Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 37: Heart Extreme Sword Extreme (3)

The black flame permeated and burned, and the blazing breath swept the world, and it slammed into the sky. As it passed, everything seemed to be burned to ashes, leaving a straight mark.

Chen Zong's face remained unchanged, facing the impact of the black flame.

Suddenly, between the flames of black flames, a black flame rushed out with its teeth and dance claws. The fiery breath was as if Chen Zong was to be destroyed and turned into ashes.

After the flame of the black dragon, it was the cruel figure of Hei Yanlin.

When he saw Chen Zong, Hei Yanlin couldn't help but think of the battle in Yunze Dazai. Chen Zong took the opportunity to **** the high-end monster Beast Dan, which caused him to lose a thousand points and to be defeated. glory.

This is a shame and must be scrubbed.

Therefore, when Hei Yanlin discovered the figure of Chen Zong, he was so angry that he was so angry.

Due to the rules of the game, killing is not allowed in Yunhuang Dazai. Between the shots, there will inevitably be some shackles, for fear of killing and causing himself to be eliminated.

But here you can kill people, without any scruples, without any reservations, all strengths can be fully demonstrated.


Hei Yanlin was extremely violent and vowed to torture Chen Zong.

A sword came out of the sheath, and the sword light burst through the air to kill it. The blood light raged. Ninety-five percent of the swords exploded, making the sword soaring in blood. It instantly penetrated the black dragon and killed the black flame forest.

Hei Yanlin's look suddenly changed. How can Chen Zong's strength improve so much compared to that day, it is simply terrible.

"King of the Black Flame!" Without hesitation, Hei Yanlin immediately exhibited the strongest secret method, innumerable flames swept through, condensing behind him as a black flame king phantom, and the terrible hot breath waved away and burned Octagon.

Hei Yan Qing Cang Shou!

Suddenly, Hei Yanlin performed his tricks.

A big hand with a black hand emerged out of the air, covering the sky like a dark sky, suppressing the earth, breaking up the earth, and burning all living things into ashes.

Before fighting in Yunhuang Daze, the opponent's means are quite clear, but now it is a real battle of life and death. It is a battle of life and death to plunder the points on the opponent.

Shooting down with one hand, like a mountain, the blaze of terror is like a tsunami, as if the sky is falling.

So strong!

A shameless move, the power is much stronger than when he was in Yunhuang Dazai that day.

This level of strength is no less inferior to the sword of Xiao Ling's Jinguang Jiuzhuan.

Sky Crystal Overlord!

Within Chen Zong's eyes, the pupils gradually glowed. The light seemed silver and golden, sharp to the extreme, pierced through all obstacles and delusions, and pointed to the essence.

Jiucheng half-step sword is intended to converge in an instant, and a half-sacred power is condensed to the extreme.

One sword!

Only this sword!

The ultimate sword!

The most powerful sword!

The direction of the heart, the direction of the sword!

Pole of Heart ... and Pole of Sword ...

One sword ... absolutely empty!

One sword ... killing heart!

One Sword ... Tulling!

Only one sword ... kill ... infinity ...

The incomparable sword light, as if it were a touch of gold, mysterious, extremely fast, seems to be faster than lightning, faster than extremely fast, and in an instant, Tianya passes through.

Heart Sword Style!

This sword is called the extreme heart sword style.

From the heart to the sword!


With unwavering firmness, send out the sword of lore.

The mysterious and extremely sharp Jianguang is thinner than the fingers. A sword penetrates the sky, pierces that black hand, and kills Heiyan Forest.

There is no escape!


Heiyanlin shuddered, and the king of Heiyan behind him shivered and collapsed.

Kill with one sword!

Hei Yanlin, who had previously surpassed Chen Zong's deity, could not stop Chen Zongyi sword at this moment.

Kill with one sword!

Chen Zong himself was somewhat surprised.


Just one sword, killing the opponent directly, or in the case of the opponent's strongest move.

Recalling that day in the Yunhuang Daze, Chen Zong used the power of Shura's avatar to compete with the other party.

After that, Chen Zong practiced the eight-class secret method Tianjing overlord to Xiaocheng, and half-step swordsmanship also realized Jiucheng. His cultivation has also been further improved, and his basic strength has been significantly enhanced. Out a pure sword.

Heart Sword Style!

This sword was the first battle of Chen Zong.

I did not expect its power and did not let myself down.

Very strong!

With the increase of Tianjing's overlord body, one sword hit Hei Yanlin. The strength of Hei Yanlin is not weak at all, and it will not be inferior to Jian Lingxiao.

"But I don't know Jixin sword style, can I kill Jian Lingxiao?" Chen Zong could not help thinking.

The sword Ling Xiao shot that day, and Chen Zong saw it with his own eyes and experienced it himself. He was very strong and very extraordinary.

And it is not sure whether that is the strongest strength of Jian Lingxiao. Because of this, Chen Zong has no absolute certainty.

