Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 39: Heart Extreme Sword Extreme (5)

The ground is broken.

Chen Zong's heart was cold and his face was cold.


The heart sword was blocked by the opponent.

Jixin Sword killed two peerless Tianjiao, and they were killed with one sword. I thought I could do merit again, but I was blocked. This person was really strong.

"Battle!" Chen Zong sighed, and if the thunder exploded, Ben Lei surged into the void.

Strong enemy!

A strong enemy!

A powerful enemy who can't kill himself with the strongest sword!

A powerful enemy enough to make your heart tremble and fight straight towards Xiaohan!


Just fight it!

Only one battle!


Don't be afraid!


"Okay." Chu Tianlou's eyes were bright and fiery, his blood was roaring like a dragon roaring like thunder, and he faced Chen Zong a little.

The domineering half-mixed sky power roared in the body, as if the dragon dance practiced the air to cruise around the world, and poured into the sky painting halberds, and the blood shone through the sky.


Chu Tianlou only felt that he was completely awakened by his warfare, and his blood was tumbling like torrents of magma.

A halberd hits in the air, breaking mountains and rivers, smashing the vacuum, the iron blood battle will be the spirit, this halberd's power is pushed to the extreme.

A halberd breaks the mountain!

Chen Zong was shocked. The power of this halberd didn't seem to improve much compared with the previous one, but his momentum soared by several percent, directly impacting him, giving Chen Zong a tragic feeling like a broken mountain.

Sky Crystal Overlord!

Heart Sword Style!

Only this sword, Xeon Wushuang.

A sword was killed, and the power of the increase in the body of Tianjing Ba was even more tyrannical, and the golden sword light penetrated through the void to kill.


Faith to kill the enemy with one sword!

One sword runs through all beliefs!

Collision again, the horror of power swings away, raging in all directions.

Chen Zong only felt that the terrible and horrible force came straight, as if to destroy everything.


Back again, unleashing that terrifying force, the ground shattered.

Chu Tianlou paused, his muscles and bones rushed down like a wave, directing a force to bombard the ground, causing the ground to collapse and crack. The whole person also burst out with this terrible force. The halberd struck to kill, and the halberd broke the broken mountain.

Heart Sword Style!

Strength gathers, killing with one sword.

This sword is Chen Zong's most powerful and aggressive sword. Others, even the endless blood, cannot be compared with it.

If he uses other swordsmanship, he is not his opponent at all.

Only the extreme heart sword can counteract.

In addition, Chen Zong also intends to use his opponent's pressure to sharpen himself and further improve the sword.



Field of Hearts!

Fully integrated into this sword.


Suddenly, Chen Zong found that feeling again. It seemed that under the sword, the speed of space flow became slow. Vaguely, it seemed to be felt, like a stream of water.

The halberd that the other party came to kill seemed to slow down with it, and its trajectory was more clearly visible.

Chen Zong felt that he seemed to be able to avoid the attack.

When a sword is shot, the speed of the sword does not slow down at all.


Chen Zong saw a touch of surprise appearing on Chu Tianlou's face, and that surprise rippled in his pupils like ripples.

Immediately, Chu Tianlou's eyes and pupils burst into the depths of his eyes, and his head shifted in an instant, avoiding the sword style of the heart.

Originally, this sword was supposed to penetrate Chu Tianlou's eyebrows. After being shifted, Chu Tianlou's left ear was penetrated. The horrible force suddenly shattered his left ear.

The severe pain in the left ear was shattered, which greatly changed Chu Tianlou's complexion. The momentum brought by the horrible sword made him understand the sea straight through, making him dizzy in an instant.

And that halberd came at the same time, but was avoided by Chen Zong.


Chu Tianlou did not hesitate for half a minute, immediately burst into full force, and quickly retreated.

The left ear was smashed, and the kind of pain was very intense, and it continued to impact. It also contained the terrible sword gas impact, and the amazing momentum echoed. In this state, one's strength will inevitably be affected.

If you fight fiercely with the opponent, you will inevitably fall into the downwind and may even be killed.

Retreat first!

Wait until the injuries ease.

Chu Tianlou's speed of decision-making was astonishingly fast, and Chen Zongzhen let the Chu Tianlou go away because of the mysterious appearance of the extreme heart sword style.

Chen Zong did not pursue.

Even if it catches up, it is unknown whether it can be killed.

Moreover, Chen Zong felt that it was even more important to take advantage of this opportunity to understand the mystery that appeared in the sword style of the heart.

The mystery is so strange that it makes me feel that the speed under the sword has slowed down.

For a time, it was difficult for Chen Zong to seize the opportunity and realize the mystery contained in it.

With his powerful soul and understanding, it was even difficult to comprehend what happened, and Chen Zong even felt this mysterious and profound.

After a few moments, Chen Zong only felt confused and seemed to catch something, but he couldn't catch it, he couldn't understand anything, and gave up temporarily.

However, in a fierce battle with that strong enemy, he repeatedly performed the sword sword style, which allowed Chen Zong to grasp more mysteries, the sword sword style was more perfect, and the power was even more enhanced.

Chu Tianlou's look was extremely cold, his eyes were extremely murderous.

It was a shame that one ear was broken.

