Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 38: Extreme Sword of the Heart (4)

The knife light was rolling like snow waves, pouring down overwhelmingly, the knife air was vertical and horizontal, tearing the sky and the earth, and it was a knife.

Chen Zong stood still, his back pointed like a sharp sword into the sky, facing the amazing avalanche-like blade waves, as if to fight against the might of heaven and earth with his own strength.

Ninety percent of the pace of swordsmanship!


Fengrui stirred up the sky, raging in all directions and four poles, and endless sword energy appeared, piercing the sky and the earth.


Jin Jin Yue Yue trembled, and a sword was shot out of the air.

Heart Sword Style!

The fastest sword!

Xeon sword!

A sword from my heart!

The sword of the heart and the invincible!

Tian Yun taught that arrogant Wu Yu was frightened that day, how could this sword be so strong, so fast, so fierce.

This sword is too fast, and the moment the sword is raised, it has already penetrated the sky to kill it, and it passed through the sword light and snow waves in an instant, and the astonishing sharp breath forced it to the front.


Avoid it!

Faith is strong. Avoid it anyway, because if you ca n’t avoid it, you will be killed, you will lose half of your points, and your ranking will drop.

But this sword also carried the faith of Chen Zong's slaying.

Strong faith!

Belief comes first!

Where does faith come from?

Starting from the heart.

At this point, Chen Zong, who inherited the True Sword of the Heart Sect and fully understood it, is more proficient.

The extreme heart sword style, created based on 90% half-step sword intention, is a sword created purely for attack and killing, abandoning all other changes and flashy, and simply pursuing the perfect combination of lethality, speed and power.


Big fierce!

Extremely fierce.

The sword's trajectory is straight and runs through everything, whether it exists or nothing.

Dao Guang was in a moment's meal, Wu Yu's eyes were suddenly lost for a moment, there was a sense of hesitation, it seems that the beam of Jian Guang became slow, but the inner feeling of a stronger thriller.

As if that sword wasn't getting slower, it was getting faster, going to the extreme, getting so fast that I had the illusion that it was getting slower.

Thinking also seems to be affected in general. There is no time to dodge, and a sword penetrates through the sky.

There seems to be a slight pain from the center of the eyebrows, which immediately diffuses the entire head and spreads the whole body. Then, the eyes become dark, the consciousness becomes dull, sinking, and sinking into the abyss.

Tianyun teaches Tianjiao Wu Yu ... dead!

Chen Zong received the sword and returned to the sheath, standing still and standing, his frown slightly raised.

Just before that move, Chen Zong blended into the faith of strong killing, and strived to be fast and faster, just to kill the opponent with one sword.

Under that kind of Xeon belief that must be killed, there seems to be some change, very subtle and mysterious change. That change made Chen Zong also feel a bit of a sense of urgency, it seems that the sword speed has become slow, no, it seems It's getting slow all around, and the feeling is so wonderful that it's unclear what the road is.

It is because of this that he can kill the opponent with one sword.

Thinking, Chen Zong didn't bother about how many points he had added. In his mind, he kept remembering the mystery of the sword just before.

Immediately, Jin Jin Yue Yue sword came out of the sheath, a sword burst out and blasted out.

Heart Sword Style!

The golden sword light is subtle and penetrates the sky. It instantly assassinates a huge stone that is 100 meters away, pierces it directly, and then bursts.

"No." Chen Zong shook his head, but didn't find it.

After trying a few more times, he still couldn't find the feeling of that sword, and Chen Zong could only give up temporarily.

"If you can find that mystery, the power of that sword will be even stronger." Chen Zong said to himself, if he was thinking, he even had a feeling. If he could find the mystery of that sword, he would not only be very heartfelt. The sword style will be more powerful, and the benefit will be greater for your future cultivation.

However, it is not so easy to find. You can only look at the opportunities in the future. Maybe if you fight a battle with a strong enemy again, maybe it will appear again.

"Strong enemy!" Chen Zong's eyes suddenly burst out extremely powerful.

In the world of Xuan Yuan Bao, being killed does n’t really kill you. In this way, you can shoot without fear, and the advantage is that you can sharpen yourself better on the edge of life and death and stimulate potential.

This opportunity is not to be missed.

A moment of clear understanding changed Chen Zong's thoughts slightly.

Take the initiative!

Chen Zong was a little passive before, but now he is taking the initiative to search for other powerful enemies.

Aside from all his concerns, Chen Zong had a feeling that his mind seemed to become clearer, more transparent, and all mysterious, as if becoming more agile.


Points are not unimportant, but they don't have to be held back by points to make the sword dusty.

Streamer flying shadow!

For a moment, Chen Zong felt that his speed was a little faster, and as his body skills were exerted, the speed gradually increased and became faster and faster.


The streamer flying shadow of Dacheng Realm is about 30% faster than Xiaochengshi, making Chen Zong faster.

Wangdu Peerless Tianjiao Chutianlou!

The surname of the king of the Xuanyuan Dynasty is Chu, and the surname of Chu is the surname of Wang.

Chu Tianlou is not only the king's peerless Tianjiao, but also one of the royal family's peerless Tianjiao, and temporarily ranks 180th on the list.