However, with this sword, perhaps, there is already no less powerful than Jian Lingxiao.

From the beginning, it is far worse than the other party, and now, chasing step by step, Chen Zong has full confidence and will soon surpass Jian Lingxiao comprehensively.

The road is at your feet.

Go forward.

Killing Hei Yanlin immediately increased Chen Zong's points by more than two hundred, reaching more than five hundred.

The ranking also increased by dozens, approaching 300, and closer to the top 108.

Another place, a figure condensed out of thin air, is Hei Yanlin.

There was still a trace of shock and unbelief in Wu Yanlin's face.

He was killed.

How could it be killed by the opponent with one sword?

How could that person's strength be promoted to such a level in a short period of time, it is hard to believe.

Although Hei Yanlin was so angry, he didn't completely lose his mind, but held back his inner anger and murder, and thought about it.

I can't figure out why. In a short period of time, people who were originally inferior to themselves have greatly improved. It is incredible that they can kill themselves with one sword.

"Hei Yanlin, why don't you go hunting?" A voice came from behind him.

Hei Yanlin turned quickly and looked happy.

"Brother Ming." Hei Yanlin said immediately, annoyed immediately: "We were killed."

"Killed!" Hei Yanming's eyes shot fiercely, and his voice brought a fascinating killing: "Who killed you?"

Among Hei Yan's, Hei Yanze was the first day of pride and the most arrogant, and Hei Yanming was the second day of Hei Yan's. As for Hei Yanlin, it was actually the third day.

Hei Yanze ’s strength is undoubtedly the most powerful. Hei Yanming is not as good as Hei Yanze, but he is also very strong, not weak at all, much stronger than Hei Yanlin.

Hei Yanlin said something about Chen Zong directly.

Hei Yanming's eyes flickered endlessly, as if a black flame was burning.

His body is very majestic, it seems to be very oppressive, and the whole body is permeated with extreme breath fluctuations, as if it can suppress everything.

"Before you were not as good as you, but in a short period of time, you have made rapid progress and can kill you. This person has a big secret." Hei Yanming murmured in a low voice.

"Yes, there must be a great opportunity in this person." Hei Yanlin seemed to think of this too.

"Go, go and hunt others to plunder the points. In any case, as Heiyan's Tianjiao, he must definitely enter the Xuanyuan Holy Congregation." Heiyan Ming said immediately a cold smile hanged at the corner of his mouth. , I will kill it and take revenge on you. "

"Thank you Ming brother," Hei Yanlin said quickly.

On the outside light curtain, the rankings are constantly changing. The top 108 people have received the most attention, because only 108 people can enter the Xuanyuan Holy Church. Outside the 108 people, there is no Half possible.

The competition is very fierce. Once killed, the points will be directly reduced by half. They will immediately fall from the top and fall out of 108. If you kill Tianjiao in 108, you will get half of the opponent ’s points. Your own points will increase a lot, making the rankings rise.

Today, the number one has more than 5,000 points, even the 108th point has more than one thousand points.

As for the points after the 108th place, they are all under one thousand.

Chen Zong has more than 500 points, so the ranking is not high, only about 300.


A sword was shot out of the sky, and Jianguang condensed into a bunch, fast to the extreme, unparalleled, and its power was even more terrifying and terrifying.


Killing the other party, Chen Zong's points suddenly increased by nearly two hundred, from the original five hundred points in one fell swoop to more than seven hundred ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The ranking also suddenly improved from three hundred Kaiwai, into three Within one hundred, they are listed in two hundred and fifty.

Chen Zong does not know how much he is on the list at this moment, but that does not prevent himself from hunting other Tianjiao to earn points. In short, if you want to stand out in this battle, you must constantly kill others to increase points. More is better.

"It's you." A voice came from a distance, with a cold, sharp edge, and Chen Zong also looked at it. It was Tianyun who taught himself to kill Tianyun with a knife in Yunhuang Daze.

At that time, this person was very powerful and better than himself. Fortunately, the time was up, otherwise he would inevitably have to borrow the power of Shura to compete with the other party.

But now, it's extraordinary.

In front of him, a slick of snow-bright knife dazzled to the extreme, tearing the sky to death, Hong Hong Miao Miao, as if the torrent rushed to the embankment, and like the sky avalanche.

The knife was cut to the ground with extreme pressure, and the ground was immediately cut open, leaving a straight knife mark, endless and continuous, as if to cut Chen Zong also, extremely fierce.

That figure was holding a knife, and immediately after the knife mark, it was extremely fast and forced to kill.

The last time he was run away by Chen Zong was also because of time. This time, there was no such chance and good luck.


Chen Zong's eyes flashed, and a sword shot out.

Ninety-five percent of the sword's strength is strengthened, the sea of ​​blood is endlessly surging, and the blade of light is swallowed up in an instant, and the waves are raging like a sword, sweeping away, making the opposite side suddenly change.

How could this sword be so powerful.


The blade of light blazed, as if the tide was surging and surging. nt

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