Of course, these broken ears are not unrecoverable. As long as you leave this mysterious treasure roll, you will be restored as before, without leaving any injuries, which is very unpleasant.

But at the same time, Chu Tianlou was also afraid of Chen Zong.

Obviously not so strong, but very tough and tenacious, and getting stronger and stronger, very difficult to entangle, in the end, you can even hurt yourself.

"Brother Ming, this is the man." Hei Yanlin discovered Chen Zong and immediately said to Hei Yanming.

"Kill him." Hei Yanming smiled with an extremely cold smile, and the murderous power bloomed from the depths of his eyes.

"Kill!" Hei Yanlin gave a low drink, and instantly turned into a black streamer filled with amazing hot breath fluctuations, like a black fire meteor across the sky, approaching instantly.

Chen Zong turned around, his eyes burst into an extremely sharp and brilliant, staring into Hei Yanlin's body with a smile, a smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Chen Zong, you **** it!" Hei Yanlin's extremely angry voice rushed directly, full of murder.

"But the soul is under the sword." Chen Zong's retort immediately made Hei Yanlin extremely angry, and his eyes were cracked.


Wraith under the sword!

Hei Yanming also showed fierce light, and the intention of killing was stunned.

"I want you to do everything!" Hei Yanlin was furious to the extreme, one point faster.

Chen Zong's eyes were condensed, his pupils stared at Hei Yanlin like a needle, and his right hand was gently waved. His five fingers clasped the handle of the sword, and Jin Shenyuejian emerged from the sheath instantly.


A sword came out of the sheath and shattered the vacuum.

Heart Sword Style!

The strength of Hei Yanlin is not weak. The breath of the other person seems to be stronger. If the two team up together, they are afraid that they are not opponents.

So kill one person first.

Hei Yanlin's strength is not weak, he can only use his strongest sword.

Heart Sword Style!


Hei Yanlin was frightened, only to feel that he seemed to be torn by an extreme edge, not only his body but also his mind.



That bit of sharpness bloomed in front of him, Hei Yanlin wanted to dodge, but found himself unable to avoid it.


The severe pain spread quickly, and Hei Yanlin's consciousness sank and was killed by Chen Zongyi sword.


He died under Chen Zongjian for the second time, accumulated some points, and was again taken half by Chen Zong.

"You **** it!" Hei Yanming's eyes were furiously cracked.

"The person who said this sentence is dead." Chen Zong responded, stepped forward, and turned into a streamer that swept across the sky, quickly approaching Hei Yanming, and the exuberant breath was like an invisible sword.


Hei Yanming's strength erupted, and the black flame breathed straight into the sky, dancing wildly, burning, burning everything and burning everything, all turned to ashes.

It was the flame of anger.

It was the flame of destruction.

Just now, Hei Yanming was only a little slower, and his clan, Hei Yanlin, was killed by the other side with a sword.

This person must die.

A full burst broke out, one finger shot out, the black flames ran through the sky, and one shot after another continued to shoot out, and the breathtaking breath was in the air.




Between the heavens and the earth, there seemed to be a killing noise pervasive and mighty.

"Extreme sword style!" Chen Zong secretly uttered the sword again.

This sword is extremely powerful, the more perfect it is, the more powerful it is.

A strong enough opponent is the best sword for sharpening everything.

Set aside fear, fearless, where the heart is, where the sword is.

A sword penetrated.

This sword, Chen Zong did not find that unique mysterious feeling.

Fierce battle!

Hei Yanming's strength is much stronger than Hei Yanlin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~. A fierce battle immediately brought Chen Zong a lot of pressure.

This pressure is what Chen Zong needs.

With enough pressure, you can further stimulate your potential.

"Dead, die, die!" Hei Yanming was furious, his hands blasted out with violent force, and terrible.

The black palm prints are burning with the fiery flames, the flames are extremely fierce, and each palm can smash the mountains and be terrifying.

Chen Zong felt that his body seemed to be burned into ashes.

Heart Sword Style!

Once again with a sword, Hei Yanming's pupil contracted like a needle, and the black flame quickly condensed in front of him, turning into a delicate and solid shield, blocking Chen Zongyi's assassination.

The shield was pierced in an instant, but the extreme heart sword style was also slightly blocked, unable to penetrate the opponent.

"King of the Black Flame!" Hei Yanming casts his secrets. The King of the Black Flames condenses and appears behind him. It seems to be more solid than the King of the Black Flames cast by the Black Flame Forest.

Hei Yan Qing Cang Shou!

The King of Black Flames immediately shot, and shot down with a single palm. The huge black palm print covered the sky, as if to sink and crush the earth.


The power of this blow is much more powerful than that of Hei Yanlin.

Sky Crystal Overlord!

Heart Sword Style!

The power has increased by several percent, and has become increasingly arrogant.

Hei Yanming felt creepy, as if this sword would pierce everything.

The sea of ​​blood is endless!

From the heart, a sword came out, and the blood glow swept away like a tide, flooded all around, and swallowed Hei Yanming and Hei Yan King.

Heart Sword Style!

A touch of golden sword light condensed to the extreme penetrated the **** ocean tide, like an aurora lightning. nt

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