Chu Tianlou's eyes were dazzling, containing a bit of domineering gaze at Chen Zong, Fang Tian painted his halberd in his hand, pointing directly at the sky, and he was astonishingly domineering towards the Xiaohan.


Chu Tianlou's feet kicked violently. The terrible force instantly struck the ground through his feet. The ground was broken and the waves rolled. The whole body of Chu Tianlou rushed out like a siege-like crossbow. Out, its speed is extremely fast, its potential is unmatched.

The golden-red and extremely overbearing Fang Tianhua halberdled a roll, bringing up a round of fierce golden-red flames, carrying horrible power as if to blast the mountains into a shattered bombardment.

Chen Zong was shocked. The power of this attack was really terrible, and it was devastating and rotten, giving him an unparalleled feeling.

As if they were fighting on the battlefield, and the generals who have won hundreds of battles, Yongwu Wushuang is invincible.

The momentum was shocking, and the Yellow Sands were in battle, and they could not stand back.

Chen Zong's eyes were coagulated, and no match of faith was condensed, which turned into a substantive ray of piercing through the sky, as if piercing the sky.

In the twinkling of an eye, Jin Yueyuejian burst into an unparalleled majestic force, and the sword was swept out in the air, and the ripples were like waves.

Burst of blood!

The sword and Fangtian Huaji collided in an instant, and the most terrifying breath erupted instantly, as if the stars were exploding, and the ripples blasted away, raging in all directions, and the void was like the tide and the tide.

Chen Zong only felt a brutal and overwhelmingly powerful force coming, as if to break his arm and topple his body.

For the first time, Chen Zong realized this feeling for the first time.

After all, his cultivation practice is not bad, and his physique is very arrogant. Often, others are repelled by his brutal attacks, but this time, the strength of the other party shocked Chen Zong.


This person also has a refining body and is very clever.

In other words, this person is a practitioner of physical training, a practice of physical training, supplemented by physical training as the main supplement, which is just the opposite of his own situation.

In order to achieve the semi-sacred level of practice, the practice of the practice is also very clever. Naturally, it will generate unparalleled power. The half-mixed sky power is very bright, far better than Chen Zong. There is a kind of crushing feel.


It's terrible!

Let Chen Zong have a feeling of being crushed by ancient beasts.

Chu Tianlou froze for a moment, his eyes flashed with surprise, his own shot, did not directly defeat the opponent, it was really a bit surprised.

"Refining." Chu Tianlou's mouth hangs with a smile, as if interested, and as if disdain, seems to be saying, dare to use the power of refining in front of himself.

The exuberant qi and blood fluctuated endlessly, as if the tide was turbulent. Chen Zong could all hear the violent and loud sound of that turbulent wave, ringing incessantly in the void, as if the battle was trembling with tremor.

This sound made Chen Zong's blood and blood fluctuate with it, and he could not help feeling a tremor.

Immediately, the blood of the Chutian Tower spurted out, diffused behind it, and gradually gathered together, but it was still a bit illusory.

It was a phantom of a scarlet warrior, holding a halberd, looking ahead, as if invincible against the mighty iron blood that smashed thousands of horses, shaking the earth.


That's courage!

The practice skills of this Chutianlou practice are holy-level superb, or complete top-level holy-level superb, and they have developed great vigour, which is very powerful.

Even if it is not solid enough, it has already possessed the iron and steel spirit of battle and victory.

When the spirit appeared, the air around it seemed to freeze ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Like a mountain suppressing the heavens and the earth, all things were born, which made Chen Zongsheng feel a guilty and terrifying.


On Fang Tian's painting halberd, the blood light rushed up and came out in a single blow, carrying Chu Tianlou's most terrifying force, killing without reservation, crushing everything and destroying everything.

Chen Zong's pupils suddenly contracted like needles.

With this blow, there was no room for evasion, such as piercing himself, shredding it, and turning it into powder, and the surrounding space was suppressed by the other's spirit.



Kill with a sword, sword style!

The heart succumbed to the blow of the sword.

This sword is devoted to strength, will, and faith, only to kill the enemy.

The golden sword light condenses to the extreme. It is faster than the streamer and the lightning, and it defeats the Thunder. With one hit, it breaks through the eternal life, and the soul is infinite.


Suddenly, the sword collided with the blow, and the void was frozen for a moment. Chen Zong and Chu Tianlou also seemed to be frozen in the scroll, without moving.

In the next breath, the horrible force swayed away, destroying everything, destroying everything and destroying everything, turning into rolling waves, destroying everything from ancient times to modern times. The sand and stones on the ground were instantly turned into powder dust, leaving numerous scratches, just like the earth The scar was startling.

Chen Zong shuddered, a force of horror, as if he was about to destroy himself. Between the trembling of bones and bones, there was soreness, and it seemed to be disintegrated. Draw out two long gullies.

Chu Tianlou shuddered and couldn't help taking a few steps back. Each step left extremely clear footprints on the ground. There were cracks all around the footprints. An extreme sharp edge was pressing directly on the arm through Fang Tianhua. Body piercing. nt

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