Blood light burst, blasted, destroying everything.

Under the pressure brought by Sima Huanyu, the previous accumulation broke out instantaneously, and one sword broke through the blood from the beginning to reach Xiaocheng.

Yijian bursting blood is the second trick of the Dripping Sword Technique. Naturally, the power is stronger than Yijian Biaoxue. Of course, Xiaocheng Realm's Yijian Biaoxue is stronger than the entry realm.

But now a sword bursts blood to break into Xiao Cheng, its power directly surpasses a sword soars blood.

Yi Jian Biao Xue and Yi Jian Bing Xue both reached the level of Xiaocheng, which means that Chen Zong can formally enlighten the last trick of the Blood Sword Technique, and it is also the most powerful sword: the sea of ​​blood is endless.

But he is still fighting Sima Huanyu, and he has no time to enlighten him.

Defeat Sima Huanyu first.

Clouds of smoke and rain!

The original tricks are performed again, and Sima Huanyu's strength is very strong, and it is undoubtedly a good object of sharpening.

Sima Huanyu also knows Chen Zong's thoughts, and regards himself as a sword-like object, and is extremely annoyed.

"I want you to die." Sima Huanyu said angrily, his voice rolling out from deep in his throat, his eyes were extremely hot, and his face was murderous.

Suddenly, the killing of the killer surges like a volcanic eruption like a tide, and the starlight is masterful and dazzling to the extreme. The beams of stars radiate in all directions.

Suddenly, Sima Huanyu's starlight war body swelled for a circle, three feet tall, and more majestic and majestic, immediately giving Chen Zong a feeling of high mountains.


As soon as Sima Huanyu took the shot, countless starlights followed the bombardment, and it fell like a meteorite that destroyed everything, making Chen Zong's pupil shrink like a needle.


The power of this punch is extremely strong, more than 50% stronger than before, it suddenly exceeds the limit of the power of Yanyu Zhaoyun.

Although it is the realm of the heart, although it will not be shaken, it has a feeling of being unable to continue after being distorted, as if that punch contains a unique and terrifying force field, which constantly rotates and waves, distorting the surrounding space. Therefore, the realm of the heart has a distorted feeling.

This attack immediately shocked Chen Zong.

Sima Huanyu even mastered such means.

What mystery?

Chen Zong suddenly flashed a thought.

Force field!

It's a bit similar to a force field, but it's not like it. The paradoxical feeling is very wonderful.

But anyway, Sima Huanyu's powerful force is enough to threaten himself.

The increase of Wucheng force is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the kind of force field that distorts everything and even the realm of the heart is obviously disturbed. This is the first time Chen Zong encountered such a situation.

Very strong!

A very powerful blow!

This attack is the most powerful and powerful move that Sima Huanyu has learned in these days. This is a terrible power. With this move, Sima Huanyu even has the confidence to face the true sanctuary. The strong one.

However, this blow is not perfect enough, and it is not easy to cast. Once it is displayed, it will directly hurt the enemy and cause 800 to end.

Sima Huanyu usually has no intention to show off ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but this time was completely enraged by Chen Zong.

Blast into slag!

The terrible power and the strange power are twisted and difficult to resist.

"It's a good blow, it's already a prototype of a force field."

"Indeed, a hint of force field was unknowingly incorporated into the attack."

Over the sky, the two powerful men in the sacred state overlooked, their superb eyesight made them see clearly and talked with each other.

Chen Zong could not help but take a deep breath. Suddenly, a force that was so extreme and extremely cold seemed to move away from the body, covering all directions, replacing the realm of the heart.

Tiansha force field!

When Chen Zongshi exhibited the Tiansha force field, the look of the two strong men in the sky changed slightly, and his pupils contracted in an instant.


"Simply mastered the complete force field!"

"It's amazing, this force field is closely related to it."

The two heavenly powerhouses in Tianyun Prefecture were surprised.

One and a half holy class has mastered the real force field, which is very amazing. You must know that even in the peerless Tianjiao native to Tianyun, there are not many people who master the force field.

"No, his force field is a bit strange. It doesn't seem to be owned by him, but it seems to be owned by him." One of the strongest in the sanctuary frowned slightly, wondering.

"What special hole means should it be." Another explained.

Neither of them thought about it, but all Tianjiao Tianjiao have their secrets, even if they are themselves, they have their own secrets.

Besides, it is in the state game at this moment and must not be disturbed.

Furthermore, since the force field does not seem to be owned by the person, it can only be speculated as a means, such as the means left by other strong men or borrowing treasures.

To them, useless. nt

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